mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 21:45:39 +00:00
* usb: copy command ID and block size before moving command data within the USB transfer buffer. * nsp_dumper_usb: now spans a background thread for the dump process, progress is now displayed, process can now be cancelled by holding B, updated to properly make use of the new usbCancelFileTransfer() behavior. * usb_gc_dumper: updated to properly make use of the new usbCancelFileTransfer() behavior. * usb_romfs_dumper: updated to properly make use of the new usbCancelFileTransfer() behavior. * Updated ns-usbloader patch. Must be used on commit `8771d551a4e6fa2d645e519d504a377e34cbd730`.
513 lines
27 KiB
513 lines
27 KiB
diff --git a/src/main/java/nsusbloader/Utilities/nxdumptool/NxdtUsbAbi1.java b/src/main/java/nsusbloader/Utilities/nxdumptool/NxdtUsbAbi1.java
index dd2a1bc..6c8f79e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nsusbloader/Utilities/nxdumptool/NxdtUsbAbi1.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nsusbloader/Utilities/nxdumptool/NxdtUsbAbi1.java
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
private final boolean isWindows;
private boolean isWindows10;
- private static final int NXDT_MAX_DIRECTIVE_SIZE = 0x1000;
private static final int NXDT_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 0x800000;
private static final int NXDT_FILE_PROPERTIES_MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 0x300;
@@ -51,7 +50,9 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
private static final int CMD_HANDSHAKE = 0;
private static final int CMD_SEND_FILE_PROPERTIES = 1;
- private static final int CMD_ENDSESSION = 3;
+ private static final int CMD_CANCEL_FILE_TRANSFER = 2;
+ private static final int CMD_SEND_NSP_HEADER = 3;
+ private static final int CMD_ENDSESSION = 4;
// Standard set of possible replies
private static final byte[] USBSTATUS_SUCCESS = { 0x4e, 0x58, 0x44, 0x54,
@@ -79,9 +80,17 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
- private short endpointMaxPacketSize;
+ private short endpointMaxPacketSize = 0;
- private static final int NXDT_USB_TIMEOUT = 5000;
+ private static final int NXDT_USB_CMD_TIMEOUT = 1000;
+ private static final int NXDT_USB_DATA_TIMEOUT = 5000;
+ private static final int USB_BUF_ALIGNMENT = 0x1000;
+ private boolean nspTransferMode = false;
+ private long nspSize = 0;
+ private int nspHeaderSize = 0;
+ private long nspRemainingSize = 0;
+ private File nspFile = null;
public NxdtUsbAbi1(DeviceHandle handler,
ILogPrinter logPrinter,
@@ -111,6 +120,9 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
DeviceInformation deviceInformation = DeviceInformation.build(handlerNS);
NsUsbEndpointDescriptor endpointInDescriptor = deviceInformation.getSimplifiedDefaultEndpointDescriptorIn();
this.endpointMaxPacketSize = endpointInDescriptor.getwMaxPacketSize();
+ USBSTATUS_SUCCESS[8] = (byte)(this.endpointMaxPacketSize & 0xFF);
+ USBSTATUS_SUCCESS[9] = (byte)((this.endpointMaxPacketSize >> 8) & 0xFF);
private void readLoop(){
@@ -121,9 +133,7 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
while (true){
directive = readUsbDirective();
- if (isInvalidDirective(directive))
- continue;
+ if (directive == null || directive.length == 0) continue;
command = getLEint(directive, 4);
@@ -134,7 +144,11 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
+ handleSendNspHeader(directive);
+ break;
logPrinter.print("Session successfully ended.", EMsgType.PASS);
@@ -153,28 +167,6 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
- private boolean isInvalidDirective(byte[] message) throws Exception{
- if (message.length < 0x10){
- logPrinter.print("Directive is too small. Only "+message.length+" bytes received.", EMsgType.FAIL);
- return true;
- }
- if (! Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOfRange(message, 0,4), MAGIC_NXDT)){
- logPrinter.print("Invalid 'MAGIC'", EMsgType.FAIL);
- return true;
- }
- int payloadSize = getLEint(message, 0x8);
- if (payloadSize + 0x10 != message.length){
- logPrinter.print("Invalid directive info block size. "+message.length+" bytes received while "+payloadSize+" expected.", EMsgType.FAIL);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
private void performHandshake(byte[] message) throws Exception{
final byte versionMajor = message[0x10];
final byte versionMinor = message[0x11];
@@ -187,30 +179,52 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
throw new Exception("ABI v"+versionABI+" is not supported in current version.");
- replyToHandshake();
- }
- private void replyToHandshake() throws Exception{
- // Send status response + endpoint max packet size
- ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(USBSTATUS_SUCCESS.length + 2).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
- buffer.put(USBSTATUS_SUCCESS);
- buffer.putShort(endpointMaxPacketSize);
- byte[] response = buffer.array();
- writeUsb(response);
private void handleSendFileProperties(byte[] message) throws Exception{
final long fileSize = getLElong(message, 0x10);
final int fileNameLen = getLEint(message, 0x18);
+ final int headerSize = getLEint(message, 0x1C);
String filename = new String(message, 0x20, fileNameLen, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ if (!this.nspTransferMode && fileSize > 0 && headerSize >= fileSize) {
+ logPrinter.print("NSP header size non-zero in NSP transfer mode!", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.nspTransferMode && headerSize > 0) {
+ logPrinter.print("NSP header size non-zero in NSP transfer mode!", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ resetNspInfo();
+ return;
+ }
if (fileNameLen <= 0 || fileNameLen > NXDT_FILE_PROPERTIES_MAX_NAME_LENGTH){
logPrinter.print("Invalid filename length!", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ resetNspInfo();
// TODO: Note, in case of a big amount of small files performace decreses dramatically. It's better to handle this only in case of 1-big-file-transfer
- logPrinter.print("Receiving: '"+filename+"' ("+fileSize+" b)", EMsgType.INFO);
+ if (!this.nspTransferMode) {
+ logPrinter.print("Receiving: '"+filename+"' ("+fileSize+" b)", EMsgType.INFO);
+ } else {
+ logPrinter.print("Receiving NSP file entry: '"+filename+"' ("+fileSize+" b)", EMsgType.INFO);
+ }
+ if (!this.nspTransferMode && fileSize > 0 && headerSize > 0) {
+ // Enable NSP transfer mode
+ this.nspTransferMode = true;
+ this.nspSize = fileSize;
+ this.nspRemainingSize = (fileSize - headerSize);
+ this.nspHeaderSize = headerSize;
+ this.nspFile = null;
+ }
// If RomFs related
if (isRomFs(filename)) {
if (isWindows)
@@ -225,30 +239,105 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
filename = saveToPath + filename;
- File fileToDump = new File(filename);
- // Check if enough space
- if (fileToDump.getParentFile().getFreeSpace() <= fileSize){
- logPrinter.print("Not enough space on selected volume. Need: "+fileSize+
- " while available: "+fileToDump.getParentFile().getFreeSpace(), EMsgType.FAIL);
- return;
+ File fileToDump;
+ if (!this.nspTransferMode || (this.nspTransferMode && this.nspFile == null)) {
+ fileToDump = new File(filename);
+ // Check if enough space
+ if (fileToDump.getParentFile().getFreeSpace() <= fileSize){
+ logPrinter.print("Not enough space on selected volume. Need: "+fileSize+
+ " while available: "+fileToDump.getParentFile().getFreeSpace(), EMsgType.FAIL);
+ resetNspInfo();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if FS is NOT read-only
+ if (! (fileToDump.canWrite() || fileToDump.createNewFile()) ){
+ logPrinter.print("Unable to write into selected volume: "+fileToDump.getAbsolutePath(), EMsgType.FAIL);
+ resetNspInfo();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Delete file if it exists
+ if (fileToDump.exists()) fileToDump.delete();
+ if (this.nspTransferMode) {
+ // Update NSP file object
+ this.nspFile = fileToDump;
+ // Write padding
+ try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(this.nspFile, false)) {
+ byte[] reserved = new byte[this.nspHeaderSize];
+ fos.write(reserved);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ fileToDump = this.nspFile;
- // Check if FS is NOT read-only
- if (! (fileToDump.canWrite() || fileToDump.createNewFile()) ){
- logPrinter.print("Unable to write into selected volume: "+fileToDump.getAbsolutePath(), EMsgType.FAIL);
+ if (fileSize == 0 || (this.nspTransferMode && fileSize == this.nspSize))
+ if (dumpFile(fileToDump, fileSize)){
+ } else {
+ fileToDump.delete();
+ }
+ private void handleCancelFileTransfer() throws Exception{
+ resetNspInfo();
+ logPrinter.print("User cancelled ongoing file transfer.", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ }
- if (fileSize == 0)
+ private void handleSendNspHeader(byte[] message) throws Exception{
+ final int headerSize = getLEint(message, 0x8);
+ if (!this.nspTransferMode) {
+ logPrinter.print("Received NSP send header request outside of NSP transfer mode!", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ resetNspInfo();
+ }
- dumpFile(fileToDump, fileSize);
+ if (this.nspRemainingSize > 0) {
+ logPrinter.print("Received NSP send header request without receiving all NSP file entry data!", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ resetNspInfo();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (headerSize != this.nspHeaderSize) {
+ logPrinter.print("Received NSP header size mismatch! "+headerSize+" != "+this.nspHeaderSize, EMsgType.FAIL);
+ resetNspInfo();
+ return;
+ }
+ try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(this.nspFile, "rw")) {
+ byte[] headerData = Arrays.copyOfRange(message, 0x10, headerSize + 0x10);
+ raf.seek(0);
+ raf.write(headerData);
+ }
+ resetNspInfo();
+ }
+ private void resetNspInfo(){
+ this.nspTransferMode = false;
+ this.nspSize = 0;
+ this.nspHeaderSize = 0;
+ this.nspRemainingSize = 0;
+ this.nspFile = null;
private int getLEint(byte[] bytes, int fromOffset){
@@ -277,9 +366,9 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
throw new Exception("Unable to create dir(s) for file in "+folderForTheFile);
- // @see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8146538
- private void dumpFile(File file, long size) throws Exception{
+ private boolean dumpFile(File file, long size) throws Exception{
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
+ boolean success = true;
try (BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos)) {
FileDescriptor fd = fos.getFD();
@@ -287,31 +376,44 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
long received = 0;
int bufferSize;
- while (received+NXDT_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE < size) {
- //readBuffer = readUsbFile();
- readBuffer = readUsbFileDebug(NXDT_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE);
+ while((received + NXDT_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE) < size) {
if (isWindows10)
bufferSize = readBuffer.length;
received += bufferSize;
- logPrinter.updateProgress((double)received / (double)size);
+ if (bufferSize == 0x10 && Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOfRange(readBuffer, 0, 4), MAGIC_NXDT)) {
+ int cmd = getLEint(readBuffer, 4);
+ handleCancelFileTransfer();
+ success = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.nspTransferMode) {
+ logPrinter.updateProgress((double)received / (double)size);
+ } else {
+ this.nspRemainingSize -= bufferSize;
+ logPrinter.updateProgress((double)(this.nspSize - this.nspRemainingSize) / (double)this.nspSize);
+ }
+ }
+ if (success){
+ int lastChunkSize = (int)((size - received) + 1);
+ readBuffer = readUsb(lastChunkSize, NXDT_USB_DATA_TIMEOUT);
+ bos.write(readBuffer);
+ if (isWindows10)
+ fd.sync();
+ this.nspRemainingSize -= lastChunkSize;
- int lastChunkSize = (int)(size - received) + 1;
- readBuffer = readUsbFileDebug(lastChunkSize);
- bos.write(readBuffer);
- if (isWindows10)
- fd.sync();
} finally {
- logPrinter.updateProgress(1.0);
+ if (success && (!this.nspTransferMode || (this.nspTransferMode && this.nspRemainingSize == 0))) logPrinter.updateProgress(1.0);
+ return success;
- /* Handle Zero-length terminator
- private boolean isAligned(long size){
- return ((size & (endpointMaxPacketSize - 1)) == 0);
- }
- */
/** Sending any byte array to USB device **/
private void writeUsb(byte[] message) throws Exception{
@@ -322,7 +424,7 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
if ( parent.isCancelled() )
throw new InterruptedException("Execution interrupted");
- int result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte) 0x01, writeBuffer, writeBufTransferred, NXDT_USB_TIMEOUT);
+ int result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte) 0x01, writeBuffer, writeBufTransferred, NXDT_USB_CMD_TIMEOUT);
if (result == LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
if (writeBufTransferred.get() == message.length)
@@ -335,47 +437,61 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
"\n Returned: " + UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result) +
"\n (execution stopped)");
- * Reading what USB device responded (command).
+ * Reads an USB directive.
* @return byte array if data read successful
* 'null' if read failed
* */
private byte[] readUsbDirective() throws Exception{
- ByteBuffer readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(NXDT_MAX_DIRECTIVE_SIZE);
- // We can limit it to 32 bytes, but there is a non-zero chance to got OVERFLOW from libusb.
- IntBuffer readBufTransferred = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
- int result;
- while (! parent.isCancelled()) {
- result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte) 0x81, readBuffer, readBufTransferred, 1000); // last one is TIMEOUT. 0 stands for unlimited. Endpoint IN = 0x81
+ byte[] cmd_header = null, payload = null, directive = null;
+ int payloadSize = 0;
- switch (result) {
- case LibUsb.SUCCESS:
- int trans = readBufTransferred.get();
- byte[] receivedBytes = new byte[trans];
- readBuffer.get(receivedBytes);
- return receivedBytes;
- case LibUsb.ERROR_TIMEOUT:
- break;
- default:
- throw new Exception("Data transfer issue [read command]" +
- "\n Returned: " + UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result)+
- "\n (execution stopped)");
+ cmd_header = readUsb(0x10, NXDT_USB_CMD_TIMEOUT);
+ if (cmd_header == null || cmd_header.length == 0) return null;
+ if (cmd_header.length != 0x10){
+ logPrinter.print("Command header is too small. Only "+cmd_header.length+" bytes received.", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (! Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOfRange(cmd_header, 0, 4), MAGIC_NXDT)){
+ logPrinter.print("Invalid 'MAGIC'", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ return null;
+ }
+ payloadSize = getLEint(cmd_header, 8);
+ if (payloadSize > 0){
+ payload = readUsb(payloadSize + 1, NXDT_USB_CMD_TIMEOUT);
+ if (payload == null || payload.length != payloadSize){
+ logPrinter.print("Command payload size mismatch. Received "+payload.length+" bytes.", EMsgType.FAIL);
+ return null;
- throw new InterruptedException();
+ ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ outputStream.write(cmd_header);
+ if (payloadSize > 0) outputStream.write(payload);
+ directive = outputStream.toByteArray();
+ return directive;
- * Reading what USB device responded (file).
+ * Reading what USB device responded (command).
* @return byte array if data read successful
* 'null' if read failed
* */
- private byte[] readUsbFile() throws Exception{
- ByteBuffer readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(NXDT_FILE_CHUNK_SIZE);
+ private byte[] readUsb(int length, int timeout) throws Exception{
+ ByteBuffer readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(alignUp(length, USB_BUF_ALIGNMENT));
IntBuffer readBufTransferred = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
int result;
- int countDown = 0;
- while (! parent.isCancelled() && countDown < 5) {
- result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte) 0x81, readBuffer, readBufTransferred, 1000);
+ while (! parent.isCancelled()) {
+ result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte)0x81, readBuffer, readBufTransferred, timeout); // last one is TIMEOUT. 0 stands for unlimited. Endpoint IN = 0x81
switch (result) {
case LibUsb.SUCCESS:
@@ -384,33 +500,17 @@ class NxdtUsbAbi1 {
return receivedBytes;
- countDown++;
- throw new Exception("Data transfer issue [read file]" +
+ throw new Exception("Data transfer issue [read]" +
"\n Returned: " + UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result)+
"\n (execution stopped)");
throw new InterruptedException();
- private byte[] readUsbFileDebug(int chunkSize) throws Exception {
- ByteBuffer readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(chunkSize);
- IntBuffer readBufTransferred = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
- if (parent.isCancelled())
- throw new InterruptedException();
- int result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte) 0x81, readBuffer, readBufTransferred, NXDT_USB_TIMEOUT);
- if (result == LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
- int trans = readBufTransferred.get();
- byte[] receivedBytes = new byte[trans];
- readBuffer.get(receivedBytes);
- return receivedBytes;
- }
- throw new Exception("Data transfer issue [read file]" +
- "\n Returned: " + UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result) +
- "\n (execution stopped)");
+ private int alignUp(int value, int alignment){
+ return ((value + (alignment - 1)) & ~(alignment - 1));
diff --git a/src/main/resources/NSLMain.fxml b/src/main/resources/NSLMain.fxml
index a2d42d6..9114c3d 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/NSLMain.fxml
+++ b/src/main/resources/NSLMain.fxml
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ Steps to roll NXDT functionality back:
<SVGPath content="M9,22A1,1 0 0,1 8,21V18H4A2,2 0 0,1 2,16V4C2,2.89 2.9,2 4,2H20A2,2 0 0,1 22,4V16A2,2 0 0,1 20,18H13.9L10.2,21.71C10,21.9 9.75,22 9.5,22V22H9M10,16V19.08L13.08,16H20V4H4V16H10M17,11H15V9H17V11M13,11H11V9H13V11M9,11H7V9H9V11Z" />
- <Tab closable="false" disable="true">
+ <Tab closable="false" disable="false">
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