/* * config.c * * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "nxdt_utils.h" #include "config.h" #include "title.h" #define CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(type, name, ...) \ if (!strcmp(key, #name)) { \ if (name##_found || !jsonValidate##type(val, ##__VA_ARGS__)) goto end; \ name##_found = true; \ continue; \ } #define CONFIG_VALIDATE_OBJECT(type, name) \ if (!strcmp(key, #name)) { \ if (name##_found || !configValidateJson##type##Object(val)) goto end; \ name##_found = true; \ continue; \ } #define CONFIG_GETTER(functype, vartype, ...) \ vartype configGet##functype(const char *path) { \ vartype ret = (vartype)0; \ SCOPED_LOCK(&g_configMutex) { \ if (!g_configInterfaceInit) break; \ ret = jsonGet##functype(g_configJson, path); \ } \ return ret; \ } #define CONFIG_SETTER(functype, vartype, ...) \ void configSet##functype(const char *path, vartype value) { \ SCOPED_LOCK(&g_configMutex) { \ if (!g_configInterfaceInit) break; \ if (jsonSet##functype(g_configJson, path, value)) configWriteConfigJson(); \ } \ } /* Global variables. */ static Mutex g_configMutex = 0; static bool g_configInterfaceInit = false; static struct json_object *g_configJson = NULL; /* Function prototypes. */ static bool configParseConfigJson(void); static void configWriteConfigJson(void); static void configFreeConfigJson(void); static bool configValidateJsonRootObject(const struct json_object *obj); static bool configValidateJsonGameCardObject(const struct json_object *obj); static bool configValidateJsonNspObject(const struct json_object *obj); static bool configValidateJsonTicketObject(const struct json_object *obj); static bool configValidateJsonNcaFsObject(const struct json_object *obj); bool configInitialize(void) { bool ret = false; SCOPED_LOCK(&g_configMutex) { ret = g_configInterfaceInit; if (ret) break; /* Parse JSON config. */ if (!configParseConfigJson()) { LOG_MSG("Failed to parse JSON configuration!"); break; } /* Update flags. */ ret = g_configInterfaceInit = true; } return ret; } void configExit(void) { SCOPED_LOCK(&g_configMutex) { /* Free JSON object. */ /* We don't need to write it back to the SD card - setter functions do that on their own. */ configFreeConfigJson(); /* Update flag. */ g_configInterfaceInit = false; } } CONFIG_GETTER(Boolean, bool); CONFIG_SETTER(Boolean, bool); CONFIG_GETTER(Integer, int); CONFIG_SETTER(Integer, int); static bool configParseConfigJson(void) { bool use_default_config = true, ret = false; /* Read config JSON. */ g_configJson = json_object_from_file(CONFIG_PATH); if (!g_configJson) { jsonLogLastError(); goto end; } /* Validate configuration. */ ret = configValidateJsonRootObject(g_configJson); use_default_config = !ret; end: if (use_default_config) { LOG_MSG("Loading default configuration."); /* Free config JSON. */ configFreeConfigJson(); /* Read default config JSON. */ g_configJson = json_object_from_file(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH); if (g_configJson) { configWriteConfigJson(); ret = true; } else { jsonLogLastError(); } } return ret; } static void configWriteConfigJson(void) { if (!g_configJson) return; if (json_object_to_file_ext(CONFIG_PATH, g_configJson, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED | JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY) != 0) jsonLogLastError(); } static void configFreeConfigJson(void) { if (!g_configJson) return; json_object_put(g_configJson); g_configJson = NULL; } static bool configValidateJsonRootObject(const struct json_object *obj) { bool ret = false, overclock_found = false, naming_convention_found = false, dump_destination_found = false, gamecard_found = false; bool nsp_found = false, ticket_found = false, nca_fs_found = false; if (!jsonValidateObject(obj)) goto end; json_object_object_foreach(obj, key, val) { CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, overclock); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Integer, naming_convention, TitleNamingConvention_Full, TitleNamingConvention_Count - 1); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Integer, dump_destination, ConfigDumpDestination_SdCard, ConfigDumpDestination_Count - 1); CONFIG_VALIDATE_OBJECT(GameCard, gamecard); CONFIG_VALIDATE_OBJECT(Nsp, nsp); CONFIG_VALIDATE_OBJECT(Ticket, ticket); CONFIG_VALIDATE_OBJECT(NcaFs, nca_fs); goto end; } ret = (overclock_found && naming_convention_found && dump_destination_found && gamecard_found && nsp_found && ticket_found && nca_fs_found); end: return ret; } static bool configValidateJsonGameCardObject(const struct json_object *obj) { bool ret = false, append_key_area_found = false, keep_certificate_found = false, trim_dump_found = false, calculate_checksum_found = false, checksum_lookup_method_found = false; if (!jsonValidateObject(obj)) goto end; json_object_object_foreach(obj, key, val) { CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, append_key_area); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, keep_certificate); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, trim_dump); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, calculate_checksum); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Integer, checksum_lookup_method, ConfigChecksumLookupMethod_None, ConfigChecksumLookupMethod_Count - 1); goto end; } ret = (append_key_area_found && keep_certificate_found && trim_dump_found && calculate_checksum_found && checksum_lookup_method_found); end: return ret; } static bool configValidateJsonNspObject(const struct json_object *obj) { bool ret = false, set_download_distribution_found = false, remove_console_data_found = false, remove_titlekey_crypto_found = false, replace_acid_key_sig_found = false; bool disable_linked_account_requirement_found = false, enable_screenshots_found = false, enable_video_capture_found = false, disable_hdcp_found = false, append_authoringtool_data_found = false, lookup_checksum_found = false; if (!jsonValidateObject(obj)) goto end; json_object_object_foreach(obj, key, val) { CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, set_download_distribution); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, remove_console_data); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, remove_titlekey_crypto); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, replace_acid_key_sig); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, disable_linked_account_requirement); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, enable_screenshots); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, enable_video_capture); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, disable_hdcp); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, lookup_checksum); CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, append_authoringtool_data); goto end; } ret = (set_download_distribution_found && remove_console_data_found && remove_titlekey_crypto_found && replace_acid_key_sig_found && disable_linked_account_requirement_found && \ enable_screenshots_found && enable_video_capture_found && disable_hdcp_found && append_authoringtool_data_found && lookup_checksum_found); end: return ret; } static bool configValidateJsonTicketObject(const struct json_object *obj) { bool ret = false, remove_console_data_found = false; if (!jsonValidateObject(obj)) goto end; json_object_object_foreach(obj, key, val) { CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, remove_console_data); goto end; } ret = remove_console_data_found; end: return ret; } static bool configValidateJsonNcaFsObject(const struct json_object *obj) { bool ret = false, use_layeredfs_dir_found = false; if (!jsonValidateObject(obj)) goto end; json_object_object_foreach(obj, key, val) { CONFIG_VALIDATE_FIELD(Boolean, use_layeredfs_dir); goto end; } ret = use_layeredfs_dir_found; end: return ret; }