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/* This file is part of the dynarmic project.
* Copyright (c) 2016 MerryMage
* This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU
* General Public License version 2 or any later version.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <dynarmic/A32/a32.h>
#include "common/bit_util.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "common/scope_exit.h"
#include "frontend/A32/disassembler/disassembler.h"
#include "frontend/A32/FPSCR.h"
#include "frontend/A32/location_descriptor.h"
#include "frontend/A32/PSR.h"
#include "frontend/A32/translate/translate.h"
#include "frontend/A32/types.h"
#include "frontend/ir/basic_block.h"
#include "frontend/ir/location_descriptor.h"
#include "ir_opt/passes.h"
#include "rand_int.h"
#include "testenv.h"
#include "unicorn_emu/a32_unicorn.h"
using Dynarmic::Common::Bits;
namespace {
Dynarmic::A32::UserConfig GetUserConfig(ArmTestEnv* testenv) {
Dynarmic::A32::UserConfig user_config;
user_config.enable_fast_dispatch = false;
user_config.callbacks = testenv;
return user_config;
struct InstructionGenerator final {
InstructionGenerator(const char* format, std::function<bool(u32)> is_valid = [](u32){ return true; }) : is_valid(is_valid) {
REQUIRE(strlen(format) == 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
const u32 bit = 1u << (31 - i);
switch (format[i]) {
case '0':
mask |= bit;
case '1':
bits |= bit;
mask |= bit;
// Do nothing
u32 Generate(bool condition = true) const {
u32 inst;
do {
u32 random = RandInt<u32>(0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
if (condition)
random &= ~(0xF << 28);
inst = bits | (random & ~mask);
} while (!is_valid(inst));
if (condition) {
// Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond.
if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1)
inst |= RandInt(0x0, 0xD) << 28;
inst |= 0xE << 28;
return inst;
u32 Bits() const { return bits; }
u32 Mask() const { return mask; }
bool IsValid(u32 inst) const { return is_valid(inst); }
u32 bits = 0;
u32 mask = 0;
std::function<bool(u32)> is_valid;
using WriteRecords = std::map<u32, u8>;
bool DoesBehaviorMatch(const A32Unicorn<ArmTestEnv>& uni, const Dynarmic::A32::Jit& jit,
const WriteRecords& interp_write_records, const WriteRecords& jit_write_records) {
return uni.GetRegisters() == jit.Regs() &&
uni.GetExtRegs() == jit.ExtRegs() &&
uni.GetCpsr() == jit.Cpsr() &&
// uni.GetFpscr() == jit.Fpscr() &&
interp_write_records == jit_write_records;
void FuzzJitArm(const size_t instruction_count, const size_t instructions_to_execute_count, const size_t run_count, const std::function<u32()> instruction_generator) {
ArmTestEnv test_env;
// Prepare memory
test_env.code_mem.resize(instruction_count + 1);
test_env.code_mem.back() = 0xEAFFFFFE; // b +#0
// Prepare test subjects
A32Unicorn<ArmTestEnv> uni{test_env};
Dynarmic::A32::Jit jit{GetUserConfig(&test_env)};
for (size_t run_number = 0; run_number < run_count; run_number++) {
// Setup initial state
const u32 initial_cpsr = 0x000001D0;
ArmTestEnv::RegisterArray initial_regs;
std::generate_n(initial_regs.begin(), initial_regs.size() - 1, []{ return RandInt<u32>(0, 0xFFFFFFFF); });
initial_regs[15] = 0;
ArmTestEnv::ExtRegsArray initial_extregs;
std::generate(initial_extregs.begin(), initial_extregs.end(),
[]{ return RandInt<u32>(0, 0xFFFFFFFF); });
const u32 initial_fpscr = 0x01000000 | (RandInt<u32>(0, 3) << 22);
jit.Regs() = initial_regs;
jit.ExtRegs() = initial_extregs;
std::generate_n(test_env.code_mem.begin(), instruction_count, instruction_generator);
WriteRecords interp_write_records, jit_write_records;
printf("\nInstruction Listing: \n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < instruction_count; i++) {
printf("%x: %s\n", test_env.code_mem[i], Dynarmic::A32::DisassembleArm(test_env.code_mem[i]).c_str());
printf("\nInitial Register Listing: \n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < initial_regs.size(); i++) {
const auto reg = Dynarmic::A32::RegToString(static_cast<Dynarmic::A32::Reg>(i));
printf("%4s: %08x\n", reg, initial_regs[i]);
printf("CPSR: %08x\n", initial_cpsr);
printf("FPSCR:%08x\n", initial_fpscr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < initial_extregs.size(); i++) {
printf("S%3zu: %08x\n", i, initial_extregs[i]);
printf("\nFinal Register Listing: \n");
printf(" unicorn jit\n");
const auto uni_registers = uni.GetRegisters();
for (size_t i = 0; i < uni_registers.size(); i++) {
const auto reg = Dynarmic::A32::RegToString(static_cast<Dynarmic::A32::Reg>(i));
printf("%4s: %08x %08x %s\n", reg, uni_registers[i], jit.Regs()[i], uni_registers[i] != jit.Regs()[i] ? "*" : "");
printf("CPSR: %08x %08x %s\n", uni.GetCpsr(), jit.Cpsr(), uni.GetCpsr() != jit.Cpsr() ? "*" : "");
printf("FPSCR:%08x %08x %s\n", uni.GetFpscr(), jit.Fpscr(), uni.GetFpscr() != jit.Fpscr() ? "*" : "");
const auto uni_ext_regs = uni.GetExtRegs();
for (size_t i = 0; i < uni_ext_regs.size(); i++) {
printf("S%3zu: %08x %08x %s\n", i, uni_ext_regs[i], jit.ExtRegs()[i], uni_ext_regs[i] != jit.ExtRegs()[i] ? "*" : "");
printf("\nInterp Write Records:\n");
for (const auto& record : interp_write_records) {
printf("[%08x] = %02x\n", record.first, record.second);
printf("\nJIT Write Records:\n");
for (const auto& record : jit_write_records) {
printf("[%08x] = %02x\n", record.first, record.second);
size_t num_insts = 0;
while (num_insts < instructions_to_execute_count) {
Dynarmic::A32::LocationDescriptor descriptor = {u32(num_insts * 4), Dynarmic::A32::PSR{}, Dynarmic::A32::FPSCR{}};
Dynarmic::IR::Block ir_block = Dynarmic::A32::Translate(descriptor, [&test_env](u32 vaddr) { return test_env.MemoryReadCode(vaddr); }, {});
Dynarmic::Optimization::A32ConstantMemoryReads(ir_block, &test_env);
printf("\n\nIR:\n%s", Dynarmic::IR::DumpBlock(ir_block).c_str());
printf("\n\nx86_64:\n%s", jit.Disassemble(descriptor).c_str());
num_insts += ir_block.CycleCount();
// Run interpreter
test_env.ticks_left = instructions_to_execute_count;
interp_write_records = test_env.modified_memory;
const bool T = Dynarmic::Common::Bit<5>(uni.GetCpsr());
const u32 mask = T ? 0xFFFFFFFE : 0xFFFFFFFC;
const u32 new_pc = uni.GetPC() & mask;
// Run jit
test_env.ticks_left = instructions_to_execute_count;
jit_write_records = test_env.modified_memory;
REQUIRE(DoesBehaviorMatch(uni, jit, interp_write_records, jit_write_records));
} // Anonymous namespace
TEST_CASE( "arm: Optimization Failure (Randomized test case)", "[arm][A32]" ) {
// This was a randomized test-case that was failing.
// IR produced for location {12, !T, !E} was:
// %0 = GetRegister r1
// %1 = SubWithCarry %0, #0x3e80000, #1
// %2 = GetCarryFromOp %1
// %3 = GetOverflowFromOp %1
// %4 = MostSignificantBit %1
// SetNFlag %4
// %6 = IsZero %1
// SetZFlag %6
// SetCFlag %2
// SetVFlag %3
// %10 = GetRegister r5
// %11 = AddWithCarry %10, #0x8a00, %2
// SetRegister r4, %11
// The reference to %2 in instruction %11 was the issue, because instruction %8
// told the register allocator it was a Use but then modified the value.
// Changing the EmitSet*Flag instruction to declare their arguments as UseScratch
// solved this bug.
ArmTestEnv test_env;
Dynarmic::A32::Jit jit{GetUserConfig(&test_env)};
test_env.code_mem = {
0xe35f0cd9, // cmp pc, #55552
0xe11c0474, // tst r12, r4, ror r4
0xe1a006a7, // mov r0, r7, lsr #13
0xe35107fa, // cmp r1, #0x3E80000
0xe2a54c8a, // adc r4, r5, #35328
0xeafffffe, // b +#0
jit.Regs() = {
0x6973b6bb, 0x267ea626, 0x69debf49, 0x8f976895, 0x4ecd2d0d, 0xcf89b8c7, 0xb6713f85, 0x15e2aa5,
0xcd14336a, 0xafca0f3e, 0xace2efd9, 0x68fb82cd, 0x775447c0, 0xc9e1f8cd, 0xebe0e626, 0x0
jit.SetCpsr(0x000001d0); // User-mode
test_env.ticks_left = 6;
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[0] == 0x00000af1);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[1] == 0x267ea626);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[2] == 0x69debf49);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[3] == 0x8f976895);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[4] == 0xcf8a42c8);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[5] == 0xcf89b8c7);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[6] == 0xb6713f85);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[7] == 0x015e2aa5);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[8] == 0xcd14336a);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[9] == 0xafca0f3e);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[10] == 0xace2efd9);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[11] == 0x68fb82cd);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[12] == 0x775447c0);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[13] == 0xc9e1f8cd);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[14] == 0xebe0e626);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[15] == 0x00000014);
REQUIRE(jit.Cpsr() == 0x200001d0);
TEST_CASE( "arm: shsax r11, sp, r9 (Edge-case)", "[arm][A32]" ) {
// This was a randomized test-case that was failing.
// The issue here was one of the words to be subtracted was 0x8000.
// When the 2s complement was calculated by (~a + 1), it was 0x8000.
ArmTestEnv test_env;
Dynarmic::A32::Jit jit{GetUserConfig(&test_env)};
test_env.code_mem = {
0xe63dbf59, // shsax r11, sp, r9
0xeafffffe, // b +#0
jit.Regs() = {
0x3a3b8b18, 0x96156555, 0xffef039f, 0xafb946f2, 0x2030a69a, 0xafe09b2a, 0x896823c8, 0xabde0ded,
0x9825d6a6, 0x17498000, 0x999d2c95, 0x8b812a59, 0x209bdb58, 0x2f7fb1d4, 0x0f378107, 0x00000000
jit.SetCpsr(0x000001d0); // User-mode
test_env.ticks_left = 2;
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[0] == 0x3a3b8b18);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[1] == 0x96156555);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[2] == 0xffef039f);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[3] == 0xafb946f2);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[4] == 0x2030a69a);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[5] == 0xafe09b2a);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[6] == 0x896823c8);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[7] == 0xabde0ded);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[8] == 0x9825d6a6);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[9] == 0x17498000);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[10] == 0x999d2c95);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[11] == 0x57bfe48e);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[12] == 0x209bdb58);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[13] == 0x2f7fb1d4);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[14] == 0x0f378107);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[15] == 0x00000004);
REQUIRE(jit.Cpsr() == 0x000001d0);
TEST_CASE( "arm: uasx (Edge-case)", "[arm][A32]" ) {
// UASX's Rm<31:16> == 0x0000.
// An implementation that depends on addition overflow to detect
// if diff >= 0 will fail this testcase.
ArmTestEnv test_env;
Dynarmic::A32::Jit jit{GetUserConfig(&test_env)};
test_env.code_mem = {
0xe6549f35, // uasx r9, r4, r5
0xeafffffe, // b +#0
jit.Regs()[4] = 0x8ed38f4c;
jit.Regs()[5] = 0x0000261d;
jit.Regs()[15] = 0x00000000;
jit.SetCpsr(0x000001d0); // User-mode
test_env.ticks_left = 2;
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[4] == 0x8ed38f4c);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[5] == 0x0000261d);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[9] == 0xb4f08f4c);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[15] == 0x00000004);
REQUIRE(jit.Cpsr() == 0x000301d0);
struct VfpTest {
u32 initial_fpscr;
u32 a;
u32 b;
u32 result;
u32 final_fpscr;
static void RunVfpTests(u32 instr, std::vector<VfpTest> tests) {
ArmTestEnv test_env;
Dynarmic::A32::Jit jit{GetUserConfig(&test_env)};
test_env.code_mem = {
0xeafffffe, // b +#0
printf("vfp test 0x%08x\r", instr);
for (const auto& test : tests) {
jit.Regs()[15] = 0;
jit.ExtRegs()[4] = test.a;
jit.ExtRegs()[6] = test.b;
test_env.ticks_left = 2;
const auto check = [&test, &jit](bool p) {
if (!p) {
printf("Failed test:\n");
printf("initial_fpscr: 0x%08x\n", test.initial_fpscr);
printf("a: 0x%08x (jit: 0x%08x)\n", test.a, jit.ExtRegs()[4]);
printf("b: 0x%08x (jit: 0x%08x)\n", test.b, jit.ExtRegs()[6]);
printf("result: 0x%08x (jit: 0x%08x)\n", test.result, jit.ExtRegs()[2]);
printf("final_fpscr: 0x%08x (jit: 0x%08x)\n", test.final_fpscr, jit.Fpscr());
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[15] == 4);
REQUIRE(jit.Cpsr() == 0x000001d0);
check(jit.ExtRegs()[2] == test.result);
check(jit.ExtRegs()[4] == test.a);
check(jit.ExtRegs()[6] == test.b);
//check(jit.Fpscr() == test.final_fpscr);
TEST_CASE("vfp: vadd", "[.vfp][A32]") {
// vadd.f32 s2, s4, s6
RunVfpTests(0xEE321A03, {
#include "vfp_vadd_f32.inc"
TEST_CASE("vfp: vsub", "[.vfp][A32]") {
// vsub.f32 s2, s4, s6
RunVfpTests(0xEE321A43, {
#include "vfp_vsub_f32.inc"
TEST_CASE("VFP: VMOV", "[JitX64][.vfp][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
return Bits<0, 6>(instr) != 0b111111
&& Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111
&& Bits<16, 19>(instr) != 0b1111
&& Bits<12, 15>(instr) != Bits<16, 19>(instr);
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc11100000ddddtttt1011D0010000", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc11100001nnnntttt1011N0010000", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc11100000nnnntttt1010N0010000", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc11100001nnnntttt1010N0010000", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc11000100uuuutttt101000M1mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc11000101uuuutttt101000M1mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc11000100uuuutttt101100M1mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc11000101uuuutttt101100M1mmmm", is_valid),
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("VFP: VMOV (reg), VLDR, VSTR", "[JitX64][.vfp][A32]") {
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("1111000100000001000000e000000000"), // SETEND
InstructionGenerator("cccc11101D110000dddd101z01M0mmmm"), // VMOV (reg)
InstructionGenerator("cccc1101UD01nnnndddd101zvvvvvvvv"), // VLDR
InstructionGenerator("cccc1101UD00nnnndddd101zvvvvvvvv"), // VSTR
FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("VFP: VCMP", "[JitX64][.vfp][A32]") {
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc11101D110100dddd101zE1M0mmmm"), // VCMP
InstructionGenerator("cccc11101D110101dddd101zE1000000"), // VCMP (zero)
FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM data processing instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const std::array imm_instructions = {
const std::array reg_instructions = {
const std::array rsr_instructions = {
const auto instruction_select = [&](bool Rd_can_be_r15) -> auto {
return [&, Rd_can_be_r15]() -> u32 {
const size_t instruction_set = RandInt<size_t>(0, 2);
u32 cond = 0xE;
// Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond.
if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) {
cond = RandInt<u32>(0x0, 0xD);
u32 S = RandInt<u32>(0, 1);
switch (instruction_set) {
case 0: {
const InstructionGenerator& instruction = imm_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, imm_instructions.size() - 1)];
const u32 Rd = RandInt<u32>(0, Rd_can_be_r15 ? 15 : 14);
if (Rd == 15) {
S = false;
const u32 Rn = RandInt<u32>(0, 15);
const u32 shifter_operand = RandInt<u32>(0, 0xFFF);
const u32 assemble_randoms = (shifter_operand << 0) | (Rd << 12) | (Rn << 16) | (S << 20) | (cond << 28);
return instruction.Bits() | (assemble_randoms & ~instruction.Mask());
case 1: {
const InstructionGenerator& instruction = reg_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, reg_instructions.size() - 1)];
const u32 Rd = RandInt<u32>(0, Rd_can_be_r15 ? 15 : 14);
if (Rd == 15) {
S = false;
const u32 Rn = RandInt<u32>(0, 15);
const u32 shifter_operand = RandInt<u32>(0, 0xFFF);
const u32 assemble_randoms =
(shifter_operand << 0) | (Rd << 12) | (Rn << 16) | (S << 20) | (cond << 28);
return instruction.Bits() | (assemble_randoms & ~instruction.Mask());
case 2: {
const InstructionGenerator& instruction = rsr_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, rsr_instructions.size() - 1)];
const u32 Rd = RandInt<u32>(0, 14); // Rd can never be 15.
const u32 Rn = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
const u32 Rs = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
const int rotate = RandInt<int>(0, 3);
const u32 Rm = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
const u32 assemble_randoms =
(Rm << 0) | (rotate << 5) | (Rs << 8) | (Rd << 12) | (Rn << 16) | (S << 20) | (cond << 28);
return instruction.Bits() | (assemble_randoms & ~instruction.Mask());
return 0;
SECTION("single instructions") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 2, 10000, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/false));
SECTION("short blocks") {
FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 10000, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/false));
SECTION("long blocks") {
FuzzJitArm(1024, 1025, 200, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/false));
SECTION("R15") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, instruction_select(/*Rd_can_be_r15=*/true));
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM load/store instructions (byte, half-word, word)", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto EXD_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
return Bits<0, 3>(inst) % 2 == 0 && Bits<0, 3>(inst) != 14 && Bits<12, 15>(inst) != (Bits<0, 3>(inst) + 1);
const auto STREX_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
return Bits<12, 15>(inst) != Bits<16, 19>(inst) && Bits<12, 15>(inst) != Bits<0, 3>(inst);
const auto SWP_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
return Bits<12, 15>(inst) != Bits<16, 19>(inst) && Bits<16, 19>(inst) != Bits<0, 3>(inst);
const auto LDREXD_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
return Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 14;
const auto D_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
const u32 Rn = Bits<16, 19>(inst);
const u32 Rd = Bits<12, 15>(inst);
const u32 Rm = Bits<0, 3>(inst);
return Rn % 2 == 0 && Rd % 2 == 0 && Rm != Rd && Rm != Rd + 1 && Rd != 14;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc010pu0w1nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv"), // LDR_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc011pu0w1nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), // LDR_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc010pu1w1nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv"), // LDRB_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc011pu1w1nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), // LDRB_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu1w0nnnnddddvvvv1101vvvv", D_valid), // LDRD_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu0w0nnnndddd00001101mmmm", D_valid), // LDRD_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc010pu0w0nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv"), // STR_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc011pu0w0nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), // STR_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc010pu1w0nnnnddddvvvvvvvvvvvv"), // STRB_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc011pu1w0nnnnddddvvvvvrr0mmmm"), // STRB_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu1w0nnnnddddvvvv1111vvvv", D_valid), // STRD_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu0w0nnnndddd00001111mmmm", D_valid), // STRD_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu1w1nnnnddddvvvv1011vvvv"), // LDRH_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu0w1nnnndddd00001011mmmm"), // LDRH_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu1w1nnnnddddvvvv1101vvvv"), // LDRSB_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu0w1nnnndddd00001101mmmm"), // LDRSB_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu1w1nnnnddddvvvv1111vvvv"), // LDRSH_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu0w1nnnndddd00001111mmmm"), // LDRSH_reg
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu1w0nnnnddddvvvv1011vvvv"), // STRH_imm
InstructionGenerator("cccc000pu0w0nnnndddd00001011mmmm"), // STRH_reg
InstructionGenerator("1111000100000001000000e000000000"), // SETEND
InstructionGenerator("11110101011111111111000000011111"), // CLREX
InstructionGenerator("cccc00011001nnnndddd111110011111"), // LDREX
InstructionGenerator("cccc00011101nnnndddd111110011111"), // LDREXB
InstructionGenerator("cccc00011011nnnndddd111110011111", LDREXD_valid), // LDREXD
InstructionGenerator("cccc00011111nnnndddd111110011111"), // LDREXH
InstructionGenerator("cccc00011000nnnndddd11111001mmmm", STREX_valid), // STREX
InstructionGenerator("cccc00011100nnnndddd11111001mmmm", STREX_valid), // STREXB
[=](u32 inst) { return EXD_valid(inst) && STREX_valid(inst); }), // STREXD
InstructionGenerator("cccc00011110nnnndddd11111001mmmm", STREX_valid), // STREXH
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010000nnnntttt00001001uuuu", SWP_valid), // SWP
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010100nnnntttt00001001uuuu", SWP_valid), // SWPB
const auto instruction_select = [&]() -> u32 {
const size_t inst_index = RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1);
while (true) {
u32 cond = 0xE;
// Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond.
if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) {
cond = RandInt<u32>(0x0, 0xD);
u32 Rn = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
u32 Rd = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
u32 W = 0;
const u32 P = RandInt<u32>(0, 1);
if (P) {
W = RandInt<u32>(0, 1);
const u32 U = RandInt<u32>(0, 1);
const u32 rand = RandInt<u32>(0, 0xFF);
const u32 Rm = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
if (!P || W) {
while (Rn == Rd) {
Rn = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
Rd = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
const u32 assemble_randoms = (Rm << 0) | (rand << 4) | (Rd << 12) | (Rn << 16) | (W << 21) | (U << 23) | (P << 24) | (cond << 28);
const u32 inst = instructions[inst_index].Bits() | (assemble_randoms & (~instructions[inst_index].Mask()));
if (instructions[inst_index].IsValid(inst)) {
return inst;
SECTION("short blocks") {
FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 30000, instruction_select);
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM load/store multiple instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc100pu0w1nnnnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"), // LDM
InstructionGenerator("cccc100pu0w0nnnnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"), // STM
const auto instruction_select = [&]() -> u32 {
const size_t inst_index = RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1);
u32 cond = 0xE;
// Have a one-in-twenty-five chance of actually having a cond.
if (RandInt(1, 25) == 1) {
cond = RandInt<u32>(0x0, 0xD);
u32 reg_list = RandInt<u32>(1, 0xFFFF);
u32 Rn = RandInt<u32>(0, 14);
u32 flags = RandInt<u32>(0, 0xF);
while (true) {
if (inst_index == 1 && (flags & 2)) {
if (reg_list & (1 << Rn)) {
reg_list &= ~((1 << Rn) - 1);
} else if (inst_index == 0 && (flags & 2)) {
reg_list &= ~(1 << Rn);
if (reg_list) {
reg_list = RandInt<u32>(1, 0xFFFF);
const u32 assemble_randoms = (reg_list << 0) | (Rn << 16) | (flags << 24) | (cond << 28);
return instructions[inst_index].Bits() | (assemble_randoms & (~instructions[inst_index].Mask()));
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, instruction_select);
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM branch instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const std::array instructions = {
[](u32 instr) { return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111; }), // R15 is UNPREDICTABLE
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM reversal instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 && Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111;
const std::array rev_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc011011111111dddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // RBIT
InstructionGenerator("cccc011010111111dddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // REV
InstructionGenerator("cccc011010111111dddd11111011mmmm", is_valid), // REV16
InstructionGenerator("cccc011011111111dddd11111011mmmm", is_valid), // REVSH
SECTION("Reverse tests") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&rev_instructions]() -> u32 {
return rev_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, rev_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM extension instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
// R15 as Rd or Rm is UNPREDICTABLE
return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 && Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111;
const std::array signed_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc011010101111ddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc011010001111ddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc011010111111ddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101010nnnnddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101000nnnnddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101011nnnnddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
const std::array unsigned_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc011011101111ddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc011011001111ddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc011011111111ddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101110nnnnddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101100nnnnddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid), //UXTAB16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101111nnnnddddrr000111mmmm", is_valid),
SECTION("Signed extension") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&signed_instructions]() -> u32 {
return signed_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, signed_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
SECTION("Unsigned extension") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&unsigned_instructions]() -> u32 {
return unsigned_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, unsigned_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM divide instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 instr) {
return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<8, 11>(instr) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<16, 19>(instr) != 0b1111;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110001dddd1111mmmm0001nnnn", is_valid), // SDIV
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110011dddd1111mmmm0001nnnn", is_valid), // UDIV
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 5000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM multiply instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto validate_d_m_n = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
return Bits<16, 19>(inst) != 15 &&
Bits<8, 11>(inst) != 15 &&
Bits<0, 3>(inst) != 15;
const auto validate_d_a_m_n = [&](u32 inst) -> bool {
return validate_d_m_n(inst) &&
Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 15;
const auto validate_h_l_m_n = [&](u32 inst) -> bool {
return validate_d_a_m_n(inst) &&
Bits<12, 15>(inst) != Bits<16, 19>(inst);
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc0000001Sddddaaaammmm1001nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // MLA
InstructionGenerator("cccc0000000Sdddd0000mmmm1001nnnn", validate_d_m_n), // MUL
InstructionGenerator("cccc0000111Sddddaaaammmm1001nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // SMLAL
InstructionGenerator("cccc0000110Sddddaaaammmm1001nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // SMULL
InstructionGenerator("cccc00000100ddddaaaammmm1001nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // UMAAL
InstructionGenerator("cccc0000101Sddddaaaammmm1001nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // UMLAL
InstructionGenerator("cccc0000100Sddddaaaammmm1001nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // UMULL
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010100ddddaaaammmm1xy0nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // SMLALxy
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010000ddddaaaammmm1xy0nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // SMLAxy
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010110dddd0000mmmm1xy0nnnn", validate_d_m_n), // SMULxy
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010010ddddaaaammmm1y00nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // SMLAWy
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010010dddd0000mmmm1y10nnnn", validate_d_m_n), // SMULWy
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110101dddd1111mmmm00R1nnnn", validate_d_m_n), // SMMUL
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110101ddddaaaammmm00R1nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // SMMLA
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110101ddddaaaammmm11R1nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // SMMLS
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110000ddddaaaammmm00M1nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // SMLAD
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110100ddddaaaammmm00M1nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // SMLALD
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110000ddddaaaammmm01M1nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // SMLSD
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110100ddddaaaammmm01M1nnnn", validate_h_l_m_n), // SMLSLD
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110000dddd1111mmmm00M1nnnn", validate_d_m_n), // SMUAD
InstructionGenerator("cccc01110000dddd1111mmmm01M1nnnn", validate_d_m_n), // SMUSD
SECTION("Multiply") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM parallel instructions", "[JitX64][parallel][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
// R15 as Rd, Rn, or Rm is UNPREDICTABLE
return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 && Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111 && Bits<16, 19>(instr) != 0b1111;
const auto is_sel_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
// R15 as Rd, Rn, or Rm is UNPREDICTABLE
return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 && Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111 && Bits<16, 19>(instr) != 0b1111;
const auto is_msr_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
// Mask can not be 0
return Bits<18, 19>(instr) != 0b00;
const InstructionGenerator cpsr_setter = InstructionGenerator("11100011001001001111rrrrvvvvvvvv", is_msr_valid); // MSR_Imm write GE
const InstructionGenerator sel_instr = InstructionGenerator("111001101000nnnndddd11111011mmmm", is_sel_valid); // SEL
const std::array modulo_add_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100001nnnndddd11111001mmmm", is_valid), // SADD8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100001nnnndddd11110001mmmm", is_valid), // SADD16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100101nnnndddd11111001mmmm", is_valid), // UADD8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100101nnnndddd11110001mmmm", is_valid), // UADD16
const std::array modulo_sub_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100001nnnndddd11111111mmmm", is_valid), // SSUB8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100001nnnndddd11110111mmmm", is_valid), // SSUB16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100101nnnndddd11111111mmmm", is_valid), // USUB8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100101nnnndddd11110111mmmm", is_valid), // USUB16
const std::array modulo_exchange_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100001nnnndddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // SASX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100001nnnndddd11110101mmmm", is_valid), // SSAX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100101nnnndddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // UASX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100101nnnndddd11110101mmmm", is_valid), // USAX
const std::array saturating_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100010nnnndddd11111001mmmm", is_valid), // QADD8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100010nnnndddd11111111mmmm", is_valid), // QSUB8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100110nnnndddd11111001mmmm", is_valid), // UQADD8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100110nnnndddd11111111mmmm", is_valid), // UQSUB8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100010nnnndddd11110001mmmm", is_valid), // QADD16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100010nnnndddd11110111mmmm", is_valid), // QSUB16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100110nnnndddd11110001mmmm", is_valid), // UQADD16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100110nnnndddd11110111mmmm", is_valid), // UQSUB16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100010nnnndddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // QASX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100010nnnndddd11110101mmmm", is_valid), // QSAX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100110nnnndddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // UQASX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100110nnnndddd11110101mmmm", is_valid), // UQSAX
const std::array halving_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100011nnnndddd11111001mmmm", is_valid), // SHADD8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100011nnnndddd11110001mmmm", is_valid), // SHADD16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100011nnnndddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // SHASX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100011nnnndddd11110101mmmm", is_valid), // SHSAX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100011nnnndddd11111111mmmm", is_valid), // SHSUB8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100011nnnndddd11110111mmmm", is_valid), // SHSUB16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100111nnnndddd11111001mmmm", is_valid), // UHADD8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100111nnnndddd11110001mmmm", is_valid), // UHADD16
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100111nnnndddd11110011mmmm", is_valid), // UHASX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100111nnnndddd11110101mmmm", is_valid), // UHSAX
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100111nnnndddd11111111mmmm", is_valid), // UHSUB8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01100111nnnndddd11110111mmmm", is_valid), // UHSUB16
size_t index = 0;
const auto also_test_sel = [&](u32 inst) -> u32 {
switch (index++ % 3) {
case 1:
return cpsr_setter.Generate(false);
case 2:
return sel_instr.Generate(false);
return inst;
SECTION("Parallel Add (Modulo)") {
FuzzJitArm(4, 5, 10000, [&]() -> u32 {
return also_test_sel(modulo_add_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, modulo_add_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate());
SECTION("Parallel Subtract (Modulo)") {
FuzzJitArm(4, 5, 10000, [&]() -> u32 {
return also_test_sel(modulo_sub_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, modulo_sub_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate());
SECTION("Parallel Exchange (Modulo)") {
FuzzJitArm(4, 5, 10000, [&]() -> u32 {
return also_test_sel(modulo_exchange_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, modulo_exchange_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate());
SECTION("Parallel Add/Subtract (Saturating)") {
FuzzJitArm(4, 5, 10000, [&]() -> u32 {
return also_test_sel(saturating_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, saturating_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate());
SECTION("Parallel Add/Subtract (Halving)") {
FuzzJitArm(4, 5, 10000, [&]() -> u32 {
return also_test_sel(halving_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, halving_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate());
// Alternate between a SEL and a MSR to change the CPSR, thus changing the expected result of the next SEL
bool set_cpsr = true;
FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 10000, [&sel_instr, &cpsr_setter, &set_cpsr]() -> u32 {
set_cpsr ^= true;
if (set_cpsr) {
return cpsr_setter.Generate(false);
return sel_instr.Generate(false);
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM sum of absolute differences", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto validate_d_m_n = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
return Bits<16, 19>(inst) != 15 &&
Bits<8, 11>(inst) != 15 &&
Bits<0, 3>(inst) != 15;
const auto validate_d_a_m_n = [&](u32 inst) -> bool {
return validate_d_m_n(inst) &&
Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 15;
const std::array differences_instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01111000dddd1111mmmm0001nnnn", validate_d_m_n), // USAD8
InstructionGenerator("cccc01111000ddddaaaammmm0001nnnn", validate_d_a_m_n), // USADA8
SECTION("Sum of Absolute Differences (Differences)") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&differences_instructions]() -> u32 {
return differences_instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, differences_instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("SMUAD", "[JitX64][A32]") {
ArmTestEnv test_env;
Dynarmic::A32::Jit jit{GetUserConfig(&test_env)};
test_env.code_mem = {
0xE700F211 // smuad r0, r1, r2
jit.Regs() = {
0, // Rd
0x80008000, // Rn
0x80008000, // Rm
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,
jit.SetCpsr(0x000001d0); // User-mode
test_env.ticks_left = 6;
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[0] == 0x80000000);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[1] == 0x80008000);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[2] == 0x80008000);
REQUIRE(jit.Cpsr() == 0x080001d0);
TEST_CASE("VFP: VPUSH, VPOP", "[JitX64][.vfp][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
const auto regs = (instr & 0x100) ? (Bits<0, 7>(instr) >> 1) : Bits<0, 7>(instr);
const auto base = Bits<12, 15>(instr);
unsigned d;
if (instr & 0x100) {
d = (base + ((instr & 0x400000) ? 16 : 0));
} else {
d = ((base << 1) + ((instr & 0x400000) ? 1 : 0));
// if regs == 0 || regs > 16 || (d+regs) > 32 then UNPREDICTABLE
return regs != 0 && regs <= 16 && (d + regs) <= 32;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc11010D101101dddd101zvvvvvvvv", is_valid), // VPUSH
InstructionGenerator("cccc11001D111101dddd1010vvvvvvvv", is_valid), // VPOP
FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Test ARM misc instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_bfc_bfi_valid = [](u32 instr) {
if (Bits<12, 15>(instr) == 0b1111) {
// Destination register may not be the PC.
return false;
// msb must be greater than or equal to the lsb,
// otherwise the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE.
return Bits<16, 20>(instr) >= Bits<7, 11>(instr);
const auto is_clz_valid = [](u32 instr) {
// R15 as Rd, or Rm is UNPREDICTABLE
return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 && Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111;
const auto is_extract_valid = [](u32 instr) {
const u32 lsb = Bits<7, 11>(instr);
const u32 widthm1 = Bits<16, 20>(instr);
const u32 msb = lsb + widthm1;
// Rd or Rn as R15 or the case where msb > 32 is UNPREDICTABLE.
return Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111 &&
msb < Dynarmic::Common::BitSize<u32>();
const auto is_movt_valid = [](u32 instr) {
return Bits<12, 15>(instr) != 0b1111;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc0111110vvvvvddddvvvvv0011111", is_bfc_bfi_valid), // BFC
InstructionGenerator("cccc0111110vvvvvddddvvvvv001nnnn", is_bfc_bfi_valid), // BFI
InstructionGenerator("cccc000101101111dddd11110001mmmm", is_clz_valid), // CLZ
InstructionGenerator("cccc00110100vvvvddddvvvvvvvvvvvv", is_movt_valid), // MOVT
InstructionGenerator("cccc0111101wwwwwddddvvvvv101nnnn", is_extract_valid), // SBFX
InstructionGenerator("cccc0111111wwwwwddddvvvvv101nnnn", is_extract_valid), // UBFX
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Test ARM MSR instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_msr_valid = [](u32 instr) -> bool {
return Bits<16, 19>(instr) != 0;
const auto is_msr_reg_valid = [&is_msr_valid](u32 instr) -> bool {
return is_msr_valid(instr) && Bits<0, 3>(instr) != 15;
const auto is_mrs_valid = [&](u32 inst) -> bool {
return Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 15;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc00110010mmmm1111rrrrvvvvvvvv", is_msr_valid), // MSR (imm)
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010010mmmm111100000000nnnn", is_msr_reg_valid), // MSR (reg)
InstructionGenerator("cccc000100001111dddd000000000000", is_mrs_valid), // MRS
SECTION("Ones") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 2, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
SECTION("Fives") {
FuzzJitArm(5, 6, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM saturated add/sub instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
// R15 as Rd, Rn, or Rm is UNPREDICTABLE
return Bits<16, 19>(inst) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<0, 3>(inst) != 0b1111;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010000nnnndddd00000101mmmm", is_valid), // QADD
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010010nnnndddd00000101mmmm", is_valid), // QSUB
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010100nnnndddd00000101mmmm", is_valid), // QDADD
InstructionGenerator("cccc00010110nnnndddd00000101mmmm", is_valid), // QDSUB
SECTION("Saturated") {
FuzzJitArm(4, 5, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM saturation instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
// R15 as Rd or Rn is UNPREDICTABLE
return Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<0, 3>(inst) != 0b1111;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc0110101vvvvvddddvvvvvr01nnnn", is_valid), // SSAT
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101010vvvvdddd11110011nnnn", is_valid), // SSAT16
InstructionGenerator("cccc0110111vvvvvddddvvvvvr01nnnn", is_valid), // USAT
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101110vvvvdddd11110011nnnn", is_valid), // USAT16
FuzzJitArm(4, 5, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("Fuzz ARM packing instructions", "[JitX64][A32]") {
const auto is_pkh_valid = [](u32 inst) -> bool {
// R15 as Rd, Rn, or Rm is UNPREDICTABLE
return Bits<16, 19>(inst) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<12, 15>(inst) != 0b1111 &&
Bits<0, 3>(inst) != 0b1111;
const std::array instructions = {
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101000nnnnddddvvvvv001mmmm", is_pkh_valid), // PKHBT
InstructionGenerator("cccc01101000nnnnddddvvvvv101mmmm", is_pkh_valid), // PKHTB
SECTION("Packing") {
FuzzJitArm(1, 1, 10000, [&instructions]() -> u32 {
return instructions[RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1)].Generate();
TEST_CASE("arm: Test InvalidateCacheRange", "[arm][A32]") {
ArmTestEnv test_env;
Dynarmic::A32::Jit jit{GetUserConfig(&test_env)};
test_env.code_mem = {
0xe3a00005, // mov r0, #5
0xe3a0100D, // mov r1, #13
0xe0812000, // add r2, r1, r0
0xeafffffe, // b +#0 (infinite loop)
jit.Regs() = {};
jit.SetCpsr(0x000001d0); // User-mode
test_env.ticks_left = 4;
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[0] == 5);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[1] == 13);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[2] == 18);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[15] == 0x0000000c);
REQUIRE(jit.Cpsr() == 0x000001d0);
// Change the code
test_env.code_mem[1] = 0xe3a01007; // mov r1, #7
jit.InvalidateCacheRange(/*start_memory_location = */ 4, /* length_in_bytes = */ 4);
// Reset position of PC
jit.Regs()[15] = 0;
test_env.ticks_left = 4;
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[0] == 5);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[1] == 7);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[2] == 12);
REQUIRE(jit.Regs()[15] == 0x0000000c);
REQUIRE(jit.Cpsr() == 0x000001d0);