Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool.git synced 2024-09-20 05:53:25 +01:00

281 lines
6.7 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <switch/services/ns.h>
#include "fsext.h"
#include "ncmext.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "util.h"
extern int breaks;
bool isGameCardInserted(FsDeviceOperator* o)
bool inserted;
if (R_FAILED(fsDeviceOperatorIsGameCardInserted(o, &inserted))) return false;
return inserted;
void syncDisplay()
void delay(u8 seconds)
if (!seconds) return;
time_t timer;
while(time(NULL) < (timer + seconds)) syncDisplay();
bool getGameCardTitleID(u64 *titleID)
bool success = false;
Result result;
ncmContentMetaDatabase ncmDb;
ncmApplicationMetaKey *appList = (ncmApplicationMetaKey*)malloc(sizeof(ncmApplicationMetaKey));
if (appList)
memset(appList, 0, sizeof(ncmApplicationMetaKey));
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = ncmOpenContentMetaDatabase(FsStorageId_GameCard)))
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = ncmGetContentMetaDatabase(&ncmDb, FsStorageId_GameCard)))
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = ncmMetaDatabaseListApplication(&ncmDb, appList, sizeof(ncmApplicationMetaKey), 0)))
*titleID = appList->meta_record.titleID;
success = true;
} else {
uiStatusMsg("MetaDatabaseListApplication failed! (0x%08x)", result);
} else {
uiStatusMsg("GetContentMetaDatabase failed! (0x%08x)", result);
} else {
uiStatusMsg("OpenContentMetaDatabase failed! (0x%08x)", result);
// Seems to cause problems
//if (R_FAILED(result = ncmCloseContentMetaDatabase(FsStorageId_GameCard))) uiStatusMsg("CloseContentMetaDatabase failed! (0x%08x)", result);
} else {
uiStatusMsg("Unable to allocate memory for the NCM service operations.");
return success;
bool getGameCardControlNacp(u64 titleID, char *nameBuf, int nameBufSize, char *authorBuf, int authorBufSize, char *versionBuf, int versionBufSize)
if (titleID == 0) return false;
bool success = false;
Result result;
size_t outsize = 0;
NsApplicationControlData *buf = NULL;
NacpLanguageEntry *langentry = NULL;
buf = (NsApplicationControlData*)malloc(sizeof(NsApplicationControlData));
if (buf)
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(NsApplicationControlData));
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = nsGetApplicationControlData(1, titleID, buf, sizeof(NsApplicationControlData), &outsize)))
if (outsize >= sizeof(buf->nacp))
if (R_SUCCEEDED(result = nacpGetLanguageEntry(&buf->nacp, &langentry)))
strncpy(nameBuf, langentry->name, nameBufSize - 1);
strncpy(authorBuf, langentry->author, authorBufSize - 1);
strncpy(versionBuf, buf->nacp.version, versionBufSize - 1);
success = true;
} else {
uiStatusMsg("GetLanguageEntry failed! (0x%08x)", result);
} else {
uiStatusMsg("Control.nacp buffer size (%u bytes) is too small! Expected: %u bytes", outsize, sizeof(buf->nacp));
} else {
uiStatusMsg("GetApplicationControlData failed! (0x%08x)", result);
} else {
uiStatusMsg("Unable to allocate memory for the NS service operations.");
return success;
int getSdCardFreeSpace(u64 *out)
struct statvfs st;
int rc;
rc = statvfs("sdmc:/", &st);
if (rc != 0)
uiStatusMsg("Unable to get SD card filesystem stats! statvfs: %d (%s).", errno, strerror(errno));
} else {
*out = (u64)(st.f_bsize * st.f_bfree);
return rc;
#define KiB (1024.0)
#define MiB (1024.0 * KiB)
#define GiB (1024.0 * MiB)
void convertSize(u64 size, char *out, int bufsize)
char buffer[16];
double bytes = (double)size;
if (bytes < 1000.0)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.0lf B", bytes);
} else
if (bytes < 10.0*KiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.2lf KiB", floor((bytes*100.0)/KiB)/100.0);
} else
if (bytes < 100.0*KiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.1lf KiB", floor((bytes*10.0)/KiB)/10.0);
} else
if (bytes < 1000.0*KiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.0lf KiB", floor(bytes/KiB));
} else
if (bytes < 10.0*MiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.2lf MiB", floor((bytes*100.0)/MiB)/100.0);
} else
if (bytes < 100.0*MiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.1lf MiB", floor((bytes*10.0)/MiB)/10.0);
} else
if (bytes < 1000.0*MiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.0lf MiB", floor(bytes/MiB));
} else
if (bytes < 10.0*GiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.2lf GiB", floor((bytes*100.0)/GiB)/100.0);
} else
if (bytes < 100.0*GiB)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.1lf GiB", floor((bytes*10.0)/GiB)/10.0);
} else {
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.0lf GiB", floor(bytes/GiB));
snprintf(out, bufsize, "%s", buffer);
void getCurrentTimestamp(char *out, int bufsize)
time_t timer;
struct tm *timeinfo = localtime(&timer);
char buffer[32] = {'\0'};
strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]), "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", timeinfo);
snprintf(out, bufsize, "%s", buffer);
void waitForButtonPress()
uiDrawString("Press any button to continue", 0, breaks * 8, 255, 255, 255);
u32 keysDown = hidKeysDown(CONTROLLER_P1_AUTO);
if (keysDown && !(keysDown & KEY_TOUCH)) break;
bool isDirectory(char *path)
DIR* dir = opendir(path);
if (!dir) return false;
return true;
void addString(char **filenames, int *filenamesCount, char **nextFilename, const char *string)
filenames[(*filenamesCount)++] = *nextFilename;
strcpy(*nextFilename, string);
*nextFilename += strlen(string) + 1;
static int sortAlpha(const void* a, const void* b)
return strcasecmp(*((const char**)a), *((const char**)b));
void getDirectoryContents(char *filenameBuffer, char **filenames, int *filenamesCount, const char *directory, bool skipParent)
struct dirent *ent;
int i, maxFilenamesCount = *filenamesCount;
char *nextFilename = filenameBuffer;
char *slash = (char*)malloc(strlen(directory) + 2);
memset(slash, 0, strlen(directory) + 2);
snprintf(slash, strlen(directory) + 2, "%s/", directory);
*filenamesCount = 0;
if (!skipParent) addString(filenames, filenamesCount, &nextFilename, "..");
DIR* dir = opendir(slash);
if (dir)
for(i = 0; i < maxFilenamesCount; i++)
ent = readdir(dir);
if (!ent) break;
if ((strlen(ent->d_name) == 1 && !strcmp(ent->d_name, ".")) || (strlen(ent->d_name) == 2 && !strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))) continue;
addString(filenames, filenamesCount, &nextFilename, ent->d_name);
// ".." should stay at the top
qsort(filenames + 1, (*filenamesCount) - 1, sizeof(char*), &sortAlpha);