/* * fs_ext.h * * Copyright (c) 2020-2024, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #ifndef __FS_EXT_H__ #define __FS_EXT_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define GAMECARD_CERT_MAGIC 0x43455254 /* "CERT". */ /// Located at offset 0x7000 in the gamecard image. typedef struct { u8 signature[0x100]; ///< RSA-2048-PKCS#1 v1.5 with SHA-256 signature over the rest of the data. u32 magic; ///< "CERT". u32 version; u8 kek_index; u8 reserved[0x7]; u8 t1_card_device_id[0x10]; u8 iv[0x10]; u8 hw_key[0x10]; ///< Encrypted. u8 data[0xC0]; ///< Encrypted. } FsGameCardCertificate; NXDT_ASSERT(FsGameCardCertificate, 0x200); typedef enum { FsCardId1MakerCode_MegaChips = 0xC2, ///< Macronix. FsCardId1MakerCode_Lapis = 0xAE, FsCardId1MakerCode_Unknown = 0x36 ///< Seen in TLoZ:TotK, SMBW and other modern releases. } FsCardId1MakerCode; typedef enum { FsCardId1MemoryType_None = 0, FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT1 = BIT(0), FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT2 = BIT(1), FsCardId1MemoryType_Unknown1 = BIT(2), ///< Related to CardMode? FsCardId1MemoryType_IsNand = BIT(3), ///< 0: Rom, 1: Nand. FsCardId1MemoryType_Unknown2 = BIT(4), ///< Related to Nand memory type? FsCardId1MemoryType_IsLate = BIT(5), ///< 0: Fast, 1: Late. FsCardId1MemoryType_Unknown3 = BIT(6), FsCardId1MemoryType_Unknown4 = BIT(7), FsCardId1MemoryType_Count = 8, ///< Total values supported by this enum. ///< Values defined in Atmosphère source code. FsCardId1MemoryType_T1RomFast = FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT1, FsCardId1MemoryType_T2RomFast = FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT2, FsCardId1MemoryType_T1NandFast = (FsCardId1MemoryType_IsNand | FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT1), FsCardId1MemoryType_T2NandFast = (FsCardId1MemoryType_IsNand | FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT2), FsCardId1MemoryType_T1RomLate = (FsCardId1MemoryType_IsLate | FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT1), FsCardId1MemoryType_T2RomLate = (FsCardId1MemoryType_IsLate | FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT2), FsCardId1MemoryType_T1NandLate = (FsCardId1MemoryType_IsLate | FsCardId1MemoryType_IsNand | FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT1), FsCardId1MemoryType_T2NandLate = (FsCardId1MemoryType_IsLate | FsCardId1MemoryType_IsNand | FsCardId1MemoryType_CardModeT2) } FsCardId1MemoryType; typedef struct { u8 maker_code; ///< FsCardId1MakerCode. u8 memory_capacity; ///< Matches GameCardRomSize. u8 reserved; ///< Known values: 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x80. u8 memory_type; ///< FsCardId1MemoryType. } FsCardId1; NXDT_ASSERT(FsCardId1, 0x4); typedef enum { FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber_Number0 = 0, FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber_Number1 = 1, FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber_Number2 = 2, FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber_Number3 = 3, FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber_Number4 = 4, FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber_Count = 5 ///< Total values supported by this enum. } FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber; typedef enum { FsCardId2CardType_Rom = 0, FsCardId2CardType_WritableDevT1 = 1, FsCardId2CardType_WritableProdT1 = 2, FsCardId2CardType_WritableDevT2 = 3, FsCardId2CardType_WritableProdT2 = 4, FsCardId2CardType_Count = 5 ///< Total values supported by this enum. } FsCardId2CardType; typedef struct { u8 card_security_number; ///< FsCardId2CardSecurityNumber. u8 card_type; ///< FsCardId2CardType. u8 reserved[0x2]; ///< Usually filled with zeroes. } FsCardId2; NXDT_ASSERT(FsCardId2, 0x4); typedef struct { u8 reserved[0x4]; ///< Usually filled with zeroes. } FsCardId3; NXDT_ASSERT(FsCardId3, 0x4); /// Returned by fsDeviceOperatorGetGameCardIdSet. typedef struct { FsCardId1 id1; ///< Specifies maker code, memory capacity and memory type. FsCardId2 id2; ///< Specifies card security number and card type. FsCardId3 id3; ///< Always zero (so far). } FsGameCardIdSet; NXDT_ASSERT(FsGameCardIdSet, 0xC); /// IFileSystemProxy. Result fsOpenGameCardStorage(FsStorage *out, const FsGameCardHandle *handle, u32 partition); Result fsOpenGameCardDetectionEventNotifier(FsEventNotifier *out); /// IDeviceOperator. Result fsDeviceOperatorUpdatePartitionInfo(FsDeviceOperator *d, const FsGameCardHandle *handle, u32 *out_title_version, u64 *out_title_id); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __FS_EXT_H__ */