/* * ums.c * * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "nxdt_utils.h" /* Global variables. */ static Mutex g_umsMutex = 0; static bool g_umsInterfaceInit = false; static Thread g_umsDetectionThread = {0}; static UEvent *g_umsStatusChangeEvent = NULL, g_umsDetectionThreadExitEvent = {0}; static bool g_umsDetectionThreadCreated = false, g_umsDeviceInfoUpdated = false; static u32 g_umsDeviceCount = 0; static UsbHsFsDevice *g_umsDevices = NULL; /* Function prototypes. */ static bool umsCreateDetectionThread(void); static void umsDestroyDetectionThread(void); static void umsDetectionThreadFunc(void *arg); static void umsFreeDeviceData(void); bool umsInitialize(void) { bool ret = false; SCOPED_LOCK(&g_umsMutex) { ret = g_umsInterfaceInit; if (ret) break; /* Initialize USB Mass Storage Host interface. */ Result rc = usbHsFsInitialize(0); if (R_FAILED(rc)) { LOG_MSG("usbHsFsInitialize failed! (0x%08X).", rc); break; } /* Get USB Mass Storage status change event. */ g_umsStatusChangeEvent = usbHsFsGetStatusChangeUserEvent(); /* Create user-mode exit event. */ ueventCreate(&g_umsDetectionThreadExitEvent, true); /* Create USB Mass Storage detection thread. */ if (!(g_umsDetectionThreadCreated = umsCreateDetectionThread())) break; /* Update flags. */ ret = g_umsInterfaceInit = true; } return ret; } void umsExit(void) { SCOPED_LOCK(&g_umsMutex) { /* Destroy USB Mass Storage detection thread. */ if (g_umsDetectionThreadCreated) { umsDestroyDetectionThread(); g_umsDetectionThreadCreated = false; } /* Close USB Mass Storage Host interface. */ usbHsFsExit(); /* Update flag. */ g_umsInterfaceInit = false; } } bool umsIsDeviceInfoUpdated(void) { bool ret = false; SCOPED_TRY_LOCK(&g_umsMutex) { if (!g_umsInterfaceInit || !g_umsDeviceInfoUpdated) break; ret = true; g_umsDeviceInfoUpdated = false; } return ret; } UsbHsFsDevice *umsGetDevices(u32 *out_count) { UsbHsFsDevice *devices = NULL; SCOPED_LOCK(&g_umsMutex) { if (!g_umsInterfaceInit || !out_count) { LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!"); break; } if (!g_umsDeviceCount || !g_umsDevices) { /* Update output device count. */ *out_count = 0; break; } /* Allocate memory for the output devices. */ devices = calloc(g_umsDeviceCount, sizeof(UsbHsFsDevice)); if (!devices) { LOG_MSG("Failed to allocate memory for %u devices!", g_umsDeviceCount); break; } /* Copy device data. */ memcpy(devices, g_umsDevices, g_umsDeviceCount * sizeof(UsbHsFsDevice)); /* Update output device count. */ *out_count = g_umsDeviceCount; } return devices; } static bool umsCreateDetectionThread(void) { if (!utilsCreateThread(&g_umsDetectionThread, umsDetectionThreadFunc, NULL, 1)) { LOG_MSG("Failed to create USB Mass Storage detection thread!"); return false; } return true; } static void umsDestroyDetectionThread(void) { /* Signal the exit event to terminate the USB Mass Storage detection thread. */ ueventSignal(&g_umsDetectionThreadExitEvent); /* Wait for the USB Mass Storage detection thread to exit. */ utilsJoinThread(&g_umsDetectionThread); } static void umsDetectionThreadFunc(void *arg) { (void)arg; Result rc = 0; int idx = 0; u32 listed_device_count = 0; Waiter status_change_event_waiter = waiterForUEvent(g_umsStatusChangeEvent); Waiter exit_event_waiter = waiterForUEvent(&g_umsDetectionThreadExitEvent); while(true) { /* Wait until an event is triggered. */ rc = waitMulti(&idx, -1, status_change_event_waiter, exit_event_waiter); if (R_FAILED(rc)) continue; /* Exit event triggered. */ if (idx == 1) break; SCOPED_LOCK(&g_umsMutex) { /* Free USB Mass Storage device data. */ umsFreeDeviceData(); /* Get mounted device count. */ g_umsDeviceCount = usbHsFsGetMountedDeviceCount(); LOG_MSG("USB Mass Storage status change event triggered! Mounted USB Mass Storage device count: %u.", g_umsDeviceCount); if (g_umsDeviceCount) { bool fail = false; /* Allocate mounted devices buffer. */ g_umsDevices = calloc(g_umsDeviceCount, sizeof(UsbHsFsDevice)); if (g_umsDevices) { /* List mounted devices. */ listed_device_count = usbHsFsListMountedDevices(g_umsDevices, g_umsDeviceCount); if (listed_device_count) { /* Check if we got as many devices as we expected. */ if (listed_device_count == g_umsDeviceCount) { /* Update USB Mass Storage device info updated flag. */ g_umsDeviceInfoUpdated = true; } else { LOG_MSG("USB Mass Storage device count mismatch! (%u != %u).", listed_device_count, g_umsDeviceCount); fail = true; } } else { LOG_MSG("Failed to list mounted USB Mass Storage devices!"); fail = true; } } else { LOG_MSG("Failed to allocate memory for mounted USB Mass Storage devices buffer!"); fail = true; } /* Free USB Mass Storage device data if something went wrong. */ if (fail) umsFreeDeviceData(); } else { /* Update USB Mass Storage device info updated flag. */ g_umsDeviceInfoUpdated = true; } } } /* Free USB Mass Storage device data. */ umsFreeDeviceData(); threadExit(); } static void umsFreeDeviceData(void) { /* Free devices buffer. */ if (g_umsDevices) { free(g_umsDevices); g_umsDevices = NULL; } /* Reset device count. */ g_umsDeviceCount = 0; }