3 users had issues with 602MHz.
This will probably bring the SoC binning compatibility to 100%.
Additionally, make it easy to change default boost frequency.
The tiny loss in perf, will be mitigated in Nyx. (It's actually even faster)
Tsec keys function always disabled host1x clock after running.
This interferes with display interface and disables further window frame syncing.
Display_end code already handles disable and reset of said clock.
It also fixes an ancient bug that was mitigated by removing the 5 frame sync on HOST1X_SYNC_SYNCPT_9 at channel 0:
5fd9daa364 (diff-6b0c56eab8515465d559ff0ea73a22c3L152)
This is important, otherwise it can break tools like memloader.
Until a semi-usb init solution is found, hekate will show bootlogo and allow you to go to menu.
If >= 7.0.0 after that, it will run sept and then show logo again without a wait. For as long as rebuilding the boot process takes.