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This plugin is tested on Steam Deck LCD/OLED, but is designed to work on other Linux devices as well. Unfortunately I am currently unable to test on most other devices.
Please use Decky's [built-in store](https://plugins.deckbrew.xyz/) to install official releases.
If you want to test unstable versions, use [my custom store](https://not-decky-alpha.ngni.us/plugins). If you would like to use an in-development version, feel free to build PowerTools yourself.
Anything from a comment on an issue to a new feature pull request will be appreciated by PowerTools's crack team of one (NGnius).
### Translations
Adding new languages and keeping existing language files up to date makes PowerTools more accessible to the majority of the world which doesn't speak English. Take a look at [this comment](https://git.ngni.us/NG-SD-Plugins/PowerTools/issues/9#issuecomment-345) (and the rest of that issue) to get started.
### Code
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