* Placed C++ extern "C" blocks inside include guards.
* Added a "clean_all" rule to the Makefile to avoid recompiling libusbhsfs after each time "clean" is used.
* Added static asserts for all structs that may need it throughout the code.
* Preprocessor macros are now used to generate certificate and ticket structs.
* Temporarily changed tracked libusbhsfs branch from main to dev.
* Minor improvements in ums.c/h.
* Refactored nsp_dumper_sd into nsp_dumper_stor - now capable of dumping NSPs to a mounted partition from a UMS device.
* Fixed utilsWaitForButtonPress() when no button mask is provided.
* Refactored utilsGetFreeSpaceFromFileSystemByPath() into utilsGetFileSystemStatsByPath().