/* This file is part of the dynarmic project. * Copyright (c) 2016 MerryMage * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU * General Public License version 2 or any later version. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/bit_util.h" #include "common/common_types.h" #include "frontend/arm_types.h" #include "frontend/disassembler/disassembler.h" #include "frontend/ir/ir.h" #include "frontend/translate/translate.h" #include "interface/interface.h" #include "ir_opt/passes.h" #include "rand_int.h" #include "skyeye_interpreter/dyncom/arm_dyncom_interpreter.h" #include "skyeye_interpreter/skyeye_common/armstate.h" struct WriteRecord { size_t size; u32 address; u64 data; }; static bool operator==(const WriteRecord& a, const WriteRecord& b) { return std::tie(a.size, a.address, a.data) == std::tie(b.size, b.address, b.data); } static std::array code_mem{}; static std::vector write_records; static bool IsReadOnlyMemory(u32 vaddr); static u8 MemoryRead8(u32 vaddr); static u16 MemoryRead16(u32 vaddr); static u32 MemoryRead32(u32 vaddr); static u64 MemoryRead64(u32 vaddr); static void MemoryWrite8(u32 vaddr, u8 value); static void MemoryWrite16(u32 vaddr, u16 value); static void MemoryWrite32(u32 vaddr, u32 value); static void MemoryWrite64(u32 vaddr, u64 value); static void InterpreterFallback(u32 pc, Dynarmic::Jit* jit); static Dynarmic::UserCallbacks GetUserCallbacks(); static bool IsReadOnlyMemory(u32 vaddr) { return vaddr < code_mem.size(); } static u8 MemoryRead8(u32 vaddr) { return static_cast(vaddr); } static u16 MemoryRead16(u32 vaddr) { return static_cast(vaddr); } static u32 MemoryRead32(u32 vaddr) { if (vaddr < code_mem.size() * sizeof(u32)) { size_t index = vaddr / sizeof(u32); return code_mem[index]; } return vaddr; } static u64 MemoryRead64(u32 vaddr) { return vaddr; } static void MemoryWrite8(u32 vaddr, u8 value){ write_records.push_back({8, vaddr, value}); } static void MemoryWrite16(u32 vaddr, u16 value){ write_records.push_back({16, vaddr, value}); } static void MemoryWrite32(u32 vaddr, u32 value){ write_records.push_back({32, vaddr, value}); } static void MemoryWrite64(u32 vaddr, u64 value){ write_records.push_back({64, vaddr, value}); } static void InterpreterFallback(u32 pc, Dynarmic::Jit* jit) { ARMul_State interp_state{USER32MODE}; interp_state.user_callbacks = GetUserCallbacks(); interp_state.NumInstrsToExecute = 1; interp_state.Reg = jit->Regs(); interp_state.Cpsr = jit->Cpsr(); interp_state.Reg[15] = pc; InterpreterClearCache(); InterpreterMainLoop(&interp_state); bool T = Dynarmic::Common::Bit<5>(interp_state.Cpsr); interp_state.Reg[15] &= T ? 0xFFFFFFFE : 0xFFFFFFFC; jit->Regs() = interp_state.Reg; jit->Cpsr() = interp_state.Cpsr; } static void Fail() { FAIL(); } static Dynarmic::UserCallbacks GetUserCallbacks() { Dynarmic::UserCallbacks user_callbacks{}; user_callbacks.InterpreterFallback = &InterpreterFallback; user_callbacks.CallSVC = (bool (*)(u32)) &Fail; user_callbacks.IsReadOnlyMemory = &IsReadOnlyMemory; user_callbacks.MemoryRead8 = &MemoryRead8; user_callbacks.MemoryRead16 = &MemoryRead16; user_callbacks.MemoryRead32 = &MemoryRead32; user_callbacks.MemoryRead64 = &MemoryRead64; user_callbacks.MemoryWrite8 = &MemoryWrite8; user_callbacks.MemoryWrite16 = &MemoryWrite16; user_callbacks.MemoryWrite32 = &MemoryWrite32; user_callbacks.MemoryWrite64 = &MemoryWrite64; return user_callbacks; } struct InstructionGenerator final { public: InstructionGenerator(const char* format, std::function is_valid = [](u32){ return true; }) : is_valid(is_valid) { REQUIRE(strlen(format) == 32); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { const u32 bit = 1 << (31 - i); switch (format[i]) { case '0': mask |= bit; break; case '1': bits |= bit; mask |= bit; break; default: // Do nothing break; } } } u32 Generate() const { u32 inst; do { u32 random = RandInt(0, 0xFFFFFFFF); inst = bits | (random & ~mask); } while (!is_valid(inst)); return inst; } u32 Bits() { return bits; } u32 Mask() { return mask; } private: u32 bits = 0; u32 mask = 0; std::function is_valid; }; static bool DoesBehaviorMatch(const ARMul_State& interp, const Dynarmic::Jit& jit, const std::vector& interp_write_records, const std::vector& jit_write_records) { const auto interp_regs = interp.Reg; const auto jit_regs = jit.Regs(); return std::equal(interp_regs.begin(), interp_regs.end(), jit_regs.begin(), jit_regs.end()) && interp.Cpsr == jit.Cpsr() && interp_write_records == jit_write_records; } void FuzzJitArm(const size_t instruction_count, const size_t instructions_to_execute_count, const size_t run_count, const std::function instruction_generator) { // Prepare memory code_mem.fill(0xEAFFFFFE); // b +#0 // Prepare test subjects ARMul_State interp{USER32MODE}; interp.user_callbacks = GetUserCallbacks(); Dynarmic::Jit jit{GetUserCallbacks()}; for (size_t run_number = 0; run_number < run_count; run_number++) { interp.instruction_cache.clear(); InterpreterClearCache(); jit.ClearCache(false); // Setup initial state std::array initial_regs; std::generate_n(initial_regs.begin(), 15, []{ return RandInt(0, 0xFFFFFFFF); }); initial_regs[15] = 0; interp.Cpsr = 0x000001D0; interp.Reg = initial_regs; jit.Cpsr() = 0x000001D0; jit.Regs() = initial_regs; std::generate_n(code_mem.begin(), instruction_count, instruction_generator); // Run interpreter write_records.clear(); interp.NumInstrsToExecute = static_cast(instructions_to_execute_count); InterpreterMainLoop(&interp); auto interp_write_records = write_records; { bool T = Dynarmic::Common::Bit<5>(interp.Cpsr); interp.Reg[15] &= T ? 0xFFFFFFFE : 0xFFFFFFFC; } // Run jit write_records.clear(); jit.Run(static_cast(instructions_to_execute_count)); auto jit_write_records = write_records; // Compare if (!DoesBehaviorMatch(interp, jit, interp_write_records, jit_write_records)) { printf("Failed at execution number %zu\n", run_number); printf("\nInstruction Listing: \n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < instruction_count; i++) { printf("%s\n", Dynarmic::Arm::DisassembleArm(code_mem[i]).c_str()); } printf("\nInitial Register Listing: \n"); for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { auto reg = Dynarmic::Arm::RegToString(static_cast(i)); printf("%4s: %08x\n", reg, initial_regs[i]); } printf("\nFinal Register Listing: \n"); printf(" interp jit\n"); for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { auto reg = Dynarmic::Arm::RegToString(static_cast(i)); printf("%4s: %08x %08x %s\n", reg, interp.Reg[i], jit.Regs()[i], interp.Reg[i] != jit.Regs()[i] ? "*" : ""); } printf("CPSR: %08x %08x %s\n", interp.Cpsr, jit.Cpsr(), interp.Cpsr != jit.Cpsr() ? "*" : ""); Dynarmic::Arm::LocationDescriptor descriptor = {0, false, false, 0}; Dynarmic::IR::Block ir_block = Dynarmic::Arm::Translate(descriptor, &MemoryRead32); Dynarmic::Optimization::GetSetElimination(ir_block); Dynarmic::Optimization::DeadCodeElimination(ir_block); Dynarmic::Optimization::VerificationPass(ir_block); printf("\n\nIR:\n%s", Dynarmic::IR::DumpBlock(ir_block).c_str()); printf("\n\nx86_64:\n%s", jit.Disassemble(descriptor).c_str()); #ifdef _MSC_VER __debugbreak(); #else raise(SIGTRAP); #endif FAIL(); } if (run_number % 10 == 0) printf("%zu\r", run_number); } } TEST_CASE( "arm: Optimization Failure (Randomized test case)", "[arm]" ) { // This was a randomized test-case that was failing. // // IR produced for location {12, !T, !E} was: // %0 = GetRegister r1 // %1 = SubWithCarry %0, #0x3e80000, #1 // %2 = GetCarryFromOp %1 // %3 = GetOverflowFromOp %1 // %4 = MostSignificantBit %1 // SetNFlag %4 // %6 = IsZero %1 // SetZFlag %6 // SetCFlag %2 // SetVFlag %3 // %10 = GetRegister r5 // %11 = AddWithCarry %10, #0x8a00, %2 // SetRegister r4, %11 // // The reference to %2 in instruction %11 was the issue, because instruction %8 // told the register allocator it was a Use but then modified the value. // Changing the EmitSet*Flag instruction to declare their arguments as UseScratch // solved this bug. Dynarmic::Jit jit{GetUserCallbacks()}; code_mem.fill({}); code_mem[0] = 0xe35f0cd9; // cmp pc, #55552 code_mem[1] = 0xe11c0474; // tst r12, r4, ror r4 code_mem[2] = 0xe1a006a7; // mov r0, r7, lsr #13 code_mem[3] = 0xe35107fa; // cmp r1, #0x3E80000 code_mem[4] = 0xe2a54c8a; // adc r4, r5, #35328 code_mem[5] = 0xeafffffe; // b +#0 jit.Regs() = { 0x6973b6bb, 0x267ea626, 0x69debf49, 0x8f976895, 0x4ecd2d0d, 0xcf89b8c7, 0xb6713f85, 0x15e2aa5, 0xcd14336a, 0xafca0f3e, 0xace2efd9, 0x68fb82cd, 0x775447c0, 0xc9e1f8cd, 0xebe0e626, 0x0 }; jit.Cpsr() = 0x000001d0; // User-mode jit.Run(6); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[0] == 0x00000af1 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[1] == 0x267ea626 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[2] == 0x69debf49 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[3] == 0x8f976895 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[4] == 0xcf8a42c8 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[5] == 0xcf89b8c7 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[6] == 0xb6713f85 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[7] == 0x015e2aa5 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[8] == 0xcd14336a ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[9] == 0xafca0f3e ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[10] == 0xace2efd9 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[11] == 0x68fb82cd ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[12] == 0x775447c0 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[13] == 0xc9e1f8cd ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[14] == 0xebe0e626 ); REQUIRE( jit.Regs()[15] == 0x00000014 ); REQUIRE( jit.Cpsr() == 0x200001d0 ); } TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM data processing instructions", "[JitX64]") { const std::array imm_instructions = { { InstructionGenerator("cccc0010101Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0010100Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0010000Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0011110Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00110111nnnn0000rrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00110101nnnn0000rrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0010001Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0011101S0000ddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0011111S0000ddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0011100Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0010011Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0010111Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0010110Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0010010Snnnnddddrrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00110011nnnn0000rrrrvvvvvvvv"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00110001nnnn0000rrrrvvvvvvvv"), } }; const std::array reg_instructions = { { InstructionGenerator("cccc0000101Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000100Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000000Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001110Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010111nnnn0000vvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010101nnnn0000vvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000001Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001101S0000ddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001111S0000ddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001100Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000011Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000111Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000110Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000010Snnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010011nnnn0000vvvvvrr0mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010001nnnn0000vvvvvrr0mmmm"), } }; const std::array rsr_instructions = { { InstructionGenerator("cccc0000101Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000100Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000000Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001110Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010111nnnn0000ssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010101nnnn0000ssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000001Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001101S0000ddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001111S0000ddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0001100Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000011Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000111Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000110Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc0000010Snnnnddddssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010011nnnn0000ssss0rr1mmmm"), InstructionGenerator("cccc00010001nnnn0000ssss0rr1mmmm"), } }; auto instruction_select = [&](bool Rd_can_be_r15) -> auto { return [&, Rd_can_be_r15]() -> u32 { size_t instruction_set = RandInt(0, 2); u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } u32 S = RandInt(0, 1); switch (instruction_set) { case 0: { InstructionGenerator instruction = imm_instructions[RandInt(0, imm_instructions.size() - 1)]; u32 Rd = RandInt(0, Rd_can_be_r15 ? 15 : 14); if (Rd == 15) S = false; u32 Rn = RandInt(0, 15); u32 shifter_operand = RandInt(0, 0xFFF); u32 assemble_randoms = (shifter_operand << 0) | (Rd << 12) | (Rn << 16) | (S << 20) | (cond << 28); return instruction.Bits() | (assemble_randoms & ~instruction.Mask()); } case 1: { InstructionGenerator instruction = reg_instructions[RandInt(0, reg_instructions.size() - 1)]; u32 Rd = RandInt(0, Rd_can_be_r15 ? 15 : 14); if (Rd == 15) S = false; u32 Rn = RandInt(0, 15); u32 shifter_operand = RandInt(0, 0xFFF); u32 assemble_randoms = (shifter_operand << 0) | (Rd << 12) | (Rn << 16) | (S << 20) | (cond << 28); return instruction.Bits() | (assemble_randoms & ~instruction.Mask()); } case 2: { InstructionGenerator instruction = rsr_instructions[RandInt(0, rsr_instructions.size() - 1)]; u32 Rd = RandInt(0, 14); // Rd can never be 15. u32 Rn = RandInt(0, 14); u32 Rs = RandInt(0, 14); int rotate = RandInt(0, 3); u32 Rm = RandInt(0, 14); u32 assemble_randoms = (Rm << 0) | (rotate << 5) | (Rs << 8) | (Rd << 12) | (Rn << 16) | (S << 20) | (cond << 28); return instruction.Bits() | (assemble_randoms & ~instruction.Mask()); } } return 0; }; }; SECTION("single instructions") { FuzzJitArm(1, 2, 10000, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/false)); } SECTION("short blocks") { FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 10000, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/false)); } SECTION("long blocks") { FuzzJitArm(1024, 1025, 200, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/false)); } SECTION("R15") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/true)); } } TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM reversal instructions", "[JitX64]") { const auto is_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool { // R15 is UNPREDICTABLE return Dynarmic::Common::Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 && Dynarmic::Common::Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111; }; const std::array rev_instructions = { { InstructionGenerator("0000011010111111dddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), InstructionGenerator("0000011010111111dddd11111011mmmm", is_valid), InstructionGenerator("0000011011111111dddd11111011mmmm", is_valid), } }; SECTION("REV tests") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&rev_instructions]() -> u32 { u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } return rev_instructions[0].Generate() | (cond << 28); }); } SECTION("REV16 tests") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&rev_instructions]() -> u32 { u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } return rev_instructions[1].Generate() | (cond << 28); }); } SECTION("REVSH tests") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&rev_instructions]() -> u32 { u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } return rev_instructions[2].Generate() | (cond << 28); }); } } /* TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM Load/Store instructions", "[JitX64]") { auto forbid_r15 = [](u32 inst) -> bool { return Dynarmic::Common::Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 0b1111; }; auto forbid_r14_and_r15 = [](u32 inst) -> bool { return Dynarmic::Common::Bits<13, 15>(inst) != 0b111; }; const std::array doubleword_instructions = { { // Load InstructionGenerator("0000000pu1w0nnnnddd0vvvv1101vvvv", forbid_r14_and_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000000pu0w0nnnnddd000001101mmmm", forbid_r14_and_r15), // Store InstructionGenerator("0000000pu1w0nnnnddd0vvvv1111vvvv", forbid_r14_and_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000000pu0w0nnnnddd000001111mmmm", forbid_r14_and_r15), } }; const std::array word_instructions = { { // Load InstructionGenerator("0000010pu0w1nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000011pu0w1nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000100u011nnnnttttmmmmmmmmmmmm", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000110u011nnnnttttvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), // Store InstructionGenerator("0000010pu0w0nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000011pu0w0nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000100u010nnnnttttvvvvvvvvvvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000110u010nnnnttttvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), } }; const std::array halfword_instructions = { { // Load InstructionGenerator("0000000pu1w1nnnnddddvvvv1011vvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000000pu0w1nnnndddd00001011mmmm", forbid_r15), // InstructionGenerator("----0000-111------------1011----"), // LDRHT (A1) Not available in ARMv6K // InstructionGenerator("----0000-011--------00001011----"), // LDRHT (A2) Not available in ARMv6K InstructionGenerator("0000000pu1w1nnnnddddvvvv1111vvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000000pu0w1nnnndddd00001111mmmm", forbid_r15), // InstructionGenerator("----0000-111------------1111----"), // LDRSHT (A1) Not available in ARMv6K // InstructionGenerator("----0000-011--------00001111----"), // LDRSHT (A2) Not available in ARMv6K // Store InstructionGenerator("0000000pu1w0nnnnddddvvvv1011vvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000000pu0w0nnnndddd00001011mmmm", forbid_r15), // InstructionGenerator("----0000-110------------1011----"), // STRHT (A1) Not available in ARMv6K // InstructionGenerator("----0000-010--------00001011----"), // STRHT (A2) Not available in ARMv6K } }; const std::array byte_instructions = { { // Load InstructionGenerator("0000010pu1w1nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000011pu1w1nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000100u111nnnnttttvvvvvvvvvvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000110u111nnnnttttvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000000pu1w1nnnnddddvvvv1101vvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000000pu0w1nnnndddd00001101mmmm", forbid_r15), // InstructionGenerator("----0000-111------------1101----"), // LDRSBT (A1) Not available in ARMv6K // InstructionGenerator("----0000-011--------00001101----"), // LDRSBT (A2) Not available in ARMv6K // Store InstructionGenerator("0000010pu1w0nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("0000011pu1w0nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000100u110nnnnttttvvvvvvvvvvvv", forbid_r15), InstructionGenerator("00000110u110nnnnttttvvvvvrr0mmmm", forbid_r15), } }; SECTION("Doubleword tests") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&doubleword_instructions]() -> u32 { u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } return doubleword_instructions[RandInt(0, doubleword_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); }); } SECTION("Word tests") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&word_instructions]() -> u32 { u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } return word_instructions[RandInt(0, word_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); }); } SECTION("Halfword tests") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&halfword_instructions]() -> u32 { u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } return halfword_instructions[RandInt(0, halfword_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); }); } SECTION("Byte tests") { FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&byte_instructions]() -> u32 { u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } return byte_instructions[RandInt(0, byte_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); }); } SECTION("Mixed tests") { FuzzJitArm(10, 10, 10000, [&]() -> u32 { size_t selection = RandInt(0, 3); u32 cond = 0xE; // Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond. if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) { cond = RandInt(0x0, 0xD); } switch (selection) { case 0: return doubleword_instructions[RandInt(0, doubleword_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); case 1: return word_instructions[RandInt(0, word_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); case 2: return halfword_instructions[RandInt(0, halfword_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); case 3: return byte_instructions[RandInt(0, byte_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate() | (cond << 28); } return 0; }); } SECTION("Write to PC") { // TODO FAIL(); } } */