Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool.git synced 2025-02-24 09:26:13 +00:00
Pablo Curiel eee1b2a771 More changes.
* Update libusbhsfs.

* Update borealis.

* nsp_dumper: force free size retrieval after dumping an NSP.

* title: add titleGetGameCardApplicationMetadataEntries().

* Makefile: remove -gdwarf-4 flag.

* nxdt_utils: treat NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH as bytes instead of codepoints, add "TiB" to the array of supported size suffixes.

* GameCardTab: add ProcessGameCardStatus() and PopulateList(), manage list updates in the same fashion as TitlesTab, display message about how to mitigate launch errors after exiting the application, display available applications in the inserted gamecard, display message about how to perform individual operations on the gamecard titles.

* main: add a try/catch block to intercept any possible exceptions thrown while the application is running + use brls::Application::crash() to gracefully exit afterwards. Temporarily disable Applet Mode support.

* exception_handler: use LOG_LEVEL_ERROR.

* LayeredErrorFrame: add GetListFirstFocusableChild().
2022-07-28 00:53:52 +02:00

1179 lines
33 KiB

* nxdt_utils.c
* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, DarkMatterCore <pabloacurielz@gmail.com>.
* This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool).
* nxdumptool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* nxdumptool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include "nxdt_utils.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "gamecard.h"
#include "services.h"
#include "nca.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "title.h"
#include "bfttf.h"
#include "nxdt_bfsar.h"
#include "fatfs/ff.h"
/* Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/filesystem-functionality-comparison#limits. */
/* Actually expressed in bytes, not codepoints. */
/* Type definitions. */
typedef struct {
u32 major;
u32 minor;
u32 micro;
} UtilsApplicationVersion;
/* Global variables. */
static bool g_resourcesInit = false;
static Mutex g_resourcesMutex = 0;
static const char *g_appLaunchPath = NULL;
static FsFileSystem *g_sdCardFileSystem = NULL;
static int g_nxLinkSocketFd = -1;
static u8 g_customFirmwareType = UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Unknown;
static bool g_isDevUnit = false;
static AppletType g_programAppletType = AppletType_None;
static FsStorage g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage = {0};
static FATFS *g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = NULL;
static AppletHookCookie g_systemOverclockCookie = {0};
static bool g_longRunningProcess = false;
static const char *g_sizeSuffixes[] = { "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB" };
static const u32 g_sizeSuffixesCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(g_sizeSuffixes);
static const char g_illegalFileSystemChars[] = "\\/:*?\"<>|";
static const size_t g_illegalFileSystemCharsLength = (MAX_ELEMENTS(g_illegalFileSystemChars) - 1);
static const char *g_outputDirs[] = {
static const size_t g_outputDirsCount = MAX_ELEMENTS(g_outputDirs);
static bool g_appUpdated = false;
/* Function prototypes. */
static void _utilsGetLaunchPath(int program_argc, const char **program_argv);
static void _utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void);
static bool _utilsIsDevelopmentUnit(void);
static bool _utilsAppletModeCheck(void);
static bool utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void);
static void utilsUnmountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void);
static void utilsOverclockSystem(bool overclock);
static void utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook(AppletHookType hook, void *param);
static void utilsChangeHomeButtonBlockStatus(bool block);
static size_t utilsGetUtf8StringLimit(const char *str, size_t str_size, size_t byte_limit);
bool utilsInitializeResources(const int program_argc, const char **program_argv)
Result rc = 0;
bool ret = false;
ret = g_resourcesInit;
if (ret) break;
/* Lock applet exit. */
/* Retrieve pointer to the application launch path. */
_utilsGetLaunchPath(program_argc, program_argv);
/* Retrieve pointer to the SD card FsFileSystem element. */
if (!(g_sdCardFileSystem = fsdevGetDeviceFileSystem(DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE)))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve FsFileSystem object for the SD card!");
/* Initialize needed services. */
if (!servicesInitialize()) break;
/* Check if a valid nxlink host IP address was set by libnx. */
/* If so, initialize nxlink connection without redirecting stdout and/or stderr. */
if (__nxlink_host.s_addr != 0 && __nxlink_host.s_addr != INADDR_NONE) g_nxLinkSocketFd = nxlinkConnectToHost(false, false);
/* Log info messages. */
u32 hos_version = hosversionGet();
LOG_MSG_INFO(APP_TITLE " v" APP_VERSION " starting (" GIT_REV "). Built on " BUILD_TIMESTAMP ".");
if (g_nxLinkSocketFd >= 0) LOG_MSG_INFO("nxlink enabled! Host IP address: %s.", inet_ntoa(__nxlink_host));
LOG_MSG_INFO("Horizon OS version: %u.%u.%u.", HOSVER_MAJOR(hos_version), HOSVER_MINOR(hos_version), HOSVER_MICRO(hos_version));
/* Retrieve custom firmware type. */
if (g_customFirmwareType != UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Unknown) LOG_MSG_INFO("Detected %s CFW.", (g_customFirmwareType == UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Atmosphere ? "Atmosphère" : \
(g_customFirmwareType == UtilsCustomFirmwareType_SXOS ? "SX OS" : "ReiNX")));
/* Check if we're not running under a development unit. */
if (!_utilsIsDevelopmentUnit()) break;
LOG_MSG_INFO("Running under %s unit.", g_isDevUnit ? "development" : "retail");
/* Get applet type. */
g_programAppletType = appletGetAppletType();
LOG_MSG_INFO("Running under %s mode.", _utilsAppletModeCheck() ? "applet" : "title override");
/* Create output directories (SD card only). */
/* TODO: remove the APP_TITLE check whenever we're ready for a release. */
if (!strcasecmp(APP_TITLE, "nxdumptool")) utilsCreateOutputDirectories(NULL);
if (g_appLaunchPath)
LOG_MSG_INFO("Launch path: \"%s\".", g_appLaunchPath);
/* Move NRO if the launch path isn't the right one, then return. */
/* TODO: uncomment this block whenever we are ready for a release. */
/*if (strcmp(g_appLaunchPath, NRO_PATH) != 0)
rename(g_appLaunchPath, NRO_PATH);
LOG_MSG_INFO("Moved NRO to \"%s\". Please reload the application.", NRO_PATH);
/* Initialize HTTP interface. */
/* CURL must be initialized before starting any other threads. */
if (!httpInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize USB interface. */
if (!usbInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize USB Mass Storage interface. */
if (!umsInitialize()) break;
/* Load keyset. */
if (!keysLoadKeyset())
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to load keyset!\nUpdate your keys file with Lockpick_RCM:\n" LOCKPICK_RCM_URL);
/* Allocate NCA crypto buffer. */
if (!ncaAllocateCryptoBuffer())
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Unable to allocate memory for NCA crypto buffer!");
/* Initialize gamecard interface. */
if (!gamecardInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize title interface. */
if (!titleInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize BFTTF interface. */
if (!bfttfInitialize()) break;
/* Initialize BFSAR interface. */
//if (!bfsarInitialize()) break;
/* Mount eMMC BIS System partition. */
if (!utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage()) break;
/* Mount application RomFS. */
rc = romfsInit();
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to mount " APP_TITLE "'s RomFS container!");
/* Initialize configuration interface. */
if (!configInitialize()) break;
/* Setup an applet hook to change the hardware clocks after a system mode change (docked <-> undocked). */
appletHook(&g_systemOverclockCookie, utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook, NULL);
/* Enable video recording if we're running under title override mode. */
if (!_utilsAppletModeCheck())
bool flag = false;
rc = appletIsGamePlayRecordingSupported(&flag);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc) && flag) appletInitializeGamePlayRecording();
/* Update flags. */
ret = g_resourcesInit = true;
if (!ret)
char *msg = NULL;
size_t msg_size = 0;
/* Generate error message. */
utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(&msg, &msg_size, "An error occurred while initializing resources.");
/* Get last log message. */
char log_msg[0x100] = {0};
logGetLastMessage(log_msg, sizeof(log_msg));
if (*log_msg) utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(&msg, &msg_size, "\n\n%s", log_msg);
/* Print error message. */
/* Free error message. */
if (msg) free(msg);
return ret;
void utilsCloseResources(void)
/* Unset long running process state. */
/* Unset our overclock applet hook. */
/* Close configuration interface. */
/* Unmount application RomFS. */
/* Unmount eMMC BIS System partition. */
/* Deinitialize BFSAR interface. */
/* Deinitialize BFTTF interface. */
/* Deinitialize title interface. */
/* Deinitialize gamecard interface. */
/* Free NCA crypto buffer. */
/* Close USB Mass Storage interface. */
/* Close USB interface. */
/* Close HTTP interface. */
/* Close nxlink socket. */
if (g_nxLinkSocketFd >= 0)
g_nxLinkSocketFd = -1;
/* Close initialized services. */
/* Replace application NRO (if needed). */
/* TODO: uncomment this block whenever we're ready for a release. */
/*if (g_appUpdated)
/* Close logfile. */
/* Unlock applet exit. */
g_resourcesInit = false;
const char *utilsGetLaunchPath(void)
return g_appLaunchPath;
int utilsGetNxLinkFileDescriptor(void)
return g_nxLinkSocketFd;
FsFileSystem *utilsGetSdCardFileSystemObject(void)
return g_sdCardFileSystem;
bool utilsCommitSdCardFileSystemChanges(void)
return (g_sdCardFileSystem ? R_SUCCEEDED(fsFsCommit(g_sdCardFileSystem)) : false);
u8 utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void)
return g_customFirmwareType;
bool utilsIsDevelopmentUnit(void)
return g_isDevUnit;
bool utilsAppletModeCheck(void)
return _utilsAppletModeCheck();
FsStorage *utilsGetEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void)
return &g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage;
void utilsSetLongRunningProcessState(bool state)
/* Don't proceed if resources haven't been initialized, or if the requested state matches the current one. */
if (!g_resourcesInit || state == g_longRunningProcess) break;
/* Change HOME button block status. */
/* Enable/disable screen dimming and auto sleep. */
/* Enable/disable system overclock. */
utilsOverclockSystem(configGetBoolean("overclock") & state);
/* Update flag. */
g_longRunningProcess = state;
bool utilsCreateThread(Thread *out_thread, ThreadFunc func, void *arg, int cpu_id)
/* Core 3 is reserved for HOS, so we can only use cores 0, 1 and 2. */
/* -2 can be provided to use the default process core. */
if (!out_thread || !func || (cpu_id < 0 && cpu_id != -2) || cpu_id > 2)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
Result rc = 0;
u64 core_mask = 0;
size_t stack_size = 0x20000; /* Same value as libnx's newlib. */
bool success = false;
memset(out_thread, 0, sizeof(Thread));
/* Get process core mask. */
rc = svcGetInfo(&core_mask, InfoType_CoreMask, CUR_PROCESS_HANDLE, 0);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("svcGetInfo failed! (0x%X).", rc);
goto end;
/* Create thread. */
/* Enable preemptive multithreading by using priority 0x3B. */
rc = threadCreate(out_thread, func, arg, NULL, stack_size, 0x3B, cpu_id);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("threadCreate failed! (0x%X).", rc);
goto end;
/* Set thread core mask. */
rc = svcSetThreadCoreMask(out_thread->handle, cpu_id == -2 ? -1 : cpu_id, core_mask);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("svcSetThreadCoreMask failed! (0x%X).", rc);
goto end;
/* Start thread. */
rc = threadStart(out_thread);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("threadStart failed! (0x%X).", rc);
goto end;
success = true;
if (!success && out_thread->handle != INVALID_HANDLE) threadClose(out_thread);
return success;
void utilsJoinThread(Thread *thread)
if (!thread || thread->handle == INVALID_HANDLE)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
Result rc = threadWaitForExit(thread);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("threadWaitForExit failed! (0x%X).", rc);
memset(thread, 0, sizeof(Thread));
__attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4))) bool utilsAppendFormattedStringToBuffer(char **dst, size_t *dst_size, const char *fmt, ...)
if (!dst || !dst_size || (!*dst && *dst_size) || (*dst && !*dst_size) || !fmt || !*fmt)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
va_list args;
int formatted_str_len = 0;
size_t formatted_str_len_cast = 0;
char *dst_ptr = *dst, *tmp_str = NULL;
size_t dst_cur_size = *dst_size, dst_str_len = (dst_ptr ? strlen(dst_ptr) : 0);
bool success = false;
if (dst_cur_size && dst_str_len >= dst_cur_size)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("String length is equal to or greater than the provided buffer size! (0x%lX >= 0x%lX).", dst_str_len, dst_cur_size);
return false;
va_start(args, fmt);
/* Get formatted string length. */
formatted_str_len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args);
if (formatted_str_len <= 0)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve formatted string length!");
goto end;
formatted_str_len_cast = (size_t)(formatted_str_len + 1);
if (!dst_cur_size || formatted_str_len_cast > (dst_cur_size - dst_str_len))
/* Update buffer size. */
dst_cur_size = (dst_str_len + formatted_str_len_cast);
/* Reallocate buffer. */
tmp_str = realloc(dst_ptr, dst_cur_size);
if (!tmp_str)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to resize buffer to 0x%lX byte(s).", dst_cur_size);
goto end;
dst_ptr = tmp_str;
tmp_str = NULL;
/* Clear allocated area. */
memset(dst_ptr + dst_str_len, 0, formatted_str_len_cast);
/* Update pointers. */
*dst = dst_ptr;
*dst_size = dst_cur_size;
/* Generate formatted string. */
vsprintf(dst_ptr + dst_str_len, fmt, args);
success = true;
return success;
void utilsReplaceIllegalCharacters(char *str, bool ascii_only)
size_t str_size = 0, cur_pos = 0;
if (!str || !(str_size = strlen(str))) return;
u8 *ptr1 = (u8*)str, *ptr2 = ptr1;
ssize_t units = 0;
u32 code = 0;
while(cur_pos < str_size)
units = decode_utf8(&code, ptr1);
if (units < 0) break;
if (memchr(g_illegalFileSystemChars, (int)code, g_illegalFileSystemCharsLength) || code < 0x20 || (!ascii_only && code == 0x7F) || (ascii_only && code >= 0x7F))
*ptr2++ = '_';
} else {
if (ptr2 != ptr1) memmove(ptr2, ptr1, (size_t)units);
ptr2 += units;
ptr1 += units;
cur_pos += (size_t)units;
*ptr2 = '\0';
void utilsTrimString(char *str)
size_t strsize = 0;
char *start = NULL, *end = NULL;
if (!str || !(strsize = strlen(str))) return;
start = str;
end = (start + strsize);
while(--end >= start)
if (!isspace((unsigned char)*end)) break;
*(++end) = '\0';
while(isspace((unsigned char)*start)) start++;
if (start != str) memmove(str, start, end - start + 1);
void utilsGenerateHexStringFromData(char *dst, size_t dst_size, const void *src, size_t src_size, bool uppercase)
if (!src || !src_size || !dst || dst_size < ((src_size * 2) + 1)) return;
size_t i, j;
const u8 *src_u8 = (const u8*)src;
for(i = 0, j = 0; i < src_size; i++)
char h_nib = ((src_u8[i] >> 4) & 0xF);
char l_nib = (src_u8[i] & 0xF);
dst[j++] = (h_nib + (h_nib < 0xA ? 0x30 : (uppercase ? 0x37 : 0x57)));
dst[j++] = (l_nib + (l_nib < 0xA ? 0x30 : (uppercase ? 0x37 : 0x57)));
dst[j] = '\0';
void utilsGenerateFormattedSizeString(double size, char *dst, size_t dst_size)
if (!dst || dst_size < 2) return;
size = fabs(size);
for(u32 i = 0; i < g_sizeSuffixesCount; i++)
if (size >= pow(1024.0, i + 1) && (i + 1) < g_sizeSuffixesCount) continue;
size /= pow(1024.0, i);
snprintf(dst, dst_size, "%.2F %s", size, g_sizeSuffixes[i]);
bool utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath(const char *path, u64 *out_total, u64 *out_free)
char *name_end = NULL, stat_path[32] = {0};
struct statvfs info = {0};
int ret = -1;
if (!path || !*path || !(name_end = strchr(path, ':')) || *(name_end + 1) != '/' || (!out_total && !out_free))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
name_end += 2;
sprintf(stat_path, "%.*s", (int)(name_end - path), path);
if ((ret = statvfs(stat_path, &info)) != 0)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("statvfs failed for \"%s\"! (%d) (errno: %d).", stat_path, ret, errno);
return false;
if (out_total) *out_total = ((u64)info.f_blocks * (u64)info.f_frsize);
if (out_free) *out_free = ((u64)info.f_bfree * (u64)info.f_frsize);
return true;
void utilsCreateOutputDirectories(const char *device)
size_t device_len = 0;
char path[FS_MAX_PATH] = {0};
if (device && (!(device_len = strlen(device)) || device[device_len - 1] != ':'))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
for(size_t i = 0; i < g_outputDirsCount; i++)
sprintf(path, "%s%s", (device ? device : DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE), g_outputDirs[i]);
mkdir(path, 0744);
bool utilsCheckIfFileExists(const char *path)
if (!path || !*path) return false;
FILE *chkfile = fopen(path, "rb");
if (chkfile)
return true;
return false;
void utilsRemoveConcatenationFile(const char *path)
if (!path || !*path) return;
bool utilsCreateConcatenationFile(const char *path)
if (!path || !*path)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
/* Safety measure: remove any existant file/directory at the destination path. */
/* Create ConcatenationFile. */
/* If the call succeeds, the caller function will be able to operate on this file using stdio calls. */
Result rc = fsdevCreateFile(path, 0, FsCreateOption_BigFile);
if (R_FAILED(rc)) LOG_MSG_ERROR("fsdevCreateFile failed for \"%s\"! (0x%X).", path, rc);
return R_SUCCEEDED(rc);
void utilsCreateDirectoryTree(const char *path, bool create_last_element)
char *ptr = NULL, *tmp = NULL;
size_t path_len = 0;
if (!path || !(path_len = strlen(path))) return;
tmp = calloc(path_len + 1, sizeof(char));
if (!tmp) return;
ptr = strchr(path, '/');
sprintf(tmp, "%.*s", (int)(ptr - path), path);
mkdir(tmp, 0777);
ptr = strchr(++ptr, '/');
if (create_last_element) mkdir(path, 0777);
char *utilsGeneratePath(const char *prefix, const char *filename, const char *extension)
if (!filename || !*filename)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
return NULL;
bool use_prefix = (prefix && *prefix);
size_t prefix_len = (use_prefix ? strlen(prefix) : 0);
bool append_path_sep = (use_prefix && prefix[prefix_len - 1] != '/');
bool use_extension = (extension && *extension);
size_t extension_len = (use_extension ? strlen(extension) : 0);
size_t path_len = (prefix_len + strlen(filename) + extension_len);
if (append_path_sep) path_len++;
char *path = NULL, *ptr1 = NULL, *ptr2 = NULL;
bool filename_only = false, success = false;
/* Allocate memory for the output path. */
if (!(path = calloc(path_len + 1, sizeof(char))))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to allocate 0x%lX bytes for output path!", path_len);
goto end;
/* Generate output path. */
if (use_prefix) strcat(path, prefix);
if (append_path_sep) strcat(path, "/");
strcat(path, filename);
if (use_extension) strcat(path, extension);
/* Retrieve pointer to the first path separator. */
ptr1 = strchr(path, '/');
if (!ptr1)
filename_only = true;
ptr1 = path;
/* Make sure each path element doesn't exceed NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH. */
if (!filename_only)
/* End loop if we find a NULL terminator. */
if (!*ptr1++) break;
/* Get pointer to next path separator. */
ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, '/');
/* Get current path element size. */
size_t element_size = (ptr2 ? (size_t)(ptr2 - ptr1) : (path_len - (size_t)(ptr1 - path)));
/* Get UTF-8 string limit. */
/* Use NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH as the byte count limit. */
size_t last_cp_pos = utilsGetUtf8StringLimit(ptr1, element_size, NT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
if (last_cp_pos < element_size)
if (ptr2)
/* Truncate current element by moving the rest of the path to the current position. */
memmove(ptr1 + last_cp_pos, ptr2, path_len - (size_t)(ptr2 - path));
/* Update pointer. */
ptr2 -= (element_size - last_cp_pos);
} else
if (use_extension)
/* Truncate last element. Make sure to preserve the provided file extension. */
if (extension_len >= last_cp_pos)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("File extension length is >= truncated filename length! (0x%lX >= 0x%lX).", extension_len, last_cp_pos);
goto end;
memmove(ptr1 + last_cp_pos - extension_len, ptr1 + element_size - extension_len, extension_len);
path_len -= (element_size - last_cp_pos);
path[path_len] = '\0';
ptr1 = ptr2;
/* Check if the full length for the generated path is >= FS_MAX_PATH. */
if (path_len >= FS_MAX_PATH)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Generated path length is >= FS_MAX_PATH! (0x%lX).", path_len);
goto end;
/* Update flag. */
success = true;
if (!success && path)
path = NULL;
return path;
void utilsPrintConsoleError(const char *msg)
PadState pad = {0};
/* Don't consider stick movement as button inputs. */
u64 flag = ~(HidNpadButton_StickLLeft | HidNpadButton_StickLRight | HidNpadButton_StickLUp | HidNpadButton_StickLDown | HidNpadButton_StickRLeft | HidNpadButton_StickRRight | \
HidNpadButton_StickRUp | HidNpadButton_StickRDown);
/* Configure input. */
/* Up to 8 different, full controller inputs. */
/* Individual Joy-Cons not supported. */
padConfigureInput(8, HidNpadStyleSet_NpadFullCtrl);
padInitializeWithMask(&pad, 0x1000000FFUL);
/* Initialize console output. */
/* Print message. */
if (msg && *msg)
printf("%s", msg);
} else {
printf("An error occurred.");
printf("\n\nFor more information, please check the logfile. Press any button to exit.");
/* Wait until the user presses a button. */
if (padGetButtonsDown(&pad) & flag) break;
/* Deinitialize console output. */
bool utilsGetApplicationUpdatedState(void)
bool ret = false;
SCOPED_LOCK(&g_resourcesMutex) ret = g_appUpdated;
return ret;
void utilsSetApplicationUpdatedState(void)
SCOPED_LOCK(&g_resourcesMutex) g_appUpdated = true;
bool utilsParseGitHubReleaseJsonData(const char *json_buf, size_t json_buf_size, UtilsGitHubReleaseJsonData *out)
if (!json_buf || !json_buf_size || !out)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
bool ret = false;
const char *published_at = NULL;
struct json_object *assets = NULL;
/* Free output buffer beforehand. */
/* Parse JSON object. */
out->obj = jsonParseFromString(json_buf, json_buf_size);
if (!out->obj)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to parse JSON object!");
return false;
/* Get required JSON elements. */
out->version = jsonGetString(out->obj, "tag_name");
out->commit_hash = jsonGetString(out->obj, "target_commitish");
published_at = jsonGetString(out->obj, "published_at");
out->changelog = jsonGetString(out->obj, "body");
assets = jsonGetArray(out->obj, "assets");
if (!out->version || !out->commit_hash || !published_at || !out->changelog || !assets)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve required elements from the provided JSON!");
goto end;
/* Parse release date. */
if (!strptime(published_at, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", &(out->date)))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to parse release date \"%s\"!", published_at);
goto end;
/* Loop through the assets array until we find the NRO. */
size_t assets_len = json_object_array_length(assets);
for(size_t i = 0; i < assets_len; i++)
struct json_object *cur_asset = NULL;
const char *asset_name = NULL;
/* Get current asset object. */
cur_asset = json_object_array_get_idx(assets, i);
if (!cur_asset) continue;
/* Get current asset name. */
asset_name = jsonGetString(cur_asset, "name");
if (!asset_name || strcmp(asset_name, NRO_NAME) != 0) continue;
/* Jackpot. Get the download URL. */
out->download_url = jsonGetString(cur_asset, "browser_download_url");
if (!out->download_url)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve required elements from the provided JSON!");
goto end;
/* Update return value. */
ret = true;
if (!ret) utilsFreeGitHubReleaseJsonData(out);
return ret;
bool utilsIsApplicationUpdatable(const char *version, const char *commit_hash)
if (!version || !*version || *version != 'v' || !commit_hash || !*commit_hash)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Invalid parameters!");
return false;
bool ret = false;
UtilsApplicationVersion cur_version = { VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_MICRO }, new_version = {0};
/* Parse version string. */
sscanf(version, "v%u.%u.%u", &(new_version.major), &(new_version.minor), &(new_version.micro));
/* Compare versions. */
if (cur_version.major == new_version.major)
if (cur_version.minor == new_version.minor)
if (cur_version.micro == new_version.micro)
/* Versions are equal. Let's compare the commit hashes and return true if they're different. */
ret = (strncasecmp(commit_hash, GIT_COMMIT, 7) != 0);
} else
if (cur_version.micro < new_version.micro)
ret = true;
} else
if (cur_version.minor < new_version.minor)
ret = true;
} else
if (cur_version.major < new_version.major)
ret = true;
return ret;
static void _utilsGetLaunchPath(int program_argc, const char **program_argv)
if (program_argc <= 0 || !program_argv) return;
for(int i = 0; i < program_argc; i++)
if (program_argv[i] && !strncmp(program_argv[i], DEVOPTAB_SDMC_DEVICE "/", 6))
g_appLaunchPath = program_argv[i];
static void _utilsGetCustomFirmwareType(void)
bool tx_srv = servicesCheckRunningServiceByName("tx");
bool rnx_srv = servicesCheckRunningServiceByName("rnx");
g_customFirmwareType = (rnx_srv ? UtilsCustomFirmwareType_ReiNX : (tx_srv ? UtilsCustomFirmwareType_SXOS : UtilsCustomFirmwareType_Atmosphere));
static bool _utilsIsDevelopmentUnit(void)
Result rc = 0;
bool tmp = false;
rc = splIsDevelopment(&tmp);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc))
g_isDevUnit = tmp;
} else {
LOG_MSG_ERROR("splIsDevelopment failed! (0x%X).", rc);
return R_SUCCEEDED(rc);
static bool _utilsAppletModeCheck(void)
return (g_programAppletType > AppletType_Application && g_programAppletType < AppletType_SystemApplication);
static bool utilsMountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void)
Result rc = 0;
rc = fsOpenBisStorage(&g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage, FsBisPartitionId_System);
if (R_FAILED(rc))
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to open eMMC BIS System partition storage! (0x%X).", rc);
return false;
g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = calloc(1, sizeof(FATFS));
if (!g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Unable to allocate memory for FatFs element!");
return false;
fr = f_mount(g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj, BIS_SYSTEM_PARTITION_MOUNT_NAME, 1);
if (fr != FR_OK)
LOG_MSG_ERROR("Failed to mount eMMC BIS System partition! (%u).", fr);
return false;
return true;
static void utilsUnmountEmmcBisSystemPartitionStorage(void)
if (g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj)
g_emmcBisSystemPartitionFatFsObj = NULL;
if (serviceIsActive(&(g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage.s)))
memset(&g_emmcBisSystemPartitionStorage, 0, sizeof(FsStorage));
static void utilsOverclockSystem(bool overclock)
u32 cpu_rate = ((overclock ? CPU_CLKRT_OVERCLOCKED : CPU_CLKRT_NORMAL) * 1000000);
u32 mem_rate = ((overclock ? MEM_CLKRT_OVERCLOCKED : MEM_CLKRT_NORMAL) * 1000000);
servicesChangeHardwareClockRates(cpu_rate, mem_rate);
static void utilsOverclockSystemAppletHook(AppletHookType hook, void *param)
/* Don't proceed if we're not dealing with a desired hook type. */
if (hook != AppletHookType_OnOperationMode && hook != AppletHookType_OnPerformanceMode) return;
/* Overclock the system based on the overclock setting and the current long running state value. */
SCOPED_LOCK(&g_resourcesMutex) utilsOverclockSystem(configGetBoolean("overclock") & g_longRunningProcess);
static void utilsChangeHomeButtonBlockStatus(bool block)
/* Only change HOME button blocking status if we're running as a regular application or a system application. */
if (_utilsAppletModeCheck()) return;
if (block)
} else {
NX_INLINE void utilsCloseFileDescriptor(int *fd)
if (!fd || *fd < 0) return;
*fd = -1;
static size_t utilsGetUtf8StringLimit(const char *str, size_t str_size, size_t byte_limit)
if (!str || !*str || !str_size || !byte_limit) return 0;
if (byte_limit > str_size) return str_size;
u32 code = 0;
ssize_t units = 0;
size_t cur_pos = 0, last_cp_pos = 0;
const u8 *str_u8 = (const u8*)str;
while(cur_pos < str_size && cur_pos < byte_limit)
units = decode_utf8(&code, str_u8 + cur_pos);
size_t new_pos = (cur_pos + (size_t)units);
if (units < 0 || !code || new_pos > str_size) break;
cur_pos = new_pos;
if (cur_pos < byte_limit) last_cp_pos = cur_pos;
return last_cp_pos;