/* * nca.h * * Copyright (c) 2020, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #ifndef __NCA_H__ #define __NCA_H__ #include "tik.h" #define NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT 4 #define NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH (sizeof(NcaHeader) + (sizeof(NcaFsHeader) * NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT)) #define NCA_NCA0_MAGIC 0x4E434130 /* "NCA0". */ #define NCA_NCA2_MAGIC 0x4E434132 /* "NCA2". */ #define NCA_NCA3_MAGIC 0x4E434133 /* "NCA3". */ #define NCA_USED_KEY_AREA_SIZE sizeof(NcaDecryptedKeyArea) /* Four keys, 0x40 bytes. */ #define NCA_HIERARCHICAL_SHA256_MAX_REGION_COUNT 5 #define NCA_IVFC_MAGIC 0x49564643 /* "IVFC". */ #define NCA_IVFC_MAX_LEVEL_COUNT 7 #define NCA_IVFC_LEVEL_COUNT (NCA_IVFC_MAX_LEVEL_COUNT - 1) #define NCA_IVFC_BLOCK_SIZE(x) (1U << (x)) #define NCA_BKTR_MAGIC 0x424B5452 /* "BKTR". */ #define NCA_FS_SECTOR_SIZE 0x200 #define NCA_FS_SECTOR_OFFSET(x) ((u64)(x) * NCA_FS_SECTOR_SIZE) #define NCA_AES_XTS_SECTOR_SIZE 0x200 #define NCA_ACID_SIGNATURE_AREA_SIZE 0x200 /* Signature is calculated starting at the NCA header magic word. */ typedef enum { NcaDistributionType_Download = 0, NcaDistributionType_GameCard = 1 } NcaDistributionType; typedef enum { NcaContentType_Program = 0, NcaContentType_Meta = 1, NcaContentType_Control = 2, NcaContentType_Manual = 3, NcaContentType_Data = 4, NcaContentType_PublicData = 5 } NcaContentType; typedef enum { NcaKeyGenerationOld_100_230 = 0, NcaKeyGenerationOld_300 = 2 } NcaKeyGenerationOld; typedef enum { NcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyIndex_Application = 0, NcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyIndex_Ocean = 1, NcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyIndex_System = 2 } NcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyIndex; /// 'NcaKeyGeneration_Current' will always point to the last known key generation value. typedef enum { NcaKeyGeneration_301_302 = 3, NcaKeyGeneration_400_410 = 4, NcaKeyGeneration_500_510 = 5, NcaKeyGeneration_600_610 = 6, NcaKeyGeneration_620 = 7, NcaKeyGeneration_700_801 = 8, NcaKeyGeneration_810_811 = 9, NcaKeyGeneration_900_901 = 10, NcaKeyGeneration_910_1020 = 11, NcaKeyGeneration_Current = NcaKeyGeneration_910_1020 } NcaKeyGeneration; typedef struct { u32 start_sector; ///< Expressed in NCA_FS_SECTOR_SIZE sectors. u32 end_sector; ///< Expressed in NCA_FS_SECTOR_SIZE sectors. u32 hash_sector; u8 reserved[0x4]; } NcaFsInfo; typedef struct { u8 hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; } NcaFsHeaderHash; /// Encrypted NCA key area used to hold NCA FS section encryption keys. Zeroed out if the NCA uses titlekey crypto. /// Only the first 4 key entries are encrypted. /// If a particular key entry is unused, it is zeroed out before this area is encrypted. typedef struct { u8 aes_xts_1[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-XTS key 0 used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesXts crypto. u8 aes_xts_2[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-XTS key 1 used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesXts crypto. u8 aes_ctr[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-CTR key used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesCtr crypto. u8 aes_ctr_ex[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-CTR key used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesCtrEx crypto. u8 aes_ctr_hw[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< Unused AES-128-CTR key. u8 reserved[0xB0]; } NcaEncryptedKeyArea; /// First 0x400 bytes from every NCA. typedef struct { u8 main_signature[0x100]; ///< RSA-2048-PSS with SHA-256 signature over header using a fixed key. u8 acid_signature[0x100]; ///< RSA-2048-PSS with SHA-256 signature over header using the ACID public key from the NPDM in ExeFS. Only used in Program NCAs. u32 magic; ///< "NCA0" / "NCA2" / "NCA3". u8 distribution_type; ///< NcaDistributionType. u8 content_type; ///< NcaContentType. u8 key_generation_old; ///< NcaKeyGenerationOld. u8 kaek_index; ///< NcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyIndex. u64 content_size; u64 program_id; u32 content_index; VersionType2 sdk_addon_version; u8 key_generation; ///< NcaKeyGeneration. u8 main_signature_key_generation; u8 reserved[0xE]; FsRightsId rights_id; ///< Used for titlekey crypto. NcaFsInfo fs_info[NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT]; ///< Start and end sectors for each NCA FS section. NcaFsHeaderHash fs_header_hash[NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT]; ///< SHA-256 hashes calculated over each NCA FS section header. NcaEncryptedKeyArea encrypted_key_area; } NcaHeader; typedef enum { NcaFsType_RomFs = 0, NcaFsType_PartitionFs = 1 } NcaFsType; typedef enum { NcaHashType_Auto = 0, NcaHashType_None = 1, NcaHashType_HierarchicalSha256 = 2, ///< Used by NcaFsType_PartitionFs. NcaHashType_HierarchicalIntegrity = 3 ///< Used by NcaFsType_RomFs. } NcaHashType; typedef enum { NcaEncryptionType_Auto = 0, NcaEncryptionType_None = 1, NcaEncryptionType_AesXts = 2, NcaEncryptionType_AesCtr = 3, NcaEncryptionType_AesCtrEx = 4 } NcaEncryptionType; typedef struct { u64 offset; u64 size; } NcaRegion; /// Used by NcaFsType_PartitionFs and NCA0 NcaFsType_RomFs. typedef struct { u8 master_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; u32 hash_block_size; u32 hash_region_count; NcaRegion hash_region[NCA_HIERARCHICAL_SHA256_MAX_REGION_COUNT]; } NcaHierarchicalSha256Data; typedef struct { u64 offset; u64 size; u32 block_order; ///< Use NCA_IVFC_BLOCK_SIZE to calculate the actual block size using this value. u8 reserved[0x4]; } NcaHierarchicalIntegrityVerificationLevelInformation; typedef struct { u8 value[0x20]; } NcaSignatureSalt; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { u32 max_level_count; ///< Always NCA_IVFC_MAX_LEVEL_COUNT. NcaHierarchicalIntegrityVerificationLevelInformation level_information[NCA_IVFC_LEVEL_COUNT]; NcaSignatureSalt signature_salt; } NcaInfoLevelHash; #pragma pack(pop) /// Used by NcaFsType_RomFs. typedef struct { u32 magic; ///< "IVFC". u32 version; u32 master_hash_size; ///< Always SHA256_HASH_SIZE. NcaInfoLevelHash info_level_hash; u8 master_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; } NcaIntegrityMetaInfo; typedef struct { union { struct { ///< Used if hash_type == NcaHashType_HierarchicalSha256 (NcaFsType_PartitionFs and NCA0 NcaFsType_RomFs). NcaHierarchicalSha256Data hierarchical_sha256_data; u8 reserved_1[0x80]; }; struct { ///< Used if hash_type == NcaHashType_HierarchicalIntegrity (NcaFsType_RomFs). NcaIntegrityMetaInfo integrity_meta_info; u8 reserved_2[0x18]; }; }; } NcaHashData; typedef struct { u32 magic; ///< "BKTR". u32 version; ///< offset_count / node_count ? u32 entry_count; u8 reserved[0x4]; } NcaBucketTreeHeader; typedef struct { u64 offset; u64 size; NcaBucketTreeHeader header; } NcaBucketInfo; /// Only used for NcaEncryptionType_AesCtrEx (PatchRomFs). typedef struct { NcaBucketInfo indirect_bucket; NcaBucketInfo aes_ctr_ex_bucket; } NcaPatchInfo; typedef struct { union { u8 value[0x8]; struct { u32 generation; u32 secure_value; }; }; } NcaAesCtrUpperIv; /// Used in NCAs with sparse storage. typedef struct { NcaBucketInfo sparse_bucket; u64 physical_offset; u16 generation; u8 reserved[0x6]; } NcaSparseInfo; /// Four NCA FS headers are placed right after the 0x400 byte long NCA header in NCA2 and NCA3. /// NCA0 place the FS headers at the start sector from the NcaFsInfo entries. typedef struct { u16 version; u8 fs_type; ///< NcaFsType. u8 hash_type; ///< NcaHashType. u8 encryption_type; ///< NcaEncryptionType. u8 reserved_1[0x3]; NcaHashData hash_data; NcaPatchInfo patch_info; NcaAesCtrUpperIv aes_ctr_upper_iv; NcaSparseInfo sparse_info; u8 reserved_2[0x88]; } NcaFsHeader; typedef enum { NcaFsSectionType_PartitionFs = 0, ///< NcaFsType_PartitionFs + NcaHashType_HierarchicalSha256. NcaFsSectionType_RomFs = 1, ///< NcaFsType_RomFs + NcaHashType_HierarchicalIntegrity. NcaFsSectionType_PatchRomFs = 2, ///< NcaFsType_RomFs + NcaHashType_HierarchicalIntegrity + NcaEncryptionType_AesCtrEx. NcaFsSectionType_Nca0RomFs = 3, ///< NcaFsType_RomFs + NcaHashType_HierarchicalSha256 + NcaVersion_Nca0. NcaFsSectionType_Invalid = 4 } NcaFsSectionType; typedef struct { bool enabled; void *nca_ctx; ///< NcaContext. Used to perform NCA reads. NcaFsHeader header; ///< NCA FS section header. u8 section_num; u64 section_offset; u64 section_size; u8 section_type; ///< NcaFsSectionType. u8 encryption_type; ///< NcaEncryptionType. u8 ctr[AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; ///< Used to update the AES CTR context IV based on the desired offset. Aes128CtrContext ctr_ctx; Aes128XtsContext xts_decrypt_ctx; Aes128XtsContext xts_encrypt_ctx; } NcaFsSectionContext; typedef enum { NcaVersion_Nca0 = 0, NcaVersion_Nca2 = 2, NcaVersion_Nca3 = 3 } NcaVersion; typedef struct { u8 aes_xts_1[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-XTS key 0 used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesXts crypto. u8 aes_xts_2[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-XTS key 1 used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesXts crypto. u8 aes_ctr[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-CTR key used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesCtr crypto. u8 aes_ctr_ex[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< AES-128-CTR key used for NCA FS sections with NcaEncryptionType_AesCtrEx crypto. } NcaDecryptedKeyArea; typedef struct { u8 storage_id; ///< NcmStorageId. NcmContentStorage *ncm_storage; ///< Pointer to a NcmContentStorage instance. Used to read NCA data from eMMC/SD. u64 gamecard_offset; ///< Used to read NCA data from a gamecard using a FsStorage instance when storage_id == NcmStorageId_GameCard. NcmContentId content_id; ///< Also used to read NCA data. char content_id_str[0x21]; u8 hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; ///< Manually calculated (if needed). char hash_str[0x41]; u8 format_version; ///< NcaVersion. u8 content_type; ///< NcmContentType. Retrieved from NcmContentInfo. u64 content_size; ///< Retrieved from NcmContentInfo. u8 key_generation; ///< NcaKeyGenerationOld / NcaKeyGeneration. Retrieved from the decrypted header. u8 id_offset; ///< Retrieved from NcmContentInfo. bool rights_id_available; bool titlekey_retrieved; u8 titlekey[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; ///< Decrypted titlekey from the ticket. NcaHeader header; ///< NCA header. u8 header_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]; ///< NCA header hash. Used to determine if it's necessary to replace the NCA header while dumping this NCA. NcaFsSectionContext fs_contexts[NCA_FS_HEADER_COUNT]; NcaDecryptedKeyArea decrypted_key_area; } NcaContext; typedef struct { u64 offset; ///< New data offset (relative to the start of the NCA content file). u64 size; ///< New data size. u8 *data; ///< New data. } NcaHashDataPatch; typedef struct { NcmContentId content_id; u32 hash_region_count; NcaHashDataPatch hash_region_patch[NCA_HIERARCHICAL_SHA256_MAX_REGION_COUNT]; } NcaHierarchicalSha256Patch; typedef struct { NcmContentId content_id; NcaHashDataPatch hash_level_patch[NCA_IVFC_LEVEL_COUNT]; } NcaHierarchicalIntegrityPatch; /// Functions to control the internal heap buffer used by NCA FS section crypto operations. /// Must be called at startup. bool ncaAllocateCryptoBuffer(void); void ncaFreeCryptoBuffer(void); /// Initializes a NCA context. /// If 'storage_id' == NcmStorageId_GameCard, the 'hfs_partition_type' argument must be a valid GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType value. /// If the NCA holds a populated Rights ID field, and if the Ticket element pointed to by 'tik' hasn't been filled, ticket data will be retrieved. /// If ticket data can't be retrieved, the context will still be initialized, but anything that involves working with encrypted NCA FS section blocks won't be possible (e.g. ncaReadFsSection()). bool ncaInitializeContext(NcaContext *out, u8 storage_id, u8 hfs_partition_type, const NcmContentInfo *content_info, Ticket *tik); /// Reads raw encrypted data from a NCA using an input context, previously initialized by ncaInitializeContext(). /// Input offset must be relative to the start of the NCA content file. bool ncaReadContentFile(NcaContext *ctx, void *out, u64 read_size, u64 offset); /// Reads decrypted data from a NCA FS section using an input context. /// Input offset must be relative to the start of the NCA FS section. /// If dealing with Patch RomFS sections, this function should only be used when *not* reading BKTR AesCtrEx storage data. Use ncaReadAesCtrExStorageFromBktrSection() for that. bool ncaReadFsSection(NcaFsSectionContext *ctx, void *out, u64 read_size, u64 offset); /// Reads decrypted BKTR AesCtrEx storage data from a NCA Patch RomFS section using an input context and a AesCtrEx CTR value. /// Input offset must be relative to the start of the NCA FS section. bool ncaReadAesCtrExStorageFromBktrSection(NcaFsSectionContext *ctx, void *out, u64 read_size, u64 offset, u32 ctr_val); /// Returns a pointer to a heap-allocated buffer used to encrypt the input plaintext data, based on the encryption type used by the input NCA FS section, as well as its offset and size. /// Input offset must be relative to the start of the NCA FS section. /// Output size and offset are guaranteed to be aligned to the AES sector size used by the encryption type from the FS section. /// Output offset is relative to the start of the NCA content file, making it easier to use the output encrypted block to seamlessly replace data while dumping a NCA. /// This function isn't compatible with Patch RomFS sections. void *ncaGenerateEncryptedFsSectionBlock(NcaFsSectionContext *ctx, const void *data, u64 data_size, u64 data_offset, u64 *out_block_size, u64 *out_block_offset); /// Generates HierarchicalSha256 FS section patch data, which can be used to seamlessly replace NCA data. /// Input offset must be relative to the start of the last HierarchicalSha256 hash region (actual underlying FS). /// Bear in mind that this function recalculates both the NcaHashData block master hash and the NCA FS header hash from the NCA header. /// As such, this function is not designed to generate more than one patch per HierarchicalSha256 FS section. bool ncaGenerateHierarchicalSha256Patch(NcaFsSectionContext *ctx, const void *data, u64 data_size, u64 data_offset, NcaHierarchicalSha256Patch *out); /// Overwrites block(s) from a buffer holding raw NCA data using previously initialized NcaContext and NcaHierarchicalSha256Patch. /// 'buf_offset' must hold the raw NCA offset where the data stored in 'buf' was read from. void ncaWriteHierarchicalSha256PatchToMemoryBuffer(NcaContext *ctx, NcaHierarchicalSha256Patch *patch, void *buf, u64 buf_size, u64 buf_offset); /// Generates HierarchicalIntegrity FS section patch data, which can be used to seamlessly replace NCA data. /// Input offset must be relative to the start of the last HierarchicalIntegrity hash level (actual underlying FS). /// Bear in mind that this function recalculates both the NcaHashData block master hash and the NCA FS header hash from the NCA header. /// As such, this function is not designed to generate more than one patch per HierarchicalIntegrity FS section. bool ncaGenerateHierarchicalIntegrityPatch(NcaFsSectionContext *ctx, const void *data, u64 data_size, u64 data_offset, NcaHierarchicalIntegrityPatch *out); /// Overwrites block(s) from a buffer holding raw NCA data using a previously initialized NcaContext and NcaHierarchicalIntegrityPatch. /// 'buf_offset' must hold the raw NCA offset where the data stored in 'buf' was read from. void ncaWriteHierarchicalIntegrityPatchToMemoryBuffer(NcaContext *ctx, NcaHierarchicalIntegrityPatch *patch, void *buf, u64 buf_size, u64 buf_offset); /// Returns a pointer to a string holding the name of the section type from the provided NCA FS section context. const char *ncaGetFsSectionTypeName(NcaFsSectionContext *ctx); /// Removes titlekey crypto dependency from a NCA context by wiping the Rights ID from the underlying NCA header and copying the decrypted titlekey to the NCA key area. void ncaRemoveTitlekeyCrypto(NcaContext *ctx); /// Encrypts NCA header and NCA FS headers from a NCA context. bool ncaEncryptHeader(NcaContext *ctx); /// Updates the content ID and hash from a NCA context using a provided SHA-256 checksum. void ncaUpdateContentIdAndHash(NcaContext *ctx, u8 hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE]); /// Helper inline functions. NX_INLINE void ncaSetDownloadDistributionType(NcaContext *ctx) { if (!ctx || ctx->header.distribution_type == NcaDistributionType_Download) return; ctx->header.distribution_type = NcaDistributionType_Download; } NX_INLINE bool ncaIsHeaderDirty(NcaContext *ctx) { if (!ctx) return false; u8 tmp_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE] = {0}; sha256CalculateHash(tmp_hash, &(ctx->header), sizeof(NcaHeader)); return (memcmp(tmp_hash, ctx->header_hash, SHA256_HASH_SIZE) != 0); } NX_INLINE bool ncaValidateHierarchicalSha256Offsets(NcaHierarchicalSha256Data *hierarchical_sha256_data, u64 section_size) { if (!hierarchical_sha256_data || !section_size || !hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_block_size || !hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_region_count || \ hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_region_count > NCA_HIERARCHICAL_SHA256_MAX_REGION_COUNT) return false; for(u32 i = 0; i < hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_region_count; i++) { if (hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_region[i].offset >= section_size || !hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_region[i].size || \ (hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_region[i].offset + hierarchical_sha256_data->hash_region[i].size) > section_size) return false; } return true; } NX_INLINE bool ncaValidateHierarchicalIntegrityOffsets(NcaIntegrityMetaInfo *integrity_meta_info, u64 section_size) { if (!integrity_meta_info || !section_size || __builtin_bswap32(integrity_meta_info->magic) != NCA_IVFC_MAGIC || integrity_meta_info->master_hash_size != SHA256_HASH_SIZE || \ integrity_meta_info->info_level_hash.max_level_count != NCA_IVFC_MAX_LEVEL_COUNT) return false; for(u32 i = 0; i < NCA_IVFC_LEVEL_COUNT; i++) { if (integrity_meta_info->info_level_hash.level_information[i].offset >= section_size || !integrity_meta_info->info_level_hash.level_information[i].size || \ !integrity_meta_info->info_level_hash.level_information[i].block_order || \ (integrity_meta_info->info_level_hash.level_information[i].offset + integrity_meta_info->info_level_hash.level_information[i].size) > section_size) return false; } return true; } NX_INLINE void ncaFreeHierarchicalSha256Patch(NcaHierarchicalSha256Patch *patch) { if (!patch) return; for(u32 i = 0; i < NCA_HIERARCHICAL_SHA256_MAX_REGION_COUNT; i++) { if (patch->hash_region_patch[i].data) free(patch->hash_region_patch[i].data); } memset(patch, 0, sizeof(NcaHierarchicalSha256Patch)); } NX_INLINE void ncaFreeHierarchicalIntegrityPatch(NcaHierarchicalIntegrityPatch *patch) { if (!patch) return; for(u32 i = 0; i < NCA_IVFC_LEVEL_COUNT; i++) { if (patch->hash_level_patch[i].data) free(patch->hash_level_patch[i].data); } memset(patch, 0, sizeof(NcaHierarchicalIntegrityPatch)); } #endif /* __NCA_H__ */