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synced 2025-02-20 15:35:36 +00:00
* Updated NCA structs (including NcaSparseInfo). * Changed the way NCA header + NCA FS header decryption is handled. * Changed the way the NCA encrypted key area is handled. * Unified hierarchical patch generation functions. * Updated PFS, RomFS and BKTR functions accordingly to reflect NCA handling changes. * Logfile path is now relative. * Gamecard initial data lookup code now uses the initial data hash from the gamecard header (a tad bit slower, but way more failproof).
237 lines
11 KiB
237 lines
11 KiB
* gamecard.h
* Copyright (c) 2020, DarkMatterCore <pabloacurielz@gmail.com>.
* This file is part of nxdumptool (https://github.com/DarkMatterCore/nxdumptool).
* nxdumptool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* nxdumptool is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#ifndef __GAMECARD_H__
#define __GAMECARD_H__
#include "fs_ext.h"
#define GAMECARD_HEAD_MAGIC 0x48454144 /* "HEAD". */
#define GAMECARD_UPDATE_TID (u64)0x0100000000000816
#define GAMECARD_HFS_PARTITION_NAME(x) ((x) == GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Root ? "root" : ((x) == GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Update ? "update" : \
((x) == GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Logo ? "logo" : ((x) == GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Normal ? "normal" : \
((x) == GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure ? "secure" : ((x) == GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Boot ? "boot" : "unknown"))))))
/// Encrypted using AES-128-ECB with the common titlekek generator key (stored in the .rodata segment from the Lotus firmware).
typedef struct {
u64 package_id; ///< Matches package_id from GameCardHeader.
u8 reserved[0x8]; ///< Just zeroes.
} GameCardKeySource;
/// Plaintext area. Dumped from FS program memory.
typedef struct {
GameCardKeySource key_source;
u8 encrypted_titlekey[0x10]; ///< Encrypted using AES-128-CCM with the decrypted key_source and the nonce from this section.
u8 mac[0x10]; ///< Used to verify the validity of the decrypted titlekey.
u8 nonce[0xC]; ///< Used as the IV to decrypt encrypted_titlekey using AES-128-CCM.
u8 reserved[0x1C4];
} GameCardInitialData;
/// Encrypted using AES-128-CTR with the key and IV/counter from the `GameCardTitleKeyEncryption` section. Assumed to be all zeroes in retail gamecards.
typedef struct {
u8 titlekey[0x10]; ///< Decrypted titlekey from the `GameCardInitialData` section.
u8 reserved[0xCF0];
} GameCardTitleKey;
/// Encrypted using RSA-2048-OAEP and a private OAEP key from AuthoringTool. Assumed to be all zeroes in retail gamecards.
typedef struct {
u8 titlekey_encryption_key[0x10]; ///< Used as the AES-128-CTR key for the `GameCardTitleKey` section. Randomly generated during XCI creation by AuthoringTool.
u8 titlekey_encryption_iv[0x10]; ///< Used as the AES-128-CTR IV/counter for the `GameCardTitleKey` section. Randomly generated during XCI creation by AuthoringTool.
u8 reserved[0xE0];
} GameCardTitleKeyEncryption;
/// Used to secure communications between the Lotus and the inserted gamecard.
/// Precedes the gamecard header.
typedef struct {
GameCardInitialData initial_data;
GameCardTitleKey titlekey_block;
GameCardTitleKeyEncryption titlekey_encryption;
} GameCardKeyArea;
typedef enum {
GameCardKekIndex_Version0 = 0,
GameCardKekIndex_VersionForDev = 1
} GameCardKekIndex;
typedef struct {
u8 kek_index : 4; ///< GameCardKekIndex.
u8 titlekey_dec_index : 4;
} GameCardKeyIndex;
typedef enum {
GameCardRomSize_1GiB = 0xFA,
GameCardRomSize_2GiB = 0xF8,
GameCardRomSize_4GiB = 0xF0,
GameCardRomSize_8GiB = 0xE0,
GameCardRomSize_16GiB = 0xE1,
GameCardRomSize_32GiB = 0xE2
} GameCardRomSize;
typedef enum {
GameCardFlags_AutoBoot = BIT(0),
GameCardFlags_HistoryErase = BIT(1),
GameCardFlags_RepairTool = BIT(2),
GameCardFlags_DifferentRegionCupToTerraDevice = BIT(3),
GameCardFlags_DifferentRegionCupToGlobalDevice = BIT(4)
} GameCardFlags;
typedef enum {
GameCardSelSec_ForT1 = 1,
GameCardSelSec_ForT2 = 2
} GameCardSelSec;
typedef enum {
GameCardFwVersion_ForDev = 0,
GameCardFwVersion_Before400NUP = 1, ///< cup_version < 268435456 (4.0.0-0.0) in GameCardHeaderEncryptedArea.
GameCardFwVersion_Since400NUP = 2 ///< cup_version >= 268435456 (4.0.0-0.0) in GameCardHeaderEncryptedArea.
} GameCardFwVersion;
typedef enum {
GameCardAccCtrl1_25MHz = 0xA10011,
GameCardAccCtrl1_50MHz = 0xA10010 ///< GameCardRomSize_8GiB or greater.
} GameCardAccCtrl1;
typedef enum {
GameCardCompatibilityType_Normal = 0,
GameCardCompatibilityType_Terra = 1
} GameCardCompatibilityType;
typedef struct {
u32 GameCardFwMode_Relstep : 8;
u32 GameCardFwMode_Micro : 8;
u32 GameCardFwMode_Minor : 8;
u32 GameCardFwMode_Major : 8;
} GameCardFwMode;
typedef struct {
u32 GameCardCupVersion_MinorRelstep : 8;
u32 GameCardCupVersion_MajorRelstep : 8;
u32 GameCardCupVersion_Micro : 4;
u32 GameCardCupVersion_Minor : 6;
u32 GameCardCupVersion_Major : 6;
} GameCardCupVersion;
/// Encrypted using AES-128-CBC with the `xci_header_key` (which can't dumped through current methods) and the IV from `GameCardHeader`.
typedef struct {
u64 fw_version; ///< GameCardFwVersion.
u32 acc_ctrl_1; ///< GameCardAccCtrl1.
u32 wait_1_time_read; ///< Always 0x1388.
u32 wait_2_time_read; ///< Always 0.
u32 wait_1_time_write; ///< Always 0.
u32 wait_2_time_write; ///< Always 0.
GameCardFwMode fw_mode;
GameCardCupVersion cup_version;
u8 compatibility_type; ///< GameCardCompatibilityType.
u8 reserved_1[0x3];
u64 cup_hash;
u64 cup_id; ///< Must match GAMECARD_UPDATE_TID.
u8 reserved_2[0x38];
} GameCardHeaderEncryptedArea;
/// Placed after the `GameCardKeyArea` section.
typedef struct {
u8 signature[0x100]; ///< RSA-2048 PKCS #1 signature over the rest of the header.
u32 magic; ///< "HEAD".
u32 secure_area_start_address; ///< Expressed in GAMECARD_MEDIA_UNIT_SIZE blocks.
u32 backup_area_start_address; ///< Always 0xFFFFFFFF.
GameCardKeyIndex key_index;
u8 rom_size; ///< GameCardRomSize.
u8 header_version; ///< Always 0.
u8 flags; ///< GameCardFlags.
u64 package_id;
u32 valid_data_end_address; ///< Expressed in GAMECARD_MEDIA_UNIT_SIZE blocks.
u8 reserved[0x4];
u8 iv[0x10];
u64 partition_fs_header_address; ///< Root HFS0 header offset.
u64 partition_fs_header_size; ///< Root HFS0 header size.
u8 partition_fs_header_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE];
u8 initial_data_hash[SHA256_HASH_SIZE];
u32 sel_sec; ///< GameCardSelSec.
u32 sel_t1_key; ///< Always 2.
u32 sel_key; ///> Always 0.
u32 normal_area_end_address; ///< Expressed in GAMECARD_MEDIA_UNIT_SIZE blocks.
GameCardHeaderEncryptedArea encrypted_area;
} GameCardHeader;
typedef enum {
GameCardStatus_NotInserted = 0,
GameCardStatus_InsertedAndInfoNotLoaded = 1, ///< Most likely related to the "nogc" patch being enabled. Means nothing at all can be done with the inserted gamecard.
GameCardStatus_InsertedAndInfoLoaded = 2
} GameCardStatus;
typedef enum {
GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Root = 0,
GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Update = 1,
GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Logo = 2, ///< Only available in GameCardFwVersion_Since400NUP gamecards.
GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Normal = 3,
GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Secure = 4,
GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType_Boot = 5 ///< Only available in Terra (Tencent) gamecards.
} GameCardHashFileSystemPartitionType;
/// Initializes data needed to access raw gamecard storage areas.
/// Also spans a background thread to automatically detect gamecard status changes and to cache data from the inserted gamecard.
bool gamecardInitialize(void);
/// Deinitializes data generated by gamecardInitialize().
/// This includes destroying the background gamecard detection thread and freeing all cached gamecard data.
void gamecardExit(void);
/// Returns an usermode gamecard status change event that can be used to wait for status changes on other threads.
/// If the gamecard interface hasn't been initialized, this returns NULL.
UEvent *gamecardGetStatusChangeUserEvent(void);
/// Returns the current GameCardStatus value.
u8 gamecardGetStatus(void);
/// Used to read data from the inserted gamecard.
/// All required handles, changes between normal <-> secure storage areas and proper offset calculations are managed internally.
/// 'offset' + 'read_size' must not exceed the value returned by gamecardGetTotalSize().
bool gamecardReadStorage(void *out, u64 read_size, u64 offset);
/// Miscellaneous functions.
bool gamecardGetKeyArea(GameCardKeyArea *out);
bool gamecardGetHeader(GameCardHeader *out);
bool gamecardGetCertificate(FsGameCardCertificate *out);
bool gamecardGetTotalSize(u64 *out);
bool gamecardGetTrimmedSize(u64 *out);
bool gamecardGetRomCapacity(u64 *out); ///< Not the same as gamecardGetTotalSize().
bool gamecardGetBundledFirmwareUpdateVersion(u32 *out);
/// Retrieves the entry count from a hash FS partition.
bool gamecardGetEntryCountFromHashFileSystemPartition(u8 hfs_partition_type, u32 *out_count);
/// Retrieves info from a hash FS partition entry using an entry index.
/// 'out_offset', 'out_size' or 'out_name' may be set to NULL, but at least one of them must be a valid pointer.
/// If 'out_name' != NULL and the function call succeeds, a pointer to a heap allocated buffer is returned.
bool gamecardGetEntryInfoFromHashFileSystemPartitionByIndex(u8 hfs_partition_type, u32 idx, u64 *out_offset, u64 *out_size, char **out_name);
/// Retrieves info from a hash FS partition entry using an entry name.
/// 'out_offset' or 'out_size' may be set to NULL, but at least one of them must be a valid pointer.
bool gamecardGetEntryInfoFromHashFileSystemPartitionByName(u8 hfs_partition_type, const char *name, u64 *out_offset, u64 *out_size);
#endif /* __GAMECARD_H__ */