{ "__comment__": "Comments about how specific fields work use keys that follow the '__{field}_comment__' format. These don't have to be replicated in your translation files.", "unknown": "Unknown", "applet_mode_warning": "\uE8B2 Warning: the application is running under Applet Mode! \uE8B2\nThis mode severely limits the amount of usable RAM. If you consistently reproduce any crashes, please consider running the application via title override (hold R while launching a game).", "time_format": "12", "__time_format_comment__": "Use 12 for a 12-hour clock, or 24 for a 24-hour clock", "date": "{1:02d}/{2:02d}/{0} {3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d} {6}", "__date_comment__": "{0} = Year, {1} = Month, {2} = Day, {3} = Hour, {4} = Minute, {5} = Second, {6} = AM/PM (if time_format is set to 12)", "exception_caught": "Exception caught! ({}).", "unknown_exception": "unknown", "value_enabled": "Yes", "value_disabled": "No", "cancel": "Cancel", "close": "Close", "mem_alloc_failed": "Failed to allocate memory buffer.", "process_cancelled": "Process cancelled.", "process_complete": "Process complete!", "read": "read", "write": "write" }