Add cube placement API #1

NorbiPeti merged 0 commits from master into master 2020-01-04 00:27:46 +00:00
NorbiPeti commented 2020-01-03 13:50:30 +00:00 (Migrated from

The grid position and rotation are fixed at the moment and rotation doesn't seem to work at all (it messes up the block model) so I removed that for now. Special blocks like pilot seats crash the game on simulation start.

The grid position and rotation are fixed at the moment and rotation doesn't seem to work at all (it messes up the block model) so I removed that for now. Special blocks like pilot seats crash the game on simulation start.
NGnius commented 2020-01-03 16:37:53 +00:00 (Migrated from

(Gitea broke my formatting, so I'm reposting)

Nice work, I'm sure this took a while to figure out. The actual functional part of this looks good, but a few minor things (that I'm happy to fix once I get home, so don't worry):

  • GCMC namespace should be GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks
  • The JetBrains annotation may cause issues for Visual Studio devs (me)
  • A few docstrings are missing (enums) or wrong (Placement)
  • I like the usings to be organised into system/givens, Gamecraft stuff, and API internal, partly so it's easier to find what's broken by a GC update and partly because I like creating more work for myself


(Gitea broke my formatting, so I'm reposting) Nice work, I'm sure this took a while to figure out. The actual functional part of this looks good, but a few minor things (that I'm happy to fix once I get home, so don't worry): - GCMC namespace should be GamecraftModdingAPI.Blocks - ~~The JetBrains annotation may cause issues for Visual Studio devs (me)~~ - A few docstrings are missing (enums) or wrong (Placement) - I like the usings to be organised into system/givens, Gamecraft stuff, and API internal, partly so it's easier to find what's broken by a GC update and partly because I like creating more work for myself Thanks
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Reference: exmods/TechbloxModdingAPI#1
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