released this
2020-08-22 14:47:59 +01:00 | 2 commits to master since this releaseThis program patches Cardlife to automatically load mods at startup. This is required for CLre and other compatible mods (possibly called plugins).
To patch Cardlife:
- Download CLIPA.zip
- Extract CLIPA.zip
- Copy all of the extracted files & folders (IPA.exe, Mono.something.dll, IPA folder, etc.) into the root install folder of Cardlife
- Drag the Cardlife file (Cardlife.exe) onto the IPA file (IPA.exe)
- A Plugins folder should appear, patching is complete.
CLIPA is a fork of GCIPA which is a fork of IPA
Source code (ZIP)
1 download
Source code (TAR.GZ)
271 downloads · 260 KiB