* Fixed a segmentation fault when trying to free an invalid XML node data pointer when a Scene release from NSWReleases.xml with a matching Title ID misses data related to that node.
* Added a message suggesting the user to restart the application after a successful update.
* Updated application codebase in order to make it compatible with the latest devkitA64 and libnx releases.
* Removed some fs-srv service functions from fsext.c/h that have been included in libnx (and fixed the ones that haven't).
* Revamped the GFX code to replace the 8x8 ASCII font with the shared system font, using the pl service and FreeType.
* Enabled (and fixed) the in-app update option. HTTPS compatibility is achieved through the mbedtls portlib.
* Disabled screen dimming and auto sleep.
* Added file counter to partition browser.
* Changed the naming convention for split gamecard dumps to *.xc[part number], in order to make them compatible with SX OS and other tools right away.
* Increased the delay after inserting a new gamecard by 1 second.
* Added a gamecard detection thread to monitor gamecard state changes in a better way. This thread is hooked to a gamecard detection kernel handle retrieved through an IEventNotifier object.
* Replaced partition filesystem mounting through fs-srv service calls with manual HFS0 partition header parsing. This should fix issues when browsing the Logo partition from type 0x02 gamecards.
* Blocked HOME button presses when running as a regular/system application instead of an applet. A warning message will be displayed whenever any operation is started if the application is running as an applet.
* Added detection for bundled FW versions 6.0.0 - 8.0.0.
* Fixed game card version reading (now using the ncm service instead of retrieving it from the cached Control.nacp).
* Added ability to read and identify FW update versions bundled with game cards.
* In case an error occurs while reading the game card Title ID, the application will also display the FW version update bundled with it along with an explanation.
* Removed output XCI dump renaming based on the XML database from nswdb.com.
* Output naming scheme changed. Characters out of the ASCII range are replaced with underscores:
* Manual file dumps will now be saved to their corresponding directory instead of the SD card root.
* Added a XML database update option in the main menu.
* Added an update application option in the main menu. It isn't working at this moment because libcurl has problems dealing with secure connections, and as such the option has been disabled (pressing A on it does nothing). Nonetheless, the code to parse JSON responses from the GitHub API is pretty much ready, so it's just a matter of time.
* Replaced padding option with a trim output dump option (same as XCI-Cutter).
* Added dump speed and ETA calculation.
* Added XCI dump verification using XML database from nswdb.com (NSWreleases.xml). The file must be saved to the SD card root directory. Also, keep in mind that dump verification is only performed if you choose to create a full dump (with or without cert), not a trimmed one.
* Made CRC32 checksum calculation + XCI dump verification a configurable option.
* Output XCI dumps will get renamed to their corresponding Scene release if a match is found using the XML database from nswdb.com (e.g. "sdmc:/0100000000010000_20180625-234930.xci" -> "sdmc:/Super.Mario.Odyssey.NSW-BigBlueBox.xci").