#pragma once #ifndef __NCA_H__ #define __NCA_H__ #include #define NCA3_MAGIC (u32)0x4E434133 // "NCA3" #define NCA2_MAGIC (u32)0x4E434132 // "NCA2" #define NCA_HEADER_LENGTH 0x400 #define NCA_SECTION_HEADER_LENGTH 0x200 #define NCA_SECTION_HEADER_CNT 4 #define NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH (NCA_HEADER_LENGTH + (NCA_SECTION_HEADER_LENGTH * NCA_SECTION_HEADER_CNT)) #define NCA_CONTENT_TYPE_DELTA 0x06 #define NCA_AES_XTS_SECTOR_SIZE 0x200 #define NCA_KEY_AREA_KEY_CNT 4 #define NCA_KEY_AREA_KEY_SIZE 0x10 #define NCA_KEY_AREA_SIZE (NCA_KEY_AREA_KEY_CNT * NCA_KEY_AREA_KEY_SIZE) #define NCA_FS_HEADER_PARTITION_PFS0 0x01 #define NCA_FS_HEADER_FSTYPE_PFS0 0x02 #define NCA_FS_HEADER_PARTITION_ROMFS 0x00 #define NCA_FS_HEADER_FSTYPE_ROMFS 0x03 #define NCA_FS_HEADER_CRYPT_NONE 0x01 #define NCA_FS_HEADER_CRYPT_XTS 0x02 #define NCA_FS_HEADER_CRYPT_CTR 0x03 #define NCA_FS_HEADER_CRYPT_BKTR 0x04 #define PFS0_MAGIC (u32)0x50465330 // "PFS0" #define IVFC_MAGIC (u32)0x49564643 // "IVFC" #define IVFC_MAX_LEVEL 6 #define BKTR_MAGIC (u32)0x424B5452 // "BKTR" #define ROMFS_HEADER_SIZE 0x50 #define ROMFS_ENTRY_EMPTY (u32)0xFFFFFFFF #define ROMFS_NONAME_DIRENTRY_SIZE 0x18 #define ROMFS_NONAME_FILEENTRY_SIZE 0x20 #define ROMFS_ENTRY_DIR 1 #define ROMFS_ENTRY_FILE 2 #define META_MAGIC (u32)0x4D455441 // "META" #define NPDM_SIGNATURE_SIZE 0x100 #define NPDM_SIGNATURE_AREA_SIZE 0x200 #define NSP_NCA_FILENAME_LENGTH 0x25 // NCA ID + ".nca" + NULL terminator #define NSP_CNMT_FILENAME_LENGTH 0x2A // NCA ID + ".cnmt.nca" / ".cnmt.xml" + NULL terminator #define NSP_PROGRAM_XML_FILENAME_LENGTH 0x31 // NCA ID + ".programinfo.xml" + NULL terminator #define NSP_NACP_XML_FILENAME_LENGTH 0x2A // NCA ID + ".nacp.xml" + NULL terminator #define NSP_LEGAL_XML_FILENAME_LENGTH 0x2F // NCA ID + ".legalinfo.xml" + NULL terminator #define NSP_TIK_FILENAME_LENGTH 0x25 // Rights ID + ".tik" + NULL terminator #define NSP_CERT_FILENAME_LENGTH 0x26 // Rights ID + ".cert" + NULL terminator #define ETICKET_ENTRY_SIZE 0x400 #define ETICKET_TITLEKEY_OFFSET 0x180 #define ETICKET_RIGHTSID_OFFSET 0x2A0 #define ETICKET_UNKNOWN_FIELD_SIZE 0x140 #define ETICKET_DATA_OFFSET 0x140 #define ETICKET_CA_CERT_SIZE 0x400 #define ETICKET_XS_CERT_SIZE 0x300 #define ETICKET_TIK_FILE_SIZE (ETICKET_ENTRY_SIZE - 0x140) #define ETICKET_CERT_FILE_SIZE (ETICKET_CA_CERT_SIZE + ETICKET_XS_CERT_SIZE) #define ETICKET_TITLEKEY_COMMON 0 #define ETICKET_TITLEKEY_PERSONALIZED 1 typedef enum { DUMP_APP_NSP = 0, DUMP_PATCH_NSP, DUMP_ADDON_NSP } nspDumpType; typedef struct { u32 magic; u32 file_cnt; u32 str_table_size; u32 reserved; } PACKED pfs0_header; typedef struct { u64 file_offset; u64 file_size; u32 filename_offset; u32 reserved; } PACKED pfs0_entry_table; typedef struct { u32 media_start_offset; u32 media_end_offset; u8 _0x8[0x8]; /* Padding. */ } PACKED nca_section_entry_t; typedef struct { u8 master_hash[0x20]; /* SHA-256 hash of the hash table. */ u32 block_size; /* In bytes. */ u32 always_2; u64 hash_table_offset; /* Normally zero. */ u64 hash_table_size; u64 pfs0_offset; u64 pfs0_size; u8 _0x48[0xF0]; } PACKED pfs0_superblock_t; typedef struct { u64 logical_offset; u64 hash_data_size; u32 block_size; u32 reserved; } PACKED ivfc_level_hdr_t; typedef struct { u32 magic; u32 id; u32 master_hash_size; u32 num_levels; ivfc_level_hdr_t level_headers[IVFC_MAX_LEVEL]; u8 _0xA0[0x20]; u8 master_hash[0x20]; } PACKED ivfc_hdr_t; typedef struct { ivfc_hdr_t ivfc_header; u8 _0xE0[0x58]; } PACKED romfs_superblock_t; typedef struct { u64 offset; u64 size; u32 magic; /* "BKTR" */ u32 _0x14; /* Version? */ u32 num_entries; u32 _0x1C; /* Reserved? */ } PACKED bktr_header_t; typedef struct { ivfc_hdr_t ivfc_header; u8 _0xE0[0x18]; bktr_header_t relocation_header; bktr_header_t subsection_header; } PACKED bktr_superblock_t; /* NCA FS header. */ typedef struct { u8 _0x0; u8 _0x1; u8 partition_type; u8 fs_type; u8 crypt_type; u8 _0x5[0x3]; union { /* FS-specific superblock. Size = 0x138. */ pfs0_superblock_t pfs0_superblock; romfs_superblock_t romfs_superblock; bktr_superblock_t bktr_superblock; }; union { u8 section_ctr[0x8]; struct { u32 section_ctr_low; u32 section_ctr_high; }; }; u8 _0x148[0xB8]; /* Padding. */ } PACKED nca_fs_header_t; /* Nintendo content archive header. */ typedef struct { u8 fixed_key_sig[0x100]; /* RSA-PSS signature over header with fixed key. */ u8 npdm_key_sig[0x100]; /* RSA-PSS signature over header with key in NPDM. */ u32 magic; u8 distribution; /* System vs gamecard. */ u8 content_type; u8 crypto_type; /* Which keyblob (field 1) */ u8 kaek_ind; /* Which kaek index? */ u64 nca_size; /* Entire archive size. */ u64 title_id; u8 _0x218[0x4]; /* Padding. */ union { u32 sdk_version; /* What SDK was this built with? */ struct { u8 sdk_revision; u8 sdk_micro; u8 sdk_minor; u8 sdk_major; }; }; u8 crypto_type2; /* Which keyblob (field 2) */ u8 _0x221[0xF]; /* Padding. */ u8 rights_id[0x10]; /* Rights ID (for titlekey crypto). */ nca_section_entry_t section_entries[4]; /* Section entry metadata. */ u8 section_hashes[4][0x20]; /* SHA-256 hashes for each section header. */ u8 nca_keys[4][0x10]; /* Key area (encrypted) */ u8 _0x340[0xC0]; /* Padding. */ nca_fs_header_t fs_headers[4]; /* FS section headers. */ } PACKED nca_header_t; typedef struct { u32 magic; u32 _0x4; u32 _0x8; u8 mmu_flags; u8 _0xD; u8 main_thread_prio; u8 default_cpuid; u64 _0x10; u32 process_category; u32 main_stack_size; char title_name[0x50]; u32 aci0_offset; u32 aci0_size; u32 acid_offset; u32 acid_size; } PACKED npdm_t; typedef struct { u64 title_id; u32 version; u8 type; u8 unk1; u16 table_offset; u16 content_records_cnt; u16 meta_records_cnt; u8 unk2[12]; } PACKED cnmt_header; typedef struct { u64 patch_tid; /* Patch TID / Original TID / Application TID */ u32 min_sysver; /* Minimum system/application version */ } PACKED cnmt_extended_header; typedef struct { u8 hash[0x20]; u8 nca_id[0x10]; u8 size[6]; u8 type; u8 unk; } PACKED cnmt_content_record; typedef struct { u8 type; u64 title_id; u32 version; u32 required_dl_sysver; u32 nca_cnt; u8 digest[32]; char digest_str[65]; u8 min_keyblob; u32 min_sysver; u64 patch_tid; } PACKED cnmt_xml_program_info; typedef struct { u8 type; u8 nca_id[16]; char nca_id_str[33]; u64 size; u8 hash[32]; char hash_str[65]; u8 keyblob; u8 decrypted_nca_keys[NCA_KEY_AREA_SIZE]; u8 encrypted_header_mod[NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH]; } PACKED cnmt_xml_content_info; typedef struct { u8 *hash_table; u64 hash_table_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 hash_table_size; u8 block_mod_cnt; u8 *block_data[2]; u64 block_offset[2]; // Relative to NCA start u64 block_size[2]; } PACKED nca_program_mod_data; typedef struct { u64 section_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 section_size; u64 hash_table_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 pfs0_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 pfs0_size; u64 title_cnmt_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 title_cnmt_size; } PACKED nca_cnmt_mod_data; typedef struct { u32 sig_type; u8 signature[0x100]; u8 padding[0x3C]; char sig_issuer[0x40]; u8 titlekey_block[0x100]; u8 unk1; u8 titlekey_type; u8 unk2[0x03]; u8 master_key_rev; u8 unk3[0x0A]; u64 ticket_id; u64 device_id; u8 rights_id[0x10]; u32 account_id; u8 unk4[0x0C]; } PACKED rsa2048_sha256_ticket; typedef struct { bool has_rights_id; u8 rights_id[0x10]; char rights_id_str[33]; char tik_filename[37]; char cert_filename[38]; u8 enc_titlekey[0x10]; u8 dec_titlekey[0x10]; u8 cert_data[ETICKET_CERT_FILE_SIZE]; rsa2048_sha256_ticket tik_data; bool retrieved_tik; } PACKED title_rights_ctx; typedef struct { NcmContentStorage ncmStorage; NcmNcaId ncaId; Aes128CtrContext aes_ctx; u64 exefs_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 exefs_size; pfs0_header exefs_header; u64 exefs_entries_offset; // Relative to NCA start pfs0_entry_table *exefs_entries; u64 exefs_str_table_offset; // Relative to NCA start char *exefs_str_table; u64 exefs_data_offset; // Relative to NCA start } PACKED exefs_ctx_t; typedef struct { NcmContentStorage ncmStorage; NcmNcaId ncaId; Aes128CtrContext aes_ctx; u64 section_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 section_size; u64 romfs_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 romfs_size; u64 romfs_dirtable_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 romfs_dirtable_size; romfs_dir *romfs_dir_entries; u64 romfs_filetable_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 romfs_filetable_size; romfs_file *romfs_file_entries; u64 romfs_filedata_offset; // Relative to NCA start } PACKED romfs_ctx_t; typedef struct { u64 virt_offset; u64 phys_offset; u32 is_patch; } PACKED bktr_relocation_entry_t; typedef struct { u32 _0x0; u32 num_entries; u64 virtual_offset_end; bktr_relocation_entry_t entries[0x3FF0 / sizeof(bktr_relocation_entry_t)]; u8 padding[0x3FF0 % sizeof(bktr_relocation_entry_t)]; } PACKED bktr_relocation_bucket_t; typedef struct { u32 _0x0; u32 num_buckets; u64 total_size; u64 bucket_virtual_offsets[0x3FF0 / sizeof(u64)]; bktr_relocation_bucket_t buckets[]; } PACKED bktr_relocation_block_t; typedef struct { u64 offset; u32 _0x8; u32 ctr_val; } PACKED bktr_subsection_entry_t; typedef struct { u32 _0x0; u32 num_entries; u64 physical_offset_end; bktr_subsection_entry_t entries[0x3FF]; } PACKED bktr_subsection_bucket_t; typedef struct { u32 _0x0; u32 num_buckets; u64 total_size; u64 bucket_physical_offsets[0x3FF0 / sizeof(u64)]; bktr_subsection_bucket_t buckets[]; } PACKED bktr_subsection_block_t; typedef struct { NcmContentStorage ncmStorage; NcmNcaId ncaId; Aes128CtrContext aes_ctx; u64 section_offset; // Relative to NCA start u64 section_size; bktr_superblock_t superblock; bktr_relocation_block_t *relocation_block; bktr_subsection_block_t *subsection_block; u64 virtual_seek; // Relative to section start u64 bktr_seek; // Relative to section start (patch BKTR section) u64 base_seek; // Relative to section start (base application RomFS section) u64 romfs_offset; // Relative to section start u64 romfs_size; u64 romfs_dirtable_offset; // Relative to section start u64 romfs_dirtable_size; romfs_dir *romfs_dir_entries; u64 romfs_filetable_offset; // Relative to section start u64 romfs_filetable_size; romfs_file *romfs_file_entries; u64 romfs_filedata_offset; // Relative to section start } PACKED bktr_ctx_t; typedef struct { u8 type; // 1 = Dir, 2 = File u64 offset; // Relative to directory/file table, depending on type } PACKED romfs_browser_entry; typedef struct { u64 id; u8 key[0x10]; } PACKED send_data_configuration; typedef struct { u64 id; u8 key[0x10]; } PACKED receivable_data_configurations; typedef struct { NacpLanguageEntry lang[16]; char Isbn[0x25]; u8 StartupUserAccount; u8 UserAccountSwitchLock; u8 AddOnContentRegistrationType; u32 AttributeFlag; u32 SupportedLanguageFlag; u32 ParentalControlFlag; u8 Screenshot; u8 VideoCapture; u8 DataLossConfirmation; u8 PlayLogPolicy; u64 PresenceGroupId; u8 RatingAge[0x20]; char DisplayVersion[0x10]; u64 AddOnContentBaseId; u64 SaveDataOwnerId; u64 UserAccountSaveDataSize; u64 UserAccountSaveDataJournalSize; u64 DeviceSaveDataSize; u64 DeviceSaveDataJournalSize; u64 BcatDeliveryCacheStorageSize; char ApplicationErrorCodeCategory[0x8]; u64 LocalCommunicationId[0x8]; u8 LogoType; u8 LogoHandling; u8 RuntimeAddOnContentInstall; u8 Reserved_0x30F3[0x3]; u8 CrashReport; u8 Hdcp; u64 SeedForPseudoDeviceId; char BcatPassphrase[0x41]; u8 StartupUserAccountOptionFlag; u8 ReservedForUserAccountSaveDataOperation[0x6]; u64 UserAccountSaveDataSizeMax; u64 UserAccountSaveDataJournalSizeMax; u64 DeviceSaveDataSizeMax; u64 DeviceSaveDataJournalSizeMax; u64 TemporaryStorageSize; u64 CacheStorageSize; u64 CacheStorageJournalSize; u64 CacheStorageDataAndJournalSizeMax; u16 CacheStorageIndexMax; u8 Reserved_0x318A[0x6]; u64 PlayLogQueryableApplicationId[0x10]; u8 PlayLogQueryCapability; u8 RepairFlag; u8 ProgramIndex; u8 RequiredNetworkServiceLicenseOnLaunchFlag; u8 Reserved_0x3214[0x4]; send_data_configuration SendDataConfiguration; receivable_data_configurations ReceivableDataConfiguration[0x10]; u64 JitConfigurationFlag; u64 JitMemorySize; u8 Reserved[0xC40]; } PACKED nacp_t; typedef struct { char filename[100]; u64 icon_size; u8 icon_data[0x20000]; } PACKED nacp_icons_ctx; void generateCnmtXml(cnmt_xml_program_info *xml_program_info, cnmt_xml_content_info *xml_content_info, char *out); void convertNcaSizeToU64(const u8 size[0x6], u64 *out); void convertU64ToNcaSize(const u64 size, u8 out[0x6]); bool processNcaCtrSectionBlock(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, Aes128CtrContext *ctx, u64 offset, void *outBuf, size_t bufSize, bool encrypt); bool readBktrSectionBlock(u64 offset, void *outBuf, size_t bufSize); bool encryptNcaHeader(nca_header_t *input, u8 *outBuf, u64 outBufSize); bool decryptNcaHeader(const u8 *ncaBuf, u64 ncaBufSize, nca_header_t *out, title_rights_ctx *rights_info, u8 *decrypted_nca_keys, bool retrieveTitleKeyData); bool processProgramNca(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, nca_header_t *dec_nca_header, cnmt_xml_content_info *xml_content_info, nca_program_mod_data *output); bool retrieveCnmtNcaData(FsStorageId curStorageId, nspDumpType selectedNspDumpType, u8 *ncaBuf, cnmt_xml_program_info *xml_program_info, cnmt_xml_content_info *xml_content_info, nca_cnmt_mod_data *output, title_rights_ctx *rights_info, bool replaceKeyArea); bool patchCnmtNca(u8 *ncaBuf, u64 ncaBufSize, cnmt_xml_program_info *xml_program_info, cnmt_xml_content_info *xml_content_info, nca_cnmt_mod_data *cnmt_mod); bool readExeFsEntryFromNca(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, nca_header_t *dec_nca_header, u8 *decrypted_nca_keys); bool readRomFsEntryFromNca(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, nca_header_t *dec_nca_header, u8 *decrypted_nca_keys); bool readBktrEntryFromNca(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, nca_header_t *dec_nca_header, u8 *decrypted_nca_keys); bool generateProgramInfoXml(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, nca_header_t *dec_nca_header, u8 *decrypted_nca_keys, nca_program_mod_data *program_mod_data, char **outBuf, u64 *outBufSize); bool retrieveNacpDataFromNca(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, nca_header_t *dec_nca_header, u8 *decrypted_nca_keys, char **out_nacp_xml, u64 *out_nacp_xml_size, nacp_icons_ctx **out_nacp_icons_ctx, u8 *out_nacp_icons_ctx_cnt); bool retrieveLegalInfoXmlFromNca(NcmContentStorage *ncmStorage, const NcmNcaId *ncaId, nca_header_t *dec_nca_header, u8 *decrypted_nca_keys, char **outBuf, u64 *outBufSize); #endif