Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool.git synced 2025-03-03 04:35:38 +00:00
Pablo Curiel 3afe5caa7a Implement OptionsTab class.
Other changes:

* title: rename TitleFileNameConvention -> TitleNamingConvention.
* utils: display Lockpick_RCM's GitHub repository URL if keysLoadKeyset() fails.
2021-07-23 03:24:00 -04:00

961 lines
28 KiB

* nxdt_utils.c
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, DarkMatterCore <pabloacurielz@gmail.com>.
* This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool).
* nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include "nxdt_utils.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "gamecard.h"
#include "services.h"
#include "nca.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "title.h"
#include "bfttf.h"
#include "nxdt_bfsar.h"
#include "fatfs/ff.h"
/* Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/filesystem-functionality-comparison#limits. */
/* Global variables. */
static bool g_resourcesInit = false;
static Mutex g_resourcesMutex = 0;
static FsFileSystem *g_sdCardFileSystem = NULL;
static const char *g_appLaunchPath = NULL;
static u8 g_customFirmwareType = UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Unknown;
static bool g_isDevUnit = false;
static AppletType g_programAppletType = AppletType_None;
static FsStorage g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage = {0};
static FATFS *g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = NULL;
static AppletHookCookie g_systemOverclockCookie = {0};
static bool g_homeButtonBlocked = false;
static int g_nxLinkSocketFd = -1;
static const char *g_sizeSuffixes[] = { "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB" };
static const u32 g_sizeSuffixesCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(g_sizeSuffixes);
static const char g_illegalFileSystemChars[] = "\\/:*?\"<>|";
static const size_t g_illegalFileSystemCharsLength = (MAX_ELEMENTS(g_illegalFileSystemChars) - 1);
static const char *g_outputDirs[] = {
static const size_t g_outputDirsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(g_outputDirs);
/* Function prototypes. */
static void _utilsGetLaunchPath(int program_argc, const char **program_argv);
static void _utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void);
static bool _utilsIsDevelopmentUnit(void);
static bool _utilsAppletModeCheck(void);
static bool utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void);
static void utilsUnmountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void);
static void utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook(AppletHookType hook, void *param);
static void utilsPrintConsoleError(void);
static size_t utilsGetUtf8CodepointCount(const char *str, size_t str_size, size_t cp_limit, size_t *last_cp_pos);
bool utilsInitializeResources(const int program_argc, const char **program_argv)
Result rc = 0;
bool ret = false;
ret = g_resourcesInit;
if (ret) break;
/* Retrieve pointer to the application launch path. */
_utilsGetLaunchPath(program_argc, program_argv);
/* Retrieve pointer to the SD card FsFileSystem element. */
if (!(g_sdCardFileSystem = fsdevGetDeviceFileSystem("sdmc:")))
LOG_MSG("Failed to retrieve FsFileSystem object for the SD card!");
/* Create logfile. */
LOG_MSG(APP_TITLE " v%u.%u.%u starting (" GIT_REV "). Built on " __DATE__ " - " __TIME__ ".", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_MICRO);
if (g_appLaunchPath) LOG_MSG("Launch path: \"%s\".", g_appLaunchPath);
/* Log Horizon OS version. */
u32 hos_version = hosversionGet();
LOG_MSG("Horizon OS version: %u.%u.%u.", HOSVER_MAJOR(hos_version), HOSVER_MINOR(hos_version), HOSVER_MICRO(hos_version));
/* Initialize needed services. */
if (!servicesInitialize()) break;
/* Retrieve custom firmware type. */
if (g_customFirmwareType != UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Unknown) LOG_MSG("Detected %s CFW.", (g_customFirmwareType == UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Atmosphere ? "Atmosphère" : \
(g_customFirmwareType == UtilsCustomFirmwareType_SXOS ? "SX OS" : "ReiNX")));
/* Check if we're not running under a development unit. */
if (!_utilsIsDevelopmentUnit()) break;
LOG_MSG("Running under %s unit.", g_isDevUnit ? "development" : "retail");
/* Get applet type. */
g_programAppletType = appletGetAppletType();
LOG_MSG("Running under %s mode.", _utilsAppletModeCheck() ? "applet" : "title override");
/* Create output directories (SD card only). */
/* Initialize USB interface. */
if (!usbInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize USB Mass Storage interface. */
if (!umsInitialize()) break;
/* Load keyset. */
if (!keysLoadKeyset())
LOG_MSG("Failed to load keyset!\nUpdate your keys file with Lockpick_RCM:\n" LOCKPICK_RCM_URL);
/* Allocate NCA crypto buffer. */
if (!ncaAllocateCryptoBuffer())
LOG_MSG("Unable to allocate memory for NCA crypto buffer!");
/* Initialize gamecard interface. */
if (!gamecardInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize title interface. */
if (!titleInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize BFTTF interface. */
if (!bfttfInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize BFSAR interface. */
//if (!bfsarInitialize()) break;
/* Mount eMMC BIS System partition. */
if (!utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage()) break;
/* Mount application RomFS. */
rc = romfsInit();
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG("Failed to mount RomFS container!");
/* Load configuration. */
if (!configInitialize()) break;
/* Overclock system. */
/* Setup an applet hook to change the hardware clocks after a system mode change (docked <-> undocked). */
appletHook(&g_systemOverclockCookie, utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook, NULL);
/* Enable video recording if we're running under title override mode. */
if (!_utilsAppletModeCheck())
bool flag = false;
rc = appletIsGamePlayRecordingSupported(&flag);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc) && flag) appletInitializeGamePlayRecording();
/* Disable screen dimming and auto sleep. */
/* TODO: only use this function while dealing with a dump process - make sure to handle power button presses as well. */
/* Redirect stdout and stderr over network to nxlink. */
rc = socketInitializeDefault();
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc)) g_nxLinkSocketFd = nxlinkConnectToHost(true, true);
/* Update flags. */
ret = g_resourcesInit = true;
if (!ret) utilsPrintConsoleError();
return ret;
void utilsCloseResources(void)
/* Close nxlink socket. */
if (g_nxLinkSocketFd >= 0)
g_nxLinkSocketFd = -1;
/* Enable screen dimming and auto sleep. */
/* TODO: only use this function while dealing with a dump process - make sure to handle power button presses as well. */
/* Unblock HOME button presses. */
/* Unset our overclock applet hook. */
/* Restore hardware clocks. */
/* Close configuration interface. */
/* Unmount application RomFS. */
/* Unmount eMMC BIS System partition. */
/* Deinitialize BFSAR interface. */
/* Deinitialize BFTTF interface. */
/* Deinitialize title interface. */
/* Deinitialize gamecard interface. */
/* Free NCA crypto buffer. */
/* Close USB Mass Storage interface. */
/* Close USB interface. */
/* Close initialized services. */
/* Close logfile. */
g_resourcesInit = false;
const char *utilsGetLaunchPath(void)
return g_appLaunchPath;
FsFileSystem *utilsGetSdCardFileSystemObject(void)
return g_sdCardFileSystem;
bool utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges(void)
return (g_sdCardFileSystem ? R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsCommit(g_sdCardFileSystem)) : false);
u8 utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void)
return g_customFirmwareType;
bool utilsIsDevelopmentUnit(void)
return g_isDevUnit;
bool utilsAppletModeCheck(void)
return _utilsAppletModeCheck();
FsStorage *utilsGetEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void)
return &g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage;
void utilsOverclockSystem(bool overclock)
u32 cpu_rate = ((overclock ? CPU_CLKRT_OVERCLOCKED : CPU_CLKRT_NORMAL) * 1000000);
u32 mem_rate = ((overclock ? MEM_CLKRT_OVERCLOCKED : MEM_CLKRT_NORMAL) * 1000000);
servicesChangeHardwareClockRates(cpu_rate, mem_rate);
void utilsChangeHomeButtonBlockStatus(bool block)
/* Only change HOME button blocking status if we're running as a regular application or a system application, and if its current blocking status is different than the requested one. */
if (_utilsAppletModeCheck() || block == g_homeButtonBlocked) break;
if (block)
} else {
g_homeButtonBlocked = block;
bool utilsCreateThread(Thread *out_thread, ThreadFunc func, void *arg, int cpu_id)
/* Core 3 is reserved for HOS, so we can only use cores 0, 1 and 2. */
/* -2 can be provided to use the default process core. */
if (!out_thread || !func || (cpu_id < 0 && cpu_id != -2) || cpu_id > 2)
LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
Result rc = 0;
u64 core_mask = 0;
size_t stack_size = 0x20000; /* Same value as libnx's newlib. */
bool success = false;
memset(out_thread, 0, sizeof(Thread));
/* Get process core mask. */
rc = svcGetInfo(&core_mask, InfoType_CoreMask, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG("svcGetInfo failed! (0x%08X).", rc);
goto end;
/* Create thread. */
/* Enable preemptive multithreading by using priority 0x3B. */
rc = threadCreate(out_thread, func, arg, NULL, stack_size, 0x3B, cpu_id);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG("threadCreate failed! (0x%08X).", rc);
goto end;
/* Set thread core mask. */
rc = svcSetThreadCoreMask(out_thread->handle, cpu_id == -2 ? -1 : cpu_id, core_mask);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG("svcSetThreadCoreMask failed! (0x%08X).", rc);
goto end;
/* Start thread. */
rc = threadStart(out_thread);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG("threadStart failed! (0x%08X).", rc);
goto end;
success = true;
if (!success && out_thread->handle != INVALID_HANDLE) threadClose(out_thread);
return success;
void utilsJoinThread(Thread *thread)
if (!thread || thread->handle == INVALID_HANDLE)
LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!");
Result rc = threadWaitForExit(thread);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG("threadWaitForExit failed! (0x%08X).", rc);
memset(thread, 0, sizeof(Thread));
__attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) bool utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(char **dst, size_t *dst_size, const char *fmt, ...)
if (!dst || !dst_size || (!*dst && *dst_size) || (*dst && !*dst_size) || !fmt || !*fmt)
LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
va_list args;
int formatted_str_len = 0;
size_t formatted_str_len_cast = 0;
char *dst_ptr = *dst, *tmp_str = NULL;
size_t dst_cur_size = *dst_size, dst_str_len = (dst_ptr ? strlen(dst_ptr) : 0);
bool success = false;
if (dst_cur_size && dst_str_len >= dst_cur_size)
LOG_MSG("String length is equal to or greater than the provided buffer size! (0x%lX >= 0x%lX).", dst_str_len, dst_cur_size);
return false;
va_start(args, fmt);
/* Get formatted string length. */
formatted_str_len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args);
if (formatted_str_len <= 0)
LOG_MSG("Failed to retrieve formatted string length!");
goto end;
formatted_str_len_cast = (size_t)(formatted_str_len + 1);
if (!dst_cur_size || formatted_str_len_cast > (dst_cur_size - dst_str_len))
/* Update buffer size. */
dst_cur_size = (dst_str_len + formatted_str_len_cast);
/* Reallocate buffer. */
tmp_str = realloc(dst_ptr, dst_cur_size);
if (!tmp_str)
LOG_MSG("Failed to resize buffer to 0x%lX byte(s).", dst_cur_size);
goto end;
dst_ptr = tmp_str;
tmp_str = NULL;
/* Clear allocated area. */
memset(dst_ptr + dst_str_len, 0, formatted_str_len_cast);
/* Update pointers. */
*dst = dst_ptr;
*dst_size = dst_cur_size;
/* Generate formatted string. */
vsprintf(dst_ptr + dst_str_len, fmt, args);
success = true;
return success;
void utilsReplaceIllegalCharacters(char *str, bool ascii_only)
size_t str_size = 0, cur_pos = 0;
if (!str || !(str_size = strlen(str))) return;
u8 *ptr1 = (u8*)str, *ptr2 = ptr1;
ssize_t units = 0;
u32 code = 0;
while(cur_pos < str_size)
units = decode_utf8(&code, ptr1);
if (units < 0) break;
if (memchr(g_illegalFileSystemChars, (int)code, g_illegalFileSystemCharsLength) || code < 0x20 || (!ascii_only && code == 0x7F) || (ascii_only && code >= 0x7F))
*ptr2++ = '_';
} else {
if (ptr2 != ptr1) memmove(ptr2, ptr1, (size_t)units);
ptr2 += units;
ptr1 += units;
cur_pos += (size_t)units;
*ptr2 = '\0';
void utilsTrimString(char *str)
size_t strsize = 0;
char *start = NULL, *end = NULL;
if (!str || !(strsize = strlen(str))) return;
start = str;
end = (start + strsize);
while(--end >= start)
if (!isspace((unsigned char)*end)) break;
*(++end) = '\0';
while(isspace((unsigned char)*start)) start++;
if (start != str) memmove(str, start, end - start + 1);
void utilsGenerateHexStringFromData(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *src, size_t src_size, bool uppercase)
if (!src || !src_size || !dst || dst_size < ((src_size * 2) + 1)) return;
size_t i, j;
const u8 *src_u8 = (const u8*)src;
for(i = 0, j = 0; i < src_size; i++)
char h_nib = ((src_u8[i] >> 4) & 0xF);
char l_nib = (src_u8[i] & 0xF);
dst[j++] = (h_nib + (h_nib < 0xA ? 0x30 : (uppercase ? 0x37 : 0x57)));
dst[j++] = (l_nib + (l_nib < 0xA ? 0x30 : (uppercase ? 0x37 : 0x57)));
dst[j] = '\0';
void utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString(u64 size, char *dst, size_t dst_size)
if (!dst || dst_size < 2) return;
double converted_size = (double)size;
for(u32 i = 0; i < g_sizeSuffixesCount; i++)
if (converted_size >= pow(1024.0, i + 1) && (i + 1) < g_sizeSuffixesCount) continue;
converted_size /= pow(1024.0, i);
snprintf(dst, dst_size, "%.*f %s", (converted_size >= 100.0 ? 0 : (converted_size >= 10.0 ? 1 : 2)), converted_size, g_sizeSuffixes[i]);
bool utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(const char *path, u64 *out_total, u64 *out_free)
char *name_end = NULL, stat_path[32] = {0};
struct statvfs info = {0};
int ret = -1;
if (!path || !*path || !(name_end = strchr(path, ':')) || *(name_end + 1) != '/' || (!out_total && !out_free))
LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
name_end += 2;
sprintf(stat_path, "%.*s", (int)(name_end - path), path);
if ((ret = statvfs(stat_path, &info)) != 0)
LOG_MSG("statvfs failed! (%d) (errno: %d).", ret, errno);
return false;
if (out_total) *out_total = ((u64)info.f_blocks * (u64)info.f_frsize);
if (out_free) *out_free = ((u64)info.f_bfree * (u64)info.f_frsize);
return true;
void utilsCreateOutputDirectories(const char *device)
size_t device_len = 0;
char path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (device && (!(device_len = strlen(device)) || device[device_len - 1] != ':'))
LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!");
for(size_t i = 0; i < g_outputDirsCount; i++)
sprintf(path, "%s%s", (device ? device : "sdmc:"), g_outputDirs[i]);
mkdir(path, 0744);
bool utilsCheckIfFileExists(const char *path)
if (!path || !*path) return false;
FILE *chkfile = fopen(path, "rb");
if (chkfile)
return true;
return false;
void utilsRemoveConcatenationFile(const char *path)
if (!path || !*path) return;
bool utilsCreateConcatenationFile(const char *path)
if (!path || !*path)
LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
/* Safety measure: remove any existant file/directory at the destination path. */
/* Create ConcatenationFile. */
/* If the call succeeds, the caller function will be able to operate on this file using stdio calls. */
Result rc = fsdevCreateFile(path, 0, FsCreateOption_BigFile);
if (R_FAILED(rc)) LOG_MSG("fsdevCreateFile failed for \"%s\"! (0x%08X).", path, rc);
return R_SUCCEEDED(rc);
void utilsCreateDirectoryTree(const char *path, bool create_last_element)
char *ptr = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
size_t path_len = 0;
if (!path || !(path_len = strlen(path))) return;
tmp = calloc(path_len + 1, sizeof(char));
if (!tmp) return;
ptr = strchr(path, '/');
sprintf(tmp, "%.*s", (int)(ptr - path), path);
mkdir(tmp, 0777);
ptr = strchr(++ptr, '/');
if (create_last_element) mkdir(path, 0777);
char *utilsGeneratePath(const char *prefix, const char *filename, const char *extension)
if (!filename || !*filename)
LOG_MSG("Invalid parameters!");
return NULL;
bool use_prefix = (prefix && *prefix);
size_t prefix_len = (use_prefix ? strlen(prefix) : 0);
bool append_path_sep = (use_prefix && prefix[prefix_len - 1] != '/');
bool use_extension = (extension && *extension);
size_t extension_len = (use_extension ? strlen(extension) : 0);
bool append_dot = (use_extension && *extension != '.');
size_t path_len = (prefix_len + strlen(filename) + extension_len);
if (append_path_sep) path_len++;
if (append_dot) path_len++;
char *path = NULL, *ptr1 = NULL, *ptr2 = NULL;
bool filename_only = false, success = false;
/* Allocate memory for the output path. */
if (!(path = calloc(path_len + 1, sizeof(char))))
LOG_MSG("Failed to allocate 0x%lX bytes for output path!", path_len);
goto end;
/* Generate output path. */
if (use_prefix) strcat(path, prefix);
if (append_path_sep) strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, filename);
if (append_dot) strcat(path, ".");
if (use_extension) strcat(path, extension);
/* Retrieve pointer to the first path separator. */
ptr1 = strchr(path, '/');
if (!ptr1)
filename_only = true;
ptr1 = path;
/* Make sure each path element doesn't exceed NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH. */
/* End loop if we find a NULL terminator. */
if (!filename_only && !*ptr1++) break;
/* Get pointer to next path separator. */
ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, '/');
/* Get current path element size. */
size_t element_size = (ptr2 ? (size_t)(ptr2 - ptr1) : (path_len - (size_t)(ptr1 - path)));
/* Get UTF-8 codepoint count. */
/* Use NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH as the codepoint count limit. */
size_t last_cp_pos = 0;
size_t cp_count = utilsGetUtf8CodepointCount(ptr1, element_size, NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, &last_cp_pos);
if (cp_count > NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH)
if (ptr2)
/* Truncate current element by moving the rest of the path to the current position. */
memmove(ptr1 + last_cp_pos, ptr2, path_len - (size_t)(ptr2 - path));
/* Update pointer. */
ptr2 -= (element_size - last_cp_pos);
} else
if (use_extension)
/* Truncate last element. Make sure to preserve the provided file extension. */
size_t diff = extension_len;
if (append_dot) diff++;
if (diff >= last_cp_pos)
LOG_MSG("File extension length is >= truncated filename length! (0x%lX >= 0x%lX) (#1).", diff, last_cp_pos);
goto end;
memmove(ptr1 + last_cp_pos - diff, ptr1 + element_size - diff, diff);
path_len -= (element_size - last_cp_pos);
path[path_len] = '\0';
ptr1 = ptr2;
/* Check if the full length for the generated path is >= FS_MAX_PATH. */
if (path_len >= FS_MAX_PATH)
LOG_MSG("Generated path length is >= FS_MAX_PATH! (0x%lX).", path_len);
goto end;
/* Update flag. */
success = true;
if (!success && path)
path = NULL;
return path;
static void _utilsGetLaunchPath(int program_argc, const char **program_argv)
if (program_argc <= 0 || !program_argv) return;
for(int i = 0; i < program_argc; i++)
if (program_argv[i] && !strncmp(program_argv[i], "sdmc:/", 6))
g_appLaunchPath = program_argv[i];
static void _utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void)
bool tx_srv = servicesCheckRunningServiceByName("tx");
bool rnx_srv = servicesCheckRunningServiceByName("rnx");
g_customFirmwareType = (rnx_srv ? UtilsCustomFirmwareType_ReiNX : (tx_srv ? UtilsCustomFirmwareType_SXOS : UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Atmosphere));
static bool _utilsIsDevelopmentUnit(void)
Result rc = 0;
bool tmp = false;
rc = splIsDevelopment(&tmp);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc))
g_isDevUnit = tmp;
} else {
LOG_MSG("splIsDevelopment failed! (0x%08X).", rc);
return R_SUCCEEDED(rc);
static bool _utilsAppletModeCheck(void)
return (g_programAppletType > AppletType_Application && g_programAppletType < AppletType_SystemApplication);
static bool utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void)
Result rc = 0;
rc = fsOpenBisStorage(&g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage, FsBisPartitionId_System);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG("Failed to open eMMC BIS System partition storage! (0x%08X).", rc);
return false;
g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = calloc(1, sizeof(FATFS));
if (!g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj)
LOG_MSG("Unable to allocate memory for FatFs element!");
return false;
fr = f_mount(g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj, BIS_SYSTEM_PARTITION_MOUNT_NAME, 1);
if (fr != FR_OK)
LOG_MSG("Failed to mount eMMC BIS System partition! (%u).", fr);
return false;
return true;
static void utilsUnmountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void)
if (g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj)
g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = NULL;
if (serviceIsActive(&(g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage.s)))
memset(&g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage, 0, sizeof(FsStorage));
static void utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook(AppletHookType hook, void *param)
if (hook != AppletHookType_OnOperationMode && hook != AppletHookType_OnPerformanceMode) return;
static void utilsPrintConsoleError(void)
PadState pad = {0};
char msg[0x100] = {0};
/* Don't consider stick movement as button inputs. */
u64 flag = ~(HidNpadButton_StickLLeft | HidNpadButton_StickLRight | HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRLeft | HidNpadButton_StickRRight | \
HidNpadButton_StickRUp | HidNpadButton_StickRDown);
/* Configure input. */
/* Up to 8 different, full controller inputs. */
/* Individual Joy-Cons not supported. */
padConfigureInput(8, HidNpadStyleSet_NpadFullCtrl);
padInitializeWithMask(&pad, 0x1000000FFUL);
/* Get last log message. */
logGetLastMessage(msg, sizeof(msg));
printf("An error occurred while initializing resources.\n\n");
if (*msg) printf("%s\n\n", msg);
printf("For more information, please check the logfile. Press any button to exit.");
if (padGetButtonsDown(&pad) & flag) break;
static size_t utilsGetUtf8CodepointCount(const char *str, size_t str_size, size_t cp_limit, size_t *last_cp_pos)
if (!str || !*str || !str_size || (!cp_limit && last_cp_pos) || (cp_limit && !last_cp_pos)) return 0;
u32 code = 0;
ssize_t units = 0;
size_t cur_pos = 0, cp_count = 0;
const u8 *str_u8 = (const u8*)str;
while(cur_pos < str_size)
units = decode_utf8(&code, str_u8 + cur_pos);
size_t new_pos = (cur_pos + (size_t)units);
if (units < 0 || !code || new_pos > str_size) break;
cur_pos = new_pos;
if (cp_limit && last_cp_pos && cp_count < cp_limit) *last_cp_pos = cur_pos;
return cp_count;