#pragma once #include "../utils/types.h" #define ISDIR (1 << 0) #define ISARC (1 << 1) #define ISGB (1 << 7) #define ISMB (1 << 6) #define ISKB (1 << 5) #define ISB (1 << 4) #define OPERATION (1 << 1) #define BUFSIZE 32768 /* Bit table for property: 0000 0001: Directory bit 0000 0010: Archive bit 0001 0000: Size component is a Byte 0010 0000: Size component is a KiloByte 0100 0000: Size component is a MegaByte 1000 0000: Size component is a GigaByte : note that this won't surpass gigabytes, but i don't expect people to have a single file that's a terrabyte big */ typedef struct _fs_entry { char* name; u16 size; u8 property; } fs_entry; enum filemenuoptions { COPY = 1, MOVE, DELETE, PAYLOAD, HEXVIEW }; int readfolder(const char *path); void filemenu(); bool checkfile(char* path); u64 getfilesize(char *path);