/* * Copyright (c) 2020 DarkMatterCore * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "bktr.h" #include "gamecard.h" #include "usb.h" #define TEST_BUF_SIZE 0x800000 alignas(16) u8 __nx_exception_stack[0x1000]; u64 __nx_exception_stack_size = sizeof(__nx_exception_stack); void __libnx_exception_handler(ThreadExceptionDump *ctx) { LOGFILE("Exception triggered!"); FILE *logfile = fopen(LOGFILE_PATH, "a+"); if (!logfile) return; fprintf(logfile, "\r\n error_desc: 0x%x ", ctx->error_desc); switch(ctx->error_desc) { case ThreadExceptionDesc_InstructionAbort: fprintf(logfile, "(InstructionAbort)"); break; case ThreadExceptionDesc_MisalignedPC: fprintf(logfile, "(MisalignedPC)"); break; case ThreadExceptionDesc_MisalignedSP: fprintf(logfile, "(MisalignedSP)"); break; case ThreadExceptionDesc_SError: fprintf(logfile, "(SError)"); break; case ThreadExceptionDesc_BadSVC: fprintf(logfile, "(BadSVC)"); break; case ThreadExceptionDesc_Trap: fprintf(logfile, "(Trap)"); break; case ThreadExceptionDesc_Other: fprintf(logfile, "(Other)"); break; default: fprintf(logfile, "(Unknown)"); break; } fprintf(logfile, "\r\n\r\n"); if (threadExceptionIsAArch64(ctx)) { for(u32 i = 0; i < 29; i++) fprintf(logfile, " [X%d]: 0x%lx\r\n", i, ctx->cpu_gprs[i].x); fprintf(logfile, "\r\n"); fprintf(logfile, " fp: 0x%lx\r\n", ctx->fp.x); fprintf(logfile, " lr: 0x%lx\r\n", ctx->lr.x); fprintf(logfile, " sp: 0x%lx\r\n", ctx->sp.x); fprintf(logfile, " pc: 0x%lx\r\n", ctx->pc.x); fprintf(logfile, " far: 0x%lx\r\n", ctx->far.x); } else { for(u32 i = 0; i < 29; i++) fprintf(logfile, " [X%d]: 0x%x\r\n", i, ctx->cpu_gprs[i].r); fprintf(logfile, "\r\n"); fprintf(logfile, " fp: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->fp.r); fprintf(logfile, " lr: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->lr.r); fprintf(logfile, " sp: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->sp.r); fprintf(logfile, " pc: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->pc.r); fprintf(logfile, " far: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->far.r); } fprintf(logfile, "\r\n"); fprintf(logfile, " pstate: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->pstate); fprintf(logfile, " afsr0: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->afsr0); fprintf(logfile, " afsr1: 0x%x\r\n", ctx->afsr1); fprintf(logfile, " esr: 0x%x\r\n\r\n", ctx->esr); fclose(logfile); } static Mutex g_fileMutex = 0; static CondVar g_readCondvar = 0, g_writeCondvar = 0; typedef struct { //FILE *fileobj; RomFileSystemContext *romfs_ctx; void *data; size_t data_size; size_t data_written; size_t total_size; bool read_error; bool write_error; bool transfer_cancelled; } ThreadSharedData; static void consolePrint(const char *text, ...) { va_list v; va_start(v, text); vfprintf(stdout, text, v); va_end(v); consoleUpdate(NULL); } static int read_thread_func(void *arg) { ThreadSharedData *shared_data = (ThreadSharedData*)arg; if (!shared_data || !shared_data->data || !shared_data->total_size) { shared_data->read_error = true; return -1; } u8 *buf = malloc(TEST_BUF_SIZE); if (!buf) { shared_data->read_error = true; return -2; } u64 file_table_offset = 0; RomFileSystemFileEntry *file_entry = NULL; char path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; while(file_table_offset < shared_data->romfs_ctx->file_table_size) { /* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */ if (shared_data->transfer_cancelled) { condvarWakeAll(&g_writeCondvar); break; } /* Retrieve RomFS file entry information */ shared_data->read_error = (!(file_entry = romfsGetFileEntryByOffset(shared_data->romfs_ctx, file_table_offset)) || \ !romfsGeneratePathFromFileEntry(shared_data->romfs_ctx, file_entry, path, FS_MAX_PATH, RomFileSystemPathIllegalCharReplaceType_IllegalFsChars)); if (shared_data->read_error) { condvarWakeAll(&g_writeCondvar); break; } /* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written */ mutexLock(&g_fileMutex); if (shared_data->data_size && !shared_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex); mutexUnlock(&g_fileMutex); if (shared_data->write_error) break; /* Send current file properties */ shared_data->read_error = !usbSendFileProperties(file_entry->size, path); if (shared_data->read_error) { condvarWakeAll(&g_writeCondvar); break; } for(u64 offset = 0, blksize = TEST_BUF_SIZE; offset < file_entry->size; offset += blksize) { if (blksize > (file_entry->size - offset)) blksize = (file_entry->size - offset); /* Check if the transfer has been cancelled by the user */ if (shared_data->transfer_cancelled) { condvarWakeAll(&g_writeCondvar); break; } /* Read current file data chunk */ shared_data->read_error = !romfsReadFileEntryData(shared_data->romfs_ctx, file_entry, buf, blksize, offset); if (shared_data->read_error) { condvarWakeAll(&g_writeCondvar); break; } /* Wait until the previous file data chunk has been written */ mutexLock(&g_fileMutex); if (shared_data->data_size && !shared_data->write_error) condvarWait(&g_readCondvar, &g_fileMutex); if (shared_data->write_error) { mutexUnlock(&g_fileMutex); break; } /* Copy current file data chunk to the shared buffer */ memcpy(shared_data->data, buf, blksize); shared_data->data_size = blksize; /* Wake up the write thread to continue writing data */ mutexUnlock(&g_fileMutex); condvarWakeAll(&g_writeCondvar); } if (shared_data->read_error || shared_data->write_error || shared_data->transfer_cancelled) break; file_table_offset += ALIGN_UP(sizeof(RomFileSystemFileEntry) + file_entry->name_length, 4); } free(buf); return (shared_data->read_error ? -3 : 0); } static int write_thread_func(void *arg) { ThreadSharedData *shared_data = (ThreadSharedData*)arg; if (!shared_data || !shared_data->data) { shared_data->write_error = true; return -1; } while(shared_data->data_written < shared_data->total_size) { /* Wait until the current file data chunk has been read */ mutexLock(&g_fileMutex); if (!shared_data->data_size && !shared_data->read_error) condvarWait(&g_writeCondvar, &g_fileMutex); if (shared_data->read_error || shared_data->transfer_cancelled) { mutexUnlock(&g_fileMutex); break; } //shared_data->write_error = (fwrite(shared_data->data, 1, shared_data->data_size, shared_data->fileobj) != shared_data->data_size); /* Write current file data chunk */ shared_data->write_error = !usbSendFileData(shared_data->data, shared_data->data_size); if (!shared_data->write_error) { shared_data->data_written += shared_data->data_size; shared_data->data_size = 0; } /* Wake up the read thread to continue reading data */ mutexUnlock(&g_fileMutex); condvarWakeAll(&g_readCondvar); if (shared_data->write_error) break; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (void)argc; (void)argv; int ret = 0; LOGFILE("nxdumptool starting."); consoleInit(NULL); consolePrint("initializing...\n"); if (!utilsInitializeResources()) { ret = -1; goto out; } u8 *buf = NULL; Ticket tik = {0}; NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL; NcmContentStorage ncm_storage = {0}; Result rc = 0; ThreadSharedData shared_data = {0}; thrd_t read_thread, write_thread; char path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0}; LrLocationResolver resolver = {0}; NcmContentInfo content_info = {0}; RomFileSystemContext romfs_ctx = {0}; //mkdir("sdmc:/nxdt_test", 0744); buf = usbAllocatePageAlignedBuffer(TEST_BUF_SIZE); if (!buf) { consolePrint("buf failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("buf succeeded\n"); nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext)); if (!nca_ctx) { consolePrint("nca ctx buf failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("nca ctx buf succeeded\n"); rc = ncmOpenContentStorage(&ncm_storage, NcmStorageId_SdCard); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { consolePrint("ncm open storage failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("ncm open storage succeeded\n"); rc = lrInitialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { consolePrint("lrInitialize failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("lrInitialize succeeded\n"); rc = lrOpenLocationResolver(NcmStorageId_SdCard, &resolver); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { consolePrint("lrOpenLocationResolver failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("lrOpenLocationResolver succeeded\n"); rc = lrLrResolveProgramPath(&resolver, (u64)0x01004AB00A260000, path); // ACNH 0x01006F8002326000 | Smash 0x01006A800016E000 | Dark Souls 0x01004AB00A260000 | BotW 0x01007EF00011E000 if (R_FAILED(rc)) { consolePrint("lrLrResolveProgramPath failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("lrLrResolveProgramPath succeeded\n"); memmove(path, strrchr(path, '/') + 1, SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 4); path[SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 4] = '\0'; consolePrint("Program NCA: %s\n", path); for(u32 i = 0; i < SHA256_HASH_SIZE; i++) { char val = (('a' <= path[i] && path[i] <= 'f') ? (path[i] - 'a' + 0xA) : (path[i] - '0')); if ((i & 1) == 0) val <<= 4; content_info.content_id.c[i >> 1] |= val; } content_info.content_type = NcmContentType_Program; u64 content_size = 0; rc = ncmContentStorageGetSizeFromContentId(&ncm_storage, (s64*)&content_size, &(content_info.content_id)); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { consolePrint("ncmContentStorageGetSizeFromContentId failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("ncmContentStorageGetSizeFromContentId succeeded\n"); memcpy(&(content_info.size), &content_size, 6); if (!ncaInitializeContext(nca_ctx, NcmStorageId_SdCard, &ncm_storage, 0, &content_info, &tik)) { consolePrint("nca initialize ctx failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("nca initialize ctx succeeded\n"); if (!romfsInitializeContext(&romfs_ctx, &(nca_ctx->fs_contexts[1]))) { consolePrint("romfs initialize ctx failed\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("romfs initialize ctx succeeded\n"); shared_data.romfs_ctx = &romfs_ctx; shared_data.data = buf; shared_data.data_size = 0; shared_data.data_written = 0; romfsGetTotalDataSize(&romfs_ctx, &(shared_data.total_size)); consolePrint("waiting for usb connection...\n"); while(appletMainLoop()) { if (usbIsReady()) break; } consolePrint("creating threads\n"); thrd_create(&read_thread, read_thread_func, &shared_data); thrd_create(&write_thread, write_thread_func, &shared_data); u8 prev_time = 0; u64 prev_size = 0; u8 percent = 0; time_t start = time(NULL); time_t btn_cancel_start_tmr = 0, btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0; bool btn_cancel_cur_state = false, btn_cancel_prev_state = false; consolePrint("hold b to cancel\n\n"); while(shared_data.data_written < shared_data.total_size) { if (shared_data.read_error || shared_data.write_error) break; time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *ts = localtime(&now); size_t size = shared_data.data_written; hidScanInput(); btn_cancel_cur_state = (utilsHidKeysAllHeld() & KEY_B); if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state != btn_cancel_prev_state) { btn_cancel_start_tmr = now; } else if (btn_cancel_cur_state && btn_cancel_cur_state == btn_cancel_prev_state) { btn_cancel_end_tmr = now; if ((btn_cancel_end_tmr - btn_cancel_start_tmr) >= 3) { mutexLock(&g_fileMutex); shared_data.transfer_cancelled = true; mutexUnlock(&g_fileMutex); break; } } else { btn_cancel_start_tmr = btn_cancel_end_tmr = 0; } btn_cancel_prev_state = btn_cancel_cur_state; if (prev_time == ts->tm_sec || prev_size == size) continue; percent = (u8)((size * 100) / shared_data.total_size); prev_time = ts->tm_sec; prev_size = size; printf("%lu / %lu (%u%%) | Time elapsed: %lu\n", size, shared_data.total_size, percent, (now - start)); consoleUpdate(NULL); } start = (time(NULL) - start); consolePrint("\nwaiting for threads to join\n"); thrd_join(read_thread, NULL); consolePrint("read_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL)); thrd_join(write_thread, NULL); consolePrint("write_thread done: %lu\n", time(NULL)); if (shared_data.read_error || shared_data.write_error) { consolePrint("usb transfer error\n"); goto out2; } if (shared_data.transfer_cancelled) { consolePrint("process cancelled\n"); goto out2; } consolePrint("process completed in %lu seconds\n", start); out2: consolePrint("press any button to exit\n"); utilsWaitForButtonPress(); lrExit(); if (serviceIsActive(&(ncm_storage.s))) ncmContentStorageClose(&ncm_storage); if (nca_ctx) free(nca_ctx); if (buf) free(buf); out: utilsCloseResources(); consoleExit(NULL); return ret; }