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synced 2025-02-16 21:45:39 +00:00
Fixed types for some NACP struct entries (thanks @0Liam !) + added functions to generate and write NACP patches.
84 lines
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84 lines
3.3 KiB
list of top level functions designed to alter nca data in order of (possible) usage:
out of dump loop:
* ncaSetDownloadDistributionType (instead of always using it like legacy, offer it as an option)
* ncaRemoveTitlekeyCrypto (can be used with digital titles + game updates in gamecards)
* programInfoGenerateNcaPatch (Program)
* calls npdmGenerateNcaPatch
* calls pfsGenerateEntryPatch
* calls ncaGenerateHierarchicalSha256Patch
* nacpGenerateNcaPatch (Control)
* calls romfsGenerateFileEntryPatch
* calls ncaGenerateHierarchicalSha256Patch / ncaGenerateHierarchicalIntegrityPatch
* ncaEncryptHeader (doesn't modify anything per se, but it's used to generate new encrypted header data if needed)
inside dump loop:
* cnmtGenerateNcaPatch (Meta)
* calls pfsGenerateEntryPatch
* calls ncaGenerateHierarchicalSha256Patch
* returns true if cnmt needs no patching
* demands an immediate ncaEncryptHeader call
* ncaIsHeaderDirty (doesn't modify anything per se, but it's used to check if any of the functions above has been used, basically - and by extension, if the functions below need to be used)
* ncaWriteEncryptedHeaderDataToMemoryBuffer (write encrypted nca header data)
* cnmtWriteNcaPatch (writes cnmt patch)
* calls pfsWriteEntryPatchToMemoryBuffer
* calls ncaWriteHierarchicalSha256PatchToMemoryBuffer
* programInfoWriteNcaPatch (writes ndpm patch)
* calls npdmWriteNcaPatch
* calls pfsWriteEntryPatchToMemoryBuffer
* calls ncaWriteHierarchicalSha256PatchToMemoryBuffer
* nacpWriteNcaPatch (writes nacp patch)
* calls romfsWriteFileEntryPatchToMemoryBuffer
* calls ncaWriteHierarchicalSha256PatchToMemoryBuffer / ncaWriteHierarchicalIntegrityPatchToMemoryBuffer
* cnmtUpdateContentInfo (used to update content entry info in the raw cnmt copy after dumping each one - ignores the current content if its a meta nca)
minor steps to take into account:
* check if rights_id_available == true and titlekey_retrieved == false (preload handling)
* actually, just inform the user about it - this is being handled
nca: support for compressed fs sections?
nca: support for sparse sections?
tik: automatically dump tickets to the SD card?
tik: use dumped tickets when the original ones can't be found in the ES savefile?
gamecard: functions to display filelist
pfs0: functions to display filelist
romfs: functions to display filelist
bktr: functions to display filelist (wrappers for romfs functions tbh)
title: more functions for title lookup? (filters, patches / aoc, etc.)
title: more functions for content lookup? (based on id)
title: parse the update partition from gamecards (if available) to generate ncmcontentinfo data for all update titles
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others: dump verification via nswdb / no-intro
others: update application feature
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