/* * save.h * * Copyright (c) 2019-2020, shchmue. * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, DarkMatterCore . * * This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool). * * nxdumptool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * nxdumptool is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #ifndef __SAVE_H__ #define __SAVE_H__ #include "fatfs/ff.h" #define IVFC_MAX_LEVEL 6 #define SAVE_HEADER_SIZE 0x4000 #define SAVE_FAT_ENTRY_SIZE 8 #define SAVE_FS_LIST_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 0x40 #define SAVE_FS_LIST_ENTRY_SIZE 0x60 #define MAGIC_DISF 0x46534944 #define MAGIC_DPFS 0x53465044 #define MAGIC_JNGL 0x4C474E4A #define MAGIC_SAVE 0x45564153 #define MAGIC_RMAP 0x50414D52 #define MAGIC_IVFC 0x43465649 #define ACTION_VERIFY (1<<2) typedef enum { VALIDITY_UNCHECKED = 0, VALIDITY_INVALID, VALIDITY_VALID } validity_t; typedef struct save_ctx_t save_ctx_t; typedef struct { u32 magic; /* "DISF". */ u32 version; u8 hash[0x20]; u64 file_map_entry_offset; u64 file_map_entry_size; u64 meta_map_entry_offset; u64 meta_map_entry_size; u64 file_map_data_offset; u64 file_map_data_size; u64 duplex_l1_offset_a; u64 duplex_l1_offset_b; u64 duplex_l1_size; u64 duplex_data_offset_a; u64 duplex_data_offset_b; u64 duplex_data_size; u64 journal_data_offset; u64 journal_data_size_a; u64 journal_data_size_b; u64 journal_size; u64 duplex_master_offset_a; u64 duplex_master_offset_b; u64 duplex_master_size; u64 ivfc_master_hash_offset_a; u64 ivfc_master_hash_offset_b; u64 ivfc_master_hash_size; u64 journal_map_table_offset; u64 journal_map_table_size; u64 journal_physical_bitmap_offset; u64 journal_physical_bitmap_size; u64 journal_virtual_bitmap_offset; u64 journal_virtual_bitmap_size; u64 journal_free_bitmap_offset; u64 journal_free_bitmap_size; u64 ivfc_l1_offset; u64 ivfc_l1_size; u64 ivfc_l2_offset; u64 ivfc_l2_size; u64 ivfc_l3_offset; u64 ivfc_l3_size; u64 fat_offset; u64 fat_size; u64 duplex_index; u64 fat_ivfc_master_hash_a; u64 fat_ivfc_master_hash_b; u64 fat_ivfc_l1_offset; u64 fat_ivfc_l1_size; u64 fat_ivfc_l2_offset; u64 fat_ivfc_l2_size; u8 _0x190[0x70]; } fs_layout_t; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { u64 offset; u64 length; u32 block_size_power; } duplex_info_t; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct { u32 magic; /* "DPFS". */ u32 version; duplex_info_t layers[3]; } duplex_header_t; typedef struct { u32 version; u32 main_data_block_count; u32 journal_block_count; u32 _0x0C; } journal_map_header_t; typedef struct { u32 magic; /* "JNGL". */ u32 version; u64 total_size; u64 journal_size; u64 block_size; } journal_header_t; typedef struct { u32 magic; /* "SAVE". */ u32 version; u64 block_count; u64 block_size; } save_fs_header_t; typedef struct { u64 block_size; u64 allocation_table_offset; u32 allocation_table_block_count; u32 _0x14; u64 data_offset; u32 data_block_count; u32 _0x24; u32 directory_table_block; u32 file_table_block; } fat_header_t; typedef struct { u32 magic; /* "RMAP". */ u32 version; u32 map_entry_count; u32 map_segment_count; u32 segment_bits; u8 _0x14[0x2C]; } remap_header_t; typedef struct remap_segment_ctx_t remap_segment_ctx_t; typedef struct remap_entry_ctx_t remap_entry_ctx_t; #pragma pack(push, 1) struct remap_entry_ctx_t { u64 virtual_offset; u64 physical_offset; u64 size; u32 alignment; u32 _0x1C; u64 virtual_offset_end; u64 physical_offset_end; remap_segment_ctx_t *segment; remap_entry_ctx_t *next; }; #pragma pack(pop) struct remap_segment_ctx_t{ u64 offset; u64 length; remap_entry_ctx_t **entries; u64 entry_count; }; typedef struct { u8 *data; u8 *bitmap; } duplex_bitmap_t; typedef struct { u32 block_size; u8 *bitmap_storage; u8 *data_a; u8 *data_b; duplex_bitmap_t bitmap; u64 _length; } duplex_storage_ctx_t; enum base_storage_type { STORAGE_BYTES = 0, STORAGE_DUPLEX = 1, STORAGE_REMAP = 2, STORAGE_JOURNAL = 3 }; typedef struct { remap_header_t *header; remap_entry_ctx_t *map_entries; remap_segment_ctx_t *segments; enum base_storage_type type; u64 base_storage_offset; duplex_storage_ctx_t *duplex; FIL *file; } remap_storage_ctx_t; typedef struct { u64 title_id; u8 user_id[0x10]; u64 save_id; u8 save_data_type; u8 _0x21[0x1F]; u64 save_owner_id; u64 timestamp; u64 _0x50; u64 data_size; u64 journal_size; u64 commit_id; } extra_data_t; typedef struct { u64 logical_offset; u64 hash_data_size; u32 block_size; u32 reserved; } ivfc_level_hdr_t; typedef struct { u32 magic; u32 id; u32 master_hash_size; u32 num_levels; ivfc_level_hdr_t level_headers[IVFC_MAX_LEVEL]; u8 salt_source[0x20]; } ivfc_save_hdr_t; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { u8 cmac[0x10]; u8 _0x10[0xF0]; fs_layout_t layout; duplex_header_t duplex_header; ivfc_save_hdr_t data_ivfc_header; u32 _0x404; journal_header_t journal_header; journal_map_header_t map_header; u8 _0x438[0x1D0]; save_fs_header_t save_header; fat_header_t fat_header; remap_header_t main_remap_header, meta_remap_header; u64 _0x6D0; extra_data_t extra_data; u8 _0x748[0x390]; ivfc_save_hdr_t fat_ivfc_header; u8 _0xB98[0x3468]; } save_header_t; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct { duplex_storage_ctx_t layers[2]; duplex_storage_ctx_t data_layer; u64 _length; } hierarchical_duplex_storage_ctx_t; typedef struct { u8 *data_a; u8 *data_b; duplex_info_t info; } duplex_fs_layer_info_t; typedef struct { u8 *map_storage; u8 *physical_block_bitmap; u8 *virtual_block_bitmap; u8 *free_block_bitmap; } journal_map_params_t; typedef struct { u32 physical_index; u32 virtual_index; } journal_map_entry_t; typedef struct { journal_map_header_t *header; journal_map_entry_t *entries; u8 *map_storage; } journal_map_ctx_t; typedef struct { journal_map_ctx_t map; journal_header_t *header; u32 block_size; u64 journal_data_offset; u64 _length; FIL *file; } journal_storage_ctx_t; typedef struct { u64 data_offset; u64 data_size; u64 hash_offset; u32 hash_block_size; validity_t hash_validity; enum base_storage_type type; save_ctx_t *save_ctx; } ivfc_level_save_ctx_t; typedef struct { ivfc_level_save_ctx_t *data; u32 block_size; u8 salt[0x20]; } integrity_verification_info_ctx_t; typedef struct integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t; struct integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t { ivfc_level_save_ctx_t *hash_storage; ivfc_level_save_ctx_t *base_storage; validity_t *block_validities; u8 salt[0x20]; u32 sector_size; u32 sector_count; u64 _length; integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *next_level; }; typedef struct { ivfc_level_save_ctx_t levels[5]; ivfc_level_save_ctx_t *data_level; validity_t **level_validities; u64 _length; integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t integrity_storages[4]; } hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t; typedef struct { u32 prev; u32 next; } allocation_table_entry_t; typedef struct { u32 free_list_entry_index; void *base_storage; fat_header_t *header; } allocation_table_ctx_t; typedef struct { hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *base_storage; u32 block_size; u32 initial_block; allocation_table_ctx_t *fat; u64 _length; } allocation_table_storage_ctx_t; typedef struct { allocation_table_ctx_t *fat; u32 virtual_block; u32 physical_block; u32 current_segment_size; u32 next_block; u32 prev_block; } allocation_table_iterator_ctx_t; typedef struct { char name[SAVE_FS_LIST_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; u32 parent; } save_entry_key_t; #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { u32 start_block; u64 length; u32 _0xC[2]; } save_file_info_t; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { u32 next_directory; u32 next_file; u32 _0x8[3]; } save_find_position_t; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { u32 next_sibling; union { /* Save table entry type. Size = 0x14. */ save_file_info_t save_file_info; save_find_position_t save_find_position; }; } save_table_entry_t; #pragma pack(pop) #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { u32 parent; char name[SAVE_FS_LIST_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; save_table_entry_t value; u32 next; } save_fs_list_entry_t; #pragma pack(pop) typedef struct { u32 free_list_head_index; u32 used_list_head_index; allocation_table_storage_ctx_t storage; u32 capacity; } save_filesystem_list_ctx_t; typedef struct { save_filesystem_list_ctx_t file_table; save_filesystem_list_ctx_t directory_table; } hierarchical_save_file_table_ctx_t; typedef struct { hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t *base_storage; allocation_table_ctx_t allocation_table; save_fs_header_t *header; hierarchical_save_file_table_ctx_t file_table; } save_filesystem_ctx_t; struct save_ctx_t { save_header_t header; FIL *file; struct { FIL *file; u32 action; } tool_ctx; validity_t header_cmac_validity; validity_t header_hash_validity; u8 *data_ivfc_master; u8 *fat_ivfc_master; remap_storage_ctx_t data_remap_storage; remap_storage_ctx_t meta_remap_storage; duplex_fs_layer_info_t duplex_layers[3]; hierarchical_duplex_storage_ctx_t duplex_storage; journal_storage_ctx_t journal_storage; journal_map_params_t journal_map_info; hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t core_data_ivfc_storage; hierarchical_integrity_verification_storage_ctx_t fat_ivfc_storage; u8 *fat_storage; save_filesystem_ctx_t save_filesystem_core; u8 save_mac_key[0x10]; }; static inline u32 allocation_table_entry_index_to_block(u32 entry_index) { return (entry_index - 1); } static inline u32 allocation_table_block_to_entry_index(u32 block_index) { return (block_index + 1); } static inline int allocation_table_is_list_end(allocation_table_entry_t *entry) { return ((entry->next & 0x7FFFFFFF) == 0); } static inline int allocation_table_is_list_start(allocation_table_entry_t *entry) { return (entry->prev == 0x80000000); } static inline int allocation_table_get_next(allocation_table_entry_t *entry) { return (entry->next & 0x7FFFFFFF); } static inline int allocation_table_get_prev(allocation_table_entry_t *entry) { return (entry->prev & 0x7FFFFFFF); } static inline allocation_table_entry_t *save_allocation_table_read_entry(allocation_table_ctx_t *ctx, u32 entry_index) { return ((allocation_table_entry_t*)((u8*)ctx->base_storage + (entry_index * SAVE_FAT_ENTRY_SIZE))); } static inline u32 save_allocation_table_get_free_list_entry_index(allocation_table_ctx_t *ctx) { return allocation_table_get_next(save_allocation_table_read_entry(ctx, ctx->free_list_entry_index)); } static inline u32 save_allocation_table_get_free_list_block_index(allocation_table_ctx_t *ctx) { return allocation_table_entry_index_to_block(save_allocation_table_get_free_list_entry_index(ctx)); } bool save_process(save_ctx_t *ctx); bool save_process_header(save_ctx_t *ctx); void save_free_contexts(save_ctx_t *ctx); bool save_open_fat_storage(save_filesystem_ctx_t *ctx, allocation_table_storage_ctx_t *storage_ctx, u32 block_index); u32 save_allocation_table_storage_read(allocation_table_storage_ctx_t *ctx, void *buffer, u64 offset, size_t count); bool save_fs_list_get_value(save_filesystem_list_ctx_t *ctx, u32 index, save_fs_list_entry_t *value); u32 save_fs_list_get_index_from_key(save_filesystem_list_ctx_t *ctx, save_entry_key_t *key, u32 *prev_index); bool save_hierarchical_file_table_find_path_recursive(hierarchical_save_file_table_ctx_t *ctx, save_entry_key_t *key, const char *path); bool save_hierarchical_file_table_get_file_entry_by_path(hierarchical_save_file_table_ctx_t *ctx, const char *path, save_fs_list_entry_t *entry); save_ctx_t *save_open_savefile(const char *path, u32 action); void save_close_savefile(save_ctx_t *ctx); bool save_get_fat_storage_from_file_entry_by_path(save_ctx_t *ctx, const char *path, allocation_table_storage_ctx_t *out_fat_storage, u64 *out_file_entry_size); #endif /* __SAVE_H__ */