{ "dump_options_info": "Dump options are displayed in their respective menus for convenience.", "overclock": { "label": "Overclock", "description": "Overclocks both CPU and MEM exclusively while a dump operation is running, in order to speed it up. This is considered a relatively safe action.\n\nIf the application is running under title override mode, and sys-clk is active, and a clock profile has been created for the overridden title, this setting has no effect at all." }, "naming_convention": { "label": "Naming convention", "description": "Sets the naming convention used for all output dumps.\n\n\uE016 Full: \"{Name} [{Id}][v{Version}][{Type}]\".\n\uE016 ID and version only: \"{Id}_v{Version}_{Type}\".\n\nIf \"Full\" is selected, the display version string will also be appended to dumped updates whenever possible.", "value_00": "Full", "value_01": "ID and version only" }, "unmount_ums_device": { "label": "Unmount USB Mass Storage device", "description": "Safely unmount any USB Mass Storage devices that are currently connected and mounted by {0}.\n\nIf a UMS device has more than one mounted volume, selecting a single one will unmount all volumes from that device.\n\nUMS devices are always safely unmounted at exit." }, "update_app": { "label": "Update application", "description": "Checks if an update is available in nxdumptool's GitHub repository. Requires an Internet connection.", "frame": { "please_wait": "Please wait…", "release_details": "Commit hash: {0:.7}\nRelease date: {1} UTC+0", "changelog_header": "Changelog", "update_action": "Update" } }, "reset_settings": { "label": "Reset settings", "description": "Resets all settings to their default values, including the ones not reflected in this menu (e.g. dump options, etc.)." }, "notifications": { "no_ums_devices": "No USB Mass Storage devices available.", "ums_device_unmount_success": "USB Mass Storage device successfully unmounted!", "ums_device_unmount_failed": "Failed to unmount USB Mass Storage device!", "no_internet_connection": "Internet connection unavailable. Unable to update.", "update_failed": "Update failed! Check the logfile for more info.", "is_nso": "The application is running as an NSO. Unable to update.", "already_updated": "The application has already been updated. Please reload.", "github_json_failed": "Failed to download or parse GitHub release JSON!", "up_to_date": "The application is up to date!", "app_updated": "Application successfully updated! Please reload for the changes to take effect.", "settings_reset": "User settings have been reset." } }