mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 13:45:36 +00:00
* Avoiding use of templated variables. * Now compling on MSVC with /WX (warnings as errors). * Fixed all MSVC warnings. * Fixed MSVC source_groups.
311 lines
11 KiB
311 lines
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/* This file is part of the dynarmic project.
* Copyright (c) 2016 MerryMage
* This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU
* General Public License version 2 or any later version.
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <catch.hpp>
#include "common/bit_util.h"
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "frontend/disassembler/disassembler.h"
#include "interface/interface.h"
#include "rand_int.h"
#include "skyeye_interpreter/dyncom/arm_dyncom_interpreter.h"
#include "skyeye_interpreter/skyeye_common/armstate.h"
struct WriteRecord {
size_t size;
u32 address;
u64 data;
static bool operator==(const WriteRecord& a, const WriteRecord& b) {
return std::tie(a.size, a.address, a.data) == std::tie(b.size, b.address, b.data);
static std::array<u16, 3000> code_mem{};
static std::vector<WriteRecord> write_records;
static bool IsReadOnlyMemory(u32 vaddr);
static u8 MemoryRead8(u32 vaddr);
static u16 MemoryRead16(u32 vaddr);
static u32 MemoryRead32(u32 vaddr);
static u64 MemoryRead64(u32 vaddr);
static void MemoryWrite8(u32 vaddr, u8 value);
static void MemoryWrite16(u32 vaddr, u16 value);
static void MemoryWrite32(u32 vaddr, u32 value);
static void MemoryWrite64(u32 vaddr, u64 value);
static void InterpreterFallback(u32 pc, Dynarmic::Jit* jit);
static Dynarmic::UserCallbacks GetUserCallbacks();
static bool IsReadOnlyMemory(u32 vaddr) {
return vaddr < code_mem.size();
static u8 MemoryRead8(u32 vaddr) {
return static_cast<u8>(vaddr);
static u16 MemoryRead16(u32 vaddr) {
return static_cast<u16>(vaddr);
static u32 MemoryRead32(u32 vaddr) {
if (vaddr < code_mem.size() * sizeof(u16)) {
size_t index = vaddr / sizeof(u16);
return code_mem[index] | (code_mem[index+1] << 16);
return vaddr;
static u64 MemoryRead64(u32 vaddr) {
return vaddr;
static void MemoryWrite8(u32 vaddr, u8 value){
write_records.push_back({8, vaddr, value});
static void MemoryWrite16(u32 vaddr, u16 value){
write_records.push_back({16, vaddr, value});
static void MemoryWrite32(u32 vaddr, u32 value){
write_records.push_back({32, vaddr, value});
static void MemoryWrite64(u32 vaddr, u64 value){
write_records.push_back({64, vaddr, value});
static void InterpreterFallback(u32 pc, Dynarmic::Jit* jit) {
ARMul_State interp_state{USER32MODE};
interp_state.user_callbacks = GetUserCallbacks();
interp_state.NumInstrsToExecute = 1;
interp_state.Reg = jit->Regs();
interp_state.Cpsr = jit->Cpsr();
interp_state.Reg[15] = pc;
bool T = Dynarmic::Common::Bit<5>(interp_state.Cpsr);
interp_state.Reg[15] &= T ? 0xFFFFFFFE : 0xFFFFFFFC;
jit->Regs() = interp_state.Reg;
jit->Cpsr() = interp_state.Cpsr;
static void Fail() {
static Dynarmic::UserCallbacks GetUserCallbacks() {
Dynarmic::UserCallbacks user_callbacks{};
user_callbacks.InterpreterFallback = &InterpreterFallback;
user_callbacks.CallSVC = (bool (*)(u32)) &Fail;
user_callbacks.IsReadOnlyMemory = &IsReadOnlyMemory;
user_callbacks.MemoryRead8 = &MemoryRead8;
user_callbacks.MemoryRead16 = &MemoryRead16;
user_callbacks.MemoryRead32 = &MemoryRead32;
user_callbacks.MemoryRead64 = &MemoryRead64;
user_callbacks.MemoryWrite8 = &MemoryWrite8;
user_callbacks.MemoryWrite16 = &MemoryWrite16;
user_callbacks.MemoryWrite32 = &MemoryWrite32;
user_callbacks.MemoryWrite64 = &MemoryWrite64;
return user_callbacks;
struct InstructionGenerator final {
InstructionGenerator(const char* format, std::function<bool(u16)> is_valid = [](u16){ return true; }) : is_valid(is_valid) {
REQUIRE(strlen(format) == 16);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
const u16 bit = 1 << (15 - i);
switch (format[i]) {
case '0':
mask |= bit;
case '1':
bits |= bit;
mask |= bit;
// Do nothing
u16 Generate() const {
u16 inst;
do {
u16 random = RandInt<u16>(0, 0xFFFF);
inst = bits | (random & ~mask);
} while (!is_valid(inst));
return inst;
u16 bits = 0;
u16 mask = 0;
std::function<bool(u16)> is_valid;
static bool DoesBehaviorMatch(const ARMul_State& interp, const Dynarmic::Jit& jit, const std::vector<WriteRecord>& interp_write_records, const std::vector<WriteRecord>& jit_write_records) {
const auto interp_regs = interp.Reg;
const auto jit_regs = jit.Regs();
return std::equal(interp_regs.begin(), interp_regs.end(), jit_regs.begin(), jit_regs.end())
&& interp.Cpsr == jit.Cpsr()
&& interp_write_records == jit_write_records;
void FuzzJitThumb(const size_t instruction_count, const size_t instructions_to_execute_count, const size_t run_count, const std::function<u16()> instruction_generator) {
// Prepare memory
code_mem.fill(0xE7FE); // b +#0
// Prepare test subjects
ARMul_State interp{USER32MODE};
interp.user_callbacks = GetUserCallbacks();
Dynarmic::Jit jit{GetUserCallbacks()};
for (size_t run_number = 0; run_number < run_count; run_number++) {
// Setup initial state
std::array<u32, 16> initial_regs;
std::generate_n(initial_regs.begin(), 15, []{ return RandInt<u32>(0, 0xFFFFFFFF); });
initial_regs[15] = 0;
interp.Cpsr = 0x000001F0;
interp.Reg = initial_regs;
jit.Cpsr() = 0x000001F0;
jit.Regs() = initial_regs;
std::generate_n(code_mem.begin(), instruction_count, instruction_generator);
// Run interpreter
interp.NumInstrsToExecute = static_cast<unsigned>(instructions_to_execute_count);
auto interp_write_records = write_records;
bool T = Dynarmic::Common::Bit<5>(interp.Cpsr);
interp.Reg[15] &= T ? 0xFFFFFFFE : 0xFFFFFFFC;
// Run jit
auto jit_write_records = write_records;
// Compare
if (!DoesBehaviorMatch(interp, jit, interp_write_records, jit_write_records)) {
printf("Failed at execution number %zu\n", run_number);
printf("\nInstruction Listing: \n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < instruction_count; i++) {
printf("%s\n", Dynarmic::Arm::DisassembleThumb16(code_mem[i]).c_str());
printf("\nInitial Register Listing: \n");
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
printf("%4i: %08x\n", i, initial_regs[i]);
printf("\nFinal Register Listing: \n");
printf(" interp jit\n");
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
printf("%4i: %08x %08x %s\n", i, interp.Reg[i], jit.Regs()[i], interp.Reg[i] != jit.Regs()[i] ? "*" : "");
printf("CPSR: %08x %08x %s\n", interp.Cpsr, jit.Cpsr(), interp.Cpsr != jit.Cpsr() ? "*" : "");
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (run_number % 10 == 0) printf("%zu\r", run_number);
TEST_CASE("Fuzz Thumb instructions set 1", "[JitX64][Thumb]") {
const std::array<InstructionGenerator, 23> instructions = {{
InstructionGenerator("00000xxxxxxxxxxx"), // LSL <Rd>, <Rm>, #<imm5>
InstructionGenerator("00001xxxxxxxxxxx"), // LSR <Rd>, <Rm>, #<imm5>
InstructionGenerator("00010xxxxxxxxxxx"), // ASR <Rd>, <Rm>, #<imm5>
InstructionGenerator("000110oxxxxxxxxx"), // ADD/SUB_reg
InstructionGenerator("000111oxxxxxxxxx"), // ADD/SUB_imm
InstructionGenerator("001ooxxxxxxxxxxx"), // ADD/SUB/CMP/MOV_imm
InstructionGenerator("010000ooooxxxxxx"), // Data Processing
InstructionGenerator("010001000hxxxxxx"), // ADD (high registers)
InstructionGenerator("0100010101xxxxxx", // CMP (high registers)
[](u16 inst){ return Dynarmic::Common::Bits<3, 5>(inst) != 0b111; }), // R15 is UNPREDICTABLE
InstructionGenerator("0100010110xxxxxx", // CMP (high registers)
[](u16 inst){ return Dynarmic::Common::Bits<0, 2>(inst) != 0b111; }), // R15 is UNPREDICTABLE
InstructionGenerator("010001100hxxxxxx"), // MOV (high registers)
InstructionGenerator("10110000oxxxxxxx"), // Adjust stack pointer
InstructionGenerator("10110010ooxxxxxx"), // SXT/UXT
InstructionGenerator("1011101000xxxxxx"), // REV
InstructionGenerator("1011101001xxxxxx"), // REV16
InstructionGenerator("1011101011xxxxxx"), // REVSH
InstructionGenerator("01001xxxxxxxxxxx"), // LDR Rd, [PC, #]
InstructionGenerator("0101oooxxxxxxxxx"), // LDR/STR Rd, [Rn, Rm]
InstructionGenerator("011xxxxxxxxxxxxx"), // LDR(B)/STR(B) Rd, [Rn, #]
InstructionGenerator("1000xxxxxxxxxxxx"), // LDRH/STRH Rd, [Rn, #offset]
InstructionGenerator("1001xxxxxxxxxxxx"), // LDR/STR Rd, [SP, #]
InstructionGenerator("1011x100xxxxxxxx"), // PUSH/POP (R = 0)
InstructionGenerator("1100xxxxxxxxxxxx"), // STMIA/LDMIA
//InstructionGenerator("101101100101x000"), // SETEND
auto instruction_select = [&]() -> u16 {
size_t inst_index = RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1);
return instructions[inst_index].Generate();
SECTION("single instructions") {
FuzzJitThumb(1, 2, 10000, instruction_select);
SECTION("short blocks") {
FuzzJitThumb(5, 6, 3000, instruction_select);
SECTION("long blocks") {
FuzzJitThumb(1024, 1025, 25, instruction_select);
TEST_CASE("Fuzz Thumb instructions set 2 (affects PC)", "[JitX64][Thumb]") {
const std::array<InstructionGenerator, 7> instructions = {{
InstructionGenerator("01000111xmmmm000", // BLX/BX
[](u16 inst){
u32 Rm = Dynarmic::Common::Bits<3, 6>(inst);
return Rm != 15;
InstructionGenerator("1010oxxxxxxxxxxx"), // add to pc/sp
InstructionGenerator("11100xxxxxxxxxxx"), // B
InstructionGenerator("01000100h0xxxxxx"), // ADD (high registers)
InstructionGenerator("01000110h0xxxxxx"), // MOV (high registers)
InstructionGenerator("1101ccccxxxxxxxx", // B<cond>
[](u16 inst){
u32 c = Dynarmic::Common::Bits<9, 12>(inst);
return c < 0b1110; // Don't want SWI or undefined instructions.
InstructionGenerator("10110110011x0xxx"), // CPS
auto instruction_select = [&]() -> u16 {
size_t inst_index = RandInt<size_t>(0, instructions.size() - 1);
return instructions[inst_index].Generate();
FuzzJitThumb(1, 1, 10000, instruction_select);