#include "tools.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "../libs/fatfs/ff.h" #include "../gfx/gfx.h" #include "../utils/btn.h" #include "../soc/gpio.h" #include "../utils/util.h" #include "../utils/types.h" #include "../libs/fatfs/diskio.h" #include "../storage/sdmmc.h" extern bool sd_mount(); extern void sd_unmount(); extern sdmmc_storage_t sd_storage; void displayinfo(){ clearscreen(); FATFS *fs; DWORD fre_clust, fre_sect, tot_sect, temp_sect, sz_disk; s64 capacity; int res; gfx_printf("Getting storage info: please wait..."); res = f_getfree("sd:", &fre_clust, &fs); gfx_printf("\nResult getfree: %d\n\n", res); tot_sect = (fs->n_fatent - 2) * fs->csize; fre_sect = fre_clust * fs->csize; gfx_printf("%d KiB total\n%d KiB free\n\nPress any key to continue\n", tot_sect / 2, fre_sect / 2); temp_sect = tot_sect; temp_sect -= 61145088; gfx_printf("\n%k1st part: %d\n2nd part: 61145088\n\n%k", COLOR_RED, temp_sect, COLOR_WHITE); capacity = sd_storage.csd.capacity; capacity -= 61145088; gfx_printf("\n%k1st part: %d\n2nd part: 61145088\n\n%k", COLOR_RED, capacity, COLOR_WHITE); btn_wait(); } void displaygpio(){ int res; clearscreen(); gfx_printf("Updates gpio pins ever 50ms:\nPress power to exit"); msleep(200); while (1){ msleep(10); gfx_con_setpos(0, 63); for (int i = 0; i <= 30; i++){ gfx_printf("\nPort %d: ", i); for (int i2 = 7; i2 >= 0; i2--) gfx_printf("%d", gpio_read(i, (1 << i2))); } res = btn_read(); if (res & BTN_POWER) break; } } void format(){ clearscreen(); int res; bool fatalerror = false; u32 timer, totalsectors; BYTE work[FF_MAX_SS]; DWORD plist[] = {666, 61145088}; DWORD clustsize = 16 * 512; BYTE formatoptions = 0; formatoptions |= (FM_FAT32); formatoptions |= (FM_SFD); timer = get_tmr_s(); totalsectors = sd_storage.csd.capacity; if (totalsectors < 61145088){ gfx_printf("%k\nNot enough free space for emummc!", COLOR_RED); fatalerror = true; } if (!fatalerror){ plist[0] = totalsectors - 61145088; gfx_printf("\nStarting SD partitioning:\nTotalSectors: %d\nPartition1 (SD): %d\nPartition2 (EMUMMC): %d\n", totalsectors, plist[0], plist[1]); gfx_printf("\nPartitioning SD...\n"); res = f_fdisk(0, plist, &work); if (res){ gfx_printf("%kf_fdisk returned %d!\n", COLOR_RED, res); fatalerror = true; } else gfx_printf("Done!\n"); } if (!fatalerror){ gfx_printf("\n\nFormatting Partition1...\n"); res = f_mkfs("0:", formatoptions, clustsize, &work, sizeof work); if (res){ gfx_printf("%kf_mkfs returned %d!\n", COLOR_RED, res); fatalerror = true; } else gfx_printf("Smells like a formatted SD\n\n"); } sd_unmount(); if (!fatalerror){ if (!sd_mount()) gfx_printf("%kSd failed to mount!\n", COLOR_ORANGE); else { gfx_printf("Sd mounted!\n"); } } gfx_printf("\nPress any button to return%k\nTotal time taken: %ds", COLOR_WHITE, (get_tmr_s() - timer)); btn_wait(); }