* signature: add comments to SignatureType enum entries about the exact signing algorithms and padding schemes used.
* signature: rename signatureGetSigType() -> signatureGetTypeFromSignedBlob().
* signature: rename signatureIsValidSigType() -> signatureIsValidType().
* signature: rename signatureGetSigSize() -> signatureGetSigSizeByType().
* signature: rename signatureGetBlockSize() -> signatureGetBlockSizeByType().
* signature: rename signatureGetSig() -> signatureGetSigFromSignedBlob().
* signature: rename signatureGetPayload() -> signatureGetPayloadFromSignedBlob().
* signature: add signatureGetBlockSizeFromSignedBlob().
* cert: add more comments to the code.
* cert: update code to match signature interface changes.
* cert: add CERT_RSA_PUB_EXP_SIZE macro.
* cert: change public_exponent field in CertPublicKeyBlockRsa* structs from u32 to u8 array.
* cert: add size field to CertificateChain struct.
* cert: rename certGetCommonBlock() -> certGetCommonBlockFromSignedCertBlob.
* cert: rename certGetPublicKeySize() -> certGetPublicKeySizeByType().
* cert: rename certGetPublicKeyBlockSize() -> certGetPublicKeyBlockSizeByType().
* cert: rename certIsValidCertificate() -> certIsValidSignedCertBlob().
* cert: rename certGetSignedCertificateSize() -> certGetSignedCertBlobSize().
* cert: rename certGetSignedCertificateHashAreaSize() -> certGetSignedCertBlobHashAreaSize().
* cert: remove certGetPublicKey(), certGetPublicExponent() and certCalculateRawCertificateChainSize().
* cert: add certGetPublicKeyTypeFromCommonBlock(), certGetPublicKeyTypeFromSignedCertBlob(), certGetPublicKeySizeFromSignedCertBlob(), certGetPublicKeyBlockSizeFromSignedCertBlob(), certGetPublicKeyFromSignedCertBlob(), certGetPublicExponentFromSignedCertBlob(), certIsValidCertificate() (w/diff func sig), certGetCommonBlockFromCertificate(), certGetPublicKeyTypeFromCertificate(), certGetPublicKeySizeFromCertificate(), certGetPublicKeyBlockSizeFromCertificate(), certGetPublicKeyFromCertificate(), certGetPublicExponentFromCertificate() and certGetHashAreaSizeFromCertificate() functions.
* cert: avoid byteswapping the public key type value in multiple places -- it is now only being done in certGetPublicKeyTypeFromCommonBlock().
* cert: call certFreeCertificateChain() in _certRetrieveCertificateChainBySignatureIssuer() before attempting to retrieve the certificate chain.
* cert: other minor changes and corrections.
* tik: update code to match signature interface changes.
* tik: add missing comments to TikPropertyMask enum entries.
* tik: add key_generation, enc_titlekey_str and dec_titlekey_str fields to Ticket struct.
* tik: update tikRetrieveTicketByRightsId() to also take in a key_generation argument, instead of getting it from the rights ID (which could fail if it's using a key generation lower than HOS 3.0.1) or the key_generation field from the common ticket block (which could fail if the ticket has been tampered by certain tools).
* tik: rename tikGetCommonBlock() -> tikGetCommonBlockFromSignedTicketBlob().
* tik: change function signature for tikGetTicketSectionRecordsBlockSize().
* tik: rename tikIsValidTicket() -> tikIsValidSignedTicketBlob().
* tik: rename tikGetSignedTicketSize() -> tikGetSignedTicketBlobSize().
* tik: rename tikGetSignedTicketHashAreaSize() -> tikGetSignedTicketBlobHashAreaSize().
* tik: rename tikGetEncryptedTitleKeyFromTicket() -> tikGetEncryptedTitleKey().
* tik: add tikIsValidTicket() (w/diff func sig), tikGetCommonBlockFromTicket(), tikGetHashAreaSizeFromTicket(), tikFixTamperedCommonTicket(), tikVerifyRsa2048Sha256Signature() and tikDecryptVolatileTicket() functions. Ticket signature verification is only carried out for common tickets in tikFixTamperedCommonTicket().
* tik: change argument order in tikGetTicketEntryOffsetFromTicketList() and tikRetrieveTicketEntryFromTicketBin().
* tik: use a scoped lock when calling tikRetrieveTicketFromEsSaveDataByRightsId().
* tik: simplify certificate chain retrieval steps in tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket() by always using the XS00000020 certificate.
* tik: wipe license_type and property_mask fields in tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket().
* tik: other minor changes and corrections.
Other changes include:
* keys: fix key generation checks in keysGetNcaKeyAreaKeyEncryptionKey() and keysGetTicketCommonKey().
* rsa: move core logic from rsa2048VerifySha256BasedPssSignature() into a new function: rsa2048VerifySha256BasedSignature().
* rsa: add rsa2048VerifySha256BasedPkcs1v15Signature() function.
And I don't need anyone to tell me so, thank you very much.
* PoC: remove gc_dumper and nsp_dumper PoC; create nxdt_rw_poc with all gc_dumper and nsp_dumper capabilities + standalone ticket dumping + raw NCA dumping; use ftruncate() to set output file sizes whenever possible. PoC code is a mess, as always. Expect the features from the rest of the PoCs to be implemented into nxdt_rw_poc soon.
* workflow: temporarily disable borealis build generation; comment out manual installation of up-to-date packages from Leseratte's mirrors because the latest devkitA64 Docker image has them all.
* borealis: update to fix building issues with latest devkitA64.
* bfttf: error out on invalid NCA signatures.
* config: save configuration to the current working directory; parse and validate new "gamecard/write_raw_hfs_partition" flag.
* defines: remove CONFIG_PATH macro; rename CONFIG_FILE_NAME.
* gamecard: rename fs_ctx -> hfs_ctx everywhere; use HFS function calls to retrieve partition names.
* hfs: move GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType enum from gamecard.h and rename it to HashFileSystemPartitionType; add hfsIsValidContext(); add hfsGetPartitionNameString().
* nca/npdm: update comments to reflect latest HOS version.
* nxdt_bfsar: always generate absolute SD card paths with the device name; error out on an invalid NCA signature.
* nxdt_includes: include dirent.h; refactor Version struct to make it a union of all known *Version structs.
* nxdt_log: don't write session separator if the logfile is empty.
* nxdt_utils: log appletIsGamePlayRecordingSupported() errors; add utilsDeleteDirectoryRecursively().
* rsa: provide clearer function descriptions in header file.
* services: handle usb:ds initialization.
* tik: update tikConvertPersonalizedTicketToCommonTicket() to allow NULL input pointers as raw certificate chain arguments (much needed for standalone ticket dumping).
* title: add titleGetApplicationIdByMetaKey().
* usb: refactor interface (de)initialization code; slightly improve ABI usage (console-side only); redefine ABI version field in StartSession command blocks; upgrade ABI to v1.1.
* FatFs: rename DIR -> FDIR to avoid conflicts with definitions from stdlib's dirent.h.
* gamecard_tab: display package ID from the inserted gamecard; fix displayed version numbers from bundled system updates below 3.0.0.
* todo: add notes about creating devoptab devices for HFS/PFS/RomFS file tree dumping.
Other changes include:
* Codebase: move JSON parsing logic from config.c/h to nxdt_json.c/h.
* Codebase: replace all calls to localtime() with localtime_r() to guarantee thread-safety.
* Codebase: updated todo.txt.
* utils: implement utilsParseGitHubReleaseJsonData(), utilsFreeGitHubReleaseJsonData(), utilsGetApplicationUpdatedState() and utilsGetApplicationUpdatedState().
* utils: add extra logic to move the application's NRO to its proper path if the launch path isn't the right one (commented out at this moment).
* utils: add extra logic to replace the application's NRO at exit (commented out at this moment).
* defines: add DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE and tweak GitHub URL macros.
* DownloadTask: set percentage to 0 if the download size is unknown.
* DownloadTask: fix ETA string formatting.
* OptionsTab: repurpose OptionsTabUpdateFileDialogContent into OptionsTabUpdateProgress.
* OptionsTab: implement OptionsTabUpdateApplicationFrame.
* RootView: move date formatting into the static GetFormattedDateString() method.
* Makefile: use _GNU_SOURCE as part of CFLAGS to use strptime().
* Thread-safe.
* Provides getter/setter functions for the data types used by nxdumptool's configuration.
* Each setter function writes the modified JSON configuration back to the SD card.
* Configuration is validated on interface initialization. If validation fails, a default JSON template is loaded from the application's RomFS and written back to the SD card.
Other changes:
* Implement directory creation.
* Moved more preprocessor definitions to defines.h.
* Replaced strtok() calls throughout the code with strtok_r() to guarantee thread-safety.
* Rewrote mutex handling throughout the code to use a small, macro-based scoped lock implementation.
* Removed extern variables from common.h - launch path management is now completely handled in utils.c.
* Updated NpdmSystemCallId_Count to reflect changes introduced in 12.0.0.
* Added NcaMainSignatureKeyGeneration enum.
* NCA main signature moduli are now retrieved from FS .rodata at runtime.
* Simplified lock management in usb.c by using a single global mutex with scoped locks instead of three different r/w locks.
* Updated FatFs to R0.14b.
* Enabled 64-bit LBA support in FatFs to potentially support custom eMMC replacements / resized USER partitions in the future.
* Updated LZ4 to v1.9.3.
* Fixed typos.
* USB gamecard dumper PoC now only dumps the Initial Data area.
* Updated to-do list.
* Remove references to the secondary Nintendo Extended BFTTF because it's identical to the first one.
* Use format attribute in functions that need it (and fixed errors I made in the past).