#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include #include "dumper.h" #include "fs_ext.h" #include "ui.h" #include "util.h" #include "keys.h" /* Extern variables */ extern dumpOptions dumpCfg; extern bool keysFileAvailable; extern gamecard_ctx_t gameCardInfo; extern u32 titleAppCount, titlePatchCount, titleAddOnCount; extern u32 sdCardTitleAppCount, sdCardTitlePatchCount, sdCardTitleAddOnCount; extern u32 emmcTitleAppCount, emmcTitlePatchCount, emmcTitleAddOnCount; extern base_app_ctx_t *baseAppEntries; extern patch_addon_ctx_t *patchEntries, *addOnEntries; extern char **filenameBuffer; extern int filenameCount; extern char curRomFsPath[NAME_BUF_LEN]; extern romfs_browser_entry *romFsBrowserEntries; extern browser_entry_size_info *hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes; extern orphan_patch_addon_entry *orphanEntries; extern char strbuf[NAME_BUF_LEN]; extern char cfwDirStr[32]; /* Statically allocated variables */ static PlFontData sharedFonts[PlSharedFontType_Total]; static FT_Library library; static FT_Face sharedFontsFaces[PlSharedFontType_Total]; static Framebuffer fb; static u32 *framebuf = NULL; static u32 framebuf_width = 0; static const u8 bgColors[3] = { BG_COLOR_RGB }; static const u8 hlBgColors[3] = { HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_RGB }; int cursor = 0; int scroll = 0; int breaks = 0; int font_height = 0; int titleListCursor = 0, titleListScroll = 0; int orphanListCursor = 0, orphanListScroll = 0; int browserCursor = 0, browserScroll = 0; curMenuType menuType; static bool orphanMode = false; static char titleSelectorStr[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}; static char exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}; static char dumpedContentInfoStr[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}; static u32 selectedAppInfoIndex = 0; static u32 selectedAppIndex; static u32 selectedPatchIndex; static u32 selectedAddOnIndex; static u32 selectedPartitionIndex; static u32 selectedFileIndex; static nspDumpType selectedNspDumpType; static bool exeFsUpdateFlag = false; static selectedRomFsType curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; static selectedTicketType curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_APP; static bool updatePerformed = false; bool highlight = false; static char statusMessage[2048] = {'\0'}; static int statusMessageFadeout = 0; extern u64 freeSpace; extern char freeSpaceStr[32]; static UIState uiState; static bool fb_init = false, romfs_init = false, ft_lib_init = false, ft_faces_init[PlSharedFontType_Total]; static const char *dirNormalIconPath = "romfs:/browser/dir_normal.jpg"; static u8 *dirNormalIconBuf = NULL; static const char *dirHighlightIconPath = "romfs:/browser/dir_highlight.jpg"; static u8 *dirHighlightIconBuf = NULL; static const char *fileNormalIconPath = "romfs:/browser/file_normal.jpg"; u8 *fileNormalIconBuf = NULL; static const char *fileHighlightIconPath = "romfs:/browser/file_highlight.jpg"; u8 *fileHighlightIconBuf = NULL; static const char *enabledNormalIconPath = "romfs:/browser/enabled_normal.jpg"; u8 *enabledNormalIconBuf = NULL; static const char *enabledHighlightIconPath = "romfs:/browser/enabled_highlight.jpg"; u8 *enabledHighlightIconBuf = NULL; static const char *disabledNormalIconPath = "romfs:/browser/disabled_normal.jpg"; u8 *disabledNormalIconBuf = NULL; static const char *disabledHighlightIconPath = "romfs:/browser/disabled_highlight.jpg"; u8 *disabledHighlightIconBuf = NULL; static const char *appHeadline = "NXDumpTool v" APP_VERSION ". Built on " __DATE__ " - " __TIME__ ".\nMade by DarkMatterCore.\n\n"; static const char *appControlsCommon = "[ " NINTENDO_FONT_DPAD " / " NINTENDO_FONT_LSTICK " / " NINTENDO_FONT_RSTICK " ] Move | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_A " ] Select | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_B " ] Back | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_PLUS " ] Exit"; static const char *appControlsGameCardMultiApp = "[ " NINTENDO_FONT_DPAD " / " NINTENDO_FONT_LSTICK " / " NINTENDO_FONT_RSTICK " ] Move | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_A " ] Select | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_B " ] Back | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_L " / " NINTENDO_FONT_R " / " NINTENDO_FONT_ZL " / " NINTENDO_FONT_ZR " ] Show info from another base application | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_PLUS " ] Exit"; static const char *appControlsNoContent = "[ " NINTENDO_FONT_B " ] Back | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_PLUS " ] Exit"; static const char *appControlsSdCardEmmcFull = "[ " NINTENDO_FONT_DPAD " / " NINTENDO_FONT_LSTICK " / " NINTENDO_FONT_RSTICK " ] Move | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_A " ] Select | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_B " ] Back | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_X " ] Batch mode | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_Y " ] Dump installed content with missing base application | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_PLUS " ] Exit"; static const char *appControlsSdCardEmmcNoOrphan = "[ " NINTENDO_FONT_DPAD " / " NINTENDO_FONT_LSTICK " / " NINTENDO_FONT_RSTICK " ] Move | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_A " ] Select | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_B " ] Back | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_X " ] Batch mode | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_PLUS " ] Exit"; static const char *appControlsSdCardEmmcNoApp = "[ " NINTENDO_FONT_B " ] Back | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_X " ] Batch mode | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_Y " ] Dump installed content with missing base application | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_PLUS " ] Exit"; static const char *appControlsRomFs = "[ " NINTENDO_FONT_DPAD " / " NINTENDO_FONT_LSTICK " / " NINTENDO_FONT_RSTICK " ] Move | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_A " ] Select | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_B " ] Back | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_Y " ] Dump current directory | [ " NINTENDO_FONT_PLUS " ] Exit"; static const char *mainMenuItems[] = { "Dump gamecard content", "Dump installed SD card / eMMC content", "Update options" }; static const char *gameCardMenuItems[] = { "NX Card Image (XCI) dump", "Nintendo Submission Package (NSP) dump", "HFS0 options", "ExeFS options", "RomFS options", "Dump gamecard certificate" }; static const char *xciDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start XCI dump process", "Split output dump (FAT32 support): ", "Create directory with archive bit set: ", "Keep certificate: ", "Trim output dump: ", "CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification: ", "Dump verification method: ", "Output naming scheme: " }; static const char *nspDumpGameCardMenuItems[] = { "Dump base application NSP", "Dump bundled update NSP", "Dump bundled DLC NSP" }; static const char *nspDumpSdCardEmmcMenuItems[] = { "Dump base application NSP", "Dump installed update NSP", "Dump installed DLC NSP" }; static const char *nspAppDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start NSP dump process", "Split output dump (FAT32 support): ", "Verify dump using No-Intro database: ", "Remove console specific data: ", "Generate ticket-less dump: ", "Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA: ", "Base application to dump: ", "Output naming scheme: " }; static const char *nspPatchDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start NSP dump process", "Split output dump (FAT32 support): ", "Verify dump using No-Intro database: ", "Remove console specific data: ", "Generate ticket-less dump: ", "Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA: ", "Dump delta fragments: ", "Update to dump: ", "Output naming scheme: " }; static const char *nspAddOnDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start NSP dump process", "Split output dump (FAT32 support): ", "Verify dump using No-Intro database: ", "Remove console specific data: ", "Generate ticket-less dump: ", "DLC to dump: ", "Output naming scheme: " }; static const char *hfs0MenuItems[] = { "Raw HFS0 partition dump", "HFS0 partition data dump", "Browse HFS0 partitions" }; static const char *hfs0PartitionDumpType1MenuItems[] = { "Dump HFS0 partition 0 (Update)", "Dump HFS0 partition 1 (Normal)", "Dump HFS0 partition 2 (Secure)" }; static const char *hfs0PartitionDumpType2MenuItems[] = { "Dump HFS0 partition 0 (Update)", "Dump HFS0 partition 1 (Logo)", "Dump HFS0 partition 2 (Normal)", "Dump HFS0 partition 3 (Secure)" }; static const char *hfs0BrowserType1MenuItems[] = { "Browse HFS0 partition 0 (Update)", "Browse HFS0 partition 1 (Normal)", "Browse HFS0 partition 2 (Secure)" }; static const char *hfs0BrowserType2MenuItems[] = { "Browse HFS0 partition 0 (Update)", "Browse HFS0 partition 1 (Logo)", "Browse HFS0 partition 2 (Normal)", "Browse HFS0 partition 3 (Secure)" }; static const char *exeFsMenuItems[] = { "ExeFS section data dump", "Browse ExeFS section", "Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support): ", "Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS): ", "Use update: " }; static const char *exeFsSectionDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start ExeFS data dump process", "Base application to dump: ", "Use update: " }; static const char *exeFsSectionBrowserMenuItems[] = { "Browse ExeFS section", "Base application to browse: ", "Use update: " }; static const char *romFsMenuItems[] = { "RomFS section data dump", "Browse RomFS section", "Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support): ", "Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS): ", "Use update/DLC: " }; static const char *romFsSectionDumpMenuItems[] = { "Start RomFS data dump process", "Base application to dump: ", "Use update/DLC: " }; static const char *romFsSectionBrowserMenuItems[] = { "Browse RomFS section", "Base application to browse: ", "Use update/DLC: " }; static const char *sdCardEmmcMenuItems[] = { "Nintendo Submission Package (NSP) dump", "ExeFS options", "RomFS options", "Ticket options" }; static const char *batchModeMenuItems[] = { "Start batch dump process", "Dump base applications: ", "Dump updates: ", "Dump DLCs: ", "Split output dumps (FAT32 support): ", "Remove console specific data: ", "Generate ticket-less dumps: ", "Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA: ", "Dump delta fragments from updates: ", "Skip already dumped titles: ", "Remember dumped titles: ", "Halt dump process on errors: ", "Output naming scheme: ", "Source storage: " }; static const char *ticketMenuItems[] = { "Start ticket dump", "Remove console specific data: ", "Use ticket from title: " }; static const char *updateMenuItems[] = { "Update NSWDB.COM XML database", "Update application" }; static const char *xciChecksumLookupMethods[] = { "NSWDB.COM XML database (offline)", "No-Intro database lookup (online)" }; static const char *xciNamingSchemes[] = { "TitleName v[TitleVersion] ([TitleID])", "TitleName [[TitleID]][v[TitleVersion]]" }; static const char *nspNamingSchemes[] = { "TitleName v[TitleVersion] ([TitleID]) ([TitleType])", "TitleName [[TitleID]][v[TitleVersion]][[TitleType]]" }; void uiFill(int x, int y, int width, int height, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) { /* Perform validity checks */ if (width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (x + width) < 0 || (y + height) < 0 || x >= FB_WIDTH || y >= FB_HEIGHT) return; if (x < 0) { width += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { height += y; y = 0; } if ((x + width) >= FB_WIDTH) width = (FB_WIDTH - x); if ((y + height) >= FB_HEIGHT) height = (FB_HEIGHT - y); if (framebuf == NULL) { /* Begin new frame */ u32 stride; framebuf = (u32*)framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebuf_width = (stride / sizeof(u32)); } int lx, ly; u32 framex, framey; for (ly = 0; ly < height; ly++) { for (lx = 0; lx < width; lx++) { framex = (u32)(x + lx); framey = (u32)(y + ly); framebuf[(framey * framebuf_width) + framex] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(r, g, b); } } } void uiDrawIcon(const u8 *icon, int width, int height, int x, int y) { /* Perform validity checks */ if (!icon || !width || !height || (x + width) < 0 || (y + height) < 0 || x >= FB_WIDTH || y >= FB_HEIGHT) return; if (x < 0) { width += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { height += y; y = 0; } if ((x + width) >= FB_WIDTH) width = (FB_WIDTH - x); if ((y + height) >= FB_HEIGHT) height = (FB_HEIGHT - y); if (framebuf == NULL) { /* Begin new frame */ u32 stride; framebuf = (u32*)framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebuf_width = (stride / sizeof(u32)); } int lx, ly; u32 framex, framey, pos; for (ly = 0; ly < height; ly++) { for (lx = 0; lx < width; lx++) { framex = (u32)(x + lx); framey = (u32)(y + ly); pos = (u32)(((ly * width) + lx) * 3); framebuf[(framey * framebuf_width) + framex] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(icon[pos], icon[pos + 1], icon[pos + 2]); } } } bool uiLoadJpgFromMem(u8 *rawJpg, size_t rawJpgSize, int expectedWidth, int expectedHeight, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight, u8 **outBuf) { if (!rawJpg || !rawJpgSize || !expectedWidth || !expectedHeight || !desiredWidth || !desiredHeight || !outBuf) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: invalid parameters to process JPG image buffer!", __func__); return false; } int ret, w, h, samp; tjhandle _jpegDecompressor = NULL; bool success = false; bool foundScalingFactor = false; int i, numScalingFactors = 0, pitch; tjscalingfactor *scalingFactors = NULL; u8 *jpgScaledBuf = NULL; _jpegDecompressor = tjInitDecompress(); if (!_jpegDecompressor) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: tjInitDecompress failed!", __func__); return success; } ret = tjDecompressHeader2(_jpegDecompressor, rawJpg, rawJpgSize, &w, &h, &samp); if (ret == -1) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: tjDecompressHeader2 failed! (%d)", __func__, ret); goto out; } if (w != expectedWidth || h != expectedHeight) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: invalid image width/height!", __func__); goto out; } scalingFactors = tjGetScalingFactors(&numScalingFactors); if (!scalingFactors) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: unable to retrieve scaling factors!", __func__); goto out; } for(i = 0; i < numScalingFactors; i++) { if (TJSCALED(expectedWidth, scalingFactors[i]) == desiredWidth && TJSCALED(expectedHeight, scalingFactors[i]) == desiredHeight) { foundScalingFactor = true; break; } } if (!foundScalingFactor) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: unable to find a valid scaling factor!", __func__); goto out; } pitch = TJPAD(desiredWidth * tjPixelSize[TJPF_RGB]); jpgScaledBuf = malloc(pitch * desiredHeight); if (!jpgScaledBuf) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: unable to allocate memory for the scaled RGB image output!", __func__); goto out; } ret = tjDecompress2(_jpegDecompressor, rawJpg, rawJpgSize, jpgScaledBuf, desiredWidth, 0, desiredHeight, TJPF_RGB, TJFLAG_ACCURATEDCT); if (ret == -1) { free(jpgScaledBuf); snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: tjDecompress2 failed! (%d)", __func__, ret); goto out; } *outBuf = jpgScaledBuf; success = true; out: tjDestroy(_jpegDecompressor); return success; } bool uiLoadJpgFromFile(const char *filename, int expectedWidth, int expectedHeight, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight, u8 **outBuf) { if (!filename || !desiredWidth || !desiredHeight || !outBuf) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: invalid parameters to process JPG image file!", __func__); return false; } u8 *buf = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; size_t filesize = 0, read = 0; fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: failed to open file \"%s\"!", __func__, filename); return false; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); if (!filesize) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: file \"%s\" is empty!", __func__, filename); fclose(fp); return false; } buf = malloc(filesize); if (!buf) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: error allocating memory for image \"%s\"!", __func__, filename); fclose(fp); return false; } read = fread(buf, 1, filesize, fp); fclose(fp); if (read != filesize) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s: error reading image \"%s\"!", __func__, filename); free(buf); return false; } bool ret = uiLoadJpgFromMem(buf, filesize, expectedWidth, expectedHeight, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, outBuf); free(buf); return ret; } void uiDrawChar(FT_Bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) { if (framebuf == NULL) return; u32 framex, framey, framebuf_offset; u32 tmpx, tmpy; u8 *imageptr = bitmap->buffer; u8 src_val; float opacity; u8 fontR, fontG, fontB; if (bitmap->pixel_mode != FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY) return; for(tmpy = 0; tmpy < bitmap->rows; tmpy++) { for (tmpx = 0; tmpx < bitmap->width; tmpx++) { framex = (x + tmpx); framey = (y + tmpy); if (framex >= FB_WIDTH || framey >= FB_HEIGHT) continue; framebuf_offset = ((framey * framebuf_width) + framex); src_val = imageptr[tmpx]; if (!src_val) { /* Render background color */ framebuf[framebuf_offset] = (highlight ? RGBA8_MAXALPHA(hlBgColors[0], hlBgColors[1], hlBgColors[2]) : RGBA8_MAXALPHA(bgColors[0], bgColors[1], bgColors[2])); } else { /* Calculate alpha (opacity) */ opacity = (src_val / 255.0); fontR = (r * opacity + (1 - opacity) * (highlight ? hlBgColors[0] : bgColors[0])); fontG = (g * opacity + (1 - opacity) * (highlight ? hlBgColors[1] : bgColors[1])); fontB = (b * opacity + (1 - opacity) * (highlight ? hlBgColors[2] : bgColors[2])); framebuf[framebuf_offset] = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(fontR, fontG, fontB); } } imageptr += bitmap->pitch; } } void uiDrawString(int x, int y, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, const char *fmt, ...) { if (!fmt || !*fmt) return; char string[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(string, MAX_CHARACTERS(string), fmt, args); va_end(args); u32 tmpx = (x < 8 ? 8 : x); u32 tmpy = (font_height + (y < 8 ? 8 : y)); FT_Error ret = 0; FT_UInt glyph_index = 0; u32 i, j; u32 str_size = strlen(string); u32 tmpchar; ssize_t unitcount = 0; if (framebuf == NULL) { /* Begin new frame */ u32 stride; framebuf = (u32*)framebufferBegin(&fb, &stride); framebuf_width = (stride / sizeof(u32)); } for(i = 0; i < str_size;) { unitcount = decode_utf8(&tmpchar, (const u8*)&string[i]); if (unitcount <= 0) break; i += unitcount; if (tmpchar == '\n') { tmpx = 8; tmpy += LINE_HEIGHT; breaks++; continue; } else if (tmpchar == '\t') { tmpx += (font_height * TAB_WIDTH); continue; } else if (tmpchar == '\r') { continue; } for(j = 0; j < PlSharedFontType_Total; j++) { glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(sharedFontsFaces[j], tmpchar); if (glyph_index) break; } if (!glyph_index && j == PlSharedFontType_Total) j = 0; ret = FT_Load_Glyph(sharedFontsFaces[j], glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (ret == 0) ret = FT_Render_Glyph(sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); if (ret) break; if ((tmpx + (sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph->advance.x >> 6)) > (FB_WIDTH - 8)) { tmpx = 8; tmpy += LINE_HEIGHT; breaks++; } uiDrawChar(&(sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph->bitmap), tmpx + sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph->bitmap_left, tmpy - sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph->bitmap_top, r, g, b); tmpx += (sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph->advance.x >> 6); tmpy += (sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph->advance.y >> 6); } } u32 uiGetStrWidth(const char *fmt, ...) { if (!fmt || !*fmt) return 0; char string[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(string, MAX_CHARACTERS(string), fmt, args); va_end(args); FT_Error ret = 0; FT_UInt glyph_index = 0; u32 i, j; u32 str_size = strlen(string); u32 tmpchar; ssize_t unitcount = 0; u32 width = 0; for(i = 0; i < str_size;) { unitcount = decode_utf8(&tmpchar, (const u8*)&string[i]); if (unitcount <= 0) break; i += unitcount; if (tmpchar == '\n' || tmpchar == '\r') { break; } else if (tmpchar == '\t') { width += (font_height * TAB_WIDTH); continue; } for(j = 0; j < PlSharedFontType_Total; j++) { glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(sharedFontsFaces[j], tmpchar); if (glyph_index) break; } if (!glyph_index && j == PlSharedFontType_Total) j = 0; ret = FT_Load_Glyph(sharedFontsFaces[j], glyph_index, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (ret == 0) ret = FT_Render_Glyph(sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); if (ret) break; width += (sharedFontsFaces[j]->glyph->advance.x >> 6); } return width; } void uiRefreshDisplay() { if (framebuf != NULL) { framebufferEnd(&fb); framebuf = NULL; framebuf_width = 0; } } void uiStatusMsg(const char *fmt, ...) { statusMessageFadeout = 2500; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(statusMessage, MAX_CHARACTERS(statusMessage), fmt, args); va_end(args); } void uiUpdateStatusMsg() { if (!strlen(statusMessage) || !statusMessageFadeout) return; uiFill(0, FB_HEIGHT - (font_height * 2), FB_WIDTH, font_height * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB); if ((statusMessageFadeout - 4) > bgColors[0]) { int fadeout = (statusMessageFadeout > 255 ? 255 : statusMessageFadeout); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, FB_HEIGHT - (font_height * 2), fadeout, fadeout, fadeout, statusMessage); statusMessageFadeout -= 4; } else { statusMessageFadeout = 0; } } void uiClearStatusMsg() { statusMessageFadeout = 0; statusMessage[0] = '\0'; } void uiPleaseWait(u8 wait) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Please wait..."); uiRefreshDisplay(); if (wait) delay(wait); } void uiClearScreen() { uiFill(0, 0, FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, BG_COLOR_RGB); } void uiPrintHeadline() { breaks = 0; uiClearScreen(); uiDrawString(STRING_DEFAULT_POS, FONT_COLOR_RGB, appHeadline); } void uiPrintOption(int x, int y, int endPosition, bool leftArrow, bool rightArrow, int r, int g, int b, const char *fmt, ...) { if (x < 8 || x > OPTIONS_X_END_POS || y < 8 || y > (FB_HEIGHT - 8) || endPosition < OPTIONS_X_END_POS || endPosition > (FB_WIDTH - 8) || !fmt || !*fmt) return; int xpos = x; char option[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(option, MAX_CHARACTERS(option), fmt, args); va_end(args); u32 optionStrWidth = uiGetStrWidth(option); if (leftArrow) uiDrawString(xpos, y, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "<"); xpos += uiGetStrWidth("<"); xpos += (((endPosition - xpos) / 2) - (optionStrWidth / 2)); uiDrawString(xpos, y, r, g, b, option); if (rightArrow) { xpos = endPosition; uiDrawString(xpos, y, FONT_COLOR_RGB, ">"); } } void uiTruncateOptionStr(char *str, int x, int y, int endPosition) { if (!str || !strlen(str) || x < 8 || x > OPTIONS_X_END_POS || y < 8 || y > (FB_HEIGHT - 8) || endPosition < OPTIONS_X_END_POS || endPosition > (FB_WIDTH - 8)) return; int xpos = x; char *option = str; u32 optionStrWidth = uiGetStrWidth(option); u32 limit = (u32)(endPosition - xpos - (font_height * 2)); // Check if we're dealing with a long title selector string if (optionStrWidth >= limit) { while(optionStrWidth >= limit) { option++; optionStrWidth = uiGetStrWidth(option); } option[0] = option[1] = option[2] = '.'; memmove(str, option, strlen(option)); str[strlen(option)] = '\0'; } } bool uiInit() { Result result = 0; FT_Error ret = 0; u32 i; bool success = false; char tmp[256] = {'\0'}; /* Set initial UI state */ uiState = stateMainMenu; menuType = MENUTYPE_MAIN; cursor = 0; scroll = 0; /* Clear FreeType init flags */ memset(ft_faces_init, 0, PlSharedFontType_Total); /* Retrieve shared fonts */ for(i = 0; i < PlSharedFontType_Total; i++) { result = plGetSharedFontByType(&sharedFonts[i], i); if (R_FAILED(result)) break; } if (R_FAILED(result)) { consoleErrorScreen("%s: plGetSharedFontByType() failed to retrieve shared font #%u! (0x%08X)", __func__, i, result); goto out; } /* Initialize FreeType */ ret = FT_Init_FreeType(&library); if (ret) { consoleErrorScreen("%s: FT_Init_FreeType() failed! (%d)", __func__, ret); goto out; } ft_lib_init = true; /* Create memory faces for the shared fonts */ for(i = 0; i < PlSharedFontType_Total; i++) { ret = FT_New_Memory_Face(library, sharedFonts[i].address, sharedFonts[i].size, 0, &sharedFontsFaces[i]); if (ret) break; ft_faces_init[i] = true; } if (ret) { consoleErrorScreen("%s: FT_New_Memory_Face() failed to create memory face for shared font #%u! (%d)", __func__, i, ret); goto out; } /* Set character size for all shared fonts */ for(i = 0; i < PlSharedFontType_Total; i++) { ret = FT_Set_Char_Size(sharedFontsFaces[i], 0, CHAR_PT_SIZE * 64, SCREEN_DPI_CNT, SCREEN_DPI_CNT); if (ret) break; } if (ret) { consoleErrorScreen("%s: FT_Set_Char_Size() failed to set character size for shared font #%u! (%d)", __func__, i, ret); goto out; } /* Store font height */ font_height = (sharedFontsFaces[0]->size->metrics.height / 64); /* Mount Application's RomFS */ result = romfsInit(); if (R_FAILED(result)) { consoleErrorScreen("%s: romfsInit() failed! (0x%08X)", __func__, result); goto out; } romfs_init = true; if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(dirNormalIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &dirNormalIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load directory icon (normal)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(dirHighlightIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &dirHighlightIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load directory icon (highlighted)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(fileNormalIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &fileNormalIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load file icon (normal)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(fileHighlightIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &fileHighlightIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load file icon (highlighted)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(enabledNormalIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &enabledNormalIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load enabled icon (normal)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(enabledHighlightIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &enabledHighlightIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load enabled icon (highlighted)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(disabledNormalIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &disabledNormalIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load disabled icon (normal)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } if (!uiLoadJpgFromFile(disabledHighlightIconPath, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, &disabledHighlightIconBuf)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "\n%s: failed to load disabled icon (highlighted)!", __func__); strcat(strbuf, tmp); consoleErrorScreen(strbuf); goto out; } /* Unmount Application's RomFS */ romfsExit(); romfs_init = false; /* Create framebuffer */ framebufferCreate(&fb, nwindowGetDefault(), FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT, PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888, 2); framebufferMakeLinear(&fb); fb_init = true; /* Clear screen */ uiClearScreen(); /* Set output status */ success = true; out: return success; } void uiDeinit() { /* Free framebuffer object */ if (fb_init) framebufferClose(&fb); /* Free enabled/disabled icons (batch mode summary list) */ if (disabledHighlightIconBuf) free(disabledHighlightIconBuf); if (disabledNormalIconBuf) free(disabledNormalIconBuf); if (enabledHighlightIconBuf) free(enabledHighlightIconBuf); if (enabledNormalIconBuf) free(enabledNormalIconBuf); /* Free directory/file icons */ if (fileHighlightIconBuf) free(fileHighlightIconBuf); if (fileNormalIconBuf) free(fileNormalIconBuf); if (dirHighlightIconBuf) free(dirHighlightIconBuf); if (dirNormalIconBuf) free(dirNormalIconBuf); /* Unmount Application's RomFS */ if (romfs_init) romfsExit(); /* Free FreeType resources */ for(u32 i = 0; i < PlSharedFontType_Total; i++) { if (ft_faces_init[i]) FT_Done_Face(sharedFontsFaces[i]); } if (ft_lib_init) FT_Done_FreeType(library); } void uiSetState(UIState state) { if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu) { if (state != stateMainMenu) { // Store current cursor/scroll values titleListCursor = cursor; titleListScroll = scroll; } else { // Reset title list cursor/scroll values titleListCursor = 0; titleListScroll = 0; } } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu) { if (state != stateSdCardEmmcMenu) { // Store current cursor/scroll values orphanListCursor = cursor; orphanListScroll = scroll; } else { // Reset orphan list cursor/scroll values orphanListCursor = 0; orphanListScroll = 0; } } else if (uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { if ((uiState == stateHfs0Browser && state != stateHfs0BrowserMenu) || (uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser && state != stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu && state != stateExeFsMenu) || (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && state != stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu && state != stateRomFsMenu && state != stateRomFsSectionBrowserChangeDir)) { // Store current cursor/scroll values browserCursor = cursor; browserScroll = scroll; } else { // Reset browser cursor/scroll values browserCursor = 0; browserScroll = 0; } } uiState = state; if (state == stateSdCardEmmcMenu) { // Override cursor/scroll values cursor = titleListCursor; scroll = titleListScroll; } else if (state == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu) { // Override cursor/scroll values cursor = orphanListCursor; scroll = orphanListScroll; } else if (uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { // Override cursor/scroll values cursor = browserCursor; scroll = browserScroll; } else { cursor = 0; scroll = 0; } titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } UIState uiGetState() { return uiState; } UIResult uiProcess() { UIResult res = resultNone; int i, j; const char **menu = NULL; int menuItemsCount = 0; u64 keysDown = 0, keysHeld = 0; int scrollAmount = 0; bool scrollWithKeysDown = false; u32 patch, addon, xpos, ypos, startYPos; int maxElements = (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu ? SDCARD_MAX_ELEMENTS : (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu ? ORPHAN_MAX_ELEMENTS : (uiState == stateHfs0Browser ? HFS0_MAX_ELEMENTS : ((uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) ? ROMFS_MAX_ELEMENTS : (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu ? BATCH_MAX_ELEMENTS : COMMON_MAX_ELEMENTS))))); const char *upwardsArrow = UPWARDS_ARROW; const char *downwardsArrow = DOWNWARDS_ARROW; bool forcedXciDump = false; uiPrintHeadline(); loadTitleInfo(); if (uiState == stateMainMenu || uiState == stateGameCardMenu || uiState == stateXciDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0Menu || uiState == stateRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0PartitionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0BrowserMenu || uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateRomFsMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu || uiState == stateTicketMenu || uiState == stateUpdateMenu) { switch(menuType) { case MENUTYPE_MAIN: uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsCommon); break; case MENUTYPE_GAMECARD: if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && strlen(curRomFsPath) > 1) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsRomFs); } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, (!gameCardInfo.isInserted ? appControlsNoContent : (titleAppCount > 1 ? appControlsGameCardMultiApp : appControlsCommon))); } break; case MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC: if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsCommon); } else { if (!orphanMode) { if (titleAppCount) { if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu && (calculateOrphanPatchOrAddOnCount(false) || calculateOrphanPatchOrAddOnCount(true))) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsSdCardEmmcFull); breaks += 2; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Hint: installed updates/DLCs for gamecard titles can be found in the orphan title list (press the " NINTENDO_FONT_Y " button)."); } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && strlen(curRomFsPath) > 1) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsRomFs); } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsSdCardEmmcNoOrphan); } } else { if (titlePatchCount || titleAddOnCount) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsSdCardEmmcNoApp); } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsNoContent); } } } else { if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && strlen(curRomFsPath) > 1) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsRomFs); } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, appControlsCommon); } } } break; default: break; } breaks += 2; } if (uiState != stateSdCardEmmcBatchDump) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Free SD card space: %s (%lu bytes).", freeSpaceStr, freeSpace); breaks += 2; } if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (!gameCardInfo.isInserted || !gameCardInfo.rootHfs0Header || (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt != GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT && gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt != GAMECARD_TYPE2_PARTITION_CNT) || !titleAppCount || !baseAppEntries) { if (gameCardInfo.isInserted) { if (gameCardInfo.rootHfs0Header) { if (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT || gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE2_PARTITION_CNT) { forcedXciDump = true; if (titleAppCount) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Error: unable to retrieve title entries from the inserted gamecard!"); } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Error: gamecard application count is zero!"); } } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Error: unknown root HFS0 header partition count! (%u)", gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt); } } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Error: unable to get root HFS0 header data!"); } } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Gamecard is not inserted!"); } breaks += 2; if (gameCardInfo.isInserted) { if (forcedXciDump) { if (strlen(gameCardInfo.updateVersionStr)) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Bundled FW Update: %s", gameCardInfo.updateVersionStr); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "In order to be able to parse any kind of metadata from this gamecard and/or dump its contents to NSPs,\nmake sure your console is at least on this FW version."); breaks += 2; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Press " NINTENDO_FONT_Y " to dump the gamecard to \"gamecard.xci\"."); } else { if (!gameCardInfo.rootHfs0Header) uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Are you using \"nogc\" spoofing in your CFW? If so, please consider this option disables all gamecard I/O."); } } uiUpdateStatusMsg(); uiRefreshDisplay(); res = resultShowGameCardMenu; hidScanInput(); keysDown = hidKeysAllDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); // Exit if (keysDown & KEY_PLUS) res = resultExit; // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) { res = resultShowMainMenu; menuType = MENUTYPE_MAIN; } // Forced XCI dump if ((keysDown & KEY_Y) && forcedXciDump) { uiPrintHeadline(); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[0]); breaks++; uiRefreshDisplay(); // Set default options xciOptions xciDumpCfg; memset(&xciDumpCfg, 0, sizeof(xciOptions)); xciDumpCfg.isFat32 = true; xciDumpCfg.keepCert = true; dumpNXCardImage(&xciDumpCfg); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); } return res; } } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { if (!titleAppCount && !orphanMode) { if (titlePatchCount || titleAddOnCount) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No base applications available in the SD card / eMMC storage!"); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Use the " NINTENDO_FONT_Y " button to dump installed content with missing base applications!"); } else { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No titles available in the SD card / eMMC storage!"); } uiUpdateStatusMsg(); uiRefreshDisplay(); res = resultShowSdCardEmmcMenu; hidScanInput(); keysDown = hidKeysAllDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); // Exit if (keysDown & KEY_PLUS) res = resultExit; // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) { res = resultShowMainMenu; menuType = MENUTYPE_MAIN; } // Dump installed content with missing base application if ((titlePatchCount || titleAddOnCount) && (keysDown & KEY_Y)) { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu; orphanMode = true; } return res; } } if (uiState == stateMainMenu || uiState == stateGameCardMenu || uiState == stateXciDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0Menu || uiState == stateRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0PartitionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0BrowserMenu || uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateRomFsMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu || uiState == stateTicketMenu || uiState == stateUpdateMenu) { if ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && uiState != stateHfs0Browser && uiState != stateExeFsSectionBrowser && uiState != stateRomFsSectionBrowser) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && uiState != stateSdCardEmmcMenu && uiState != stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && uiState != stateExeFsSectionBrowser && uiState != stateRomFsSectionBrowser)) { /* Print application info */ xpos = STRING_X_POS; ypos = STRING_Y_POS(breaks); startYPos = ypos; /* Draw icon */ if (baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].icon != NULL) { uiDrawIcon(baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].icon, NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED, NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED, xpos, ypos); xpos += (NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED + 8); ypos += 8; } if (strlen(baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].name)) { uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Name: %s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].name); ypos += LINE_HEIGHT; } if (strlen(baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].author)) { uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Publisher: %s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].author); ypos += LINE_HEIGHT; } uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Title ID: %016lX", baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].titleId); if (titlePatchCount > 0) { u32 patchCnt = 0; snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s update(s): v", (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? "Bundled" : "Installed")); for(patch = 0; patch < titlePatchCount; patch++) { if (checkIfPatchOrAddOnBelongsToBaseApplication(patch, selectedAppInfoIndex, false) && ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].storageId == patchEntries[patch].storageId) || menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC)) { if (patchCnt > 0) strcat(strbuf, ", v"); strcat(strbuf, patchEntries[patch].versionStr); patchCnt++; } } if (patchCnt > 0) uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (FB_WIDTH / 8), ypos, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, strbuf); } ypos += LINE_HEIGHT; uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Version: %s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].versionStr); if (titleAddOnCount > 0) { u32 addOnCnt = 0; for(addon = 0; addon < titleAddOnCount; addon++) { if (checkIfPatchOrAddOnBelongsToBaseApplication(addon, selectedAppInfoIndex, true) && ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].storageId == addOnEntries[addon].storageId) || menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC)) addOnCnt++; } if (addOnCnt > 0) uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (FB_WIDTH / 8), ypos, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "%s DLC(s): %u", (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? "Bundled" : "Installed"), addOnCnt); } ypos += LINE_HEIGHT; ypos += 8; if (xpos > 8 && (ypos - NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED) < startYPos) ypos += (NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED - (ypos - startYPos)); ypos += LINE_HEIGHT; breaks += (int)round((double)(ypos - startYPos) / (double)LINE_HEIGHT); if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Capacity: %s | Used space: %s", gameCardInfo.sizeStr, gameCardInfo.trimmedSizeStr); if (titleAppCount > 1) { if (baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].contentSize) { uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (FB_WIDTH / 8), STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Base application count: %u | Base application displayed: %u | Content size: %s", titleAppCount, selectedAppInfoIndex + 1, baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].contentSizeStr); } else { uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (FB_WIDTH / 8), STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Base application count: %u | Base application displayed: %u", titleAppCount, selectedAppInfoIndex + 1); } } else { if (baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].contentSize) uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (FB_WIDTH / 8), STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Content size: %s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].contentSizeStr); } breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Partition count: %u (%s)", gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt, GAMECARD_TYPE(gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt)); if (strlen(gameCardInfo.updateVersionStr)) uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (FB_WIDTH / 8), STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Bundled FW update: %s", gameCardInfo.updateVersionStr); breaks++; if (titleAppCount > 1 && (titlePatchCount > 0 || titleAddOnCount > 0)) { if (titlePatchCount > 0) uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Total bundled update(s): %u", titlePatchCount); if (titleAddOnCount > 0) uiDrawString((titlePatchCount > 0 ? ((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (FB_WIDTH / 8)) : 8), STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Total bundled DLC(s): %u", titleAddOnCount); breaks++; } } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { if (baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].contentSize) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Content size: %s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].contentSizeStr); breaks++; } } if (!strlen(dumpedContentInfoStr)) { // Look for dumped content in the SD card char *dumpName = NULL; char dumpPath[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}, tmpStr[64] = {'\0'}; bool dumpedXci = false, dumpedXciCertificate = false, dumpedBase = false, dumpedBaseConsoleData = false; u32 patchCnt = 0, addOnCnt = 0; u32 patchCntConsoleData = 0, addOnCntConsoleData = 0; snprintf(dumpedContentInfoStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpedContentInfoStr), "Content already dumped: "); if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dumpName = generateGameCardDumpName(i == 1); if (!dumpName) continue; // First check if a full XCI dump is available snprintf(dumpPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpPath), "%s%s.xci", XCI_DUMP_PATH, dumpName); if (!(dumpedXci = checkIfFileExists(dumpPath))) { // Check if a split XCI dump is available snprintf(dumpPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpPath), "%s%s.xc0", XCI_DUMP_PATH, dumpName); dumpedXci = checkIfFileExists(dumpPath); } free(dumpName); dumpName = NULL; if (dumpedXci) { dumpedXciCertificate = checkIfDumpedXciContainsCertificate(dumpPath); break; } } } // Now search for dumped NSPs // Look for a dumped base application for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dumpName = generateNSPDumpName(DUMP_APP_NSP, selectedAppInfoIndex, (i == 1)); if (!dumpName) continue; snprintf(dumpPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpPath), "%s%s.nsp", NSP_DUMP_PATH, dumpName); free(dumpName); dumpName = NULL; if (checkIfFileExists(dumpPath)) { dumpedBase = true; dumpedBaseConsoleData = checkIfDumpedNspContainsConsoleData(dumpPath); break; } } // Look for dumped updates for(patch = 0; patch < titlePatchCount; patch++) { if (!checkIfPatchOrAddOnBelongsToBaseApplication(patch, selectedAppInfoIndex, false)) continue; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dumpName = generateNSPDumpName(DUMP_PATCH_NSP, patch, (i == 1)); if (!dumpName) continue; snprintf(dumpPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpPath), "%s%s.nsp", NSP_DUMP_PATH, dumpName); free(dumpName); dumpName = NULL; if (checkIfFileExists(dumpPath)) { patchCnt++; if (checkIfDumpedNspContainsConsoleData(dumpPath)) patchCntConsoleData++; break; } } } // Look for dumped DLCs for(addon = 0; addon < titleAddOnCount; addon++) { if (!checkIfPatchOrAddOnBelongsToBaseApplication(addon, selectedAppInfoIndex, true)) continue; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dumpName = generateNSPDumpName(DUMP_ADDON_NSP, addon, (i == 1)); if (!dumpName) continue; snprintf(dumpPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpPath), "%s%s.nsp", NSP_DUMP_PATH, dumpName); free(dumpName); dumpName = NULL; if (checkIfFileExists(dumpPath)) { addOnCnt++; if (checkIfDumpedNspContainsConsoleData(dumpPath)) addOnCntConsoleData++; break; } } } if (!dumpedXci && !dumpedBase && !patchCnt && !addOnCnt) { strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, "NONE"); } else { if (dumpedXci) { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "XCI (%s cert)", (dumpedXciCertificate ? "with" : "without")); strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, tmpStr); } if (dumpedBase) { if (dumpedXci) strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, ", "); snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "BASE (%s console data)", (dumpedBaseConsoleData ? "with" : "without")); strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, tmpStr); } if (patchCnt) { if (dumpedXci || dumpedBase) strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, ", "); if (patchCntConsoleData) { if (patchCntConsoleData == patchCnt) { if (patchCnt > 1) { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "%u UPD (all with console data)", patchCnt); } else { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "UPD (with console data)"); } } else { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "%u UPD (%u with console data)", patchCnt, patchCntConsoleData); } } else { if (patchCnt > 1) { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "%u UPD (all without console data)", patchCnt); } else { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "UPD (without console data)"); } } strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, tmpStr); } if (addOnCnt) { if (dumpedXci || dumpedBase || patchCnt) strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, ", "); if (addOnCntConsoleData) { if (addOnCntConsoleData == addOnCnt) { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "%u DLC (%s console data)", addOnCnt, (addOnCnt > 1 ? "all with" : "with")); } else { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "%u DLC (%u with console data)", addOnCnt, addOnCntConsoleData); } } else { snprintf(tmpStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmpStr), "%u DLC (%s console data)", addOnCnt, (addOnCnt > 1 ? "all without" : "without")); } strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, tmpStr); } } } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, dumpedContentInfoStr); breaks += 2; } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && orphanMode && (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu || uiState == stateExeFsMenu || uiState == stateRomFsMenu || uiState == stateTicketMenu)) { if (strlen(orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].name)) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Parent base application: %s", orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].name); breaks++; } patch_addon_ctx_t *ptr = (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH ? &(patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex]) : &(addOnEntries[selectedAddOnIndex])); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Title ID: %016lX", ptr->titleId); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Version: %s", ptr->versionStr); breaks++; if (ptr->contentSize) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Content size: %s", ptr->contentSizeStr); breaks++; } if (!strlen(dumpedContentInfoStr)) { // Look for dumped content in the SD card char *dumpName = NULL; char dumpPath[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'}; bool dumpedOrphan = false; nspDumpType orphanDumpType = (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH ? DUMP_PATCH_NSP : DUMP_ADDON_NSP); u32 orphanIndex = (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex); snprintf(dumpedContentInfoStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpedContentInfoStr), "Title already dumped: "); for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { dumpName = generateNSPDumpName(orphanDumpType, orphanIndex, (i == 1)); if (!dumpName) continue; snprintf(dumpPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(dumpPath), "%s%s.nsp", NSP_DUMP_PATH, dumpName); free(dumpName); dumpName = NULL; dumpedOrphan = checkIfFileExists(dumpPath); if (dumpedOrphan) { strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, "Yes"); if (checkIfDumpedNspContainsConsoleData(dumpPath)) { strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, " (with console data)"); } else { strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, " (without console data)"); } break; } } if (!dumpedOrphan) strcat(dumpedContentInfoStr, "No"); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, dumpedContentInfoStr); breaks += 2; } else { dumpedContentInfoStr[0] = '\0'; } switch(uiState) { case stateMainMenu: menu = mainMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(mainMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Main menu"); break; case stateGameCardMenu: menu = gameCardMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(gameCardMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, mainMenuItems[0]); break; case stateXciDumpMenu: menu = xciDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(xciDumpMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[0]); break; case stateNspDumpMenu: if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { menu = nspDumpGameCardMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(nspDumpGameCardMenuItems); } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { menu = nspDumpSdCardEmmcMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(nspDumpSdCardEmmcMenuItems); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[1]); break; case stateNspAppDumpMenu: menu = nspAppDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(nspAppDumpMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, nspDumpGameCardMenuItems[0]); break; case stateNspPatchDumpMenu: menu = nspPatchDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(nspPatchDumpMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? nspDumpGameCardMenuItems[1] : nspDumpSdCardEmmcMenuItems[1])); break; case stateNspAddOnDumpMenu: menu = nspAddOnDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(nspAddOnDumpMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? nspDumpGameCardMenuItems[2] : nspDumpSdCardEmmcMenuItems[2])); break; case stateHfs0Menu: menu = hfs0MenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs0MenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[2]); break; case stateRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu: case stateHfs0PartitionDataDumpMenu: menu = (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? hfs0PartitionDumpType1MenuItems : hfs0PartitionDumpType2MenuItems); menuItemsCount = (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs0PartitionDumpType1MenuItems) : MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs0PartitionDumpType2MenuItems)); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, (uiState == stateRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu ? hfs0MenuItems[0] : hfs0MenuItems[1])); break; case stateHfs0BrowserMenu: menu = (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? hfs0BrowserType1MenuItems : hfs0BrowserType2MenuItems); menuItemsCount = (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs0BrowserType1MenuItems) : MAX_ELEMENTS(hfs0BrowserType2MenuItems)); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, hfs0MenuItems[2]); break; case stateHfs0Browser: menu = (const char**)filenameBuffer; menuItemsCount = filenameCount; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? hfs0BrowserType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : hfs0BrowserType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex])); breaks += 2; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Entry count: %d | Current entry: %d", menuItemsCount, cursor + 1); break; case stateExeFsMenu: menu = exeFsMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(exeFsMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[3]); break; case stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu: menu = exeFsSectionDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(exeFsSectionDumpMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, exeFsMenuItems[0]); break; case stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu: menu = exeFsSectionBrowserMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(exeFsSectionBrowserMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, exeFsMenuItems[1]); break; case stateExeFsSectionBrowser: menu = (const char**)filenameBuffer; menuItemsCount = filenameCount; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, exeFsMenuItems[1]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", exeFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), exeFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; if (!exeFsUpdateFlag) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", exeFsSectionBrowserMenuItems[1], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); } else { retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Entry count: %d | Current entry: %d", menuItemsCount, cursor + 1); break; case stateRomFsMenu: menu = romFsMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(romFsMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[4]); break; case stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu: menu = romFsSectionDumpMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(romFsSectionDumpMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, romFsMenuItems[0]); break; case stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu: menu = romFsSectionBrowserMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(romFsSectionBrowserMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, romFsMenuItems[1]); break; case stateRomFsSectionBrowser: menu = (const char**)filenameBuffer; menuItemsCount = filenameCount; // Skip the parent directory entry ("..") in the RomFS browser if we're currently at the root directory if (menu && menuItemsCount && strlen(curRomFsPath) <= 1) { menu++; menuItemsCount--; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, romFsMenuItems[1]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", romFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), romFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_APP: snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", romFsSectionBrowserMenuItems[1], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); break; case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, "DLC to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); break; default: break; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Path: romfs:%s", curRomFsPath); breaks += 2; if (strlen(curRomFsPath) <= 1 || (strlen(curRomFsPath) > 1 && cursor > 0)) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "Entry count: %d | Current entry: %d", filenameCount - 1, (strlen(curRomFsPath) <= 1 ? (cursor + 1) : cursor)); } else { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "Entry count: %d", filenameCount - 1); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, strbuf); break; case stateSdCardEmmcMenu: generateSdCardEmmcTitleList(); menu = (const char**)filenameBuffer; menuItemsCount = filenameCount; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, mainMenuItems[1]); if (menuItemsCount) { breaks += 2; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Title count: %d | Current title: %d", menuItemsCount, cursor + 1); } breaks++; break; case stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu: menu = sdCardEmmcMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(sdCardEmmcMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, (!orphanMode ? mainMenuItems[1] : (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH ? "Dump orphan update content" : "Dump orphan DLC content"))); break; case stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu: // Generate orphan content list // If orphanEntries == NULL or if orphanEntriesCnt == 0, both variables will be regenerated // Otherwise, this will only fill filenameBuffer generateOrphanPatchOrAddOnList(); menu = (const char**)filenameBuffer; menuItemsCount = filenameCount; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Dump installed content with missing base application"); if (menuItemsCount) { breaks += 2; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Title count: %d | Current title: %d", menuItemsCount, cursor + 1); } break; case stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu: menu = batchModeMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(batchModeMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Batch mode"); break; case stateTicketMenu: menu = ticketMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(ticketMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, sdCardEmmcMenuItems[3]); break; case stateUpdateMenu: menu = updateMenuItems; menuItemsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(updateMenuItems); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, mainMenuItems[2]); break; default: break; } if (menu && menuItemsCount) { breaks++; if (scroll > 0) uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (uiGetStrWidth(upwardsArrow) / 2), STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, upwardsArrow); breaks++; j = 0; highlight = false; for(i = scroll; i < menuItemsCount; i++, j++) { if (j >= maxElements) break; // Avoid printing the "Create directory with archive bit set" option if "Split output dump" is disabled if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu && i == 2 && !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Dump verification method" option if "CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification" is disabled if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu && i == 6 && !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Dump bundled update NSP" / "Dump installed update NSP" option in the NSP dump menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and it doesn't include any bundled updates, or if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title without installed updates // Also avoid printing the "Dump bundled DLC NSP" / "Dump installed DLC NSP" option in the NSP dump menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and it doesn't include any bundled DLCs, or if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title without installed DLCs if (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu && ((i == 1 && (!titlePatchCount || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)))) || (i == 2 && (!titleAddOnCount || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Verify dump using No-Intro database" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a gamecard title // Also, avoid printing the "Remove console specific data" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a gamecard title // Also, avoid printing the "Generate ticket-less dump" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a gamecard Application/AddOn title if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && (((uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) && (i == 2 || i == 3)) || ((uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) && i == 4))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Dump delta fragments" option in the update NSP dump menu if we're dealing with a gamecard update if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu && i == 6) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Generate ticket-less dump" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title and the "Remove console specific data" option is disabled if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) && i == 4 && !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Dump base applications", "Dump updates" and/or "Dump DLCs" options in the batch mode menu if we're dealing with a storage source that doesn't hold any title belonging to the current category if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && ((dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL && ((!titleAppCount && i == 1) || (!titlePatchCount && i == 2) || (!titleAddOnCount && i == 3))) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD && ((!sdCardTitleAppCount && i == 1) || (!sdCardTitlePatchCount && i == 2) || (!sdCardTitleAddOnCount && i == 3))) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC && ((!emmcTitleAppCount && i == 1) || (!emmcTitlePatchCount && i == 2) || (!emmcTitleAddOnCount && i == 3))))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Generate ticket-less dumps" option in the batch mode menu if the "Remove console specific data" option is disabled if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && i == 6 && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Dump delta fragments from updates" option in the batch mode menu if the "Dump updates" option is disabled if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && i == 8 && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Source storage" option in the batch mode menu if we only have titles available in a single source storage device if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && i == 13 && ((!sdCardTitleAppCount && !sdCardTitlePatchCount && !sdCardTitleAddOnCount) || (!emmcTitleAppCount && !emmcTitlePatchCount && !emmcTitleAddOnCount))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Use update" option in the ExeFS menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and either its base application count is greater than 1 or it has no available patches // Also avoid printing it if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title and it has no available patches, or if we're dealing with an orphan Patch if (uiState == stateExeFsMenu && i == 4 && ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && (titleAppCount > 1 || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false))) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && ((!orphanMode && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)) || orphanMode)))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Use update" option in the ExeFS data dump and browser menus if we're not dealing with a gamecard, if the base application count is equal to or less than 1, or if the selected base application has no available patches if ((uiState == stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu) && i == 2 && (menuType != MENUTYPE_GAMECARD || titleAppCount <= 1 || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Use update/DLC" option in the RomFS menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and either its base application count is greater than 1 or it has no available patches/DLCs // Also avoid printing it if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title and it has no available patches/DLCs (or if its an orphan title) if (uiState == stateRomFsMenu && i == 4 && ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && (titleAppCount > 1 || (!checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false) && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, true)))) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && (orphanMode || (!checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false) && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Use update/DLC" option in the RomFS data dump and browser menus if we're not dealing with a gamecard, if the base application count is equal to or less than 1, or if the selected base application has no available patches/DLCs if ((uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu) && i == 2 && (menuType != MENUTYPE_GAMECARD || titleAppCount <= 1 || (!checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false) && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true)))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "RomFS options" element in the SD card / eMMC title menu if we're dealing with an orphan Patch // Also avoid printing the "ExeFS options" element in the SD card / eMMC title menu if we're dealing with an orphan DLC if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu && orphanMode && ((orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH && i == 2) || (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_ADDON && i == 1))) { j--; continue; } // Avoid printing the "Use ticket from title" element in the Ticket menu if we're dealing with an orphan title if (uiState == stateTicketMenu && orphanMode && i == 2) { j--; continue; } xpos = STRING_X_POS; ypos = (8 + (breaks * LINE_HEIGHT) + (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu ? (j * (NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED + 12)) : (j * (font_height + 12))) + 6); if (i == cursor) { highlight = true; uiFill(0, ypos - 6, FB_WIDTH, (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu ? (NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED + 12) : (font_height + 12)), HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_RGB); } if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu) { if (baseAppEntries[i].icon != NULL) { uiDrawIcon(baseAppEntries[i].icon, NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED, NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED, xpos, ypos); xpos += (NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED + 8); } ypos += ((NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED / 2) - (font_height / 2)); } else if (uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { u8 *icon = NULL; if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { u32 idx = (strlen(curRomFsPath) <= 1 ? (i + 1) : i); // Adjust index if we're at the root directory icon = (highlight ? (romFsBrowserEntries[idx].type == ROMFS_ENTRY_DIR ? dirHighlightIconBuf : fileHighlightIconBuf) : (romFsBrowserEntries[idx].type == ROMFS_ENTRY_DIR ? dirNormalIconBuf : fileNormalIconBuf)); } else { icon = (highlight ? fileHighlightIconBuf : fileNormalIconBuf); } uiDrawIcon(icon, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, xpos, ypos); xpos += (BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION + 8); } if (highlight) { uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_RGB, menu[i]); u32 idx = ((uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && strlen(curRomFsPath) <= 1) ? (i + 1) : i); // Adjust index if we're at the root directory if (uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && romFsBrowserEntries[idx].type == ROMFS_ENTRY_FILE)) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "(%s)", ((uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser) ? hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[idx].sizeStr : romFsBrowserEntries[idx].sizeInfo.sizeStr)); uiDrawString(FB_WIDTH - (8 + uiGetStrWidth(strbuf)), ypos, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_RGB, strbuf); } } else { uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, menu[i]); u32 idx = ((uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && strlen(curRomFsPath) <= 1) ? (i + 1) : i); // Adjust index if we're at the root directory if (uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser || (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && romFsBrowserEntries[idx].type == ROMFS_ENTRY_FILE)) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "(%s)", ((uiState == stateHfs0Browser || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser) ? hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[idx].sizeStr : romFsBrowserEntries[idx].sizeInfo.sizeStr)); uiDrawString(FB_WIDTH - (8 + uiGetStrWidth(strbuf)), ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, strbuf); } } xpos = OPTIONS_X_START_POS; bool leftArrowCondition = false; bool rightArrowCondition = false; // Print XCI dump menu settings values if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu && i > 0) { switch(i) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32, !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 2: // Create directory with archive bit set uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit, !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 3: // Keep certificate uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert, !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 4: // Trim output dump uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump, !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 5: // CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc, !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 6: // Dump verification method uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup, !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup, FONT_COLOR_RGB, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup ? xciChecksumLookupMethods[1] : xciChecksumLookupMethods[0])); break; case 7: // Output naming scheme uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useBrackets, !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useBrackets, FONT_COLOR_RGB, (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useBrackets ? xciNamingSchemes[1] : xciNamingSchemes[0])); break; default: break; } } // Print NSP dump menus settings values if ((uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) && i > 0) { switch(i) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 2: // Verify dump using No-Intro database uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 3: // Remove console specific data uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 4: // Generate ticket-less dump uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 5: // Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA || DLC to dump if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? "Yes" : "No")); } else if (uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) { if (!strlen(titleSelectorStr)) { // Find a matching application to print its name and Title ID // Otherwise, just print the Title ID retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD), NULL, titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr)); if (addOnEntries[selectedAddOnIndex].contentSize) { strcat(titleSelectorStr, " ("); strcat(titleSelectorStr, addOnEntries[selectedAddOnIndex].contentSizeStr); strcat(titleSelectorStr, ")"); } uiTruncateOptionStr(titleSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAddOnCount > 0 && selectedAddOnIndex > 0) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAddOnIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, true) != selectedAddOnIndex)); rightArrowCondition = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAddOnCount > 0 && selectedAddOnIndex < (titleAddOnCount - 1)) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAddOnIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, true) != selectedAddOnIndex)); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, titleSelectorStr); } break; case 6: // Application to dump || Dump delta fragments || Output naming scheme (DLC) if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu) { if (!strlen(titleSelectorStr)) { // Print application name snprintf(titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr), "%s v%s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); if (baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].contentSize) { strcat(titleSelectorStr, " ("); strcat(titleSelectorStr, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].contentSizeStr); strcat(titleSelectorStr, ")"); } uiTruncateOptionStr(titleSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && selectedAppIndex > 0); rightArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && selectedAppIndex < (titleAppCount - 1)); } else if (uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? "Yes" : "No")); } else if (uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) { leftArrowCondition = dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets; rightArrowCondition = !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets; } if (uiState != stateNspPatchDumpMenu) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, (uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu ? (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets ? nspNamingSchemes[1] : nspNamingSchemes[0]) : titleSelectorStr)); break; case 7: // Output naming scheme (base application) || Update to dump if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu) { uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets, FONT_COLOR_RGB, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets ? nspNamingSchemes[1] : nspNamingSchemes[0])); } else if (uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { if (!strlen(titleSelectorStr)) { // Find a matching application to print its name // Otherwise, just print the Title ID retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD), NULL, titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr)); if (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].contentSize) { strcat(titleSelectorStr, " ("); strcat(titleSelectorStr, patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].contentSizeStr); strcat(titleSelectorStr, ")"); } uiTruncateOptionStr(titleSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titlePatchCount > 0 && selectedPatchIndex > 0) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, false) != selectedPatchIndex)); rightArrowCondition = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titlePatchCount > 0 && selectedPatchIndex < (titlePatchCount - 1)) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, false) != selectedPatchIndex)); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, titleSelectorStr); } break; case 8: // Output naming scheme (update) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets, !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets, FONT_COLOR_RGB, (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets ? nspNamingSchemes[1] : nspNamingSchemes[0])); break; default: break; } if (i == 2) { if (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup) { uiDrawString(FB_WIDTH / 2, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "This requires a working Internet connection!"); } else { if (highlight) { uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 2, ypos - 6, FB_WIDTH / 2, font_height + 12, HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_RGB); } else { uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 2, ypos - 6, FB_WIDTH / 2, font_height + 12, BG_COLOR_RGB); } } } } // Print settings values for the batch mode menu if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && i > 0) { switch(i) { case 1: // Dump base applications uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 2: // Dump updates uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 3: // Dump DLCs uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 4: // Split output dumps (FAT32 support) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 5: // Remove console specific data uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 6: // Generate ticket-less dumps uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 7: // Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 8: // Dump delta fragments from updates uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 9: // Skip dumped titles uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 10: // Remember dumped titles uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 11: // Halt dump process on errors uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 12: // Output naming scheme uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.useBrackets, !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.useBrackets, FONT_COLOR_RGB, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.useBrackets ? nspNamingSchemes[1] : nspNamingSchemes[0])); break; case 13: // Source storage leftArrowCondition = (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc != BATCH_SOURCE_ALL); rightArrowCondition = (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc != BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL ? "All (SD card + eMMC)" : (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD ? "SD card" : "eMMC"))); break; default: break; } } // Print settings values for ExeFS menu if (uiState == stateExeFsMenu && i > 1) { u32 appIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); switch(i) { case 2: // Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32, !dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32, (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 3: // Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir, !dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir, (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 4: // Use update if (exeFsUpdateFlag) { if (!strlen(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)) { // Find a matching application to print its name // Otherwise, just print the Title ID retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1), NULL, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)); // Concatenate patch source storage strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? " (gamecard)" : (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_SdCard ? " (SD card)" : " (eMMC)"))); uiTruncateOptionStr(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = true; rightArrowCondition = (((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1) || menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) && retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, appIndex, false) != selectedPatchIndex); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr); } else { leftArrowCondition = false; rightArrowCondition = (((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1) || menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(appIndex, false)); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No"); } break; default: break; } } // Print settings values for ExeFS submenus if ((uiState == stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu) && i > 0) { switch(i) { case 1: // Bundled application to dump/browse if (!strlen(titleSelectorStr)) { // Print application name snprintf(titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr), "%s v%s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); uiTruncateOptionStr(titleSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && selectedAppIndex > 0); rightArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && selectedAppIndex < (titleAppCount - 1)); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, titleSelectorStr); break; case 2: // Use update if (exeFsUpdateFlag) { if (!strlen(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)) { // Find a matching application to print its name // Otherwise, just print the Title ID retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD), NULL, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)); // Concatenate patch source storage strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? " (gamecard)" : (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_SdCard ? " (SD card)" : " (eMMC)"))); uiTruncateOptionStr(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = true; rightArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppIndex, false) != selectedPatchIndex); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr); } else { leftArrowCondition = false; rightArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false)); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No"); } break; default: break; } } // Print settings values for RomFS menu if (uiState == stateRomFsMenu && i > 1) { u32 appIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); switch(i) { case 2: // Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32, !dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32, (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 3: // Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS) uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir, !dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir, (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 4: // Use update/DLC if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_APP) { if (!strlen(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)) { // Find a matching application to print its name. Otherwise, just print the Title ID // Concatenate title type // Concatenate source storage switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1), NULL, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, " (UPD)"); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? " (gamecard)" : (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_SdCard ? " (SD card)" : " (eMMC)"))); break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1), NULL, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, " (DLC)"); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, (addOnEntries[selectedAddOnIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? " (gamecard)" : (addOnEntries[selectedAddOnIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_SdCard ? " (SD card)" : " (eMMC)"))); break; default: break; } uiTruncateOptionStr(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = true; rightArrowCondition = (((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1) || menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) && ((curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH && (retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, appIndex, false) != selectedPatchIndex || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(appIndex, true))) || (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON && retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAddOnIndex, appIndex, true) != selectedAddOnIndex))); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr); } else { leftArrowCondition = false; rightArrowCondition = (((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1) || menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(appIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(appIndex, true))); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No"); } break; default: break; } } // Print settings values for RomFS submenus if ((uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu) && i > 0) { switch(i) { case 1: // Bundled application to dump/browse if (!strlen(titleSelectorStr)) { // Print application name snprintf(titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr), "%s v%s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); uiTruncateOptionStr(titleSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && selectedAppIndex > 0); rightArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && selectedAppIndex < (titleAppCount - 1)); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, titleSelectorStr); break; case 2: // Use update/DLC if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_APP) { if (!strlen(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)) { // Find a matching application to print its name. Otherwise, just print the Title ID // Concatenate title type // Concatenate source storage switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD), NULL, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, " (UPD)"); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? " (gamecard)" : (patchEntries[selectedPatchIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_SdCard ? " (SD card)" : " (eMMC)"))); break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD), NULL, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr)); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, " (DLC)"); strcat(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, (addOnEntries[selectedAddOnIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard ? " (gamecard)" : (addOnEntries[selectedAddOnIndex].storageId == NcmStorageId_SdCard ? " (SD card)" : " (eMMC)"))); break; default: break; } uiTruncateOptionStr(exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = true; rightArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && ((curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH && (retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppIndex, false) != selectedPatchIndex || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true))) || (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON && retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAddOnIndex, selectedAppIndex, true) != selectedAddOnIndex))); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr); } else { leftArrowCondition = false; rightArrowCondition = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true))); uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No"); } break; default: break; } } // Print settings values for the Ticket menu if (uiState == stateTicketMenu && i > 0) { switch(i) { case 1: // Remove console specific data uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS, dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData, !dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData, (dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? 0 : 255), (dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? 255 : 0), 0, (dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? "Yes" : "No")); break; case 2: // Use ticket from title if (curTikType != TICKET_TYPE_APP) { if (!strlen(titleSelectorStr)) { // Print update/DLC TID switch(curTikType) { case TICKET_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, false, NULL, titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr)); strcat(titleSelectorStr, " (UPD)"); break; case TICKET_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, false, NULL, titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr)); strcat(titleSelectorStr, " (DLC)"); break; default: break; } uiTruncateOptionStr(titleSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = true; rightArrowCondition = ((curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_PATCH && (retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, false) != selectedPatchIndex || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true))) || (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_ADDON && retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAddOnIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, true) != selectedAddOnIndex)); } else { if (!strlen(titleSelectorStr)) { // Print application TID snprintf(titleSelectorStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(titleSelectorStr), "%016lX v%s (BASE)", baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].titleId, baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].versionStr); uiTruncateOptionStr(titleSelectorStr, xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP); } leftArrowCondition = false; rightArrowCondition = (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)); } uiPrintOption(xpos, ypos, OPTIONS_X_END_POS_NSP, leftArrowCondition, rightArrowCondition, FONT_COLOR_RGB, titleSelectorStr); break; default: break; } } if (i == cursor) highlight = false; } if ((scroll + maxElements) < menuItemsCount) { ypos = (8 + (breaks * LINE_HEIGHT) + (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu ? (j * (NACP_ICON_DOWNSCALED + 12)) : (j * (font_height + 12)))); uiDrawString((FB_WIDTH / 2) - (uiGetStrWidth(downwardsArrow) / 2), ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, downwardsArrow); } j++; if ((scroll + maxElements) < menuItemsCount) j++; ypos = (8 + (breaks * LINE_HEIGHT) + (j * (font_height + 12))); if (uiState == stateMainMenu) { // Print warning about missing Lockpick_RCM keys file if (!keysFileAvailable) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Warning: missing keys file at \"%s\".", KEYS_FILE_PATH); ypos += (LINE_HEIGHT + LINE_STRING_OFFSET); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "This file is needed to deal with the encryption schemes used by Nintendo Switch content files."); ypos += (LINE_HEIGHT + LINE_STRING_OFFSET); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "SD/eMMC operations will be entirely disabled, along with NSP/ExeFS/RomFS related operations."); ypos += (LINE_HEIGHT + LINE_STRING_OFFSET); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Please run Lockpick_RCM to generate this file. More info at: " LOCKPICK_RCM_URL); } // Print warning about running the application under applet mode if (appletModeCheck()) { if (!keysFileAvailable) ypos += ((LINE_HEIGHT * 2) + LINE_STRING_OFFSET); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Warning: running under applet mode."); ypos += (LINE_HEIGHT + LINE_STRING_OFFSET); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "It seems you used an applet (Album, Settings, etc.) to run the application. This mode greatly limits the amount of usable RAM."); ypos += (LINE_HEIGHT + LINE_STRING_OFFSET); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "If you ever get any memory allocation errors, please consider running the application through title override (hold R while launching a game)."); } } // Print information about the "Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA" option if (((uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) && cursor == 5) || (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && cursor == 7)) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Replaces the public RSA key in the NPDM ACID section and the NPDM RSA signature in the Program NCA (only if it needs other modifications)."); ypos += (LINE_HEIGHT + LINE_STRING_OFFSET); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Disabling this will make the output NSP require ACID patches to work under any CFW, but will also make the Program NCA verifiable by PC tools."); } // Print information about the "Dump delta fragments" option if ((uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu && cursor == 6) || (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && cursor == 8)) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Dumps delta fragments for the selected update(s), if available. These are commonly excluded - they serve no real purpose in output dumps."); } // Print information about the "Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support)" option if ((uiState == stateExeFsMenu || uiState == stateRomFsMenu) && cursor == 2) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "If FAT32 support is enabled, files bigger than 4 GiB will be split and stored in a subdirectory with the archive bit set (like NSPs)."); } // Print information about the "Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS)" option if ((uiState == stateExeFsMenu || uiState == stateRomFsMenu) && cursor == 3) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Enabling this option will save output data to \"%s[TitleID]/%s/\" (LayeredFS directory structure).", strchr(cfwDirStr, '/'), (uiState == stateExeFsMenu ? "exefs" : "romfs")); } // Print hint about dumping RomFS content from DLCs if ((uiState == stateRomFsMenu && cursor == 4 && ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount <= 1 && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, true)) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))) || ((uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu) && cursor == 2 && (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true)))) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Hint: choosing a DLC will only access RomFS data from it, unlike updates (which share their RomFS data with its base application)."); } } else { breaks += 2; if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "No entries available in the selected directory! Press " NINTENDO_FONT_B " to go back."); } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "No orphan updates/DLCs available in the SD card / eMMC storage!"); } } bool curGcStatus = gameCardInfo.isInserted; while(true) { uiUpdateStatusMsg(); uiRefreshDisplay(); hidScanInput(); keysDown = hidKeysAllDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); keysHeld = hidKeysAllHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO); if ((keysDown && !(keysDown & KEY_TOUCH)) || (keysHeld && !(keysHeld & KEY_TOUCH)) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && gameCardInfo.isInserted != curGcStatus)) break; } // Exit if (keysDown & KEY_PLUS) res = resultExit; // Process key inputs only if the UI state hasn't been changed if (res == resultNone) { // Process base application info change if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && uiState != stateHfs0Browser && uiState != stateExeFsSectionBrowser && uiState != stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { if ((keysDown & KEY_L) || (keysDown & KEY_ZL)) { if (selectedAppInfoIndex > 0) { selectedAppInfoIndex--; dumpedContentInfoStr[0] = '\0'; } } if ((keysDown & KEY_R) || (keysDown & KEY_ZR)) { if ((selectedAppInfoIndex + 1) < titleAppCount) { selectedAppInfoIndex++; dumpedContentInfoStr[0] = '\0'; } } } if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0) res = resultDumpXci; // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) res = resultShowGameCardMenu; // Change option to false if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32 = dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit = false; break; case 2: // Create directory with archive bit set dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit = false; break; case 3: // Keep certificate dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert = false; break; case 4: // Trim output dump dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump = false; break; case 5: // CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc = false; break; case 6: // Dump verification method dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup = false; break; case 7: // Output naming scheme dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useBrackets = false; break; default: break; } // Save settings to configuration file saveConfig(); } // Change option to true if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32 = true; break; case 2: // Create directory with archive bit set dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit = true; break; case 3: // Keep certificate dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert = true; break; case 4: // Trim output dump dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump = true; break; case 5: // CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc = true; break; case 6: // Dump verification method dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup = true; break; case 7: // Output naming scheme dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useBrackets = true; break; default: break; } // Save settings to configuration file saveConfig(); } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0) { selectedNspDumpType = (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu ? DUMP_APP_NSP : (uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu ? DUMP_PATCH_NSP : DUMP_ADDON_NSP)); res = resultDumpNsp; } // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu && !titlePatchCount && !titleAddOnCount) { res = resultShowGameCardMenu; } else { res = resultShowNspDumpMenu; } } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { if (!orphanMode) { if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu && (!titlePatchCount || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)) && (!titleAddOnCount || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true))) { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; } else { res = resultShowNspDumpMenu; } } else { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; } } } // Change option to false if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32 = false; break; case 2: // Verify dump using No-Intro database dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup = false; break; case 3: // Remove console specific data dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData = dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump = false; break; case 4: // Generate ticket-less dump dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump = false; break; case 5: // Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA || DLC to dump if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch = false; } else if (uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (selectedAddOnIndex > 0) { selectedAddOnIndex--; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { if (!orphanMode) { u32 newIndex = retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAddOnIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, true); if (newIndex != selectedAddOnIndex) { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } break; case 6: // Application to dump || Dump delta fragments || Output naming scheme (DLC) if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (selectedAppIndex > 0) { selectedAppIndex--; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } else if (uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments = false; } else if (uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets = false; } break; case 7: // Output naming scheme (base application) || Update to dump if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets = false; } else if (uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (selectedPatchIndex > 0) { selectedPatchIndex--; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { if (!orphanMode) { u32 newIndex = retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, false); if (newIndex != selectedPatchIndex) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } break; case 8: // Output naming scheme (update) dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets = false; break; default: break; } // Save settings to configuration file saveConfig(); } // Change option to true if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Split output dump (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32 = true; break; case 2: // Verify dump using No-Intro database dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup = true; break; case 3: // Remove console specific data dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData = true; break; case 4: // Generate ticket-less dump dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump = true; break; case 5: // Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA || DLC to dump if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch = true; } else { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (titleAddOnCount > 1 && (selectedAddOnIndex + 1) < titleAddOnCount) { selectedAddOnIndex++; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { if (!orphanMode) { u32 newIndex = retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAddOnIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, true); if (newIndex != selectedAddOnIndex) { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } break; case 6: // Application to dump || Dump delta fragments || Output naming scheme (DLC) if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (titleAppCount > 1 && (selectedAppIndex + 1) < titleAppCount) { selectedAppIndex++; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } else if (uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments = true; } else if (uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets = true; } break; case 7: // Output naming scheme (base application) || Update to dump if (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu) { dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets = true; } else if (uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (titlePatchCount > 1 && (selectedPatchIndex + 1) < titlePatchCount) { selectedPatchIndex++; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { if (!orphanMode) { u32 newIndex = retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, false); if (newIndex != selectedPatchIndex) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } break; case 8: // Output naming scheme (update) dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets = true; break; default: break; } // Save settings to configuration file saveConfig(); } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0 && (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles || dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles || dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles)) res = resultSdCardEmmcBatchDump; // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) res = resultShowSdCardEmmcMenu; // Change option to false if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Dump base applications dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = false; break; case 2: // Dump updates dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = false; break; case 3: // Dump DLCs dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = false; break; case 4: // Split output dumps (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32 = false; break; case 5: // Remove console specific data dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData = dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump = false; break; case 6: // Generate ticket-less dumps dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump = false; break; case 7: // Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch = false; break; case 8: // Dump delta fragments from updates dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments = false; break; case 9: // Skip already dumped titles dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles = false; break; case 10: // Remember dumped titles dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles = false; break; case 11: // Halt dump process on errors dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors = false; break; case 12: // Output naming scheme dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.useBrackets = false; break; case 13: // Source storage if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc != BATCH_SOURCE_ALL) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc--; if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = (titleAppCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = (titlePatchCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = (titleAddOnCount > 0); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = (sdCardTitleAppCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = (sdCardTitlePatchCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = (sdCardTitleAddOnCount > 0); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = (emmcTitleAppCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = (emmcTitlePatchCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = (emmcTitleAddOnCount > 0); } } break; default: break; } // Save settings to configuration file saveConfig(); } // Change option to true if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Dump base applications dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = true; break; case 2: // Dump updates dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = true; break; case 3: // Dump DLCs dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = true; break; case 4: // Split output dumps (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32 = true; break; case 5: // Remove console specific data dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData = true; break; case 6: // Generate ticket-less dumps dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump = true; break; case 7: // Change NPDM RSA key/sig in Program NCA dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch = true; break; case 8: // Dump delta fragments from updates dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments = true; break; case 9: // Skip already dumped titles dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles = true; break; case 10: // Remember dumped titles dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles = true; break; case 11: // Halt dump process on errors dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors = true; break; case 12: // Output naming scheme dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.useBrackets = true; break; case 13: // Source storage if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc != BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc++; if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = (titleAppCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = (titlePatchCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = (titleAddOnCount > 0); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = (sdCardTitleAppCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = (sdCardTitlePatchCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = (sdCardTitleAddOnCount > 0); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = (emmcTitleAppCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = (emmcTitlePatchCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = (emmcTitleAddOnCount > 0); } } break; default: break; } // Save settings to configuration file saveConfig(); } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else if (uiState == stateExeFsMenu) { // Select if (keysDown & KEY_A) { // Reset option to its default value selectedAppIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); switch(cursor) { case 0: res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu : resultDumpExeFsSectionData); break; case 1: res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowExeFsSectionBrowserMenu : resultExeFsSectionBrowserGetList); break; default: break; } } // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { freeTitlesFromSdCardAndEmmc(NcmContentMetaType_Patch); res = resultShowGameCardMenu; } else { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; } } // Go left if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 2: // Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 = false; break; case 3: // Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS) dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir = false; break; case 4: // Use update if ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1 && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false)) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false))) { if (exeFsUpdateFlag) { u32 appIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); u32 newIndex = retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, appIndex, false); if (newIndex != selectedPatchIndex) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { exeFsUpdateFlag = false; } } } break; default: break; } } // Go right if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 2: // Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 = true; break; case 3: // Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS) dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir = true; break; case 4: // Use update if ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1 && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false)) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false))) { u32 appIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); if (exeFsUpdateFlag) { u32 newIndex = retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, appIndex, false); if (newIndex != selectedPatchIndex) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } else { exeFsUpdateFlag = true; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(appIndex, false); exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } break; default: break; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else if (uiState == stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0) res = (uiState == stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu ? resultDumpExeFsSectionData : resultExeFsSectionBrowserGetList); // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) res = resultShowExeFsMenu; // Change option to false if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Bundled application to dump/browse if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (selectedAppIndex > 0) { selectedAppIndex--; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; exeFsUpdateFlag = false; } } break; case 2: // Use update if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false)) { if (exeFsUpdateFlag) { u32 newIndex = retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppIndex, false); if (newIndex != selectedPatchIndex) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { exeFsUpdateFlag = false; } } } break; default: break; } } // Change option to true if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Bundled application to dump/browse if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (titleAppCount > 1 && (selectedAppIndex + 1) < titleAppCount) { selectedAppIndex++; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; exeFsUpdateFlag = false; } } break; case 2: // Use update if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false)) { if (exeFsUpdateFlag) { u32 newIndex = retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedPatchIndex, selectedAppIndex, false); if (newIndex != selectedPatchIndex) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } else { exeFsUpdateFlag = true; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppIndex, false); exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } break; default: break; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else if (uiState == stateRomFsMenu) { // Select if (keysDown & KEY_A) { // Reset option to its default value if (!orphanMode) selectedAppIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); switch(cursor) { case 0: res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu : resultDumpRomFsSectionData); break; case 1: res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowRomFsSectionBrowserMenu : resultRomFsSectionBrowserGetEntries); break; default: break; } } // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) { if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { freeTitlesFromSdCardAndEmmc(NcmContentMetaType_Patch); freeTitlesFromSdCardAndEmmc(NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent); res = resultShowGameCardMenu; } else { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; } } // Go left if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 2: // Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 = false; break; case 3: // Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS) dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir = false; break; case 4: // Use update/DLC if ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1 && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, true))) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))) { if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_APP) { u32 appIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); u32 curIndex = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex); u32 newIndex = retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(curIndex, appIndex, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON)); if (newIndex != curIndex) { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; } else { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; } exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON) { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(appIndex, false)) { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveLastPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(appIndex, false); exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } } else { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } } } } break; default: break; } } // Go right if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 2: // Split files bigger than 4 GiB (FAT32 support) dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 = true; break; case 3: // Save data to CFW directory (LayeredFS) dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir = true; break; case 4: // Use update/DLC if ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount == 1 && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, true))) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))) { u32 appIndex = (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? 0 : selectedAppInfoIndex); if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_APP) { u32 curIndex = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex); u32 newIndex = retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(curIndex, appIndex, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON)); if (newIndex != curIndex) { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; } else { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; } exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(appIndex, true)) { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON; selectedAddOnIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(appIndex, true); exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } else { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(appIndex, false)) { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(appIndex, false); } else { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON; selectedAddOnIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(appIndex, true); } exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } break; default: break; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0) res = (uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu ? resultDumpRomFsSectionData : resultRomFsSectionBrowserGetEntries); // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) res = resultShowRomFsMenu; // Change option to false if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Bundled application to dump/browse if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (selectedAppIndex > 0) { selectedAppIndex--; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } } break; case 2: // Use update/DLC if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true))) { if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_APP) { u32 curIndex = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex); u32 newIndex = retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(curIndex, selectedAppIndex, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON)); if (newIndex != curIndex) { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; } else { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; } exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON) { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false)) { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveLastPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppIndex, false); exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } } else { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } } } } break; default: break; } } // Change option to true if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Bundled application to dump/browse if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { if (titleAppCount > 1 && (selectedAppIndex + 1) < titleAppCount) { selectedAppIndex++; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } } break; case 2: // Use update if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1 && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true))) { if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_APP) { u32 curIndex = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex); u32 newIndex = retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(curIndex, selectedAppIndex, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON)); if (newIndex != curIndex) { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; } else { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; } exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true)) { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON; selectedAddOnIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppIndex, true); exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } else { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false)) { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppIndex, false); } else { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON; selectedAddOnIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppIndex, true); } exeFsAndRomFsSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } break; default: break; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else if (uiState == stateTicketMenu) { // Select if ((keysDown & KEY_A) && cursor == 0) res = resultDumpTicket; // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; // Go left if (keysDown & KEY_LEFT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Remove console specific data dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData = false; saveConfig(); break; case 2: // Use ticket from title if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true))) { if (curTikType != TICKET_TYPE_APP) { u32 curIndex = (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex); u32 newIndex = retrievePreviousPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(curIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_ADDON)); if (newIndex != curIndex) { if (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_PATCH) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; } else { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; } titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { if (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_ADDON) { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)) { curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_PATCH; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveLastPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppInfoIndex, false); titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_APP; } } else { curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_APP; titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } break; default: break; } } // Go right if (keysDown & KEY_RIGHT) { switch(cursor) { case 1: // Remove console specific data dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData = true; saveConfig(); break; case 2: // Use update/DLC if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false) || checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true))) { if (curTikType != TICKET_TYPE_APP) { u32 curIndex = (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex); u32 newIndex = retrieveNextPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(curIndex, selectedAppInfoIndex, (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_ADDON)); if (newIndex != curIndex) { if (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_PATCH) { selectedPatchIndex = newIndex; } else { selectedAddOnIndex = newIndex; } titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } else { if (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_PATCH) { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)) { curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_ADDON; selectedAddOnIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppInfoIndex, true); titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } } } else { if (checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)) { curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_PATCH; selectedPatchIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppInfoIndex, false); } else { curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_ADDON; selectedAddOnIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppInfoIndex, true); } titleSelectorStr[0] = '\0'; } } break; default: break; } } // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } } else { // Select if (keysDown & KEY_A) { if (uiState == stateMainMenu) { selectedAppInfoIndex = 0; switch(cursor) { case 0: res = resultShowGameCardMenu; menuType = MENUTYPE_GAMECARD; break; case 1: if (keysFileAvailable) { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcMenu; menuType = MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC; } else { uiStatusMsg("Keys file unavailable at \"%s\". Option disabled.", KEYS_FILE_PATH); } break; case 2: res = resultShowUpdateMenu; break; default: break; } } else if (uiState == stateGameCardMenu) { switch(cursor) { case 0: res = resultShowXciDumpMenu; break; case 1: if (keysFileAvailable) { if (!titlePatchCount && !titleAddOnCount) { res = resultShowNspAppDumpMenu; // Reset option to its default value selectedAppIndex = 0; } else { res = resultShowNspDumpMenu; } } else { uiStatusMsg("Keys file unavailable at \"%s\". Option disabled.", KEYS_FILE_PATH); } break; case 2: res = resultShowHfs0Menu; break; case 3: if (keysFileAvailable) { loadTitlesFromSdCardAndEmmc(NcmContentMetaType_Patch); res = resultShowExeFsMenu; // Reset options to their default values exeFsUpdateFlag = false; selectedPatchIndex = 0; } else { uiStatusMsg("Keys file unavailable at \"%s\". Option disabled.", KEYS_FILE_PATH); } break; case 4: if (keysFileAvailable) { loadTitlesFromSdCardAndEmmc(NcmContentMetaType_Patch); loadTitlesFromSdCardAndEmmc(NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent); res = resultShowRomFsMenu; // Reset options to their default values selectedPatchIndex = selectedAddOnIndex = 0; curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } else { uiStatusMsg("Keys file unavailable at \"%s\". Option disabled.", KEYS_FILE_PATH); } break; case 5: res = resultDumpGameCardCertificate; break; default: break; } } else if (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu) { // Reset options to their default values selectedAppIndex = 0; selectedPatchIndex = 0; selectedAddOnIndex = 0; switch(cursor) { case 0: res = resultShowNspAppDumpMenu; if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) selectedAppIndex = selectedAppInfoIndex; break; case 1: res = resultShowNspPatchDumpMenu; if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) selectedPatchIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppInfoIndex, false); break; case 2: res = resultShowNspAddOnDumpMenu; if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) selectedAddOnIndex = retrieveFirstPatchOrAddOnIndexFromBaseApplication(selectedAppInfoIndex, true); break; default: break; } } else if (uiState == stateHfs0Menu) { switch(cursor) { case 0: res = resultShowRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu; break; case 1: res = resultShowHfs0PartitionDataDumpMenu; break; case 2: res = resultShowHfs0BrowserMenu; break; default: break; } } else if (uiState == stateRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu) { // Save selected partition index selectedPartitionIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultDumpRawHfs0Partition; } else if (uiState == stateHfs0PartitionDataDumpMenu) { // Save selected partition index selectedPartitionIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultDumpHfs0PartitionData; } else if (uiState == stateHfs0BrowserMenu) { // Save selected partition index selectedPartitionIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultHfs0BrowserGetList; } else if (uiState == stateHfs0Browser) { if (menu && menuItemsCount) { // Save selected file index selectedFileIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultHfs0BrowserCopyFile; } } else if (uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser) { if (menu && menuItemsCount) { // Save selected file index selectedFileIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultExeFsSectionBrowserCopyFile; } } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { if (menu && menuItemsCount) { // Save selected file index selectedFileIndex = (u32)cursor; if (strlen(curRomFsPath) <= 1) selectedFileIndex++; // Adjust index if we're at the root directory res = (romFsBrowserEntries[selectedFileIndex].type == ROMFS_ENTRY_DIR ? resultRomFsSectionBrowserChangeDir : resultRomFsSectionBrowserCopyFile); } } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu) { // Save selected base application index selectedAppInfoIndex = (u32)cursor; res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu) { switch(cursor) { case 0: if (!orphanMode) { if ((!titlePatchCount || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)) && (!titleAddOnCount || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true))) { res = resultShowNspAppDumpMenu; selectedAppIndex = selectedAppInfoIndex; } else { res = resultShowNspDumpMenu; } } else { res = (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH ? resultShowNspPatchDumpMenu : resultShowNspAddOnDumpMenu); } break; case 1: res = resultShowExeFsMenu; if (!orphanMode) { // Reset options to their default values exeFsUpdateFlag = false; selectedPatchIndex = 0; } else { exeFsUpdateFlag = true; } break; case 2: res = resultShowRomFsMenu; if (!orphanMode) { // Reset options to their default values selectedPatchIndex = selectedAddOnIndex = 0; curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_APP; } else { curRomFsType = ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON; } break; case 3: res = resultShowTicketMenu; if (!orphanMode) { // Reset options to their default values selectedPatchIndex = selectedAddOnIndex = 0; curTikType = TICKET_TYPE_APP; } else { curTikType = (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH ? TICKET_TYPE_PATCH : TICKET_TYPE_ADDON); } break; default: break; } } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu) { if (menu && menuItemsCount) { if (orphanEntries[cursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH) { selectedPatchIndex = orphanEntries[cursor].index; } else if (orphanEntries[cursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_ADDON) { selectedAddOnIndex = orphanEntries[cursor].index; } res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; } } else if (uiState == stateUpdateMenu) { switch(cursor) { case 0: res = resultUpdateNSWDBXml; break; case 1: if (!updatePerformed) { res = resultUpdateApplication; } else { uiStatusMsg("Update already performed. Please restart the application."); } break; default: break; } } } // Back if (keysDown & KEY_B) { if (uiState == stateGameCardMenu || uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu || uiState == stateUpdateMenu) { res = resultShowMainMenu; menuType = MENUTYPE_MAIN; } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0Menu)) { res = resultShowGameCardMenu; } else if (uiState == stateRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0PartitionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateHfs0BrowserMenu) { res = resultShowHfs0Menu; } else if (uiState == stateHfs0Browser) { freeHfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes(); freeFilenameBuffer(); res = resultShowHfs0BrowserMenu; } else if (uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowser) { freeHfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes(); freeFilenameBuffer(); freeExeFsContext(); res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowExeFsSectionBrowserMenu : resultShowExeFsMenu); } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser) { if (strlen(curRomFsPath) > 1) { // Point to the parent directory entry ("..") selectedFileIndex = 0; res = resultRomFsSectionBrowserChangeDir; } else { freeRomFsBrowserEntries(); freeFilenameBuffer(); if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) freeBktrContext(); freeRomFsContext(); res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowRomFsSectionBrowserMenu : resultShowRomFsMenu); } } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu) { res = (!orphanMode ? resultShowSdCardEmmcMenu : resultShowSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu); } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !orphanMode && uiState == stateNspDumpMenu) { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcTitleMenu; } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu) { res = resultShowSdCardEmmcMenu; orphanMode = false; } } // Special action #1 if (keysDown & KEY_Y) { if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu && (calculateOrphanPatchOrAddOnCount(false) || calculateOrphanPatchOrAddOnCount(true))) { // SD/eMMC menu: Dump installed content with missing base application res = resultShowSdCardEmmcOrphanPatchAddOnMenu; orphanMode = true; } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowser && strlen(curRomFsPath) > 1) { // RomFS section browser: dump current directory res = resultRomFsSectionBrowserCopyDir; } } // Special action #2 if (keysDown & KEY_X) { if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcMenu && (titleAppCount || titlePatchCount || titleAddOnCount)) { // Batch mode res = resultShowSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu; // Check if we're using the default configuration if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles) { dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles = (titleAppCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles = (titlePatchCount > 0); dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles = (titleAddOnCount > 0); } } } if (menu && menuItemsCount) { // Go up if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP)) { scrollAmount = -1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP)); } if ((keysDown & KEY_DLEFT) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_LEFT) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_LEFT)) scrollAmount = -5; // Go down if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN)) { scrollAmount = 1; scrollWithKeysDown = ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN)); } if ((keysDown & KEY_DRIGHT) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_RIGHT) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_RIGHT)) scrollAmount = 5; } } // Calculate scroll only if the UI state hasn't been changed if (res == resultNone) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { if (scrollWithKeysDown && (cursor + scrollAmount) > (menuItemsCount - 1)) { cursor = 0; scroll = 0; } else { for(i = 0; i < scrollAmount; i++) { if (cursor >= (menuItemsCount - 1)) break; cursor++; if ((cursor - scroll) >= maxElements) scroll++; } } } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { if (scrollWithKeysDown && (cursor + scrollAmount) < 0) { cursor = (menuItemsCount - 1); scroll = (menuItemsCount - maxElements); if (scroll < 0) scroll = 0; } else { for(i = 0; i < -scrollAmount; i++) { if (cursor <= 0) break; cursor--; if ((cursor - scroll) < 0) scroll--; } } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Create directory with archive bit set" option in the XCI dump menu if "Split output dump" is disabled if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu && cursor == 2 && !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor++; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Dump verification method" option if "CRC32 checksum calculation + dump verification" is disabled if (uiState == stateXciDumpMenu && cursor == 6 && !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor++; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Dump bundled update NSP" / "Dump installed update NSP" option in the NSP dump menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and it doesn't include any bundled updates, or if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title without installed updates // Also avoid placing the cursor on the "Dump bundled DLC NSP" / "Dump installed DLC NSP" option in the NSP dump menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and it doesn't include any bundled DLCs, or if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title without installed DLCs if (uiState == stateNspDumpMenu && ((cursor == 1 && (!titlePatchCount || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)))) || (cursor == 2 && (!titleAddOnCount || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))))) { if (cursor == 1) { if ((!titleAddOnCount || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))) { // Just in case cursor = 0; } else { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = 2; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = 0; } } } else if (cursor == 2) { if (!titlePatchCount || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false))) { // Just in case cursor = 0; } else { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 0 : 1); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = 1; } } } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Verify dump using No-Intro database" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a gamecard title // Also, avoid placing the cursor on the "Remove console specific data" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a gamecard title // Also, avoid placing the cursor on the "Generate ticket-less dump" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a gamecard Application/AddOn title if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && (((uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) && (cursor == 2 || cursor == 3)) || ((uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) && cursor == 4))) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = ((uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu && cursor <= 3) ? 4 : 5); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = 1; } } // Avoid printing the "Dump delta fragments" option in the update NSP dump menu if we're dealing with a gamecard update if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu && cursor == 6) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor++; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Generate ticket-less dump" option in the NSP dump menus if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title and the "Remove console specific data" option is disabled if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && (uiState == stateNspAppDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspPatchDumpMenu || uiState == stateNspAddOnDumpMenu) && cursor == 4 && !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor++; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Dump base applications", "Dump updates" and/or "Dump DLCs" options in the batch mode menu if we're dealing with a storage source that doesn't hold any title belonging to the current category if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && ((dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL && ((!titleAppCount && cursor == 1) || (!titlePatchCount && cursor == 2) || (!titleAddOnCount && cursor == 3))) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD && ((!sdCardTitleAppCount && cursor == 1) || (!sdCardTitlePatchCount && cursor == 2) || (!sdCardTitleAddOnCount && cursor == 3))) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC && ((!emmcTitleAppCount && cursor == 1) || (!emmcTitlePatchCount && cursor == 2) || (!emmcTitleAddOnCount && cursor == 3))))) { if (cursor == 1) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL) { cursor = (titlePatchCount ? 2 : (titleAddOnCount ? 3 : 4)); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD) { cursor = (sdCardTitlePatchCount ? 2 : (sdCardTitleAddOnCount ? 3 : 4)); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC) { cursor = (emmcTitlePatchCount ? 2 : (emmcTitleAddOnCount ? 3 : 4)); } } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = 0; } } else if (cursor == 2) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL) { cursor = (titleAddOnCount ? 3 : 4); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD) { cursor = (sdCardTitleAddOnCount ? 3 : 4); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC) { cursor = (emmcTitleAddOnCount ? 3 : 4); } } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL) { cursor = (titleAppCount ? 1 : 0); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD) { cursor = (sdCardTitleAppCount ? 1 : 0); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC) { cursor = (emmcTitleAppCount ? 1 : 0); } } } else if (cursor == 3) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = 4; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL) { cursor = (titlePatchCount ? 2 : (titleAppCount ? 1 : 0)); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD) { cursor = (sdCardTitlePatchCount ? 2 : (sdCardTitleAppCount ? 1 : 0)); } else if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC) { cursor = (emmcTitlePatchCount ? 2 : (emmcTitleAppCount ? 1 : 0)); } } } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Generate ticket-less dumps" option in the batch mode menu if the "Remove console specific data" option is disabled if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && cursor == 6 && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor++; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Dump delta fragments from updates" option in the batch mode menu if the "Dump updates" option is disabled if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && cursor == 8 && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor++; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Source storage" option in the batch mode menu if we only have titles available in a single source storage device if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu && cursor == 13 && ((!sdCardTitleAppCount && !sdCardTitlePatchCount && !sdCardTitleAddOnCount) || (!emmcTitleAppCount && !emmcTitlePatchCount && !emmcTitleAddOnCount))) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 0 : 12); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Use update" option in the ExeFS menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and either its base application count is greater than 1 or it has no available patches // Also avoid placing the cursor on it if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title and it has no available patches, or if we're dealing with an orphan Patch if (uiState == stateExeFsMenu && cursor == 4 && ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && (titleAppCount > 1 || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false))) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && ((!orphanMode && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false)) || orphanMode)))) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 0 : 1); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 1 : 0); } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Use update" option in the ExeFS data dump and browser menus if we're not dealing with a gamecard, if the base application count is equal to or less than 1, or if the selected base application has no available patches if ((uiState == stateExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserMenu) && cursor == 2 && (menuType != MENUTYPE_GAMECARD || titleAppCount <= 1 || !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false))) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 0 : 1); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 1 : 0); } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Use update/DLC" option in the RomFS menu if we're dealing with a gamecard and either its base application count is greater than 1 or it has no available patches/DLCs // Also avoid placing the cursor on it if we're dealing with a SD/eMMC title and it has no available patches/DLCs (or if its an orphan title) if (uiState == stateRomFsMenu && cursor == 4 && ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && (titleAppCount > 1 || (!checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, false) && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(0, true)))) || (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC && (orphanMode || (!checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, false) && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppInfoIndex, true)))))) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 0 : 1); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 1 : 0); } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Use update/DLC" option in the RomFS data dump and browser menus if we're not dealing with a gamecard, if the base application count is equal to or less than 1, or if the selected base application has no available patches/DLCs if ((uiState == stateRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu || uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserMenu) && cursor == 2 && (menuType != MENUTYPE_GAMECARD || titleAppCount <= 1 || (!checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, false) && !checkIfBaseApplicationHasPatchOrAddOn(selectedAppIndex, true)))) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 0 : 1); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 1 : 0); } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "RomFS options" element in the SD card / eMMC title menu if we're dealing with an orphan Patch // Also avoid placing the cursor on the "ExeFS options" element in the SD card / eMMC title menu if we're dealing with an orphan DLC if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcTitleMenu && orphanMode && ((orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_PATCH && cursor == 2) || (orphanEntries[orphanListCursor].type == ORPHAN_ENTRY_TYPE_ADDON && cursor == 1))) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor++; } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor--; } } // Avoid placing the cursor on the "Use ticket from title" element in the Ticket menu if we're dealing with an orphan title if (uiState == stateTicketMenu && orphanMode && cursor == 2) { if (scrollAmount > 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 0 : 1); } else if (scrollAmount < 0) { cursor = (scrollWithKeysDown ? 1 : 0); } } } } } else if (uiState == stateDumpXci) { char tmp[128] = {'\0'}; strbuf[0] = '\0'; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[0]); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[1], (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); if (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32) { strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.keepCert ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[4], (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.trimDump ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[5], (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc ? "Yes" : "No")); if (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc) { strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[6], (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup ? xciChecksumLookupMethods[1] : xciChecksumLookupMethods[0])); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", xciDumpMenuItems[7], (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.useBrackets ? xciNamingSchemes[1] : xciNamingSchemes[0])); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpNXCardImage(&(dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg)); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowXciDumpMenu; dumpedContentInfoStr[0] = '\0'; } else if (uiState == stateDumpNsp) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD ? nspDumpGameCardMenuItems[selectedNspDumpType] : nspDumpSdCardEmmcMenuItems[selectedNspDumpType])); breaks++; menu = (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP ? nspAppDumpMenuItems : (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP ? nspPatchDumpMenuItems : nspAddOnDumpMenuItems)); char tmp[128] = {'\0'}; strbuf[0] = '\0'; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", menu[1], (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; if (menuType != MENUTYPE_GAMECARD) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", menu[2], (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; } if (menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s", menu[4], (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? "Yes" : "No")); } else if (menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s", menu[3], (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? "Yes" : "No")); if (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) { strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[4], (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } } if (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP || selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP) { if ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP) || menuType == MENUTYPE_SDCARD_EMMC) strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[5], (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); if (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP) { strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[6], (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks++; if (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", menu[6], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); } else if (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP) { retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, menu[7], strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); } else if (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_ADDON_NSP) { retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, menu[5], strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_ADDON_NSP ? menu[6] : (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP ? menu[7] : menu[8])), (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useBrackets ? nspNamingSchemes[1] : nspNamingSchemes[0])); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpNintendoSubmissionPackage(selectedNspDumpType, (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP ? selectedAppIndex : (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex)), &(dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg), false); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_APP_NSP ? resultShowNspAppDumpMenu : (selectedNspDumpType == DUMP_PATCH_NSP ? resultShowNspPatchDumpMenu : resultShowNspAddOnDumpMenu)); dumpedContentInfoStr[0] = '\0'; } else if (uiState == stateSdCardEmmcBatchDump) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Batch dump"); breaks++; menu = batchModeMenuItems; char tmp[128] = {'\0'}; strbuf[0] = '\0'; if ((dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL && titleAppCount) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD && sdCardTitleAppCount) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC && emmcTitleAppCount)) { snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[1], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAppTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } if ((dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL && titlePatchCount) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD && sdCardTitlePatchCount) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC && emmcTitlePatchCount)) { if (strlen(strbuf)) strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[2], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } if ((dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL && titleAddOnCount) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD && sdCardTitleAddOnCount) || (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_EMMC && emmcTitleAddOnCount)) { if (strlen(strbuf)) strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[3], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpAddOnTitles ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } if (strlen(strbuf)) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks++; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", menu[4], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s", menu[5], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? "Yes" : "No")); if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) { strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[6], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); } strcat(strbuf, " | "); snprintf(tmp, MAX_CHARACTERS(tmp), "%s%s", menu[7], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch ? "Yes" : "No")); strcat(strbuf, tmp); uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks++; if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpPatchTitles) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", menu[8], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.dumpDeltaFragments ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s | %s%s", menu[9], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles ? "Yes" : "No"), menu[10], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.rememberDumpedTitles ? "Yes" : "No"), menu[11], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", menu[12], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.useBrackets ? nspNamingSchemes[1] : nspNamingSchemes[0])); breaks++; if ((sdCardTitleAppCount || sdCardTitlePatchCount || sdCardTitleAddOnCount) && (emmcTitleAppCount || emmcTitlePatchCount || emmcTitleAddOnCount)) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", menu[13], (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_ALL ? "All (SD card + eMMC)" : (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc == BATCH_SOURCE_SDCARD ? "SD card" : "eMMC"))); breaks++; } breaks++; uiRefreshDisplay(); int ret = dumpNintendoSubmissionPackageBatch(&(dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg)); if (ret == -2) { uiRefreshDisplay(); res = resultExit; } else { waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowSdCardEmmcBatchModeMenu; } } else if (uiState == stateDumpRawHfs0Partition) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Raw %s", (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? hfs0PartitionDumpType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : hfs0PartitionDumpType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex])); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpRawHfs0Partition(selectedPartitionIndex, true); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowRawHfs0PartitionDumpMenu; } else if (uiState == stateDumpHfs0PartitionData) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Data %s", (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? hfs0PartitionDumpType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : hfs0PartitionDumpType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex])); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpHfs0PartitionData(selectedPartitionIndex, true); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowHfs0PartitionDataDumpMenu; } else if (uiState == stateHfs0BrowserGetList) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, (gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt == GAMECARD_TYPE1_PARTITION_CNT ? hfs0BrowserType1MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex] : hfs0BrowserType2MenuItems[selectedPartitionIndex])); breaks += 2; uiPleaseWait(0); breaks += 2; if (getHfs0FileList(selectedPartitionIndex)) { res = resultShowHfs0Browser; } else { waitForButtonPress(); res = resultShowHfs0BrowserMenu; } } else if (uiState == stateHfs0BrowserCopyFile) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Manual File Dump: %s (HFS0 partition %u [%s])", filenameBuffer[selectedFileIndex], selectedPartitionIndex, GAMECARD_PARTITION_NAME(gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt, selectedPartitionIndex)); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpFileFromHfs0Partition(selectedPartitionIndex, selectedFileIndex, filenameBuffer[selectedFileIndex], true); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowHfs0Browser; } else if (uiState == stateDumpExeFsSectionData) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, exeFsMenuItems[0]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", exeFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), exeFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; if (!exeFsUpdateFlag) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", exeFsSectionDumpMenuItems[1], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); } else { retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update to dump: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); u32 curIndex = (!exeFsUpdateFlag ? selectedAppIndex : selectedPatchIndex); dumpExeFsSectionData(curIndex, exeFsUpdateFlag, &(dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg)); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowExeFsSectionDataDumpMenu : resultShowExeFsMenu); } else if (uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserGetList) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, exeFsMenuItems[1]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", exeFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), exeFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; if (!exeFsUpdateFlag) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", exeFsSectionBrowserMenuItems[1], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); } else { retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiPleaseWait(0); breaks += 2; bool exefs_fail = false; u32 curIndex = (!exeFsUpdateFlag ? selectedAppIndex : selectedPatchIndex); if (readNcaExeFsSection(curIndex, exeFsUpdateFlag)) { if (getExeFsFileList()) { res = resultShowExeFsSectionBrowser; } else { freeExeFsContext(); exefs_fail = true; } } else { exefs_fail = true; } if (exefs_fail) { breaks += 2; waitForButtonPress(); res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowExeFsSectionBrowserMenu : resultShowExeFsMenu); } } else if (uiState == stateExeFsSectionBrowserCopyFile) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Manual File Dump: %s (ExeFS)", filenameBuffer[selectedFileIndex]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", exeFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), exeFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; if (!exeFsUpdateFlag) { snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "Base application: %s v%s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); } else { retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); u32 curIndex = (!exeFsUpdateFlag ? selectedAppIndex : selectedPatchIndex); dumpFileFromExeFsSection(curIndex, selectedFileIndex, exeFsUpdateFlag, &(dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg)); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowExeFsSectionBrowser; } else if (uiState == stateDumpRomFsSectionData) { u32 curIndex = 0; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, romFsMenuItems[0]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", romFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), romFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_APP: snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", romFsSectionDumpMenuItems[1], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); curIndex = selectedAppIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update to dump: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedPatchIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, "DLC to dump: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedAddOnIndex; break; default: break; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpRomFsSectionData(curIndex, curRomFsType, &(dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg)); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowRomFsSectionDataDumpMenu : resultShowRomFsMenu); } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserGetEntries) { u32 curIndex = 0; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, romFsMenuItems[1]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", romFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), romFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_APP: snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", romFsSectionBrowserMenuItems[1], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); curIndex = selectedAppIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedPatchIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, "DLC to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedAddOnIndex; break; default: break; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiPleaseWait(0); breaks += 2; bool romfs_fail = false; if (readNcaRomFsSection(curIndex, curRomFsType, -1) == 0) { if (getRomFsFileList(0, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH))) { res = resultShowRomFsSectionBrowser; } else { if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) freeBktrContext(); freeRomFsContext(); romfs_fail = true; } } else { romfs_fail = true; } if (romfs_fail) { breaks += 2; waitForButtonPress(); res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowRomFsSectionBrowserMenu : resultShowRomFsMenu); } } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserChangeDir) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, romFsMenuItems[1]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", romFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), romFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_APP: snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s v%s", romFsSectionBrowserMenuItems[1], baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); break; case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, "DLC to browse: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); break; default: break; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; bool romfs_fail = false; if (romFsBrowserEntries[selectedFileIndex].type == ROMFS_ENTRY_DIR) { if (getRomFsFileList(romFsBrowserEntries[selectedFileIndex].offset, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH))) { res = resultShowRomFsSectionBrowser; } else { romfs_fail = true; } } else { // Unexpected condition uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Error: the selected entry is not a directory!"); romfs_fail = true; } if (romfs_fail) { freeRomFsBrowserEntries(); freeFilenameBuffer(); if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH) freeBktrContext(); freeRomFsContext(); breaks += 2; waitForButtonPress(); res = ((menuType == MENUTYPE_GAMECARD && titleAppCount > 1) ? resultShowRomFsSectionBrowserMenu : resultShowRomFsMenu); } } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserCopyFile) { u32 curIndex = 0; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Manual File Dump: %s (RomFS)", filenameBuffer[selectedFileIndex]); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", romFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), romFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_APP: snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "Base application: %s v%s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); curIndex = selectedAppIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedPatchIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, "DLC: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedAddOnIndex; break; default: break; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); if (romFsBrowserEntries[selectedFileIndex].type == ROMFS_ENTRY_FILE) { dumpFileFromRomFsSection(curIndex, romFsBrowserEntries[selectedFileIndex].offset, curRomFsType, &(dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg)); } else { // Unexpected condition uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Error: the selected entry is not a file!"); breaks += 2; } waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowRomFsSectionBrowser; } else if (uiState == stateRomFsSectionBrowserCopyDir) { u32 curIndex = 0; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Manual Directory Dump: romfs:%s (RomFS)", curRomFsPath); breaks++; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s | %s%s", romFsMenuItems[2], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 ? "Yes" : "No"), romFsMenuItems[3], (dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.useLayeredFSDir ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; switch(curRomFsType) { case ROMFS_TYPE_APP: snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "Base application: %s v%s", baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppIndex].versionStr); curIndex = selectedAppIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, "Update: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedPatchIndex; break; case ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, "DLC: ", strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); curIndex = selectedAddOnIndex; break; default: break; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; uiRefreshDisplay(); dumpCurrentDirFromRomFsSection(curIndex, curRomFsType, &(dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg)); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowRomFsSectionBrowser; } else if (uiState == stateDumpGameCardCertificate) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, gameCardMenuItems[5]); breaks += 2; dumpGameCardCertificate(); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowGameCardMenu; } else if (uiState == stateDumpTicket) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "Dump ticket"); breaks++; menu = ticketMenuItems; uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, "%s%s", menu[1], (dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg.removeConsoleData ? "Yes" : "No")); breaks++; switch(curTikType) { case TICKET_TYPE_APP: snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s%s | %016lX v%s (BASE)", menu[2], baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].name, baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].titleId, baseAppEntries[selectedAppInfoIndex].versionStr); break; case TICKET_TYPE_PATCH: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedPatchIndex, false, true, menu[2], strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); strcat(strbuf, " (UPD)"); break; case TICKET_TYPE_ADDON: retrieveDescriptionForPatchOrAddOn(selectedAddOnIndex, true, true, menu[2], strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf)); strcat(strbuf, " (DLC)"); break; default: break; } uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, strbuf); breaks += 2; u32 titleIndex = (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_APP ? selectedAppInfoIndex : (curTikType == TICKET_TYPE_PATCH ? selectedPatchIndex : selectedAddOnIndex)); dumpTicketFromTitle(titleIndex, curTikType, &(dumpCfg.tikDumpCfg)); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowTicketMenu; } else if (uiState == stateUpdateNSWDBXml) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, updateMenuItems[0]); breaks += 2; updateNSWDBXml(); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowUpdateMenu; } else if (uiState == stateUpdateApplication) { uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_TITLE_RGB, updateMenuItems[1]); breaks += 2; updatePerformed = updateApplication(); waitForButtonPress(); updateFreeSpace(); res = resultShowUpdateMenu; } return res; }