/* * save.c * * Copyright (c) 2019-2020, shchmue. * Copyright (c) 2020, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "utils.h" #include "save.h" static inline void save_bitmap_set_bit(void *buffer, size_t bit_offset) { *((u8*)buffer + (bit_offset >> 3)) |= 1 << (bit_offset & 7); } static inline void save_bitmap_clear_bit(void *buffer, size_t bit_offset) { *((u8*)buffer + (bit_offset >> 3)) &= ~(u8)(1 << (bit_offset & 7)); } static inline u8 save_bitmap_check_bit(const void *buffer, size_t bit_offset) { return (*((u8*)buffer + (bit_offset >> 3)) & (1 << (bit_offset & 7))); } static bool save_duplex_storage_init(duplex_storage_ctx_t *ctx, duplex_fs_layer_info_t *layer, void *bitmap, u64 bitmap_size) { if (!ctx || !layer || !layer->data_a || !layer->data_b || !layer->info.block_size_power || !bitmap || !bitmap_size) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } ctx->data_a = layer->data_a; ctx->data_b = layer->data_b; ctx->bitmap_storage = (u8*)bitmap; ctx->block_size = (1 << layer->info.block_size_power); ctx->bitmap.data = ctx->bitmap_storage; ctx->bitmap.bitmap = calloc(1, bitmap_size >> 3); if (!ctx->bitmap.bitmap) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for duplex bitmap!"); return false; } u32 bits_remaining = bitmap_size; u32 bitmap_pos = 0; u32 *buffer_pos = (u32*)bitmap; while(bits_remaining) { u32 bits_to_read = (bits_remaining < 32 ? bits_remaining : 32); u32 val = *buffer_pos; for(u32 i = 0; i < bits_to_read; i++) { if (val & 0x80000000) { save_bitmap_set_bit(ctx->bitmap.bitmap, bitmap_pos); } else { save_bitmap_clear_bit(ctx->bitmap.bitmap, bitmap_pos); } bitmap_pos++; bits_remaining--; val <<= 1; } buffer_pos++; } return true; } static u32 save_duplex_storage_read(duplex_storage_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, u64 offset, size_t count) { if (!ctx || !ctx->block_size || !ctx->bitmap.bitmap || !buffer || !count) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } u64 in_pos = offset; u32 out_pos = 0; u32 remaining = count; while(remaining) { u32 block_num = (u32)(in_pos / ctx->block_size); u32 block_pos = (u32)(in_pos % ctx->block_size); u32 bytes_to_read = ((ctx->block_size - block_pos) < remaining ? (ctx->block_size - block_pos) : remaining); u8 *data = (save_bitmap_check_bit(ctx->bitmap.bitmap, block_num) ? ctx->data_b : ctx->data_a); memcpy((u8*)buffer + out_pos, data + in_pos, bytes_to_read); out_pos += bytes_to_read; in_pos += bytes_to_read; remaining -= bytes_to_read; } return out_pos; } static remap_segment_ctx_t *save_remap_init_segments(remap_header_t *header, remap_entry_ctx_t *map_entries, u32 num_map_entries) { if (!header || !header->map_segment_count || !map_entries || !num_map_entries) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return NULL; } remap_segment_ctx_t *segments = calloc(header->map_segment_count, sizeof(remap_segment_ctx_t)); if (!segments) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate initial memory for remap segments!"); return NULL; } u32 i, entry_idx = 0; bool success = false; for(i = 0; i < header->map_segment_count; i++) { remap_segment_ctx_t *seg = &(segments[i]); seg->entry_count = 0; seg->entries = calloc(1, sizeof(remap_entry_ctx_t*)); if (!seg->entries) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for remap segment entry #%u!", entry_idx); goto end; } seg->entries[seg->entry_count++] = &map_entries[entry_idx]; seg->offset = map_entries[entry_idx].virtual_offset; map_entries[entry_idx++].segment = seg; while(entry_idx < num_map_entries && map_entries[entry_idx - 1].virtual_offset_end == map_entries[entry_idx].virtual_offset) { map_entries[entry_idx].segment = seg; map_entries[entry_idx - 1].next = &map_entries[entry_idx]; remap_entry_ctx_t **ptr = calloc(sizeof(remap_entry_ctx_t*), seg->entry_count + 1); if (!ptr) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for remap segment entry #%u!", entry_idx); goto end; } memcpy(ptr, seg->entries, sizeof(remap_entry_ctx_t*) * seg->entry_count); free(seg->entries); seg->entries = ptr; seg->entries[seg->entry_count++] = &map_entries[entry_idx++]; } seg->length = (seg->entries[seg->entry_count - 1]->virtual_offset_end - seg->entries[0]->virtual_offset); } success = true; end: if (!success) { entry_idx = 0; for(u32 j = 0; j <= i; j++) { if (!map_entries[entry_idx].segment) break; if (map_entries[entry_idx].segment->entries) { free(map_entries[entry_idx].segment->entries); map_entries[entry_idx].segment->entries = NULL; } map_entries[entry_idx++].segment = NULL; while(entry_idx < num_map_entries && map_entries[entry_idx - 1].virtual_offset_end == map_entries[entry_idx].virtual_offset) { map_entries[entry_idx - 1].next = NULL; if (!map_entries[entry_idx].segment) break; if (map_entries[entry_idx].segment->entries) { free(map_entries[entry_idx].segment->entries); map_entries[entry_idx].segment->entries = NULL; } map_entries[entry_idx++].segment = NULL; } } free(segments); segments = NULL; } return segments; } static remap_entry_ctx_t *save_remap_get_map_entry(remap_storage_ctx_t *ctx, u64 offset) { if (!ctx || !ctx->header || !ctx->segments) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return NULL; } u32 segment_idx = (u32)(offset >> (64 - ctx->header->segment_bits)); if (segment_idx < ctx->header->map_segment_count) { for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->segments[segment_idx].entry_count; i++) { if (ctx->segments[segment_idx].entries[i]->virtual_offset_end > offset) return ctx->segments[segment_idx].entries[i]; } } LOGFILE("Unable to find map entry for offset 0x%lX!", offset); return NULL; } static u32 save_remap_read(remap_storage_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, u64 offset, size_t count) { if (!ctx || (ctx->type == STORAGE_BYTES && !ctx->file) || (ctx->type == STORAGE_DUPLEX && !ctx->duplex) || (ctx->type != STORAGE_BYTES && ctx->type != STORAGE_DUPLEX) || !buffer || !count) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } remap_entry_ctx_t *entry = save_remap_get_map_entry(ctx, offset); if (!entry) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve map entry!"); return 0; } u64 in_pos = offset; u32 out_pos = 0; u32 remaining = count; UINT br = 0; FRESULT fr; while(remaining) { u64 entry_pos = (in_pos - entry->virtual_offset); u32 bytes_to_read = ((entry->virtual_offset_end - in_pos) < remaining ? (u32)(entry->virtual_offset_end - in_pos) : remaining); switch (ctx->type) { case STORAGE_BYTES: fr = f_lseek(ctx->file, ctx->base_storage_offset + entry->physical_offset + entry_pos); if (fr || f_tell(ctx->file) != (ctx->base_storage_offset + entry->physical_offset + entry_pos)) { LOGFILE("Failed to seek to offset 0x%lX in savefile! (%u).", ctx->base_storage_offset + entry->physical_offset + entry_pos, fr); return out_pos; } fr = f_read(ctx->file, (u8*)buffer + out_pos, bytes_to_read, &br); if (fr || br != bytes_to_read) { LOGFILE("Failed to read %u bytes chunk from offset 0x%lX in savefile! (%u).", bytes_to_read, ctx->base_storage_offset + entry->physical_offset + entry_pos, fr); return (out_pos + br); } break; case STORAGE_DUPLEX: br = save_duplex_storage_read(ctx->duplex, (u8*)buffer + out_pos, ctx->base_storage_offset + entry->physical_offset + entry_pos, bytes_to_read); if (br != bytes_to_read) { LOGFILE("Failed to read remap data from duplex storage!"); return (out_pos + br); } break; default: break; } out_pos += bytes_to_read; in_pos += bytes_to_read; remaining -= bytes_to_read; if (in_pos >= entry->virtual_offset_end) entry = entry->next; } return out_pos; } static u32 save_journal_storage_read(journal_storage_ctx_t *ctx, remap_storage_ctx_t *remap, void *buffer, u64 offset, size_t count) { if (!ctx || !ctx->block_size || !remap || !buffer || !count) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } u64 in_pos = offset; u32 out_pos = 0; u32 remaining = count; u32 br; while(remaining) { u32 block_num = (u32)(in_pos / ctx->block_size); u32 block_pos = (u32)(in_pos % ctx->block_size); u64 physical_offset = (ctx->map.entries[block_num].physical_index * ctx->block_size + block_pos); u32 bytes_to_read = ((ctx->block_size - block_pos) < remaining ? (ctx->block_size - block_pos) : remaining); br = save_remap_read(remap, (u8*)buffer + out_pos, ctx->journal_data_offset + physical_offset, bytes_to_read); if (br != bytes_to_read) { LOGFILE("Failed to read journal storage data!"); return (out_pos + br); } out_pos += bytes_to_read; in_pos += bytes_to_read; remaining -= bytes_to_read; } return out_pos; } static bool save_ivfc_storage_init(hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *ctx, u64 master_hash_offset, ivfc_save_hdr_t *ivfc) { if (!ctx || !ctx->levels || !ivfc || !ivfc->num_levels) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } bool success = false; ivfc_level_save_ctx_t *levels = ctx->levels; levels[0].type = STORAGE_BYTES; levels[0].hash_offset = master_hash_offset; for(u32 i = 1; i < 4; i++) { ivfc_level_hdr_t *level = &ivfc->level_headers[i - 1]; levels[i].type = STORAGE_REMAP; levels[i].data_offset = level->logical_offset; levels[i].data_size = level->hash_data_size; } if (ivfc->num_levels == 5) { ivfc_level_hdr_t *data_level = &ivfc->level_headers[ivfc->num_levels - 2]; levels[ivfc->num_levels - 1].type = STORAGE_JOURNAL; levels[ivfc->num_levels - 1].data_offset = data_level->logical_offset; levels[ivfc->num_levels - 1].data_size = data_level->hash_data_size; } struct salt_source_t { char string[50]; u32 length; }; static const struct salt_source_t salt_sources[6] = { { "HierarchicalIntegrityVerificationStorage::Master", 48 }, { "HierarchicalIntegrityVerificationStorage::L1", 44 }, { "HierarchicalIntegrityVerificationStorage::L2", 44 }, { "HierarchicalIntegrityVerificationStorage::L3", 44 }, { "HierarchicalIntegrityVerificationStorage::L4", 44 }, { "HierarchicalIntegrityVerificationStorage::L5", 44 } }; integrity_verification_info_ctx_t init_info[ivfc->num_levels]; init_info[0].data = &levels[0]; init_info[0].block_size = 0; for(u32 i = 1; i < ivfc->num_levels; i++) { init_info[i].data = &levels[i]; init_info[i].block_size = (1 << ivfc->level_headers[i - 1].block_size); hmacSha256CalculateMac(init_info[i].salt, salt_sources[i - 1].string, salt_sources[i - 1].length, ivfc->salt_source, 0x20); } ctx->integrity_storages[0].next_level = NULL; ctx->level_validities = calloc(sizeof(validity_t*), (ivfc->num_levels - 1)); if (!ctx->level_validities) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for level validities!"); goto end; } for(u32 i = 1; i < ivfc->num_levels; i++) { integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *level_data = &ctx->integrity_storages[i - 1]; level_data->hash_storage = &levels[i - 1]; level_data->base_storage = &levels[i]; level_data->sector_size = init_info[i].block_size; level_data->_length = init_info[i].data->data_size; level_data->sector_count = ((level_data->_length + level_data->sector_size - 1) / level_data->sector_size); memcpy(level_data->salt, init_info[i].salt, 0x20); level_data->block_validities = calloc(sizeof(validity_t), level_data->sector_count); if (!level_data->block_validities) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for block validities in IVFC level #%u!", i); goto end; } ctx->level_validities[i - 1] = level_data->block_validities; if (i > 1) level_data->next_level = &ctx->integrity_storages[i - 2]; } ctx->data_level = &levels[ivfc->num_levels - 1]; ctx->_length = ctx->integrity_storages[ivfc->num_levels - 2]._length; success = true; end: if (!success && ctx->level_validities) { free(ctx->level_validities); ctx->level_validities = NULL; for(u32 i = 1; i < ivfc->num_levels; i++) { integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *level_data = &ctx->integrity_storages[i - 1]; if (level_data->block_validities) { free(level_data->block_validities); level_data->block_validities = NULL; ctx->level_validities[i - 1] = NULL; } else { break; } } } return success; } static size_t save_ivfc_level_fread(ivfc_level_save_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, u64 offset, size_t count) { if (!ctx || (ctx->type == STORAGE_BYTES && !ctx->save_ctx->file) || (ctx->type != STORAGE_BYTES && ctx->type != STORAGE_REMAP && ctx->type != STORAGE_JOURNAL) || !buffer || !count) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } UINT br = 0; FRESULT fr; switch (ctx->type) { case STORAGE_BYTES: fr = f_lseek(ctx->save_ctx->file, ctx->hash_offset + offset); if (fr || f_tell(ctx->save_ctx->file) != (ctx->hash_offset + offset)) { LOGFILE("Failed to seek to offset 0x%lX in savefile! (%u).", ctx->hash_offset + offset, fr); return (size_t)br; } fr = f_read(ctx->save_ctx->file, buffer, count, &br); if (fr || br != count) { LOGFILE("Failed to read IVFC level data from offset 0x%lX in savefile! (%u).", ctx->hash_offset + offset, fr); return (size_t)br; } break; case STORAGE_REMAP: br = save_remap_read(&ctx->save_ctx->meta_remap_storage, buffer, ctx->data_offset + offset, count); if (br != count) { LOGFILE("Failed to read IVFC level data from remap storage!"); return (size_t)br; } break; case STORAGE_JOURNAL: br = save_journal_storage_read(&ctx->save_ctx->journal_storage, &ctx->save_ctx->data_remap_storage, buffer, ctx->data_offset + offset, count); if (br != count) { LOGFILE("Failed to read IVFC level data from journal storage!"); return (size_t)br; } break; default: return 0; } return count; } static bool save_ivfc_storage_read(integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, u64 offset, size_t count, u32 verify) { if (!ctx || !ctx->sector_size || (!ctx->next_level && !ctx->hash_storage && !ctx->base_storage) || !buffer || !count) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } if (count > ctx->sector_size) { LOGFILE("IVFC read exceeds sector size!"); return false; } u64 block_index = (offset / ctx->sector_size); if (ctx->block_validities[block_index] == VALIDITY_INVALID && verify) { LOGFILE("Hash error from previous check found at offset 0x%lX, count 0x%lX!", offset, count); return false; } u8 hash_buffer[0x20] = {0}; u8 zeroes[0x20] = {0}; u64 hash_pos = (block_index * 0x20); if (ctx->next_level) { if (!save_ivfc_storage_read(ctx->next_level, hash_buffer, hash_pos, 0x20, verify)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read hash from next IVFC level!"); return false; } } else { if (save_ivfc_level_fread(ctx->hash_storage, hash_buffer, hash_pos, 0x20) != 0x20) { LOGFILE("Failed to read hash from hash storage!"); return false; } } if (!memcmp(hash_buffer, zeroes, 0x20)) { memset(buffer, 0, count); ctx->block_validities[block_index] = VALIDITY_VALID; return true; } if (save_ivfc_level_fread(ctx->base_storage, buffer, offset, count) != count) { LOGFILE("Failed to read IVFC level from base storage!"); return false; } if (!(verify && ctx->block_validities[block_index] == VALIDITY_UNCHECKED)) return true; u8 hash[0x20] = {0}; u8 *data_buffer = calloc(1, ctx->sector_size + 0x20); if (!data_buffer) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for data buffer!"); return false; } memcpy(data_buffer, ctx->salt, 0x20); memcpy(data_buffer + 0x20, buffer, ctx->sector_size); sha256CalculateHash(hash, data_buffer, ctx->sector_size + 0x20); hash[0x1F] |= 0x80; free(data_buffer); ctx->block_validities[block_index] = (!memcmp(hash_buffer, hash, 0x20) ? VALIDITY_VALID : VALIDITY_INVALID); if (ctx->block_validities[block_index] == VALIDITY_INVALID && verify) { LOGFILE("Hash error from current check found at offset 0x%lX, count 0x%lX!", offset, count); return false; } return true; } static u32 save_allocation_table_read_entry_with_length(allocation_table_ctx_t *ctx, allocation_table_entry_t *entry) { if (!ctx || !ctx->base_storage || !entry) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } u32 length = 1; u32 entry_index = allocation_table_block_to_entry_index(entry->next); allocation_table_entry_t *entries = (allocation_table_entry_t*)((u8*)(ctx->base_storage) + (entry_index * SAVE_FAT_ENTRY_SIZE)); if ((entries[0].next & 0x80000000) == 0) { if ((entries[0].prev & 0x80000000) && entries[0].prev != 0x80000000) { LOGFILE("Invalid range entry in allocation table!"); return 0; } } else { length = (entries[1].next - entry_index + 1); } if (allocation_table_is_list_end(&entries[0])) { entry->next = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { entry->next = allocation_table_entry_index_to_block(allocation_table_get_next(&entries[0])); } if (allocation_table_is_list_start(&entries[0])) { entry->prev = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { entry->prev = allocation_table_entry_index_to_block(allocation_table_get_prev(&entries[0])); } return length; } static u32 save_allocation_table_get_list_length(allocation_table_ctx_t *ctx, u32 block_index) { if (!ctx || !ctx->header->allocation_table_block_count) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } allocation_table_entry_t entry = {0}; entry.next = block_index; u32 total_length = 0; u32 table_size = ctx->header->allocation_table_block_count; u32 nodes_iterated = 0; while(entry.next != 0xFFFFFFFF) { u32 entry_length = save_allocation_table_read_entry_with_length(ctx, &entry); if (!entry_length) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve FAT entry length!"); return 0; } total_length += entry_length; nodes_iterated++; if (nodes_iterated > table_size) { LOGFILE("Cycle detected in allocation table!"); return 0; } } return total_length; } static bool save_allocation_table_iterator_begin(allocation_table_iterator_ctx_t *ctx, allocation_table_ctx_t *table, u32 initial_block) { if (!ctx || !table) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } ctx->fat = table; ctx->physical_block = initial_block; ctx->virtual_block = 0; allocation_table_entry_t entry = {0}; entry.next = initial_block; ctx->current_segment_size = save_allocation_table_read_entry_with_length(ctx->fat, &entry); if (!ctx->current_segment_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve FAT entry length!"); return false; } ctx->next_block = entry.next; ctx->prev_block = entry.prev; if (ctx->prev_block != 0xFFFFFFFF) { LOGFILE("Attempted to start FAT iteration from invalid block 0x%08X!", initial_block); return false; } return true; } static bool save_allocation_table_iterator_move_next(allocation_table_iterator_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx || ctx->next_block == 0xFFFFFFFF) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } ctx->virtual_block += ctx->current_segment_size; ctx->physical_block = ctx->next_block; allocation_table_entry_t entry = {0}; entry.next = ctx->next_block; ctx->current_segment_size = save_allocation_table_read_entry_with_length(ctx->fat, &entry); if (!ctx->current_segment_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve current segment size!"); return false; } ctx->next_block = entry.next; ctx->prev_block = entry.prev; return true; } static bool save_allocation_table_iterator_move_prev(allocation_table_iterator_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx || ctx->prev_block == 0xFFFFFFFF) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } ctx->physical_block = ctx->prev_block; allocation_table_entry_t entry = {0}; entry.next = ctx->prev_block; ctx->current_segment_size = save_allocation_table_read_entry_with_length(ctx->fat, &entry); if (!ctx->current_segment_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve current segment size!"); return false; } ctx->next_block = entry.next; ctx->prev_block = entry.prev; ctx->virtual_block -= ctx->current_segment_size; return true; } static bool save_allocation_table_iterator_seek(allocation_table_iterator_ctx_t *ctx, u32 block) { while(true) { if (block < ctx->virtual_block) { if (!save_allocation_table_iterator_move_prev(ctx)) return false; } else if (block >= ctx->virtual_block + ctx->current_segment_size) { if (!save_allocation_table_iterator_move_next(ctx)) return false; } else { return true; } } } u32 save_allocation_table_storage_read(allocation_table_storage_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, u64 offset, size_t count) { if (!ctx || !ctx->fat || !ctx->block_size || !buffer || !count) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } allocation_table_iterator_ctx_t iterator; if (!save_allocation_table_iterator_begin(&iterator, ctx->fat, ctx->initial_block)) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize FAT interator!"); return 0; } u64 in_pos = offset; u32 out_pos = 0; u32 remaining = count; while(remaining) { u32 block_num = (u32)(in_pos / ctx->block_size); if (!save_allocation_table_iterator_seek(&iterator, block_num)) { LOGFILE("Failed to seek to block #%u within offset 0x%lX!", block_num, offset); return out_pos; } u32 segment_pos = (u32)(in_pos - ((u64)iterator.virtual_block * ctx->block_size)); u64 physical_offset = ((iterator.physical_block * ctx->block_size) + segment_pos); u32 remaining_in_segment = ((iterator.current_segment_size * ctx->block_size) - segment_pos); u32 bytes_to_read = (remaining < remaining_in_segment ? remaining : remaining_in_segment); u32 sector_size = ctx->base_storage->integrity_storages[3].sector_size; u32 chunk_remaining = bytes_to_read; for(u32 i = 0; i < bytes_to_read; i += sector_size) { u32 bytes_to_request = (chunk_remaining < sector_size ? chunk_remaining : sector_size); if (!save_ivfc_storage_read(&ctx->base_storage->integrity_storages[3], (u8*)buffer + out_pos + i, physical_offset + i, bytes_to_request, \ ctx->base_storage->data_level->save_ctx->tool_ctx.action & ACTION_VERIFY)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read %u bytes chunk from IVFC storage at physical offset 0x%lX!", bytes_to_request, physical_offset + i); return (out_pos + bytes_to_read - chunk_remaining); } chunk_remaining -= bytes_to_request; } out_pos += bytes_to_read; in_pos += bytes_to_read; remaining -= bytes_to_read; } return out_pos; } static u32 save_fs_list_get_capacity(save_filesystem_list_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } if (!ctx->capacity) { if (save_allocation_table_storage_read(&ctx->storage, &ctx->capacity, 4, 4) != 4) { LOGFILE("Failed to read FS capacity from FAT storage!"); return 0; } } return ctx->capacity; } static u32 save_fs_list_read_entry(save_filesystem_list_ctx_t *ctx, u32 index, save_fs_list_entry_t *entry) { if (!ctx || !entry) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return 0; } u32 ret = save_allocation_table_storage_read(&ctx->storage, entry, index * SAVE_FS_LIST_ENTRY_SIZE, SAVE_FS_LIST_ENTRY_SIZE); if (ret != SAVE_FS_LIST_ENTRY_SIZE) { LOGFILE("Failed to read FS entry from FAT storage!"); return 0; } return ret; } bool save_fs_list_get_value(save_filesystem_list_ctx_t *ctx, u32 index, save_fs_list_entry_t *value) { if (!ctx || !value) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } u32 capacity = save_fs_list_get_capacity(ctx); if (!capacity) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve FS capacity!"); return false; } if (index >= capacity) { LOGFILE("Provided index exceeds FS capacity!"); return false; } if (!save_fs_list_read_entry(ctx, index, value)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read FS entry!"); return false; } return true; } u32 save_fs_list_get_index_from_key(save_filesystem_list_ctx_t *ctx, save_entry_key_t *key, u32 *prev_index) { u32 prev; if (!prev_index) prev_index = &prev; if (!ctx || !key) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); goto end; } u32 capacity = save_fs_list_get_capacity(ctx); if (!capacity) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve FS capacity!"); goto end; } save_fs_list_entry_t entry; if (!save_fs_list_read_entry(ctx, ctx->used_list_head_index, &entry)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read FS entry for initial index %u!", ctx->used_list_head_index); goto end; } *prev_index = ctx->used_list_head_index; u32 index = entry.next; while(index) { if (index > capacity) { LOGFILE("Save entry index %d out of range!", index); break; } if (!save_fs_list_read_entry(ctx, index, &entry)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read FS entry for index %u!", index); break; } if (entry.parent == key->parent && !strcmp(entry.name, key->name)) return index; *prev_index = index; index = entry.next; } if (!index) LOGFILE("Unable to find FS index from key!"); end: *prev_index = 0xFFFFFFFF; return 0xFFFFFFFF; } bool save_hierarchical_file_table_find_path_recursive(hierarchical_save_file_table_ctx_t *ctx, save_entry_key_t *key, const char *path) { if (!ctx || !key || !path || !*path) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } key->parent = 0; const char *pos = strchr(path, '/'); while(pos) { memset(key->name, 0, SAVE_FS_LIST_MAX_NAME_LENGTH); const char *tmp = strchr(pos, '/'); if (!tmp) { memcpy(key->name, pos, strlen(pos)); break; } memcpy(key->name, pos, tmp - pos); key->parent = save_fs_list_get_index_from_key(&ctx->directory_table, key, NULL); if (key->parent == 0xFFFFFFFF) return false; pos = (tmp + 1); } return true; } bool save_hierarchical_file_table_get_file_entry_by_path(hierarchical_save_file_table_ctx_t *ctx, const char *path, save_fs_list_entry_t *entry) { if (!ctx || !path || !*path || !entry) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } save_entry_key_t key; if (!save_hierarchical_file_table_find_path_recursive(ctx, &key, path)) { LOGFILE("Unable to locate file \"%s\"!", path); return false; } u32 index = save_fs_list_get_index_from_key(&ctx->file_table, &key, NULL); if (index == 0xFFFFFFFF) { LOGFILE("Unable to get table index for file \"%s\"!", path); return false; } if (!save_fs_list_get_value(&ctx->file_table, index, entry)) { LOGFILE("Unable to get file entry for \"%s\" from index!", path); return false; } return true; } bool save_open_fat_storage(save_filesystem_ctx_t *ctx, allocation_table_storage_ctx_t *storage_ctx, u32 block_index) { if (!ctx || !ctx->base_storage || !storage_ctx) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } storage_ctx->base_storage = ctx->base_storage; storage_ctx->fat = &ctx->allocation_table; storage_ctx->block_size = (u32)ctx->header->block_size; storage_ctx->initial_block = block_index; if (block_index == 0xFFFFFFFF) { storage_ctx->_length = 0; } else { u32 fat_list_length = save_allocation_table_get_list_length(storage_ctx->fat, block_index); if (!fat_list_length) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve FAT list length!"); return false; } storage_ctx->_length = (fat_list_length * storage_ctx->block_size); } return true; } static bool save_filesystem_init(save_filesystem_ctx_t *ctx, void *fat, save_fs_header_t *save_fs_header, fat_header_t *fat_header) { if (!ctx || !fat || !save_fs_header || !fat_header) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } ctx->allocation_table.base_storage = fat; ctx->allocation_table.header = fat_header; ctx->allocation_table.free_list_entry_index = 0; ctx->header = save_fs_header; if (!save_open_fat_storage(ctx, &ctx->file_table.directory_table.storage, fat_header->directory_table_block)) { LOGFILE("Failed to open FAT directory storage!"); return false; } if (!save_open_fat_storage(ctx, &ctx->file_table.file_table.storage, fat_header->file_table_block)) { LOGFILE("Failed to open FAT file storage!"); return false; } ctx->file_table.file_table.free_list_head_index = 0; ctx->file_table.file_table.used_list_head_index = 1; ctx->file_table.directory_table.free_list_head_index = 0; ctx->file_table.directory_table.used_list_head_index = 1; return true; } static validity_t save_ivfc_validate(hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *ctx, ivfc_save_hdr_t *ivfc) { if (!ctx || !ivfc || !ivfc->num_levels) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return VALIDITY_INVALID; } validity_t result = VALIDITY_VALID; for(u32 i = 0; i < (ivfc->num_levels - 1) && result != VALIDITY_INVALID; i++) { integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *storage = &ctx->integrity_storages[i]; u64 block_size = storage->sector_size; u32 block_count = (u32)((storage->_length + block_size - 1) / block_size); u8 *buffer = calloc(1, block_size); if (!buffer) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for input buffer!"); result = VALIDITY_INVALID; break; } for(u32 j = 0; j < block_count; j++) { if (ctx->level_validities[ivfc->num_levels - 2][j] == VALIDITY_UNCHECKED) { u32 to_read = ((storage->_length - (block_size * j)) < block_size ? (storage->_length - (block_size * j)) : block_size); if (!save_ivfc_storage_read(storage, buffer, block_size * j, to_read, 1)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read IVFC storage data!"); result = VALIDITY_INVALID; break; } } if (ctx->level_validities[ivfc->num_levels - 2][j] == VALIDITY_INVALID) { result = VALIDITY_INVALID; break; } } free(buffer); if (result == VALIDITY_INVALID) break; } return result; } static bool save_ivfc_set_level_validities(hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *ctx, ivfc_save_hdr_t *ivfc) { if (!ctx || !ivfc || !ivfc->num_levels) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } bool success = true; for(u32 i = 0; i < (ivfc->num_levels - 1); i++) { validity_t level_validity = VALIDITY_VALID; for(u32 j = 0; j < ctx->integrity_storages[i].sector_count; j++) { if (ctx->level_validities[i][j] == VALIDITY_INVALID) { level_validity = VALIDITY_INVALID; break; } if (ctx->level_validities[i][j] == VALIDITY_UNCHECKED && level_validity != VALIDITY_INVALID) level_validity = VALIDITY_UNCHECKED; } ctx->levels[i].hash_validity = level_validity; if (success && level_validity == VALIDITY_INVALID) success = false; } if (!success) LOGFILE("Invalid IVFC level!"); return success; } static validity_t save_filesystem_verify(save_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return VALIDITY_INVALID; } validity_t journal_validity = save_ivfc_validate(&ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage, &ctx->header.data_ivfc_header); if (journal_validity == VALIDITY_INVALID) { LOGFILE("Invalid core IVFC storage!"); return journal_validity; } if (!save_ivfc_set_level_validities(&ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage, &ctx->header.data_ivfc_header)) { LOGFILE("Invalid IVFC level in core IVFC storage!"); journal_validity = VALIDITY_INVALID; return journal_validity; } if (!ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.levels[0].save_ctx) return journal_validity; validity_t fat_validity = save_ivfc_validate(&ctx->fat_ivfc_storage, &ctx->header.fat_ivfc_header); if (fat_validity == VALIDITY_INVALID) { LOGFILE("Invalid FAT IVFC storage!"); return fat_validity; } if (!save_ivfc_set_level_validities(&ctx->fat_ivfc_storage, &ctx->header.fat_ivfc_header)) { LOGFILE("Invalid IVFC level in FAT IVFC storage!"); fat_validity = VALIDITY_INVALID; return fat_validity; } if (journal_validity != VALIDITY_VALID) return journal_validity; if (fat_validity != VALIDITY_VALID) return fat_validity; return journal_validity; } bool save_process(save_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx || !ctx->file) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } UINT br = 0; FRESULT fr; bool success = false; /* Try to parse Header A. */ f_rewind(ctx->file); fr = f_read(ctx->file, &ctx->header, sizeof(ctx->header), &br); if (fr || br != sizeof(ctx->header)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read savefile header A! (%u).", fr); return success; } if (!save_process_header(ctx) || ctx->header_hash_validity == VALIDITY_INVALID) { /* Try to parse Header B. */ fr = f_lseek(ctx->file, 0x4000); if (fr || f_tell(ctx->file) != 0x4000) { LOGFILE("Failed to seek to offset 0x4000 in savefile! (%u).", fr); return success; } fr = f_read(ctx->file, &ctx->header, sizeof(ctx->header), &br); if (fr || br != sizeof(ctx->header)) { LOGFILE("Failed to read savefile header B! (%u).", fr); return success; } if (!save_process_header(ctx) || ctx->header_hash_validity == VALIDITY_INVALID) { LOGFILE("Savefile header is invalid!"); return success; } } u8 cmac[0x10] = {0}; cmacAes128CalculateMac(cmac, ctx->save_mac_key, &ctx->header.layout, sizeof(ctx->header.layout)); ctx->header_cmac_validity = (!memcmp(cmac, &ctx->header.cmac, 0x10) ? VALIDITY_VALID : VALIDITY_INVALID); /* Initialize remap storages. */ ctx->data_remap_storage.type = STORAGE_BYTES; ctx->data_remap_storage.base_storage_offset = ctx->header.layout.file_map_data_offset; ctx->data_remap_storage.header = &ctx->header.main_remap_header; ctx->data_remap_storage.file = ctx->file; ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries = calloc(sizeof(remap_entry_ctx_t), ctx->data_remap_storage.header->map_entry_count); if (!ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for data remap storage entries!"); return success; } fr = f_lseek(ctx->file, ctx->header.layout.file_map_entry_offset); if (fr || f_tell(ctx->file) != ctx->header.layout.file_map_entry_offset) { LOGFILE("Failed to seek to file map entry offset 0x%lX in savefile! (%u).", ctx->header.layout.file_map_entry_offset, fr); return success; } for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->data_remap_storage.header->map_entry_count; i++) { fr = f_read(ctx->file, &ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries[i], 0x20, &br); if (fr || br != 0x20) { LOGFILE("Failed to read data remap storage entry #%u! (%u).", i, fr); goto end; } ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries[i].physical_offset_end = (ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries[i].physical_offset + ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries[i].size); ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries[i].virtual_offset_end = (ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries[i].virtual_offset + ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries[i].size); } /* Initialize data remap storage. */ ctx->data_remap_storage.segments = save_remap_init_segments(ctx->data_remap_storage.header, ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries, ctx->data_remap_storage.header->map_entry_count); if (!ctx->data_remap_storage.segments) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve data remap storage segments!"); goto end; } /* Initialize duplex storage. */ ctx->duplex_layers[0].data_a = ((u8*)&ctx->header + ctx->header.layout.duplex_master_offset_a); ctx->duplex_layers[0].data_b = ((u8*)&ctx->header + ctx->header.layout.duplex_master_offset_b); memcpy(&ctx->duplex_layers[0].info, &ctx->header.duplex_header.layers[0], sizeof(duplex_info_t)); ctx->duplex_layers[1].data_a = calloc(1, ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_size); if (!ctx->duplex_layers[1].data_a) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for data_a block in duplex layer #1!"); goto end; } if (save_remap_read(&ctx->data_remap_storage, ctx->duplex_layers[1].data_a, ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_offset_a, ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_size) != ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to read data_a block from duplex layer #1 in data remap storage!"); goto end; } ctx->duplex_layers[1].data_b = calloc(1, ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_size); if (!ctx->duplex_layers[1].data_b) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for data_b block in duplex layer #1!"); goto end; } if (save_remap_read(&ctx->data_remap_storage, ctx->duplex_layers[1].data_b, ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_offset_b, ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_size) != ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to read data_b block from duplex layer #1 in data remap storage!"); goto end; } memcpy(&ctx->duplex_layers[1].info, &ctx->header.duplex_header.layers[1], sizeof(duplex_info_t)); ctx->duplex_layers[2].data_a = calloc(1, ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_size); if (!ctx->duplex_layers[2].data_a) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for data_a block in duplex layer #2!"); goto end; } if (save_remap_read(&ctx->data_remap_storage, ctx->duplex_layers[2].data_a, ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_offset_a, ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_size) != ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to read data_a block from duplex layer #2 in data remap storage!"); goto end; } ctx->duplex_layers[2].data_b = calloc(1, ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_size); if (!ctx->duplex_layers[2].data_b) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for data_b block in duplex layer #2!"); goto end; } if (save_remap_read(&ctx->data_remap_storage, ctx->duplex_layers[2].data_b, ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_offset_b, ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_size) != ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to read data_b block from duplex layer #2 in data remap storage!"); goto end; } memcpy(&ctx->duplex_layers[2].info, &ctx->header.duplex_header.layers[2], sizeof(duplex_info_t)); /* Initialize hierarchical duplex storage. */ u8 *bitmap = (ctx->header.layout.duplex_index == 1 ? ctx->duplex_layers[0].data_b : ctx->duplex_layers[0].data_a); if (!save_duplex_storage_init(&ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0], &ctx->duplex_layers[1], bitmap, ctx->header.layout.duplex_master_size)) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize duplex storage layer #0!"); goto end; } ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0]._length = ctx->header.layout.duplex_l1_size; bitmap = calloc(1, ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0]._length); if (!bitmap) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for duplex storage layer #0 bitmap!"); goto end; } if (save_duplex_storage_read(&ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0], bitmap, 0, ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0]._length) != ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0]._length) { LOGFILE("Failed to read duplex storage layer #0 bitmap!"); free(bitmap); goto end; } if (!save_duplex_storage_init(&ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1], &ctx->duplex_layers[2], bitmap, ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0]._length)) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize duplex storage layer #1!"); goto end; } ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1]._length = ctx->header.layout.duplex_data_size; ctx->duplex_storage.data_layer = ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1]; /* Initialize meta remap storage. */ ctx->meta_remap_storage.type = STORAGE_DUPLEX; ctx->meta_remap_storage.duplex = &ctx->duplex_storage.data_layer; ctx->meta_remap_storage.header = &ctx->header.meta_remap_header; ctx->meta_remap_storage.file = ctx->file; ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries = calloc(sizeof(remap_entry_ctx_t), ctx->meta_remap_storage.header->map_entry_count); if (!ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for meta remap storage entries!"); goto end; } fr = f_lseek(ctx->file, ctx->header.layout.meta_map_entry_offset); if (fr || f_tell(ctx->file) != ctx->header.layout.meta_map_entry_offset) { LOGFILE("Failed to seek to meta map entry offset 0x%lX in savefile! (%u).", ctx->header.layout.meta_map_entry_offset, fr); goto end; } for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->meta_remap_storage.header->map_entry_count; i++) { fr = f_read(ctx->file, &ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries[i], 0x20, &br); if (fr || br != 0x20) { LOGFILE("Failed to read meta remap storage entry #%u! (%u).", i, fr); goto end; } ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries[i].physical_offset_end = (ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries[i].physical_offset + ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries[i].size); ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries[i].virtual_offset_end = (ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries[i].virtual_offset + ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries[i].size); } ctx->meta_remap_storage.segments = save_remap_init_segments(ctx->meta_remap_storage.header, ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries, ctx->meta_remap_storage.header->map_entry_count); if (!ctx->meta_remap_storage.segments) { LOGFILE("Failed to retrieve meta remap storage segments!"); goto end; } /* Initialize journal map. */ ctx->journal_map_info.map_storage = calloc(1, ctx->header.layout.journal_map_table_size); if (!ctx->journal_map_info.map_storage) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for journal map info!"); goto end; } if (save_remap_read(&ctx->meta_remap_storage, ctx->journal_map_info.map_storage, ctx->header.layout.journal_map_table_offset, ctx->header.layout.journal_map_table_size) != ctx->header.layout.journal_map_table_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to read map storage from journal map info in meta remap storage!"); goto end; } /* Initialize journal storage. */ ctx->journal_storage.header = &ctx->header.journal_header; ctx->journal_storage.journal_data_offset = ctx->header.layout.journal_data_offset; ctx->journal_storage._length = (ctx->journal_storage.header->total_size - ctx->journal_storage.header->journal_size); ctx->journal_storage.file = ctx->file; ctx->journal_storage.map.header = &ctx->header.map_header; ctx->journal_storage.map.map_storage = ctx->journal_map_info.map_storage; ctx->journal_storage.map.entries = calloc(sizeof(journal_map_entry_t), ctx->journal_storage.map.header->main_data_block_count); if (!ctx->journal_storage.map.entries) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for journal map storage entries!"); goto end; } u32 *pos = (u32*)ctx->journal_storage.map.map_storage; for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->journal_storage.map.header->main_data_block_count; i++) { ctx->journal_storage.map.entries[i].virtual_index = i; ctx->journal_storage.map.entries[i].physical_index = (*pos & 0x7FFFFFFF); pos += 2; } ctx->journal_storage.block_size = ctx->journal_storage.header->block_size; ctx->journal_storage._length = (ctx->journal_storage.header->total_size - ctx->journal_storage.header->journal_size); /* Initialize core IVFC storage. */ for(u32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage.levels[i].save_ctx = ctx; if (!save_ivfc_storage_init(&ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage, ctx->header.layout.ivfc_master_hash_offset_a, &ctx->header.data_ivfc_header)) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize core IVFC storage!"); goto end; } /* Initialize FAT storage. */ if (ctx->header.layout.version < 0x50000) { ctx->fat_storage = calloc(1, ctx->header.layout.fat_size); if (!ctx->fat_storage) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for FAT storage!"); goto end; } if (save_remap_read(&ctx->meta_remap_storage, ctx->fat_storage, ctx->header.layout.fat_offset, ctx->header.layout.fat_size) != ctx->header.layout.fat_size) { LOGFILE("Failed to read FAT storage from meta remap storage!"); goto end; } } else { for(u32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.levels[i].save_ctx = ctx; if (!save_ivfc_storage_init(&ctx->fat_ivfc_storage, ctx->header.layout.fat_ivfc_master_hash_a, &ctx->header.fat_ivfc_header)) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize FAT storage! (IVFC)."); goto end; } ctx->fat_storage = calloc(1, ctx->fat_ivfc_storage._length); if (!ctx->fat_storage) { LOGFILE("Failed to allocate memory for FAT storage! (IVFC)."); goto end; } if (save_remap_read(&ctx->meta_remap_storage, ctx->fat_storage, ctx->header.fat_ivfc_header.level_headers[ctx->header.fat_ivfc_header.num_levels - 2].logical_offset, ctx->fat_ivfc_storage._length) != ctx->fat_ivfc_storage._length) { LOGFILE("Failed to read FAT storage from meta remap storage! (IVFC)."); goto end; } } if (ctx->tool_ctx.action & ACTION_VERIFY) { if (save_filesystem_verify(ctx) == VALIDITY_INVALID) { LOGFILE("Savefile FS verification failed!"); goto end; } } /* Initialize core save filesystem. */ ctx->save_filesystem_core.base_storage = &ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage; if (!save_filesystem_init(&ctx->save_filesystem_core, ctx->fat_storage, &ctx->header.save_header, &ctx->header.fat_header)) { LOGFILE("Failed to initialize savefile FS!"); goto end; } success = true; end: if (!success) save_free_contexts(ctx); return success; } bool save_process_header(save_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx) { LOGFILE("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } if (ctx->header.layout.magic != MAGIC_DISF || ctx->header.duplex_header.magic != MAGIC_DPFS || \ ctx->header.data_ivfc_header.magic != MAGIC_IVFC || ctx->header.journal_header.magic != MAGIC_JNGL || \ ctx->header.save_header.magic != MAGIC_SAVE || ctx->header.main_remap_header.magic != MAGIC_RMAP || \ ctx->header.meta_remap_header.magic != MAGIC_RMAP) { LOGFILE("Save header is corrupt!"); return false; } ctx->data_ivfc_master = ((u8*)&ctx->header + ctx->header.layout.ivfc_master_hash_offset_a); ctx->fat_ivfc_master = ((u8*)&ctx->header + ctx->header.layout.fat_ivfc_master_hash_a); u8 hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; sha256CalculateHash(hash, &ctx->header.duplex_header, 0x3D00); ctx->header_hash_validity = (memcmp(hash, ctx->header.layout.hash, SHA256_HASH_SIZE) == 0 ? VALIDITY_VALID : VALIDITY_INVALID); ctx->header.data_ivfc_header.num_levels = 5; if (ctx->header.layout.version >= 0x50000) ctx->header.fat_ivfc_header.num_levels = 4; return true; } void save_free_contexts(save_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx) return; if (ctx->data_remap_storage.segments) { if (ctx->data_remap_storage.header) { for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->data_remap_storage.header->map_segment_count; i++) { if (ctx->data_remap_storage.segments[i].entries) free(ctx->data_remap_storage.segments[i].entries); } } free(ctx->data_remap_storage.segments); ctx->data_remap_storage.segments = NULL; } if (ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries) { free(ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries); ctx->data_remap_storage.map_entries = NULL; } if (ctx->meta_remap_storage.segments) { if (ctx->meta_remap_storage.header) { for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->meta_remap_storage.header->map_segment_count; i++) { if (ctx->meta_remap_storage.segments[i].entries) free(ctx->meta_remap_storage.segments[i].entries); } } free(ctx->meta_remap_storage.segments); ctx->meta_remap_storage.segments = NULL; } if (ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries) { free(ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries); ctx->meta_remap_storage.map_entries = NULL; } if (ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0].bitmap.bitmap) { free(ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0].bitmap.bitmap); ctx->duplex_storage.layers[0].bitmap.bitmap = NULL; } if (ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1].bitmap.bitmap) { free(ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1].bitmap.bitmap); ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1].bitmap.bitmap = NULL; } if (ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1].bitmap_storage) { free(ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1].bitmap_storage); ctx->duplex_storage.layers[1].bitmap_storage = NULL; } for(u32 i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (ctx->duplex_layers[i].data_a) { free(ctx->duplex_layers[i].data_a); ctx->duplex_layers[i].data_a = NULL; } if (ctx->duplex_layers[i].data_b) { free(ctx->duplex_layers[i].data_b); ctx->duplex_layers[i].data_b = NULL; } } if (ctx->journal_map_info.map_storage) { free(ctx->journal_map_info.map_storage); ctx->journal_map_info.map_storage = NULL; } if (ctx->journal_storage.map.entries) { free(ctx->journal_storage.map.entries); ctx->journal_storage.map.entries = NULL; } for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->header.data_ivfc_header.num_levels - 1; i++) { if (ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage.integrity_storages[i].block_validities) { free(ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage.integrity_storages[i].block_validities); ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage.integrity_storages[i].block_validities = NULL; } } if (ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage.level_validities) { free(ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage.level_validities); ctx->core_data_ivfc_storage.level_validities = NULL; } if (ctx->header.layout.version >= 0x50000) { for(u32 i = 0; i < ctx->header.fat_ivfc_header.num_levels - 1; i++) { if (ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.integrity_storages[i].block_validities) { free(ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.integrity_storages[i].block_validities); ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.integrity_storages[i].block_validities = NULL; } } } if (ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.level_validities) { free(ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.level_validities); ctx->fat_ivfc_storage.level_validities = NULL; } if (ctx->fat_storage) { free(ctx->fat_storage); ctx->fat_storage = NULL; } } save_ctx_t *save_open_savefile(const char *path, u32 action) { if (!path || !*path) { LOGFILE("Invalid savefile path!"); return NULL; } FRESULT fr = FR_OK; FIL *save_fd = NULL; save_ctx_t *save_ctx = NULL; bool open_savefile = false, success = false; save_fd = calloc(1, sizeof(FIL)); if (!save_fd) { LOGFILE("Unable to allocate memory for FatFs file descriptor!"); return NULL; } fr = f_open(save_fd, path, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING); if (fr != FR_OK) { LOGFILE("Failed to open \"%s\" savefile from BIS System partition! (%u).", path, fr); goto end; } open_savefile = true; /* Code to dump the requested file in its entirety. Useful to retrieve protected system savefiles without exiting HOS. */ /*char sd_path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; sprintf(sd_path, "sdmc:/%s", strrchr(path, '/') + 1); UINT blksize = 0x100000; u8 *buf = malloc(blksize); FILE *fd = fopen(sd_path, "wb"); if (buf && fd) { u64 size = f_size(save_fd); UINT br = 0; for(u64 i = 0; i < size; i += blksize) { if ((size - i) < blksize) blksize = (size - i); if (f_read(save_fd, buf, blksize, &br) != FR_OK || br != blksize) break; fwrite(buf, 1, blksize, fd); } f_rewind(save_fd); } if (fd) fclose(fd); if (buf) free(buf);*/ save_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(save_ctx_t)); if (!save_ctx) { LOGFILE("Unable to allocate memory for savefile \"%s\" context!", path); goto end; } save_ctx->file = save_fd; save_ctx->tool_ctx.action = action; success = save_process(save_ctx); if (!success) LOGFILE("Failed to process savefile \"%s\"!", path); end: if (!success) { if (save_ctx) { free(save_ctx); save_ctx = NULL; } if (save_fd) { if (open_savefile) f_close(save_fd); free(save_fd); } } return save_ctx; } void save_close_savefile(save_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx) return; if (ctx->file) { f_close(ctx->file); free(ctx->file); } save_free_contexts(ctx); free(ctx); } bool save_get_fat_storage_from_file_entry_by_path(save_ctx_t *ctx, const char *path, allocation_table_storage_ctx_t *out_fat_storage, u64 *out_file_entry_size) { if (!ctx || !path || !*path || !out_fat_storage || !out_file_entry_size) { LOGFILE("Invalid file entry path!"); return false; } save_fs_list_entry_t entry = {0}; if (!save_hierarchical_file_table_get_file_entry_by_path(&(ctx->save_filesystem_core.file_table), path, &entry)) { LOGFILE("Failed to get file entry for \"%s\" in savefile!", path); return false; } if (!save_open_fat_storage(&(ctx->save_filesystem_core), out_fat_storage, entry.value.save_file_info.start_block)) { LOGFILE("Failed to open FAT storage at block 0x%X for \"%s\" in savefile!", entry.value.save_file_info.start_block, path); return false; } *out_file_entry_size = entry.value.save_file_info.length; return true; }