/* * tasks.hpp * * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #ifndef __TASKS_HPP__ #define __TASKS_HPP__ #include #include "core/gamecard.h" #include "core/title.h" #include "core/ums.h" #include "core/usb.h" namespace nxdt::tasks { /* Custom event types used by the tasks defined below. */ typedef brls::Event GameCardStatusEvent; typedef brls::VoidEvent VoidEvent; typedef brls::Event BooleanEvent; /* Custom vector type used to hold pointers to application metadata entries. */ typedef std::vector TitleApplicationMetadataVector; /* Custom vector type used to hold UMS devices. */ typedef std::vector UmsDeviceVector; /* Gamecard task. */ class GameCardTask: public brls::RepeatingTask { private: GameCardStatusEvent gc_status_event; GameCardStatus cur_gc_status = GameCardStatus_NotInserted; GameCardStatus prev_gc_status = GameCardStatus_NotInserted; public: GameCardTask(void); ~GameCardTask(void); void run(retro_time_t current_time) override; ALWAYS_INLINE GameCardStatusEvent::Subscription RegisterListener(GameCardStatusEvent::Callback cb) { return this->gc_status_event.subscribe(cb); } ALWAYS_INLINE void UnregisterListener(GameCardStatusEvent::Subscription subscription) { this->gc_status_event.unsubscribe(subscription); } }; /* Title task. */ class TitleTask: public brls::RepeatingTask { private: VoidEvent title_event; TitleApplicationMetadataVector system_metadata; TitleApplicationMetadataVector user_metadata; void PopulateApplicationMetadataVector(bool is_system); public: TitleTask(void); ~TitleTask(void); void run(retro_time_t current_time) override; TitleApplicationMetadataVector* GetApplicationMetadata(bool is_system); ALWAYS_INLINE VoidEvent::Subscription RegisterListener(VoidEvent::Callback cb) { return this->title_event.subscribe(cb); } ALWAYS_INLINE void UnregisterListener(VoidEvent::Subscription subscription) { this->title_event.unsubscribe(subscription); } }; /* USB Mass Storage task. */ class UmsTask: public brls::RepeatingTask { private: VoidEvent ums_event; UmsDeviceVector ums_devices; void PopulateUmsDeviceVector(void); public: UmsTask(void); ~UmsTask(void); void run(retro_time_t current_time) override; UmsDeviceVector* GetUmsDevices(void); ALWAYS_INLINE VoidEvent::Subscription RegisterListener(VoidEvent::Callback cb) { return this->ums_event.subscribe(cb); } ALWAYS_INLINE void UnregisterListener(VoidEvent::Subscription subscription) { this->ums_event.unsubscribe(subscription); } }; /* USB host device connection task. */ class UsbHostTask: public brls::RepeatingTask { private: BooleanEvent usb_host_event; bool cur_usb_host_status = false; bool prev_usb_host_status = false; public: UsbHostTask(void); ~UsbHostTask(void); void run(retro_time_t current_time) override; ALWAYS_INLINE BooleanEvent::Subscription RegisterListener(BooleanEvent::Callback cb) { return this->usb_host_event.subscribe(cb); } ALWAYS_INLINE void UnregisterListener(BooleanEvent::Subscription subscription) { this->usb_host_event.unsubscribe(subscription); } }; } #endif /* __TASKS_HPP__ */