/* * defines.h * * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #ifndef __DEFINES_H__ #define __DEFINES_H__ /* Broadly useful language defines. */ #define MEMBER_SIZE(type, member) sizeof(((type*)NULL)->member) #define MAX_ELEMENTS(x) ((sizeof((x))) / (sizeof((x)[0]))) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define BIT_LONG(n) (1UL << (n)) #define ALIGN_UP(x, y) (((x) + ((y) - 1)) & ~((y) - 1)) #define ALIGN_DOWN(x, y) ((x) & ~((y) - 1)) #define IS_ALIGNED(x, y) (((x) & ((y) - 1)) == 0) #define IS_POWER_OF_TWO(x) ((x) > 0 && ((x) & ((x) - 1)) == 0) #define DIVIDE_UP(x, y) (((x) + ((y) - 1)) / (y)) #define CONCATENATE_IMPL(s1, s2) s1##s2 #define CONCATENATE(s1, s2) CONCATENATE_IMPL(s1, s2) #define ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE(pref) CONCATENATE(pref, __LINE__) #define NON_COPYABLE(cls) \ cls(const cls&) = delete; \ cls& operator=(const cls&) = delete #define NON_MOVEABLE(cls) \ cls(cls&&) = delete; \ cls& operator=(cls&&) = delete #define ALWAYS_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline)) #define ALWAYS_INLINE_LAMBDA __attribute__((always_inline)) #define CLEANUP(func) __attribute__((__cleanup__(func))) #define NXDT_ASSERT(name, size) static_assert(sizeof(name) == (size), "Bad size for " #name "! Expected " #size ".") /* Global constants used throughout the application. */ #define FS_SYSMODULE_TID (u64)0x0100000000000000 #define BOOT_SYSMODULE_TID (u64)0x0100000000000005 #define SPL_SYSMODULE_TID (u64)0x0100000000000028 #define ES_SYSMODULE_TID (u64)0x0100000000000033 #define SYSTEM_UPDATE_TID (u64)0x0100000000000816 #define QLAUNCH_TID (u64)0x0100000000001000 #define FAT32_FILESIZE_LIMIT (u64)0xFFFFFFFF /* 4 GiB - 1 (4294967295 bytes). */ #define UTF8_BOM "\xEF\xBB\xBF" #define CRLF "\r\n" #define DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE "sdmc:" #define HBMENU_BASE_PATH "/switch/" #define APP_BASE_PATH HBMENU_BASE_PATH APP_TITLE "/" #define GAMECARD_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "Gamecard/" #define CERT_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "Certificate/" #define HFS_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "HFS/" #define NSP_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "NSP/" #define TICKET_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "Ticket/" #define NCA_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "NCA/" #define NCA_FS_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "NCA FS/" #define CONFIG_PATH DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE APP_BASE_PATH "config.json" #define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH "romfs:/default_config.json" #define NRO_NAME APP_TITLE ".nro" #define NRO_PATH DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE APP_BASE_PATH NRO_NAME #define NRO_TMP_PATH NRO_PATH ".tmp" #define PROD_KEYS_FILE_PATH DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE HBMENU_BASE_PATH "prod.keys" /* Location used by Lockpick_RCM for retail unit keys. */ #define DEV_KEYS_FILE_PATH DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE HBMENU_BASE_PATH "dev.keys" /* Location used by Lockpick_RCM for development unit keys. */ #define LOG_FILE_NAME APP_TITLE ".log" #define LOG_BUF_SIZE 0x400000 /* 4 MiB. */ #define LOG_FORCE_FLUSH 0 /* Forces a log buffer flush each time the logfile is written to. */ #define BIS_SYSTEM_PARTITION_MOUNT_NAME "sys:" #define DOWNLOAD_TASK_INTERVAL 100 /* 100 milliseconds. */ #define HTTP_USER_AGENT APP_TITLE "/" APP_VERSION " (Nintendo Switch)" #define HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 10L /* 10 seconds. */ #define HTTP_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT 30L /* 30 bytes per second. */ #define HTTP_LOW_SPEED_TIME HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT #define HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE 131072L /* 128 KiB. */ #define GITHUB_URL "https://github.com" #define GITHUB_API_URL "https://api.github.com" #define GITHUB_REPOSITORY APP_AUTHOR "/" APP_TITLE #define GITHUB_REPOSITORY_URL GITHUB_URL "/" GITHUB_REPOSITORY #define GITHUB_NEW_ISSUE_URL GITHUB_REPOSITORY_URL "/issues/new/choose" #define GITHUB_API_RELEASE_URL GITHUB_API_URL "/repos/" GITHUB_REPOSITORY "/releases/latest" #define NSWDB_XML_URL "http://nswdb.com/xml.php" #define NSWDB_XML_PATH APP_BASE_PATH "NSWreleases.xml" #define BOREALIS_URL "https://github.com/natinusala/borealis" #define LIBUSBHSFS_URL "https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/libusbhsfs" #define FATFS_URL "http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html" #define LZ4_URL "https://github.com/lz4/lz4" #define JSON_C_URL "https://github.com/json-c/json-c" #define DISCORD_SERVER_URL "https://discord.gg/SCbbcQx" #define LOCKPICK_RCM_URL "https://github.com/shchmue/Lockpick_RCM" #endif /* __DEFINES_H__ */