BfttfFontType_Standard=0,///< Japan, US and Europe
BfttfFontType_NintendoExt1=1,///< Nintendo Extended (1). This font only has the special Nintendo-specific characters, which aren't available with the other fonts.
BfttfFontType_NintendoExt2=2,///< Nintendo Extended (2). This font only has the special Nintendo-specific characters, which aren't available with the other fonts.
BfttfFontType_Korean=3,///< Korean (Hangul).
BfttfFontType_ChineseSimplified=4,///< Chinese Simplified.
BfttfFontType_ExtChineseSimplified=5,///< Extended Chinese Simplified.
BfttfFontType_ChineseTraditional=6,///< Chinese Traditional.
BfttfFontType_Total=7///< Total fonts supported by this enum.