This repository contains commonly shared modules and is intended to be used as a git submodule. Each submodule may include additional instructions to be used properly. Please check the folder containing that module to see if anything extra needs to be done. To use shared modules for packaging an application, add the submodule: ``` git submodule add ``` Then modules from this repository can be specified in a JSON manifest file like this: ```json "modules": [ "shared-modules/SDL/SDL-1.2.15.json", { "name": "foo" } ] ``` And for a YAML manifest: ```YAML modules: - shared-modules/SDL/SDL-1.2.15.json - name: foo ``` To update the submodule: ``` git submodule update --remote --merge ``` To remove the submodule: ``` git submodule deinit -f -- shared-modules rm -rf .git/modules/shared-modules git rm -f shared-modules rm .gitmodules ``` Please do not request adding modules unless they have many users in the Flathub repository. All shared modules manifests in this repository are, and need to be, in the JSON format, which is supported by both Flatpak manifest formats, JSON and YAML.