cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1) project(dynarmic) # Dynarmic project options option(DYNARMIC_USE_SYSTEM_BOOST "Use the system boost libraries" ON) # Compiler flags if (NOT MSVC) add_compile_options(--std=c++14 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-braces) add_compile_options(-DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED -DBOOST_POOL_NO_MT) if (ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) add_compile_options(-msse4.1) endif() else() add_compile_options(/W3 /MP /Zi /Zo /EHsc /WX) add_compile_options(/DBOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED /DBOOST_POOL_NO_MT) endif() # This function should be passed a list of all files in a target. It will automatically generate # file groups following the directory hierarchy, so that the layout of the files in IDEs matches the # one in the filesystem. function(create_directory_groups) # Place any files that aren't in the source list in a separate group so that they don't get in # the way. source_group("Other Files" REGULAR_EXPRESSION ".") foreach(file_name ${ARGV}) get_filename_component(dir_name "${file_name}" PATH) # Group names use '\' as a separator even though the entire rest of CMake uses '/'... string(REPLACE "/" "\\" group_name "${dir_name}") source_group("${group_name}" FILES "${file_name}") endforeach() endfunction() # Arch detection include(CheckSymbolExists) function(detect_architecture symbol arch) if (NOT DEFINED ARCHITECTURE) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET 1) check_symbol_exists("${symbol}" "" ARCHITECTURE_${arch}) unset(CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) # The output variable needs to be unique across invocations otherwise # CMake's crazy scope rules will keep it defined if (ARCHITECTURE_${arch}) set(ARCHITECTURE "${arch}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(ARCHITECTURE_${arch} 1 PARENT_SCOPE) add_definitions(-DARCHITECTURE_${arch}=1) endif() endif() endfunction() if (MSVC) detect_architecture("_M_AMD64" x86_64) detect_architecture("_M_IX86" x86) detect_architecture("_M_ARM" ARM) else() detect_architecture("__x86_64__" x86_64) detect_architecture("__i386__" x86) detect_architecture("__arm__" ARM) endif() if (NOT DEFINED ARCHITECTURE) set(ARCHITECTURE "GENERIC") set(ARCHITECTURE_GENERIC 1) add_definitions(-DARCHITECTURE_GENERIC=1) endif() message(STATUS "Target architecture: ${ARCHITECTURE}") # Include Boost if(DYNARMIC_USE_SYSTEM_BOOST) find_package(Boost 1.57.0 REQUIRED) else() if(NOT Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please provide a path to a boost installation using Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS") endif() endif() include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Include Catch include_directories(externals/catch) enable_testing(true) # Enables unit-testing. # Dynarmic project files add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(tests)