{ "tabs": { "first": "First tab", "second": "Second tab", "third": "Third tab", "fourth": "Fourth tab", "custom_navigation_tab": "Custom Layout" }, "pozznx": { "open": "Open a dialog", "warning": "Warning: PozzNX will wipe all data on your Switch and render it inoperable, do you want to proceed?", "running": "Running PozzNX...", "continue": "Continue" }, "notify": "Post a random notification", "tv": { "resolution": "TV Resolution", "automatic": "Automatic" }, "i18n": { "title": "Language: {0} ({1})", "lang": "English" }, "jank": { "jank": "User Interface Jankiness", "native": "Native", "minimal": "Minimal", "regular": "Regular", "maximum": "Maximum", "saxophone": "SX OS", "vista": "Windows Vista", "ios": "iOS 14" }, "divide": { "title": "Divide by 0", "description": "Can the Switch do it?", "crash": "The software was closed because an error occured:\nSIGABRT (signal 6)" }, "more": "For more information about how to use Nintendo Switch and its features, please refer to the Nintendo Support Website on your smart device or PC.", "actions": { "title": "Custom Actions", "notify": "Show notification", "triggered": "Custom Action triggered" }, "layers": { "title": "Select Layer", "layer1": "Layer 1", "layer2": "Layer 2", "item1": "Item 1", "item2": "Item 2", "item3": "Item 3" }, "keyboard": { "string": { "title": "Open Keyboard", "default": "Default text", "help": "Help message" }, "number": { "title": "Open Num Keyboard", "help": "Help message" } } }