/* * system_update.c * * Copyright (c) 2020-2024, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include /* Global variables. */ static Mutex g_systemUpdateMutex = 0; static bool g_systemUpdateInterfaceInit = false; static TitleInfo *g_systemUpdateTitleInfo = NULL; static NcaContext *g_systemUpdateNcaContext = NULL; static ContentMetaContext g_systemUpdateCnmtContext = {0}; /* Function prototypes. */ static bool _systemUpdateInitializeDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx); static bool systemUpdateProcessContentMetaInfo(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx, const NcmContentMetaInfo *content_meta_info); static bool systemUpdateProcessContentRecords(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx, TitleInfo *title_info); static int systemUpdateNcaContextSortFunction(const void *a, const void *b); NX_INLINE NcaContext *systemUpdateGetCurrentNcaContextFromDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx); bool systemUpdateInitialize(void) { bool ret = false; SCOPED_LOCK(&g_systemUpdateMutex) { ret = g_systemUpdateInterfaceInit; if (ret) break; /* Get title info. */ if (!(g_systemUpdateTitleInfo = titleGetTitleInfoEntryFromStorageByTitleId(NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem, SYSTEM_UPDATE_TID))) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to get title info for SystemUpdate!"); break; } /* Allocate memory for the SystemUpdate NCA context. */ g_systemUpdateNcaContext = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext)); if (!g_systemUpdateNcaContext) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for SystemUpdate NCA context!"); goto end; } /* Initialize NCA context. */ /* Don't allow invalid NCA signatures. */ if (!ncaInitializeContext(g_systemUpdateNcaContext, g_systemUpdateTitleInfo->storage_id, 0, &(g_systemUpdateTitleInfo->meta_key), \ titleGetContentInfoByTypeAndIdOffset(g_systemUpdateTitleInfo, NcmContentType_Meta, 0), NULL) || !g_systemUpdateNcaContext->valid_main_signature) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to initialize SystemUpdate Meta NCA context!"); goto end; } /* Initialize Content Meta context. */ ret = g_systemUpdateInterfaceInit = (cnmtInitializeContext(&g_systemUpdateCnmtContext, g_systemUpdateNcaContext) && \ g_systemUpdateCnmtContext.packaged_header->content_meta_count && g_systemUpdateCnmtContext.content_meta_info); if (ret) break; LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to initialize Content Meta context for SystemUpdate Meta NCA \"%s\"!", g_systemUpdateNcaContext->content_id_str); end: cnmtFreeContext(&g_systemUpdateCnmtContext); if (g_systemUpdateNcaContext) { free(g_systemUpdateNcaContext); g_systemUpdateNcaContext = NULL; } titleFreeTitleInfo(&g_systemUpdateTitleInfo); } return ret; } void systemUpdateExit(void) { SCOPED_LOCK(&g_systemUpdateMutex) { /* Free Content Meta context. */ cnmtFreeContext(&g_systemUpdateCnmtContext); /* Free NCA context. */ if (g_systemUpdateNcaContext) { free(g_systemUpdateNcaContext); g_systemUpdateNcaContext = NULL; } /* Free TitleInfo entry. */ titleFreeTitleInfo(&g_systemUpdateTitleInfo); /* Update flag. */ g_systemUpdateInterfaceInit = false; } } bool systemUpdateInitializeDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx) { bool ret = false; SCOPED_LOCK(&g_systemUpdateMutex) ret = _systemUpdateInitializeDumpContext(ctx); return ret; } bool systemUpdateGetCurrentContentFileSizeFromDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx, u64 *out_size) { NcaContext *nca_ctx = systemUpdateGetCurrentNcaContextFromDumpContext(ctx); if (!nca_ctx || !out_size) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } *out_size = nca_ctx->content_size; return true; } char *systemUpdateGetCurrentContentFileNameFromDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx) { NcaContext *nca_ctx = systemUpdateGetCurrentNcaContextFromDumpContext(ctx); if (!nca_ctx) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!"); return NULL; } bool is_meta_nca = (nca_ctx->content_type == NcmContentType_Meta); size_t nca_filename_size = ((is_meta_nca ? NCA_HFS_META_NAME_LENGTH : NCA_HFS_REGULAR_NAME_LENGTH) + 1); char *nca_filename = calloc(nca_filename_size, sizeof(char)); if (nca_filename) { snprintf(nca_filename, nca_filename_size, "%s%s", nca_ctx->content_id_str, is_meta_nca ? ".cnmt.nca" : ".nca"); } else { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to allocate 0x%lX-byte long filename for %s NCA \"%s\"! (title %016lX).", nca_filename_size, titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), \ nca_ctx->content_id_str, nca_ctx->title_id); } return nca_filename; } bool systemUpdateReadCurrentContentFileFromDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx, void *out, u64 read_size) { NcaContext *nca_ctx = NULL; if (!(nca_ctx = systemUpdateGetCurrentNcaContextFromDumpContext(ctx)) || !out || !read_size || (ctx->cur_content_offset + read_size) > nca_ctx->content_size) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } bool success = false; /* Read NCA data. */ if (!ncaReadContentFile(nca_ctx, out, read_size, ctx->cur_content_offset)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to read %s NCA \"%s\"! (title %016lX).", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), \ nca_ctx->content_id_str, nca_ctx->title_id); goto end; } /* (Re-)initialize SHA-256 hash context, if needed. */ if (!ctx->cur_content_offset) sha256ContextCreate(&(ctx->sha256_ctx)); /* Update SHA-256 hash context. */ sha256ContextUpdate(&(ctx->sha256_ctx), out, read_size); /* Update system update context. */ ctx->cur_size += read_size; ctx->cur_content_offset += read_size; /* Check if we have finished reading this content. */ if (ctx->cur_content_offset >= nca_ctx->content_size) { /* Verify SHA-256 hash for this content. */ sha256ContextGetHash(&(ctx->sha256_ctx), nca_ctx->hash); if (memcmp(nca_ctx->hash, nca_ctx->content_id.c, sizeof(nca_ctx->content_id.c)) != 0) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("SHA-256 checksum mismatch for %s NCA \"%s\"! (title %016lX).", titleGetNcmContentTypeName(nca_ctx->content_type), \ nca_ctx->content_id_str, nca_ctx->title_id); goto end; } /* Update system update context. */ ctx->content_idx++; ctx->cur_content_offset = 0; } /* Update return value. */ success = true; end: return success; } static bool _systemUpdateInitializeDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx) { if (!g_systemUpdateInterfaceInit || !ctx) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } bool success = false; /* Free output context beforehand. */ systemUpdateFreeDumpContext(ctx); /* Loop through all of our content meta info records. */ for(u16 i = 0; i < g_systemUpdateCnmtContext.packaged_header->content_meta_count; i++) { NcmContentMetaInfo *cur_meta_info = &(g_systemUpdateCnmtContext.content_meta_info[i]); /* Process current content meta info record. */ if (!systemUpdateProcessContentMetaInfo(ctx, cur_meta_info)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to process content meta info for title %016lX!", cur_meta_info->id); goto end; } } /* Manually add SystemUpdate content records. */ /* The SystemUpdate CNMT doesn't reference itself. */ success = systemUpdateProcessContentRecords(ctx, g_systemUpdateTitleInfo); if (!success) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to process SystemUpdate content records!"); goto end; } /* Sort NCA contexts. */ qsort(ctx->nca_ctxs, ctx->content_count, sizeof(NcaContext*), &systemUpdateNcaContextSortFunction); end: /* Free output context, if needed. */ if (!success) systemUpdateFreeDumpContext(ctx); return success; } static bool systemUpdateProcessContentMetaInfo(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx, const NcmContentMetaInfo *content_meta_info) { if (!ctx || !content_meta_info) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } TitleInfo *title_info = NULL; bool success = false; /* Get TitleInfo entry. */ title_info = titleGetTitleInfoEntryFromStorageByTitleId(NcmStorageId_BuiltInSystem, content_meta_info->id); if (!title_info) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to get TitleInfo entry for ID %016lX!", content_meta_info->id); goto end; } /* Check for matching version values. */ if (title_info->version.value != content_meta_info->version) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Version mismatch for title %016lX! (got v%u, expected v%u).", content_meta_info->id, title_info->version.value, \ content_meta_info->version); goto end; } /* Process content records. */ success = systemUpdateProcessContentRecords(ctx, title_info); if (!success) LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to process content records for title %016lX!", content_meta_info->id); end: titleFreeTitleInfo(&title_info); return success; } static bool systemUpdateProcessContentRecords(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx, TitleInfo *title_info) { if (!ctx || !titleIsValidInfoBlock(title_info)) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!"); return false; } NcaContext **nca_ctxs_tmp = NULL; const u32 nca_ctxs_count = (ctx->content_count + title_info->content_count); bool success = false; /* Reallocate NCA context pointer array. */ nca_ctxs_tmp = realloc(ctx->nca_ctxs, nca_ctxs_count * sizeof(NcaContext*)); if (!nca_ctxs_tmp) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to reallocate NCA context pointer array for title %016lX! (%u %s).", title_info->meta_key.id, nca_ctxs_count, \ nca_ctxs_count > 1 ? "entries" : "entry"); goto end; } memset(&(nca_ctxs_tmp[ctx->content_count]), 0, title_info->content_count * sizeof(NcaContext*)); ctx->nca_ctxs = nca_ctxs_tmp; /* Loop through all of the content records for the current title. */ for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++) { NcmContentInfo *cur_content_info = &(title_info->content_infos[i]); NcaContext **cur_nca_ctx = &(ctx->nca_ctxs[ctx->content_count + i]); /* Allocate memory for the current NCA context. */ *cur_nca_ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(NcaContext)); if (!*cur_nca_ctx) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for NCA context! (title %016lX, content #%u).", title_info->meta_key.id, i); goto end; } /* Initialize current NCA context. */ if (!ncaInitializeContext(*cur_nca_ctx, title_info->storage_id, 0, &(title_info->meta_key), cur_content_info, NULL) || !(*cur_nca_ctx)->valid_main_signature) { LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to initialize NCA context! (title %016lX, content #%u).", title_info->meta_key.id, i); goto end; } } /* Update context. */ ctx->total_size += title_info->size; ctx->content_count += title_info->content_count; /* Update return value. */ success = true; end: /* Free previously allocated NCA contexts if we ran into a problem. */ if (!success && nca_ctxs_tmp) { for(u32 i = 0; i < title_info->content_count; i++) { if (!ctx->nca_ctxs[ctx->content_count + i]) continue; free(ctx->nca_ctxs[ctx->content_count + i]); ctx->nca_ctxs[ctx->content_count + i] = NULL; } } return success; } static int systemUpdateNcaContextSortFunction(const void *a, const void *b) { const NcaContext *nca_ctx_1 = *((const NcaContext**)a); const NcaContext *nca_ctx_2 = *((const NcaContext**)b); if (nca_ctx_1->title_id < nca_ctx_2->title_id) { return -1; } else if (nca_ctx_1->title_id > nca_ctx_2->title_id) { return 1; } if (nca_ctx_1->title_version.value < nca_ctx_2->title_version.value) { return -1; } else if (nca_ctx_1->title_version.value > nca_ctx_2->title_version.value) { return 1; } if (nca_ctx_1->content_type < nca_ctx_2->content_type) { return -1; } else if (nca_ctx_1->content_type > nca_ctx_2->content_type) { return 1; } if (nca_ctx_1->id_offset < nca_ctx_2->id_offset) { return -1; } else if (nca_ctx_1->id_offset > nca_ctx_2->id_offset) { return 1; } return 0; } NX_INLINE NcaContext *systemUpdateGetCurrentNcaContextFromDumpContext(SystemUpdateDumpContext *ctx) { return ((systemUpdateIsValidDumpContext(ctx) && !systemUpdateIsDumpContextFinished(ctx)) ? ctx->nca_ctxs[ctx->content_idx] : NULL); }