Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool.git synced 2024-10-18 19:31:43 +01:00
Pablo Curiel 1654862198 Integrate borealis main branch into the nxdumptool codebase.
Only builds the borealis demo atm.
2021-06-22 09:17:55 -04:00

2439 lines
79 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <switch/services/ncm.h>
#include <switch/services/ns.h>
#include <libxml2/libxml/globals.h>
#include <libxml2/libxml/xpath.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <json-c/json.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "dumper.h"
#include "fs_ext.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "fatfs/ff.h"
/* Extern variables */
extern bool highlight;
extern int breaks;
extern int font_height;
extern int cursor;
extern int scroll;
extern curMenuType menuType;
extern u8 *fileNormalIconBuf;
extern u8 *fileHighlightIconBuf;
extern nca_keyset_t nca_keyset;
/* Statically allocated variables */
static bool initNcm = false, initNs = false, initCsrng = false, initSpl = false, initPmdmnt = false, initPl = false, initNet = false;
static bool openFsDevOp = false, openGcEvtNotifier = false, loadGcKernEvt = false, gcThreadInit = false, homeBtnBlocked = false;
dumpOptions dumpCfg;
bool keysFileAvailable = false;
static pthread_t gameCardDetectionThread;
static UEvent exitEvent;
static AppletType programAppletType;
char cfwDirStr[32] = {'\0'};
gamecard_ctx_t gameCardInfo;
u32 titleAppCount = 0, titlePatchCount = 0, titleAddOnCount = 0;
u32 sdCardTitleAppCount = 0, sdCardTitlePatchCount = 0, sdCardTitleAddOnCount = 0;
u32 emmcTitleAppCount = 0, emmcTitlePatchCount = 0, emmcTitleAddOnCount = 0;
u32 gameCardSdCardEmmcPatchCount = 0, gameCardSdCardEmmcAddOnCount = 0;
base_app_ctx_t *baseAppEntries = NULL;
patch_addon_ctx_t *patchEntries = NULL, *addOnEntries = NULL;
static volatile bool gameCardInfoLoaded = false;
static bool sdCardAndEmmcTitleInfoLoaded = false;
exefs_ctx_t exeFsContext;
romfs_ctx_t romFsContext;
bktr_ctx_t bktrContext;
char curRomFsPath[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
u32 curRomFsDirOffset = 0;
romfs_browser_entry *romFsBrowserEntries = NULL;
static char *result_buf = NULL;
static size_t result_sz = 0;
static size_t result_written = 0;
char **filenameBuffer = NULL;
int filenameCount = 0, filenameIndex = 0;
u8 *dumpBuf = NULL;
u8 *gcReadBuf = NULL;
u8 *ncaCtrBuf = NULL;
orphan_patch_addon_entry *orphanEntries = NULL;
u32 orphanEntriesCnt = 0;
char strbuf[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
static const char *appLaunchPath = NULL;
FsStorage fatFsStorage = {0};
static FATFS *fatFsObj = NULL;
u64 freeSpace = 0;
char freeSpaceStr[32] = {'\0'};
browser_entry_size_info *hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes = NULL;
void loadConfig()
// Set default configuration values
memset(&dumpCfg, 0x00, sizeof(dumpOptions));
dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32 = true;
dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.calcCrc = true;
dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.isFat32 = true;
dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.useNoIntroLookup = true;
dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch = true;
dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.isFat32 = true;
dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.npdmAcidRsaPatch = true;
dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.skipDumpedTitles = true;
dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.haltOnErrors = true;
dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc = BATCH_SOURCE_ALL;
dumpCfg.exeFsDumpCfg.isFat32 = true;
dumpCfg.romFsDumpCfg.isFat32 = true;
FILE *configFile = fopen(CONFIG_PATH, "rb");
if (!configFile) return;
fseek(configFile, 0, SEEK_END);
size_t configFileSize = ftell(configFile);
if (configFileSize != sizeof(dumpOptions))
dumpOptions tmpCfg;
size_t read_res = fread(&tmpCfg, 1, sizeof(dumpOptions), configFile);
if (read_res != sizeof(dumpOptions))
memcpy(&dumpCfg, &tmpCfg, sizeof(dumpOptions));
// Check if the configuration is correct
if (dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit && !dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.isFat32) dumpCfg.xciDumpCfg.setXciArchiveBit = false;
if (dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump && !dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) dumpCfg.nspDumpCfg.tiklessDump = false;
if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump && !dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.removeConsoleData) dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.tiklessDump = false;
if (dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc >= BATCH_SOURCE_CNT) dumpCfg.batchDumpCfg.batchModeSrc = BATCH_SOURCE_ALL;
void saveConfig()
FILE *configFile = fopen(CONFIG_PATH, "wb");
if (!configFile) return;
size_t write_res = fwrite(&dumpCfg, 1, sizeof(dumpOptions), configFile);
if (write_res != sizeof(dumpOptions)) remove(CONFIG_PATH);
static void retrieveRunningCfwDir()
bool txService = isServiceRunning("tx");
bool rnxService = isServiceRunning("rnx");
if (!txService && !rnxService)
// Atmosphere
snprintf(cfwDirStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(cfwDirStr), CFW_PATH_ATMOSPHERE);
} else
if (txService && !rnxService)
// SX OS
snprintf(cfwDirStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(cfwDirStr), CFW_PATH_SXOS);
} else {
// ReiNX
snprintf(cfwDirStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(cfwDirStr), CFW_PATH_REINX);
static void createOutputDirectories()
mkdir(HBLOADER_BASE_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(APP_BASE_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(XCI_DUMP_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(NSP_DUMP_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(HFS0_DUMP_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(EXEFS_DUMP_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(ROMFS_DUMP_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(CERT_DUMP_PATH, 0744);
mkdir(TICKET_PATH, 0744);
void freeFilenameBuffer(void)
if (!filenameBuffer) return;
for(int i = 0; i < filenameCount; i++)
if (filenameBuffer[i]) free(filenameBuffer[i]);
filenameCount = filenameIndex = 0;
filenameBuffer = NULL;
static bool allocateFilenameBuffer(u32 cnt)
if (!cnt) return false;
filenameBuffer = calloc(cnt, sizeof(char*));
if (!filenameBuffer) return false;
filenameCount = (int)cnt;
return true;
static bool addStringToFilenameBuffer(const char *str)
if (!str || !strlen(str) || (filenameIndex + 1) > filenameCount) return false;
filenameBuffer[filenameIndex] = strdup(str);
if (!filenameBuffer[filenameIndex])
return false;
return true;
void freeRomFsBrowserEntries()
if (romFsBrowserEntries != NULL)
romFsBrowserEntries = NULL;
void freeHfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes()
if (hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes)
hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes = NULL;
void consoleErrorScreen(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
vprintf(fmt, va);
printf("\nPress any button to exit.\n");
u64 keysDown = hidKeysAllDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown && !((keysDown & KEY_TOUCH) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_LEFT) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_RIGHT) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || \
(keysDown & KEY_RSTICK_LEFT) || (keysDown & KEY_RSTICK_RIGHT) || (keysDown & KEY_RSTICK_UP) || (keysDown & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN))) break;
bool initApplicationResources(int argc, char **argv)
Result result = 0;
bool success = false;
/* Copy launch path */
if (argc > 0 && argv && !envIsNso())
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
if (argv[i] && strlen(argv[i]) > 10 && !strncasecmp(argv[i], "sdmc:/", 6) && !strncasecmp(argv[i] + strlen(argv[i]) - 4, ".nro", 4))
appLaunchPath = (const char*)argv[i];
/* Initialize services */
if (!initServices()) return false;
/* Initialize UI */
if (!uiInit()) return false;
/* Zero out gamecard info struct */
memset(&gameCardInfo, 0, sizeof(gamecard_ctx_t));
/* Zero out NCA keyset */
memset(&nca_keyset, 0, sizeof(nca_keyset_t));
/* Init ExeFS context */
/* Init RomFS context */
/* Init BKTR context */
/* Make sure output directories exist */
/* Check if the Lockpick_RCM keys file is available */
keysFileAvailable = checkIfFileExists(KEYS_FILE_PATH);
/* Retrieve running CFW directory */
/* Get applet type */
programAppletType = appletGetAppletType();
/* Disable screen dimming and auto sleep */
/* Enable CPU boost mode */
/* Mount eMMC BIS System partition */
if (!mountSysEmmcPartition()) goto out;
/* Allocate memory for the general purpose dump buffer */
dumpBuf = calloc(DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(u8));
if (!dumpBuf)
uiDrawString(STRING_DEFAULT_POS, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for the dump buffer!", __func__);
goto out;
/* Allocate memory for the gamecard read buffer */
gcReadBuf = calloc(GAMECARD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(u8));
if (!gcReadBuf)
uiDrawString(STRING_DEFAULT_POS, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for the gamecard read buffer!", __func__);
goto out;
/* Allocate memory for the NCA AES-CTR operation buffer */
ncaCtrBuf = calloc(NCA_CTR_BUFFER_SIZE, sizeof(u8));
if (!ncaCtrBuf)
uiDrawString(STRING_DEFAULT_POS, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for the NCA AES-CTR operation buffer!", __func__);
goto out;
/* Open device operator */
result = fsOpenDeviceOperator(&(gameCardInfo.fsOperatorInstance));
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_DEFAULT_POS, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to open device operator! (0x%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
openFsDevOp = true;
/* Open gamecard detection event notifier */
result = fsOpenGameCardDetectionEventNotifier(&(gameCardInfo.fsGameCardEventNotifier));
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_DEFAULT_POS, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to open gamecard detection event notifier! (0x%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
openGcEvtNotifier = true;
/* Retrieve gamecard detection kernel event */
result = fsEventNotifierGetEventHandle(&(gameCardInfo.fsGameCardEventNotifier), &(gameCardInfo.fsGameCardKernelEvent), true);
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_DEFAULT_POS, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to retrieve gamecard detection event handle! (0x%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
loadGcKernEvt = true;
/* Create usermode exit event */
ueventCreate(&exitEvent, false);
/* Create and start gamecard detection thread */
if (!createGameCardDetectionThread()) goto out;
gcThreadInit = true;
/* Load settings from configuration file */
/* Update free space */
/* Set output status */
success = true;
if (!success)
return success;
void deinitApplicationResources()
/* Free global resources */
/* Save current settings to configuration file */
if (gcThreadInit)
/* Signal the exit event to terminate the gamecard detection thread */
/* Wait for the gamecard detection thread to exit */
pthread_join(gameCardDetectionThread, NULL);
/* Close gamecard detection kernel event */
if (loadGcKernEvt) eventClose(&(gameCardInfo.fsGameCardKernelEvent));
/* Close gamecard detection event notifier */
if (openGcEvtNotifier) fsEventNotifierClose(&(gameCardInfo.fsGameCardEventNotifier));
/* Close device operator */
if (openFsDevOp) fsDeviceOperatorClose(&(gameCardInfo.fsOperatorInstance));
/* Free NCA AES-CTR operation buffer */
if (ncaCtrBuf) free(ncaCtrBuf);
/* Free gamecard read buffer */
if (gcReadBuf) free(gcReadBuf);
/* Free general purpose dump buffer */
if (dumpBuf) free(dumpBuf);
/* Unmount eMMC BIS System partition */
/* Disable CPU boost mode */
/* Enable screen dimming and auto sleep */
/* Deinitialize UI */
/* Deinitialize services */
void appletModeOperationWarning()
if (!appletModeCheck()) return;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "Do not press the " NINTENDO_FONT_HOME " button. Doing so could corrupt the SD card filesystem.");
void formatETAString(u64 curTime, char *out, size_t outSize)
if (!out || !outSize) return;
u64 i, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;
for(i = 0; i < curTime; i++)
if (sec == 60)
sec = 0;
if (min == 60)
min = 0;
snprintf(out, outSize, "%02luH%02luM%02luS", hour, min, sec);
void generateSdCardEmmcTitleList()
if (!titleAppCount || !baseAppEntries) return;
if (!allocateFilenameBuffer(titleAppCount)) return;
for(u32 i = 0; i < titleAppCount; i++)
if (!addStringToFilenameBuffer(baseAppEntries[i].name)) return;
void truncateBrowserEntryName(char *str)
if (!str || !strlen(str)) return;
u32 strWidth = uiGetStrWidth(str);
u32 limit = (u32)(FB_WIDTH - (font_height * 8));
if ((BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION + 16 + strWidth) >= limit)
while((BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION + 16 + strWidth) >= limit)
str[strlen(str) - 1] = '\0';
strWidth = uiGetStrWidth(str);
strcat(str, "...");
bool getHfs0FileList(u32 partition)
if (partition >= gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid HFS0 partition index!", __func__);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (!gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions || !gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].header || !gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].header_size)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: HFS0 partition header information unavailable!", __func__);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (!gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].file_cnt || !gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].str_table_size)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: the selected HFS0 partition is empty!", __func__);
breaks += 2;
return false;
u32 i;
hfs0_file_entry entry;
char curName[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes = calloc(gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].file_cnt, sizeof(browser_entry_size_info));
if (!hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to allocate memory for HFS0 entries size info!", __func__);
breaks += 2;
return false;
if (!allocateFilenameBuffer(gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].file_cnt))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for the filename buffer!", __func__);
breaks += 2;
return false;
for(i = 0; i < gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].file_cnt; i++)
memcpy(&entry, gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].header + sizeof(hfs0_header) + (i * sizeof(hfs0_file_entry)), sizeof(hfs0_file_entry));
char *cur_filename = (char*)(gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].header + sizeof(hfs0_header) + (gameCardInfo.hfs0Partitions[partition].file_cnt * sizeof(hfs0_file_entry)) + entry.filename_offset);
snprintf(curName, MAX_CHARACTERS(curName), cur_filename);
// Fix entry name length
if (!addStringToFilenameBuffer(curName))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for filename entry in filename buffer!", __func__);
breaks += 2;
return false;
// Save entry size
hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].size = entry.file_size;
convertSize(hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].size, hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].sizeStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].sizeStr));
return true;
bool listDesiredNcaType(NcmContentInfo *titleContentInfos, u32 titleContentInfoCnt, u8 type, int desiredIdOffset, u32 *outIndex, u32 *outCount)
if (!titleContentInfos || !titleContentInfoCnt || type > NcmContentType_DeltaFragment || !outIndex || !outCount)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters.", __func__);
return false;
int idx = -1;
u32 i, cnt = 0;
bool success = false;
u32 *indexes = NULL, *tmpIndexes = NULL;
int cur_breaks, initial_breaks = breaks;
u32 selectedContent = 0;
u64 keysDown = 0, keysHeld = 0;
char nca_id[SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 1] = {'\0'};
for(i = 0; i < titleContentInfoCnt; i++)
if (titleContentInfos[i].content_type == type)
if (desiredIdOffset >= 0)
if (titleContentInfos[i].id_offset == (u8)desiredIdOffset)
// Save the index for the content with the desired ID offset
idx = (int)i;
} else {
tmpIndexes = realloc(indexes, (cnt + 1) * sizeof(u32));
if (!tmpIndexes)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to reallocate indexes buffer!", __func__);
goto out;
indexes = tmpIndexes;
tmpIndexes = NULL;
indexes[cnt] = i;
if (!cnt)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to find any %s NCAs!", __func__, getContentType(type));
goto out;
if (desiredIdOffset >= 0)
if (idx < 0)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to find %s NCA with ID offset %d!", __func__, getContentType(type), desiredIdOffset);
goto out;
} else {
// If only a single NCA with the desired content type was detected, save its index right away
if (cnt == 1) idx = (int)indexes[0];
// Return immediately if necessary
if (idx >= 0)
success = true;
goto out;
// Display a selection list
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Select one of the available %s NCAs from the list below:", getContentType(type));
breaks += 2;
cur_breaks = breaks;
uiFill(0, 8 + (cur_breaks * LINE_HEIGHT), FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT - (8 + (cur_breaks * LINE_HEIGHT)), BG_COLOR_RGB);
for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
u32 xpos = STRING_X_POS;
u32 ypos = (8 + (cur_breaks * LINE_HEIGHT) + (i * (font_height + 12)) + 6);
if (i == selectedContent)
highlight = true;
uiFill(0, ypos - 6, FB_WIDTH, font_height + 12, HIGHLIGHT_BG_COLOR_RGB);
uiDrawIcon((highlight ? fileHighlightIconBuf : fileNormalIconBuf), BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, BROWSER_ICON_DIMENSION, xpos, ypos);
convertDataToHexString(titleContentInfos[indexes[i]].content_id.c, SHA256_HASH_SIZE / 2, nca_id, SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 1);
snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "%s.nca (ID Offset: %u)", nca_id, titleContentInfos[indexes[i]].id_offset);
if (highlight)
uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, HIGHLIGHT_FONT_COLOR_RGB, strbuf);
} else {
uiDrawString(xpos, ypos, FONT_COLOR_RGB, strbuf);
if (i == selectedContent) highlight = false;
keysDown = hidKeysAllDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
keysHeld = hidKeysAllHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if ((keysDown && !(keysDown & KEY_TOUCH)) || (keysHeld && !(keysHeld & KEY_TOUCH))) break;
if (keysDown & KEY_A)
idx = (int)indexes[selectedContent];
if ((keysDown & KEY_DUP) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_UP) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_UP))
if (selectedContent > 0) selectedContent--;
if ((keysDown & KEY_DDOWN) || (keysDown & KEY_LSTICK_DOWN) || (keysHeld & KEY_RSTICK_DOWN))
if (selectedContent < (cnt - 1)) selectedContent++;
breaks = initial_breaks;
uiFill(0, 8 + (breaks * LINE_HEIGHT), FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT - (8 + (breaks * LINE_HEIGHT)), BG_COLOR_RGB);
success = true;
if (indexes) free(indexes);
if (success)
*outIndex = (u32)idx;
*outCount = cnt;
return success;
bool readNcaExeFsSection(u32 titleIndex, bool usePatch)
u32 i = 0;
Result result;
NcmStorageId curStorageId = NcmStorageId_None;
NcmContentMetaType metaType;
u32 titleCount = 0, ncmTitleIndex = 0;
NcmContentInfo *titleContentInfos = NULL;
u32 titleContentInfoCnt = 0;
u32 contentIndex = 0, desiredNcaTypeCount = 0;
NcmContentId ncaId;
char ncaIdStr[SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 1] = {'\0'};
NcmContentStorage ncmStorage;
memset(&ncmStorage, 0, sizeof(NcmContentStorage));
u8 ncaHeader[NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH] = {0};
nca_header_t dec_nca_header;
title_rights_ctx rights_info;
memset(&rights_info, 0, sizeof(title_rights_ctx));
u8 decrypted_nca_keys[NCA_KEY_AREA_SIZE];
bool success = false;
if ((!usePatch && !baseAppEntries) || (usePatch && !patchEntries))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: title storage ID unavailable!", __func__);
goto out;
if ((!usePatch && titleIndex >= titleAppCount) || (usePatch && titleIndex >= titlePatchCount))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid title index!", __func__);
goto out;
curStorageId = (!usePatch ? baseAppEntries[titleIndex].storageId : patchEntries[titleIndex].storageId);
ncmTitleIndex = (!usePatch ? baseAppEntries[titleIndex].ncmIndex : patchEntries[titleIndex].ncmIndex);
metaType = (!usePatch ? NcmContentMetaType_Application : NcmContentMetaType_Patch);
case NcmStorageId_GameCard:
titleCount = (!usePatch ? titleAppCount : titlePatchCount);
case NcmStorageId_SdCard:
titleCount = (!usePatch ? sdCardTitleAppCount : sdCardTitlePatchCount);
case NcmStorageId_BuiltInUser:
titleCount = (!usePatch ? emmcTitleAppCount : emmcTitlePatchCount);
// If we're dealing with a gamecard, open the Secure HFS0 partition (IStorage partition #1)
if (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard)
result = openGameCardStoragePartition(ISTORAGE_PARTITION_SECURE);
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to open IStorage partition #1! (0x%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Looking for the Program NCA (%s)...", (!usePatch ? "base application" : "update"));
if (!retrieveContentInfosFromTitle(curStorageId, metaType, titleCount, ncmTitleIndex, &titleContentInfos, &titleContentInfoCnt))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, strbuf);
goto out;
if (!listDesiredNcaType(titleContentInfos, titleContentInfoCnt, NcmContentType_Program, -1, &contentIndex, &desiredNcaTypeCount)) goto out;
memcpy(&ncaId, &(titleContentInfos[contentIndex].content_id), sizeof(NcmContentId));
convertDataToHexString(titleContentInfos[contentIndex].content_id.c, SHA256_HASH_SIZE / 2, ncaIdStr, SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 1);
if (desiredNcaTypeCount == 1)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Found Program NCA: \"%s.nca\".", ncaIdStr);
breaks += 2;
/*uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Retrieving ExeFS entries...");
result = ncmOpenContentStorage(&ncmStorage, curStorageId);
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: ncmOpenContentStorage failed! (0x%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
if (!readNcaDataByContentId(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, 0, ncaHeader, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to read header from Program NCA!", __func__);
goto out;
// Decrypt the NCA header
if (!decryptNcaHeader(ncaHeader, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH, &dec_nca_header, &rights_info, decrypted_nca_keys, (curStorageId != NcmStorageId_GameCard || (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard && usePatch)))) goto out;
if (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard)
bool has_rights_id = false;
for(i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
if (dec_nca_header.rights_id[i] != 0)
has_rights_id = true;
if (has_rights_id)
if (usePatch)
// Retrieve the ticket from the HFS0 partition in the gamecard
if (!retrieveTitleKeyFromGameCardTicket(&rights_info, decrypted_nca_keys)) goto out;
} else {
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: Rights ID field in Program NCA header not empty!", __func__);
goto out;
// Read file entries from the ExeFS section
success = parseExeFsEntryFromNca(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, &dec_nca_header, decrypted_nca_keys);
if (success)
exeFsContext.storageId = curStorageId;
exeFsContext.idOffset = titleContentInfos[contentIndex].id_offset;
if (!success)
if (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard) closeGameCardStoragePartition();
if (titleContentInfos) free(titleContentInfos);
return success;
int readNcaRomFsSection(u32 titleIndex, selectedRomFsType curRomFsType, int desiredIdOffset)
u32 i = 0;
Result result;
NcmStorageId curStorageId = NcmStorageId_None;
NcmContentMetaType metaType;
u32 titleCount = 0, ncmTitleIndex = 0;
NcmContentInfo *titleContentInfos = NULL;
u32 titleContentInfoCnt = 0;
u32 contentIndex = 0, desiredNcaTypeCount = 0;
NcmContentId ncaId;
char ncaIdStr[SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 1] = {'\0'};
NcmContentStorage ncmStorage;
memset(&ncmStorage, 0, sizeof(NcmContentStorage));
u8 ncaHeader[NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH] = {0};
nca_header_t dec_nca_header;
title_rights_ctx rights_info;
memset(&rights_info, 0, sizeof(title_rights_ctx));
u8 decrypted_nca_keys[NCA_KEY_AREA_SIZE];
int ret = -1;
if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_APP && curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH && curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid RomFS title type!", __func__);
goto out;
if ((curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP && !baseAppEntries) || (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH && !patchEntries) || (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON && !addOnEntries))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: title storage ID unavailable!", __func__);
goto out;
if ((curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP && titleIndex >= titleAppCount) || (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH && titleIndex >= titlePatchCount) || (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON && titleIndex >= titleAddOnCount))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid title index!", __func__);
goto out;
curStorageId = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP ? baseAppEntries[titleIndex].storageId : (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? patchEntries[titleIndex].storageId : addOnEntries[titleIndex].storageId));
ncmTitleIndex = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP ? baseAppEntries[titleIndex].ncmIndex : (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? patchEntries[titleIndex].ncmIndex : addOnEntries[titleIndex].ncmIndex));
metaType = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP ? NcmContentMetaType_Application : (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? NcmContentMetaType_Patch : NcmContentMetaType_AddOnContent));
case NcmStorageId_GameCard:
titleCount = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP ? titleAppCount : (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? titlePatchCount : titleAddOnCount));
case NcmStorageId_SdCard:
titleCount = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP ? sdCardTitleAppCount : (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? sdCardTitlePatchCount : sdCardTitleAddOnCount));
case NcmStorageId_BuiltInUser:
titleCount = (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP ? emmcTitleAppCount : (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? emmcTitlePatchCount : emmcTitleAddOnCount));
// If we're dealing with a gamecard, open the Secure HFS0 partition (IStorage partition #1)
if (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard)
result = openGameCardStoragePartition(ISTORAGE_PARTITION_SECURE);
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to open IStorage partition #1! (0x%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Looking for the %s NCA (%s)...", (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON ? "Data" : "Program"), (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_APP ? "base application" : (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH ? "update" : "DLC")));
if (!retrieveContentInfosFromTitle(curStorageId, metaType, titleCount, ncmTitleIndex, &titleContentInfos, &titleContentInfoCnt))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, strbuf);
goto out;
if (!listDesiredNcaType(titleContentInfos, titleContentInfoCnt, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON ? NcmContentType_Data : NcmContentType_Program), desiredIdOffset, &contentIndex, &desiredNcaTypeCount)) goto out;
memcpy(&ncaId, &(titleContentInfos[contentIndex].content_id), sizeof(NcmContentId));
convertDataToHexString(titleContentInfos[contentIndex].content_id.c, SHA256_HASH_SIZE / 2, ncaIdStr, SHA256_HASH_SIZE + 1);
if (desiredNcaTypeCount == 1)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Found %s NCA: \"%s.nca\".", (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON ? "Data" : "Program"), ncaIdStr);
breaks += 2;
/*uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Retrieving RomFS entry tables...");
result = ncmOpenContentStorage(&ncmStorage, curStorageId);
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: ncmOpenContentStorage failed! (0x%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
if (!readNcaDataByContentId(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, 0, ncaHeader, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to read header from %s NCA!", __func__, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON ? "Data" : "Program"));
goto out;
// Decrypt the NCA header
if (!decryptNcaHeader(ncaHeader, NCA_FULL_HEADER_LENGTH, &dec_nca_header, &rights_info, decrypted_nca_keys, (curStorageId != NcmStorageId_GameCard || (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard && curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH)))) goto out;
if (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard)
bool has_rights_id = false;
for(i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
if (dec_nca_header.rights_id[i] != 0)
has_rights_id = true;
if (has_rights_id)
if (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH)
// Retrieve the ticket from the HFS0 partition in the gamecard
if (!retrieveTitleKeyFromGameCardTicket(&rights_info, decrypted_nca_keys)) goto out;
} else {
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: Rights ID field in %s NCA header not empty!", __func__, (curRomFsType == ROMFS_TYPE_ADDON ? "Data" : "Program"));
goto out;
if (curRomFsType != ROMFS_TYPE_PATCH)
// Read directory and file tables from the RomFS section
ret = parseRomFsEntryFromNca(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, &dec_nca_header, decrypted_nca_keys);
if (ret == 0)
romFsContext.storageId = curStorageId;
romFsContext.idOffset = titleContentInfos[contentIndex].id_offset;
} else {
// Look for the base application title index
u32 appIndex;
for(i = 0; i < titleAppCount; i++)
if (checkIfPatchOrAddOnBelongsToBaseApplication(titleIndex, i, false))
appIndex = i;
if (i >= titleAppCount)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to find base application title index for the selected update!", __func__);
goto out;
// Read directory and file tables from the RomFS section in the Program NCA from the base application
// We'll proceed even if the Program NCA from the base application doesn't hold a RomFS section (ret == -2)
ret = readNcaRomFsSection(appIndex, ROMFS_TYPE_APP, (int)titleContentInfos[contentIndex].id_offset);
if (ret == -1) goto out;
// Remove missing base RomFS error message if needed
if (ret == -2) uiFill(0, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FB_WIDTH, FB_HEIGHT - STRING_Y_POS(breaks), BG_COLOR_RGB);
// Update BKTR context to use the base RomFS if available
bktrContext.use_base_romfs = (ret == 0);
// Read BKTR entry data in the Program NCA from the update
ret = (parseBktrEntryFromNca(&ncmStorage, &ncaId, &dec_nca_header, decrypted_nca_keys) ? 0 : -1);
if (ret == 0)
bktrContext.storageId = curStorageId;
bktrContext.idOffset = titleContentInfos[contentIndex].id_offset;
if (ret != 0)
if (curStorageId == NcmStorageId_GameCard) closeGameCardStoragePartition();
if (titleContentInfos) free(titleContentInfos);
return ret;
bool getExeFsFileList()
if (!exeFsContext.exefs_header.file_cnt || !exeFsContext.exefs_entries || !exeFsContext.exefs_str_table)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to retrieve ExeFS section filelist!", __func__);
return false;
u32 i;
char curName[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes = calloc(exeFsContext.exefs_header.file_cnt, sizeof(browser_entry_size_info));
if (!hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to allocate memory for ExeFS entries size info!", __func__);
return false;
if (!allocateFilenameBuffer(exeFsContext.exefs_header.file_cnt))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for the filename buffer!", __func__);
return false;
for(i = 0; i < exeFsContext.exefs_header.file_cnt; i++)
char *cur_filename = (exeFsContext.exefs_str_table + exeFsContext.exefs_entries[i].filename_offset);
snprintf(curName, MAX_CHARACTERS(curName), cur_filename);
// Fix entry name length
if (!addStringToFilenameBuffer(curName))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for filename entry in filename buffer!", __func__);
return false;
// Save entry size
hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].size = exeFsContext.exefs_entries[i].file_size;
convertSize(hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].size, hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].sizeStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(hfs0ExeFsEntriesSizes[i].sizeStr));
return true;
bool getRomFsParentDir(u32 dir_offset, bool usePatch, u32 *out)
if ((!usePatch && (!romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || dir_offset > romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries)) || (usePatch && (!bktrContext.romfs_dirtable_size || dir_offset > bktrContext.romfs_dirtable_size || !bktrContext.romfs_dir_entries)))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to retrieve parent RomFS section directory!", __func__);
return false;
romfs_dir *entry = (!usePatch ? (romfs_dir*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries + dir_offset) : (romfs_dir*)((u8*)bktrContext.romfs_dir_entries + dir_offset));
*out = entry->parent;
return true;
bool generateCurrentRomFsPath(u32 dir_offset, bool usePatch)
if ((!usePatch && (!romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || dir_offset > romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries)) || (usePatch && (!bktrContext.romfs_dirtable_size || dir_offset > bktrContext.romfs_dirtable_size || !bktrContext.romfs_dir_entries)))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to generate current RomFS section path!", __func__);
return false;
// Generate current path if we're not dealing with the root directory
if (dir_offset)
romfs_dir *entry = (!usePatch ? (romfs_dir*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries + dir_offset) : (romfs_dir*)((u8*)bktrContext.romfs_dir_entries + dir_offset));
if (!entry->nameLen)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: directory entry without name in RomFS section!", __func__);
return false;
// Check if we're not a root dir child
if (entry->parent)
if (!generateCurrentRomFsPath(entry->parent, usePatch)) return false;
// Concatenate entry name
strcat(curRomFsPath, "/");
strncat(curRomFsPath, (char*)entry->name, entry->nameLen);
} else {
strcat(curRomFsPath, "/");
return true;
bool getRomFsFileList(u32 dir_offset, bool usePatch)
u64 entryOffset = 0;
u32 dirEntryCnt = 1; // Always add the parent directory entry ("..")
u32 fileEntryCnt = 0;
u32 totalEntryCnt = 0;
u32 i = 1;
u32 romFsParentDir = 0;
u64 dirTableSize;
u64 fileTableSize;
memset(curRomFsPath, 0, NAME_BUF_LEN);
if ((!usePatch && (!romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || dir_offset > romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries || !romFsContext.romfs_filetable_size || !romFsContext.romfs_file_entries)) || (usePatch && (!bktrContext.romfs_dirtable_size || dir_offset > bktrContext.romfs_dirtable_size || !bktrContext.romfs_dir_entries || !bktrContext.romfs_filetable_size || !bktrContext.romfs_file_entries)))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to retrieve RomFS section filelist!", __func__);
return false;
if (!getRomFsParentDir(dir_offset, usePatch, &romFsParentDir)) return false;
if (!generateCurrentRomFsPath(dir_offset, usePatch)) return false;
dirTableSize = (!usePatch ? romFsContext.romfs_dirtable_size : bktrContext.romfs_dirtable_size);
fileTableSize = (!usePatch ? romFsContext.romfs_filetable_size : bktrContext.romfs_filetable_size);
// First count the directory entries
entryOffset = ROMFS_NONAME_DIRENTRY_SIZE; // Always skip the first entry (root directory)
while(entryOffset < dirTableSize)
romfs_dir *entry = (!usePatch ? (romfs_dir*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries + entryOffset) : (romfs_dir*)((u8*)bktrContext.romfs_dir_entries + entryOffset));
if (!entry->nameLen)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: directory entry without name in RomFS section!", __func__);
return false;
// Only add entries inside the directory we're looking in
if (entry->parent == dir_offset) dirEntryCnt++;
entryOffset += round_up(ROMFS_NONAME_DIRENTRY_SIZE + entry->nameLen, 4);
// Now count the file entries
entryOffset = 0;
while(entryOffset < fileTableSize)
romfs_file *entry = (!usePatch ? (romfs_file*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_file_entries + entryOffset) : (romfs_file*)((u8*)bktrContext.romfs_file_entries + entryOffset));
if (!entry->nameLen)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: file entry without name in RomFS section!", __func__);
return false;
// Only add entries inside the directory we're looking in
if (entry->parent == dir_offset) fileEntryCnt++;
entryOffset += round_up(ROMFS_NONAME_FILEENTRY_SIZE + entry->nameLen, 4);
totalEntryCnt = (dirEntryCnt + fileEntryCnt);
char curName[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
// Silently return true if we're dealing with an empty directory
if (!totalEntryCnt) goto out;
// Allocate memory for our entries
romFsBrowserEntries = calloc(totalEntryCnt, sizeof(romfs_browser_entry));
if (!romFsBrowserEntries)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to allocate memory for file/dir attributes in RomFS section!", __func__);
return false;
if (!allocateFilenameBuffer(totalEntryCnt))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for the filename buffer!", __func__);
return false;
if (!addStringToFilenameBuffer(".."))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for parent dir entry in filename buffer!", __func__);
return false;
// Add parent directory entry ("..")
romFsBrowserEntries[0].type = ROMFS_ENTRY_DIR;
romFsBrowserEntries[0].offset = romFsParentDir;
// First add the directory entries
if ((!romFsParentDir && dirEntryCnt > 1) || (romFsParentDir && dirEntryCnt > 0))
entryOffset = ROMFS_NONAME_DIRENTRY_SIZE; // Always skip the first entry (root directory)
while(entryOffset < dirTableSize)
romfs_dir *entry = (!usePatch ? (romfs_dir*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_dir_entries + entryOffset) : (romfs_dir*)((u8*)bktrContext.romfs_dir_entries + entryOffset));
// Only add entries inside the directory we're looking in
if (entry->parent == dir_offset)
romFsBrowserEntries[i].type = ROMFS_ENTRY_DIR;
romFsBrowserEntries[i].offset = entryOffset;
snprintf(curName, entry->nameLen + 1, (char*)entry->name);
// Fix entry name length
if (!addStringToFilenameBuffer(curName))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for filename entry in filename buffer!", __func__);
return false;
entryOffset += round_up(ROMFS_NONAME_DIRENTRY_SIZE + entry->nameLen, 4);
// Now add the file entries
if (fileEntryCnt > 0)
entryOffset = 0;
while(entryOffset < fileTableSize)
romfs_file *entry = (!usePatch ? (romfs_file*)((u8*)romFsContext.romfs_file_entries + entryOffset) : (romfs_file*)((u8*)bktrContext.romfs_file_entries + entryOffset));
// Only add entries inside the directory we're looking in
if (entry->parent == dir_offset)
romFsBrowserEntries[i].type = ROMFS_ENTRY_FILE;
romFsBrowserEntries[i].offset = entryOffset;
romFsBrowserEntries[i].sizeInfo.size = entry->dataSize;
convertSize(entry->dataSize, romFsBrowserEntries[i].sizeInfo.sizeStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(romFsBrowserEntries[i].sizeInfo.sizeStr));
snprintf(curName, entry->nameLen + 1, (char*)entry->name);
// Fix entry name length
if (!addStringToFilenameBuffer(curName))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to allocate memory for filename entry in filename buffer!", __func__);
return false;
entryOffset += round_up(ROMFS_NONAME_FILEENTRY_SIZE + entry->nameLen, 4);
// Update current RomFS directory offset
curRomFsDirOffset = dir_offset;
return true;
void printProgressBar(progress_ctx_t *progressCtx, bool calcData, u64 chunkSize)
if (!progressCtx) return;
if (calcData)
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx->now));
// Workaround to properly calculate speed for sequential dumps
u64 speedCurOffset = (progressCtx->seqDumpCurOffset ? progressCtx->seqDumpCurOffset : progressCtx->curOffset);
progressCtx->lastSpeed = (((double)(speedCurOffset + chunkSize) / (double)MiB) / (double)(progressCtx->now - progressCtx->start));
progressCtx->averageSpeed = ((SMOOTHING_FACTOR * progressCtx->lastSpeed) + ((1 - SMOOTHING_FACTOR) * progressCtx->averageSpeed));
if (!isnormal(progressCtx->averageSpeed)) progressCtx->averageSpeed = SMOOTHING_FACTOR; // Very low values
progressCtx->remainingTime = (u64)(((double)(progressCtx->totalSize - (progressCtx->curOffset + chunkSize)) / (double)MiB) / progressCtx->averageSpeed);
progressCtx->progress = (u8)(((progressCtx->curOffset + chunkSize) * 100) / progressCtx->totalSize);
formatETAString(progressCtx->remainingTime, progressCtx->etaInfo, MAX_CHARACTERS(progressCtx->etaInfo));
convertSize(progressCtx->curOffset + chunkSize, progressCtx->curOffsetStr, MAX_CHARACTERS(progressCtx->curOffsetStr));
uiFill(0, (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 8, FB_WIDTH / 4, LINE_HEIGHT * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB);
uiDrawString(font_height * 2, STRING_Y_POS(progressCtx->line_offset), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "%.2lf MiB/s [ETA: %s]", progressCtx->averageSpeed, progressCtx->etaInfo);
if (progressCtx->totalSize && (progressCtx->curOffset + chunkSize) < progressCtx->totalSize)
uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 4, (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 10, FB_WIDTH / 2, LINE_HEIGHT, EMPTY_BAR_COLOR_RGB);
uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 4, (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 10, (((progressCtx->curOffset + chunkSize) * (u64)(FB_WIDTH / 2)) / progressCtx->totalSize), LINE_HEIGHT, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB);
} else {
uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 4, (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 10, FB_WIDTH / 2, LINE_HEIGHT, FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB);
uiFill(FB_WIDTH - (FB_WIDTH / 4), (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 8, FB_WIDTH / 4, LINE_HEIGHT * 2, BG_COLOR_RGB);
uiDrawString(FB_WIDTH - (FB_WIDTH / 4) + (font_height * 2), STRING_Y_POS(progressCtx->line_offset), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "%u%% [%s / %s]", progressCtx->progress, progressCtx->curOffsetStr, progressCtx->totalSizeStr);
void setProgressBarError(progress_ctx_t *progressCtx)
if (!progressCtx) return;
if (progressCtx->totalSize && progressCtx->curOffset < progressCtx->totalSize)
uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 4, (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 10, FB_WIDTH / 2, LINE_HEIGHT, EMPTY_BAR_COLOR_RGB);
uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 4, (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 10, ((progressCtx->curOffset * (u64)(FB_WIDTH / 2)) / progressCtx->totalSize), LINE_HEIGHT, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB);
} else {
uiFill(FB_WIDTH / 4, (progressCtx->line_offset * LINE_HEIGHT) + 10, FB_WIDTH / 2, LINE_HEIGHT, FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB);
bool cancelProcessCheck(progress_ctx_t *progressCtx)
if (!progressCtx) return false;
progressCtx->cancelBtnState = (hidKeysAllHeld(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO) & KEY_B);
if (progressCtx->cancelBtnState && progressCtx->cancelBtnState != progressCtx->cancelBtnStatePrev)
// Cancel button has just been pressed
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx->cancelStartTmr));
} else
if (progressCtx->cancelBtnState && progressCtx->cancelBtnState == progressCtx->cancelBtnStatePrev && progressCtx->cancelStartTmr)
// If the cancel button has been held up to this point, check if at least CANCEL_BTN_SEC_HOLD seconds have passed
// Only perform this check if cancelStartTmr has already been set to a value greater than zero
timeGetCurrentTime(TimeType_LocalSystemClock, &(progressCtx->cancelEndTmr));
if ((progressCtx->cancelEndTmr - progressCtx->cancelStartTmr) >= CANCEL_BTN_SEC_HOLD) return true;
} else {
progressCtx->cancelStartTmr = progressCtx->cancelEndTmr = 0;
progressCtx->cancelBtnStatePrev = progressCtx->cancelBtnState;
return false;
bool yesNoPrompt(const char *message)
if (message && strlen(message))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, message);
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "[ %s ] Yes | [ %s ] No", NINTENDO_FONT_A, NINTENDO_FONT_B);
breaks += 2;
bool ret = false;
u64 keysDown = hidKeysAllDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown & KEY_A)
ret = true;
} else
if (keysDown & KEY_B)
ret = false;
return ret;
bool checkIfDumpedXciContainsCertificate(const char *xciPath)
if (!xciPath || !strlen(xciPath)) return false;
FILE *xciFile = NULL;
u64 xciSize = 0;
size_t read_bytes;
u8 xci_cert[CERT_SIZE];
u8 xci_cert_wiped[CERT_SIZE];
memset(xci_cert_wiped, 0xFF, CERT_SIZE);
xciFile = fopen(xciPath, "rb");
if (!xciFile) return false;
fseek(xciFile, 0, SEEK_END);
xciSize = ftell(xciFile);
if (xciSize < (size_t)(CERT_OFFSET + CERT_SIZE))
return false;
fseek(xciFile, CERT_OFFSET, SEEK_SET);
read_bytes = fread(xci_cert, 1, CERT_SIZE, xciFile);
if (read_bytes != (size_t)CERT_SIZE) return false;
if (memcmp(xci_cert, xci_cert_wiped, CERT_SIZE) != 0) return true;
return false;
bool checkIfDumpedNspContainsConsoleData(const char *nspPath)
if (!nspPath || !strlen(nspPath)) return false;
FILE *nspFile = NULL;
u64 nspSize = 0;
size_t read_bytes;
pfs0_header nspHeader;
pfs0_file_entry *nspEntries = NULL;
char *nspStrTable = NULL;
u32 i;
bool foundTik = false;
u64 tikOffset = 0, tikSize = 0;
rsa2048_sha256_ticket tikData;
const u8 titlekey_block_0x190_empty_hash[0x20] = {
0x2D, 0xFB, 0xA6, 0x33, 0x81, 0x70, 0x46, 0xC7, 0xF5, 0x59, 0xED, 0x4B, 0x93, 0x07, 0x60, 0x48,
0x43, 0x5F, 0x7E, 0x1A, 0x90, 0xF1, 0x4E, 0xB8, 0x03, 0x5C, 0x04, 0xB9, 0xEB, 0xAE, 0x25, 0x37
u8 titlekey_block_0x190_hash[0x20];
nspFile = fopen(nspPath, "rb");
if (!nspFile) return false;
fseek(nspFile, 0, SEEK_END);
nspSize = ftell(nspFile);
if (nspSize < sizeof(pfs0_header))
return false;
read_bytes = fread(&nspHeader, 1, sizeof(pfs0_header), nspFile);
if (read_bytes != sizeof(pfs0_header) || __builtin_bswap32(nspHeader.magic) != PFS0_MAGIC || nspSize < (sizeof(pfs0_header) + (sizeof(pfs0_file_entry) * (u64)nspHeader.file_cnt) + (u64)nspHeader.str_table_size))
return false;
nspEntries = calloc((u64)nspHeader.file_cnt, sizeof(pfs0_file_entry));
if (!nspEntries)
return false;
read_bytes = fread(nspEntries, 1, sizeof(pfs0_file_entry) * (u64)nspHeader.file_cnt, nspFile);
if (read_bytes != (sizeof(pfs0_file_entry) * (u64)nspHeader.file_cnt))
return false;
nspStrTable = calloc((u64)nspHeader.str_table_size, sizeof(char));
if (!nspStrTable)
return false;
read_bytes = fread(nspStrTable, 1, (u64)nspHeader.str_table_size, nspFile);
if (read_bytes != (u64)nspHeader.str_table_size)
return false;
for(i = 0; i < nspHeader.file_cnt; i++)
char *curFilename = (nspStrTable + nspEntries[i].filename_offset);
if (!strncasecmp(curFilename + strlen(curFilename) - 4, ".tik", 4))
tikOffset = (sizeof(pfs0_header) + (sizeof(pfs0_file_entry) * (u64)nspHeader.file_cnt) + (u64)nspHeader.str_table_size + nspEntries[i].file_offset);
tikSize = nspEntries[i].file_size;
foundTik = true;
if (!foundTik || tikSize != ETICKET_TIK_FILE_SIZE || nspSize < (tikOffset + tikSize))
return false;
fseek(nspFile, tikOffset, SEEK_SET);
read_bytes = fread(&tikData, 1, ETICKET_TIK_FILE_SIZE, nspFile);
if (read_bytes != ETICKET_TIK_FILE_SIZE) return false;
sha256CalculateHash(titlekey_block_0x190_hash, tikData.titlekey_block + 0x10, 0xF0);
if (strncmp(tikData.sig_issuer, "Root-CA00000003-XS00000020", 26) != 0 || memcmp(titlekey_block_0x190_hash, titlekey_block_0x190_empty_hash, 0x20) != 0 || tikData.titlekey_type != ETICKET_TITLEKEY_COMMON || tikData.ticket_id != 0 || tikData.device_id != 0 || tikData.account_id != 0) return true;
return false;
void removeDirectoryWithVerbose(const char *path, const char *msg)
if (!path || !strlen(path) || !msg || !strlen(msg)) return;
int initial_breaks = breaks;
breaks += 2;
if (yesNoPrompt("Do you wish to delete the data dumped up to this point? This may take a while."))
breaks = initial_breaks;
breaks += 2;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, msg);
breaks = initial_breaks;
static bool parseNSWDBRelease(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur, u32 crc)
if (!doc || !cur) return false;
xmlChar *key = NULL;
xmlNodePtr node = cur;
u32 xmlCrc = 0;
char xmlReleaseName[256] = {'\0'};
bool found = false;
if ((!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)NSWDB_XML_CHILD_IMGCRC)))
key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
if (key) xmlCrc = strtoul((const char*)key, NULL, 16);
} else
if ((!xmlStrcmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*)NSWDB_XML_CHILD_RELEASENAME)))
key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
if (key) snprintf(xmlReleaseName, MAX_CHARACTERS(xmlReleaseName), "%s", (const char*)key);
if (key)
key = NULL;
node = node->next;
if (strlen(xmlReleaseName) && xmlCrc == crc)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Found matching Scene release: \"%s\" (CRC32: %08X). This is likely a good dump!", xmlReleaseName, xmlCrc);
found = true;
return found;
static xmlXPathObjectPtr getXPathNodeSet(xmlDocPtr doc, char *xpathExpr)
if (!doc || !xpathExpr || !strlen(xpathExpr)) return NULL;
xmlXPathContextPtr context = NULL;
xmlXPathObjectPtr result = NULL;
context = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
if (!context) return NULL;
result = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*)xpathExpr, context);
if (!result) return NULL;
if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(result->nodesetval))
return NULL;
return result;
void gameCardDumpNSWDBCheck(u32 crc)
if (menuType != MENUTYPE_GAMECARD || !titleAppCount || !baseAppEntries || !gameCardInfo.hfs0PartitionCnt) return;
u32 i, j;
xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
bool found = false;
doc = xmlParseFile(NSWDB_XML_PATH);
if (!doc)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to open and/or parse \"%s\"!", __func__, NSWDB_XML_PATH);
for(i = 0; i < titleAppCount; i++)
snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), "//%s/%s[.//%s[contains(.,'%016lX')]]", NSWDB_XML_ROOT, NSWDB_XML_CHILD, NSWDB_XML_CHILD_TITLEID, baseAppEntries[i].titleId);
xmlXPathObjectPtr nodeSet = getXPathNodeSet(doc, strbuf);
if (!nodeSet) continue;
for(j = 0; j < (u32)nodeSet->nodesetval->nodeNr; j++)
xmlNodePtr node = nodeSet->nodesetval->nodeTab[j]->xmlChildrenNode;
found = parseNSWDBRelease(doc, node, crc);
if (found) break;
if (found) break;
if (!found) uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No match found in NSWDB.COM XML database! This could either be a bad dump or an undumped gamecard.");
static Result networkInit()
if (initNet) return 0;
Result result = socketInitializeDefault();
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result))
initNet = true;
return result;
static void networkExit()
if (!initNet) return;
initNet = false;
static size_t writeCurlFile(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t number_of_items, void *input_stream)
size_t total_size = (size * number_of_items);
if (fwrite(buffer, 1, total_size, input_stream) != total_size) return 0;
return total_size;
static size_t writeCurlBuffer(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t number_of_items, void *input_stream)
(void) input_stream;
const size_t bsz = (size * number_of_items);
if (result_sz == 0 || !result_buf)
result_sz = 0x1000;
result_buf = malloc(result_sz);
if (!result_buf) return 0;
bool need_realloc = false;
while((result_written + bsz) > result_sz)
result_sz <<= 1;
need_realloc = true;
if (need_realloc)
char *new_buf = realloc(result_buf, result_sz);
if (!new_buf) return 0;
result_buf = new_buf;
memcpy(result_buf + result_written, buffer, bsz);
result_written += bsz;
return bsz;
static bool performCurlRequest(CURL *curl, const char *url, FILE *filePtr, bool forceHttps, bool verbose)
if (!curl || !url || !strlen(url))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to perform CURL request!", __func__);
return false;
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, 102400L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, HTTP_USER_AGENT);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 50L);
if (forceHttps) curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, (long)CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS);
if (filePtr)
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCurlFile);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, filePtr);
} else {
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCurlBuffer);
CURLcode res;
long http_code = 0;
double size = 0.0;
bool success = false;
res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
result_sz = result_written = 0;
curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code);
curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD, &size);
if (res == CURLE_OK && http_code >= 200 && http_code <= 299 && size > 0)
if (verbose) uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Successfully downloaded %.0lf bytes!", size);
success = true;
} else {
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: CURL request failed for \"%s\" endpoint!\nHTTP status code: %ld", __func__, url, http_code);
return success;
void noIntroDumpCheck(bool isDigital, u32 crc)
Result result;
CURL *curl = NULL;
char noIntroUrl[128] = {'\0'};
// Build URL
// f = "cart" (XCI) or "dlc" (NSP)
// c = search by code (Title ID or serial)
// crc = search by CRC32 checksum
snprintf(noIntroUrl, MAX_CHARACTERS(noIntroUrl), "%s?f=%s&crc=%08X", NOINTRO_DOM_CHECK_URL, (isDigital ? "dlc" : "cart"), crc);
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Performing CRC32 checksum lookup against No-Intro, please wait...");
result = networkInit();
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to initialize socket! (%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
curl = curl_easy_init();
if (!curl)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to initialize CURL context!", __func__);
goto out;
if (!performCurlRequest(curl, noIntroUrl, NULL, true, false)) goto out;
if (!strlen(result_buf) || !strncmp(result_buf, "unknown crc32", 13))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "No match found in No-Intro database! This could either be a bad dump or an undumped %s.", (isDigital ? "digital title" : "gamecard"));
goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Found matching No-Intro database entry: \"%s\". This is likely a good dump!", result_buf);
if (result_buf)
result_buf = NULL;
if (curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result)) networkExit();
void updateNSWDBXml()
Result result;
CURL *curl = NULL;
bool success = false;
FILE *nswdbXml = NULL;
result = networkInit();
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to initialize socket! (%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
char xmlPath[256] = {'\0'};
snprintf(xmlPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(xmlPath), "%s.tmp", NSWDB_XML_PATH);
curl = curl_easy_init();
if (!curl)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to initialize CURL context!", __func__);
goto out;
nswdbXml = fopen(xmlPath, "wb");
if (!nswdbXml)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to open \"%s\" in write mode!", __func__, NSWDB_XML_URL);
goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Downloading XML database from \"%s\", please wait...", NSWDB_XML_URL);
success = performCurlRequest(curl, NSWDB_XML_URL, nswdbXml, false, true);
if (nswdbXml) fclose(nswdbXml);
if (success)
rename(xmlPath, NSWDB_XML_PATH);
} else {
if (curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result)) networkExit();
breaks += 2;
static int versionNumCmp(char *ver1, char *ver2)
int i, curPart, res;
char *token = NULL;
// Define a struct for comparison purposes
typedef struct {
int major;
int minor;
int build;
} version_t;
version_t versionNum1, versionNum2;
memset(&versionNum1, 0, sizeof(version_t));
memset(&versionNum2, 0, sizeof(version_t));
// Create copies of the version strings to avoid modifications by strtok()
char ver1tok[64] = {'\0'};
snprintf(ver1tok, 63, ver1);
char ver2tok[64] = {'\0'};
snprintf(ver2tok, 63, ver2);
// Parse version string 1
i = 0;
token = strtok(ver1tok, ".");
while(token != NULL && i < 3)
curPart = atoi(token);
case 0:
versionNum1.major = curPart;
case 1:
versionNum1.minor = curPart;
case 2:
versionNum1.build = curPart;
token = strtok(NULL, ".");
// Parse version string 2
i = 0;
token = strtok(ver2tok, ".");
while(token != NULL && i < 3)
curPart = atoi(token);
case 0:
versionNum2.major = curPart;
case 1:
versionNum2.minor = curPart;
case 2:
versionNum2.build = curPart;
token = strtok(NULL, ".");
// Compare version_t structs
if (versionNum1.major == versionNum2.major)
if (versionNum1.minor == versionNum2.minor)
if (versionNum1.build == versionNum2.build)
res = 0;
} else
if (versionNum1.build < versionNum2.build)
res = -1;
} else {
res = 1;
} else
if (versionNum1.minor < versionNum2.minor)
res = -1;
} else {
res = 1;
} else
if (versionNum1.major < versionNum2.major)
res = -1;
} else {
res = 1;
return res;
static struct json_object *retrieveJsonObjMemberByNameAndType(struct json_object *jobj, char *memberName, json_type memberType)
if (!jobj || !memberName || !strlen(memberName))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to retrieve member by name and type from JSON object!", __func__);
return NULL;
struct json_object *memberObj = NULL;
json_type memberObjType;
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(jobj, memberName, &memberObj))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to retrieve member \"%s\" from JSON object!", __func__, memberName);
return NULL;
memberObjType = json_object_get_type(memberObj);
if (memberObjType != memberType)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid type for member \"%s\" in JSON object! (got \"%s\", expected \"%s\")", __func__, memberName, json_type_to_name(memberObjType), json_type_to_name(memberType));
return NULL;
return memberObj;
static const char *retrieveJsonObjStrMemberContentsByName(struct json_object *jobj, char *memberName)
if (!jobj || !memberName || !strlen(memberName))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to retrieve string member contents by name from JSON object!", __func__);
return NULL;
struct json_object *memberObj = retrieveJsonObjMemberByNameAndType(jobj, memberName, json_type_string);
if (!memberObj) return NULL;
const char *memberObjStr = json_object_get_string(memberObj);
if (!memberObjStr || !strlen(memberObjStr))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: string member \"%s\" from JSON object is empty!", __func__, memberName);
return NULL;
return memberObjStr;
static struct json_object *retrieveJsonObjArrayMemberByName(struct json_object *jobj, char *memberName, size_t *outputArrayLength)
if (!jobj || !memberName || !strlen(memberName) || !outputArrayLength)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to retrieve array member by name from JSON object!", __func__);
return NULL;
struct json_object *memberObj = retrieveJsonObjMemberByNameAndType(jobj, memberName, json_type_array);
if (memberObj) *outputArrayLength = json_object_array_length(memberObj);
return memberObj;
static struct json_object *retrieveJsonObjArrayElementByIndex(struct json_object *jobj, size_t idx)
if (!jobj || json_object_get_type(jobj) != json_type_array)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: invalid parameters to retrieve element by index from JSON array object!", __func__);
return NULL;
struct json_object *memberObjArrayElement = json_object_array_get_idx(jobj, idx);
if (!memberObjArrayElement) uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to retrieve element at index %lu from JSON array object!", __func__, idx);
return memberObjArrayElement;
bool updateApplication()
if (envIsNso())
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to update application. Not running as a NRO.", __func__);
breaks += 2;
return false;
Result result;
CURL *curl = NULL;
FILE *nxDumpToolNro = NULL;
char releaseTag[32] = {'\0'};
bool success = false;
size_t i, assetsCnt = 0;
struct json_object *jobj = NULL, *assets = NULL;
const char *releaseNameObjStr = NULL, *dlUrlObjStr = NULL;
char nroPath[NAME_BUF_LEN] = {'\0'};
snprintf(nroPath, MAX_CHARACTERS(nroPath), "%s.tmp", (appLaunchPath ? appLaunchPath : NRO_PATH));
result = networkInit();
if (R_FAILED(result))
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to initialize socket! (%08X)", __func__, result);
goto out;
curl = curl_easy_init();
if (!curl)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to initialize CURL context!", __func__);
goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Requesting latest release information from \"%s\"...", GITHUB_API_URL);
if (!performCurlRequest(curl, GITHUB_API_URL, NULL, true, false)) goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Parsing response JSON data...");
jobj = json_tokener_parse(result_buf);
if (!jobj)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to parse JSON response!", __func__);
goto out;
releaseNameObjStr = retrieveJsonObjStrMemberContentsByName(jobj, GITHUB_API_JSON_RELEASE_NAME);
if (!releaseNameObjStr) goto out;
snprintf(releaseTag, MAX_CHARACTERS(releaseTag), releaseNameObjStr);
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Latest release: %s.", releaseTag);
// Remove the first character from the release name if it's v/V/r/R
if (releaseTag[0] == 'v' || releaseTag[0] == 'V' || releaseTag[0] == 'r' || releaseTag[0] == 'R')
u32 releaseTagLen = strlen(releaseTag);
memmove(releaseTag, releaseTag + 1, releaseTagLen - 1);
releaseTag[releaseTagLen - 1] = '\0';
// Compare versions
if (versionNumCmp(releaseTag, APP_VERSION) <= 0)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "You already have the latest version!");
breaks += 2;
// Ask the user if they want to perform a forced update
int cur_breaks = breaks;
if (yesNoPrompt("Do you want to perform a forced update?"))
// Remove the prompt from the screen
breaks = cur_breaks;
} else {
breaks -= 2;
goto out;
assets = retrieveJsonObjArrayMemberByName(jobj, GITHUB_API_JSON_ASSETS, &assetsCnt);
if (!assets) goto out;
// Cycle through the assets to find the right download URL
for(i = 0; i < assetsCnt; i++)
struct json_object *assetElement = retrieveJsonObjArrayElementByIndex(assets, i);
if (!assetElement) break;
const char *assetName = retrieveJsonObjStrMemberContentsByName(assetElement, GITHUB_API_JSON_ASSETS_NAME);
if (!assetName) break;
if (!strncmp(assetName, NRO_NAME, strlen(assetName)))
// Found it
dlUrlObjStr = retrieveJsonObjStrMemberContentsByName(assetElement, GITHUB_API_JSON_ASSETS_DL_URL);
if (!dlUrlObjStr)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: unable to locate NRO download URL!", __func__);
goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Download URL: \"%s\".", dlUrlObjStr);
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_RGB, "Please wait...");
nxDumpToolNro = fopen(nroPath, "wb");
if (!nxDumpToolNro)
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_ERROR_RGB, "%s: failed to open \"%s\" in write mode!", __func__, nroPath);
goto out;
success = performCurlRequest(curl, dlUrlObjStr, nxDumpToolNro, true, true);
if (!success) goto out;
uiDrawString(STRING_X_POS, STRING_Y_POS(breaks), FONT_COLOR_SUCCESS_RGB, "Please restart the application to reflect the changes.");
if (nxDumpToolNro) fclose(nxDumpToolNro);
if (strlen(nroPath))
if (success)
snprintf(strbuf, MAX_CHARACTERS(strbuf), nroPath);
nroPath[strlen(nroPath) - 4] = '\0';
rename(strbuf, nroPath);
} else {
if (jobj) json_object_put(jobj);
if (result_buf)
result_buf = NULL;
if (curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result)) networkExit();
breaks += 2;
return success;