#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ * nxdt_host.py * * Copyright (c) 2021, sigmaboy. * Copyright (c) 2021, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . """ # This script depends on PyUSB and tqdm. # You can install both with `pip install pyusb tqdm`. # libusb needs to be installed as well. PyUSB uses it as its USB backend. Otherwise, a NoBackend exception will be raised while calling PyUSB functions. # Under Windows, the recommended way to do this is by installing the libusb driver with Zadig (https://zadig.akeo.ie). This is a common step in Switch modding guides. # Under MacOS, use `brew install libusb` to install libusb via Homebrew. # Under Linux, you should be good to go from the start. If not, just use the packet manager from your distro to install libusb. import os import usb.core import usb.util import struct import array import sys import time import threading import shutil from tqdm import tqdm # Script version. SCRIPT_VERSION = '0.1' # USB VID/PID pair. USB_DEV_VID = 0x057E USB_DEV_PID = 0x3000 # USB manufacturer and product strings. USB_DEV_MANUFACTURER = 'DarkMatterCore' USB_DEV_PRODUCT = 'nxdumptool' # USB timeout (milliseconds). USB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT = 5000 # USB transfer block size. USB_TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x800000 # USB command header/status magic word. USB_MAGIC_WORD = b'NXDT' # Supported USB ABI version. USB_ABI_VERSION = 1 # USB command header size. USB_CMD_HEADER_SIZE = 0x10 # USB command IDs. USB_CMD_START_SESSION = 0 USB_CMD_SEND_FILE_PROPERTIES = 1 USB_CMD_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER = 2 USB_CMD_SEND_NSP_HEADER = 3 USB_CMD_END_SESSION = 4 # USB command block sizes. USB_CMD_BLOCK_SIZE_START_SESSION = 0x10 USB_CMD_BLOCK_SIZE_SEND_FILE_PROPERTIES = 0x320 # Max filename length (file properties). USB_FILE_PROPERTIES_MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 0x300 # USB status codes. USB_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0 USB_STATUS_INVALID_MAGIC_WORD = 4 USB_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CMD = 5 USB_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_ABI_VERSION = 6 USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_CMD = 7 USB_STATUS_HOST_IO_ERROR = 8 # Global variables. g_usbEpIn = None g_usbEpOut = None g_usbEpMaxPacketSize = 0 g_nxdtVersionMajor = 0 g_nxdtVersionMinor = 0 g_nxdtVersionMicro = 0 g_nxdtAbiVersion = 0 g_nspTransferMode = False g_nspSize = 0 g_nspHeaderSize = 0 g_nspRemainingSize = 0 g_nspFile = None g_nspFilePath = None g_outputDir = None def utilsIsValueAlignedToEndpointPacketSize(value): global g_usbEpMaxPacketSize return bool((value & (g_usbEpMaxPacketSize - 1)) == 0) def utilsResetNspInfo(): global g_nspTransferMode, g_nspSize, g_nspHeaderSize, g_nspRemainingSize, g_nspFile, g_nspFilePath # Reset NSP transfer mode info. g_nspTransferMode = False g_nspSize = 0 g_nspHeaderSize = 0 g_nspRemainingSize = 0 g_nspFile = None g_nspFilePath = None def utilsGetSizeUnitAndDivisor(size): size_suffixes = [ 'B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB' ] size_suffixes_count = len(size_suffixes) float_size = float(size) ret = None for i in range(size_suffixes_count): if (float_size < pow(1024, i + 1)) or ((i + 1) >= size_suffixes_count): ret = (size_suffixes[i], pow(1024, i)) break return ret def usbGetDeviceEndpoints(): global g_usbEpIn, g_usbEpOut, g_usbEpMaxPacketSize prev_dev = cur_dev = None usb_ep_in_lambda = lambda ep: usb.util.endpoint_direction(ep.bEndpointAddress) == usb.util.ENDPOINT_IN usb_ep_out_lambda = lambda ep: usb.util.endpoint_direction(ep.bEndpointAddress) == usb.util.ENDPOINT_OUT usb_version = None print('Please connect a Nintendo Switch console running nxdumptool. Use Ctrl+C to abort.\n') while True: # Find a connected USB device with a matching VID/PID pair. cur_dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=USB_DEV_VID, idProduct=USB_DEV_PID) if (cur_dev is None) or ((prev_dev is not None) and (cur_dev.bus == prev_dev.bus) and (cur_dev.address == prev_dev.address)): # Using == here would also compare the backend. time.sleep(0.1) continue # Update previous device. prev_dev = cur_dev # Check if the product and manufacturer strings match the ones used by nxdumptool. #if (cur_dev.manufacturer != USB_DEV_MANUFACTURER) or (cur_dev.product != USB_DEV_PRODUCT): if cur_dev.manufacturer != USB_DEV_MANUFACTURER: print('Invalid manufacturer/product strings! (bus %u, address %u).' % (cur_dev.bus, cur_dev.address)) time.sleep(0.1) continue # Reset device. cur_dev.reset() # Set default device configuration, then get the active configuration descriptor. cur_dev.set_configuration() cfg = cur_dev.get_active_configuration() # Get default interface descriptor. intf = cfg[(0,0)] # Retrieve endpoints. g_usbEpIn = usb.util.find_descriptor(intf, custom_match=usb_ep_in_lambda) g_usbEpOut = usb.util.find_descriptor(intf, custom_match=usb_ep_out_lambda) if (g_usbEpIn is None) or (g_usbEpOut is None): print('Invalid endpoint addresses! (bus %u, address %u).' % (cur_dev.bus, cur_dev.address)) time.sleep(0.1) continue # Save endpoint max packet size and USB version. g_usbEpMaxPacketSize = g_usbEpIn.wMaxPacketSize usb_version = cur_dev.bcdUSB break print('Successfully retrieved USB endpoints! (bus %u, address %u).' % (cur_dev.bus, cur_dev.address)) print('Max packet size: 0x%X (USB %u.%u).\n' % (g_usbEpMaxPacketSize, usb_version >> 8, (usb_version & 0xFF) >> 4)) print('Exit nxdumptool or disconnect your console at any time to close this script.\n') def usbRead(size, timeout=-1): global g_usbEpIn # Read data. rd = g_usbEpIn.read(size, timeout) if rd is not None: # Convert to a bytes object for easier handling. rd = bytes(rd) return rd def usbWrite(data, timeout=-1): global g_usbEpOut return g_usbEpOut.write(data, timeout) def usbSendStatus(code): global g_usbEpMaxPacketSize return usbWrite(struct.pack('<4sIH6p', USB_MAGIC_WORD, code, g_usbEpMaxPacketSize, b''), USB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT) == 0x10 def usbHandleStartSession(cmd_block): global g_nxdtVersionMajor, g_nxdtVersionMinor, g_nxdtVersionMicro, g_nxdtAbiVersion print('Received StartSession (%02X) command.' % (USB_CMD_START_SESSION)) # Parse command block. (g_nxdtVersionMajor, g_nxdtVersionMinor, g_nxdtVersionMicro, g_nxdtAbiVersion, padding) = struct.unpack(' 0) and (nsp_header_size >= file_size): print('NSP header size must be smaller than the full NSP size!') return USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_CMD if (g_nspTransferMode == True) and (nsp_header_size > 0): print('Received non-zero NSP header size during NSP transfer mode!') return USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_CMD if (filename_length <= 0) or (filename_length > USB_FILE_PROPERTIES_MAX_NAME_LENGTH): print('Invalid filename length!') return USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_CMD # Enable NSP transfer mode (if needed). if (g_nspTransferMode == False) and (file_size > 0) and (nsp_header_size > 0): g_nspTransferMode = True g_nspSize = file_size g_nspRemainingSize = (file_size - nsp_header_size) g_nspHeaderSize = nsp_header_size g_nspFile = None g_nspFilePath = None print('NSP transfer mode enabled!') # Perform additional integrity checks and get a file object to work with. if (g_nspTransferMode == False) or ((g_nspTransferMode == True) and (g_nspFile is None)): # Check if we're dealing with an absolute path. if filename[0] == '/': filename = filename[1:] # Replace all slashes with backslashes if we're running under Windows. if os.name == 'nt': filename = filename.replace('/', '\\') # Generate full, absolute path to the destination file. fullpath = os.path.abspath(g_outputDir + os.path.sep + filename) # Get parent directory path. dirpath = os.path.dirname(fullpath) # Create full directory tree. os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True) # Make sure the output filepath doesn't point to an existing directory. if (os.path.exists(fullpath) == True) and (os.path.isfile(fullpath) == False): utilsResetNspInfo() print('Output filepath points to an existing directory! ("%s").' % (fullpath)) return USB_STATUS_HOST_IO_ERROR # Make sure we have enough free space. (total_space, used_space, free_space) = shutil.disk_usage(dirpath) if free_space <= file_size: utilsResetNspInfo() print('Not enough free space available in output volume!') return USB_STATUS_HOST_IO_ERROR # Get file object. file = open(fullpath, "wb") if g_nspTransferMode == True: # Update NSP file object. g_nspFile = file # Update NSP file path. g_nspFilePath = fullpath # Write NSP header padding right away. file.write(b'\0' * g_nspHeaderSize) else: # Retrieve what we need using global variables. file = g_nspFile fullpath = g_nspFilePath dirpath = os.path.dirname(fullpath) # Check if we're dealing with an empty file or with the first SendFileProperties command from a NSP. if (file_size == 0) or ((g_nspTransferMode == True) and (file_size == g_nspSize)): # Close file (if needed). if g_nspTransferMode == False: file.close() # Let the command handler take care of sending the status response for us. return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS # Send status response before entering the data transfer stage. usbSendStatus(USB_STATUS_SUCCESS) # Start data transfer stage. if g_nspTransferMode == False: print('\nData transfer started. Saving file to: "%s".' % (fullpath)) else: print('\nData transfer started. Saving NSP file entry to: "%s".' % (fullpath)) offset = 0 blksize = USB_TRANSFER_BLOCK_SIZE # Initialize progress bar. ascii = (False if (os.name != 'nt') else True) (unit, unit_divisor) = utilsGetSizeUnitAndDivisor(file_size) bar_format = '{percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}| {n:.2f}/{total:.2f} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}]' pbar = tqdm(total=(float(file_size) / unit_divisor), ascii=ascii, unit=unit, dynamic_ncols=True, bar_format=bar_format) while offset < file_size: # Update block size (if needed). diff = (file_size - offset) if blksize > diff: blksize = diff # Handle Zero-Length Termination packet (if needed). if ((offset + blksize) >= file_size) and (utilsIsValueAlignedToEndpointPacketSize(blksize) == True): rd_size = (blksize + 1) else: rd_size = blksize # Read current chunk. chunk = usbRead(rd_size, USB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT) chunk_size = len(chunk) # Check if we're dealing with a CancelFileTransfer command. if chunk_size == USB_CMD_HEADER_SIZE: (magic, cmd_id, cmd_block_size, padding) = struct.unpack('<4sII4p', chunk) if (magic == USB_MAGIC_WORD) and (cmd_id == USB_CMD_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER): print('\n\nReceived CancelFileTransfer (%02X) command.' % (USB_CMD_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER)) # Cancel file transfer. file.close() os.remove(fullpath) utilsResetNspInfo() pbar.close() # Let the command handler take care of sending the status response for us. return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS # Write current chunk. file.write(chunk) file.flush() # Update current offset. offset = (offset + chunk_size) # Update remaining NSP data size. if g_nspTransferMode == True: g_nspRemainingSize = (g_nspRemainingSize - chunk_size) # Update progress bar. pbar.update(float(chunk_size) / unit_divisor) # Close progress bar pbar.close() # Close file handle (if needed). if g_nspTransferMode == False: file.close() print('File transfer successfully completed!') return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS def usbHandleSendNspHeader(cmd_block): global g_nspTransferMode, g_nspHeaderSize, g_nspRemainingSize, g_nspFile, g_nspFilePath nsp_header_size = len(cmd_block) print('Received SendNspHeader (%02X) command.' % (USB_CMD_SEND_NSP_HEADER)) # Integrity checks. if g_nspTransferMode == False: print('Received NSP header out of NSP transfer mode!') return USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_CMD if g_nspRemainingSize > 0: print('Received NSP header before receiving all NSP data! (missing 0x%X byte[s]).' % (g_nspRemainingSize)) return USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_CMD if nsp_header_size != g_nspHeaderSize: print('NSP header size mismatch! (0x%X != 0x%X).' % (nsp_header_size, g_nspHeaderSize)) return USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_CMD # Write NSP header. g_nspFile.seek(0) g_nspFile.write(cmd_block) g_nspFile.close() print('Successfully wrote 0x%X byte-long NSP header to "%s".' % (nsp_header_size, g_nspFilePath)) # Disable NSP transfer mode. utilsResetNspInfo() return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS def usbHandleEndSession(cmd_block): print('Received EndSession (%02X) command.' % (USB_CMD_END_SESSION)) return USB_STATUS_SUCCESS def usbCommandHandler(): # CancelFileTransfer is handled in usbHandleSendFileProperties(). cmd_dict = { USB_CMD_START_SESSION: usbHandleStartSession, USB_CMD_SEND_FILE_PROPERTIES: usbHandleSendFileProperties, USB_CMD_SEND_NSP_HEADER: usbHandleSendNspHeader, USB_CMD_END_SESSION: usbHandleEndSession } # Get device endpoints. usbGetDeviceEndpoints() while True: try: # Read command header. cmd_header = usbRead(USB_CMD_HEADER_SIZE) except usb.core.USBError: print('Nintendo Switch disconnected. Exiting.') return if (cmd_header is None) or (len(cmd_header) != USB_CMD_HEADER_SIZE): continue # Parse command header. (magic, cmd_id, cmd_block_size, padding) = struct.unpack('<4sII4p', cmd_header) # Read command block right away (if needed). # nxdumptool expects us to read it right after sending the command header. cmd_block = None if cmd_block_size > 0: # Handle Zero-Length Termination packet (if needed). if utilsIsValueAlignedToEndpointPacketSize(cmd_block_size) == True: rd_size = (cmd_block_size + 1) else: rd_size = cmd_block_size cmd_block = usbRead(rd_size, USB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT) if (cmd_block is None) or (len(cmd_block) != cmd_block_size): print('Failed to read 0x%X byte(s) long command block for command ID %02X!\n' % (cmd_block_size, cmd_id)) continue # Verify magic word. if magic != USB_MAGIC_WORD: print('Received command header with invalid magic word!\n') usbSendStatus(USB_STATUS_INVALID_MAGIC_WORD) continue # Get command handler function. cmd_func = cmd_dict.get(cmd_id, None) if cmd_func is None: print('Received command header with unsupported ID %02X.\n' % (cmd_id)) usbSendStatus(USB_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_CMD) continue # Verify command block size. if ((cmd_id == USB_CMD_START_SESSION) and (cmd_block_size != USB_CMD_BLOCK_SIZE_START_SESSION)) or \ ((cmd_id == USB_CMD_SEND_FILE_PROPERTIES) and (cmd_block_size != USB_CMD_BLOCK_SIZE_SEND_FILE_PROPERTIES)) or \ ((cmd_id == USB_CMD_SEND_NSP_HEADER) and (cmd_block_size == 0)): print('Invalid command block size for command ID %02X! (0x%X).\n' % (cmd_id, cmd_block_size)) usbSendStatus(USB_STATUS_MALFORMED_COMMAND) continue # Run command handler function. status = cmd_func(cmd_block) print('') # Send status response usbSendStatus(status) # Bail out if requested. if cmd_id == USB_CMD_END_SESSION: break def main(): global g_outputDir print('nxdumptool companion script v%s.' % (SCRIPT_VERSION)) # Check if the user provided an output directory. if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # Expand environment variables and user's home directory. g_outputDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(sys.argv[1]))) # Check if the provided directory exists. if os.path.exists(g_outputDir) == True: # Make sure it's a directory. if os.path.isdir(g_outputDir) == False: print('The provided path points to an existing file!') return else: # Create directory. os.mkdir(g_outputDir) else: # Create 'nxdumptool' subdirectory in the directory where the script is located. g_outputDir = (sys.path[0] + os.path.sep + 'nxdumptool') if os.path.exists(g_outputDir) == False: os.mkdir(g_outputDir) print('Output directory set to "%s".\n' % (g_outputDir)) # Start USB command handler. usbCommandHandler() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nScript interrupted.') try: sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: os._exit(0)